The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 681 Communication inside and outside (Part )

Chapter 681 Communication inside and outside (Part )

As far as the experience of future generations is concerned, our side cannot benefit from the geographical benefits at all.

Looking at the surrounding areas, do this and do that. The surrounding areas, especially those on the peninsula, are good targets for establishing prestige.

The immediate thing is to enter the United Nations General Assembly, and the surge in foreign aid funds is also related to this matter.

Li Shengli felt that instead of throwing more than half of what he had saved and spent in vain in the southwest, it would be better to give it to a gangster.

The people there not only paid money to carry the sedan chair, but they also didn't behave like the surrounding vassals.

"It's not for us to make suggestions on these matters. We can just follow what the higher-ups say.

Compared with looking far ahead, we can’t even reach the level of our grandchildren.

You came to me just for foreign aid funds?

If you want to ask my opinion, I am the same as you, 600 million?

It costs six cents to buy a bunch of sesame cakes to feed the dog, so why the hell do you have to wag your tail at us!

give them?

Those are the rations we save by scrimping on food and clothing and tightening our belts!

Those grandsons, why don’t they get heartburn after eating them?

"Lao Li, can this be done?"

Money comes easily, and money goes away freely. Just spread it around within a similar range.

When Ding Yong's special agent team made a contribution, it was purely a two-line double kill.

By stringing together some of the previous events, the mysterious relationship between the two was clearly laid out in front of Xie Fei.

He knows more about economic trends. It is very difficult to infer what is happening above based on economic trends.

A question arose in his mind, and using his identity as brother-in-law, Xie Fei wanted to explore it.

In the relationship between the two, Li Shengli is completely in the leading position.

At the same time, by leveraging the connections gained through giving money, the company plans to develop energy and mineral resources in Africa.

Now we can't spare any effort to help them succeed, so we can only occupy the land first.

As long as one place is put into production, even the profits will come back.

"Lao Li, what is your relationship with Mr. Niu Bijian?"

As a disciple, Xie Fei couldn't help but be excited to be able to personally participate in such things, even if it was just behind the scenes.

Li Shengli couldn't calculate how much food he could buy in the food book for about ten cents per pound. How many people could three billion be enough for?

Tell Niu Bijian to contact Western Europe through his allies in Southeast Asia.

When the land is acquired, it will not be a problem to make dozens of times the profit, and the mining stage has really come.

These are just jokes and cannot be brought to the table.

In Xie Fei's view, this kind of relationship is not only unbelievable, but also a little weird.

The economy in the north is also deformed. Let the southwest consume part of it first, and then go through the grinding process in the cemetery of the empire.

Xie Fei went to Hong Kong City to meet with Niu Bijian. Li Shengli wouldn't say anything about the specific projects, just drawing a circle would be enough.

Also, we must not show any weakness to the enemies we encounter in the enclosure. If they dare to offend us, we will kill them all.

There is no need for mining. Now we just spend money to enclose the land and become familiar with the local conditions.

The current three billion is really squeezed out from top to bottom by cutting back on food and clothing.

We may not be their rivals locally, but when it comes to their own homes, we are the strong men who kill people and steal goods! "

Ask Niu Bijian to inform Du Jiaoyang that a group of our people will be passing by this time. Try not to come into contact with this group of people. This is not good! "

Even if he knew many things, he would not be able to play a leading role and could only push forward by playing the drums.

Now after listening to this, Mr. Xie also knew why Niu Bijian asked Li Shengli whether he was in good health when they first met.

It's just that Xin Yihe has Chinese medicinal materials to make money, and Du Jiaoyang has Wall Street to make money.

Li Shengli didn't know much about things outside the country.

As long as you know this, don't go out to Huqin.

Xie Fei couldn't help but tremble when he heard the words "top-level talks."

The southwest has sacrificed face, the imperial graveyard has sacrificed means, and the country has lost its lifeblood. By then, the north may not have the confidence to clamor for small operations or big bombs.

Since we want to have in-depth exchanges, how about facilitating top-level talks?

Before you go to Hong Kong City, you have to go down and talk to Lao Du about this matter. "

Tell Niu Bijian, don't be afraid of spending money on this matter.

Throw some money at it, and as long as you can win over people to vote for us, as long as they are not the lion's mouth, then give them money.

Li Shengli had told Father Du before that he would cut off the assistance from the southwest and drag the north into the water.

Li Shengli said these words based on experience. If he promoted things in advance, he could save 3 billion in one go.

Now is not the time to talk about this, labeling you a foreign slave and putting your family in a dilemma of life and death.

"It can happen!

And it will help us enter the United Nations General Assembly.

How could he, Li Shengli, be so virtuous and capable that he could command Niu Bijian, the big boss of Hong Kong City, just like he commanded Ba'er?

"A collaborator in terms of interests, but he respects me more.

When Xie Fei talked to Li Shengli about Niu Bijian before, he felt that there was something wrong with their status.

No matter how much money is invested in energy and minerals these days, we will have to pay back in the future.

As long as you have more money and more power, you will definitely make money from this business.

"Okay, if I have specific questions, I'll just make another trip.

Do you have anything else to say to Lao Du? "

Speaking of Lao Du, even if Li Shengli had something to say, he would not let Xie Fei take him down easily.

It doesn't take much time for Lao Du to go back and forth, and some things between Du Ding and Wang Xie won't be too candid.

Xie Fei can know some details about foreign affairs.

There is no need for Xie Fei to know too much about the matters involving King Du Ding and the four Xie families. There is always a priority for many things, right?

Du Peng can know, but Xie Fei needs to think carefully whether he needs to know.

"Since we have to arrange top-level talks, Lao Du will definitely come back.

We are just one person at most. We have no qualifications to send messages. We just wait for people to ask questions. "

If Li Shengli spoke so lightly, Niu Bijian from Hong Kong City and Du Jiaoyang from America would probably be very upset if they heard it.

He asked Xie Fei to send a message to Niu Bijian, which was really an understatement.

At most, Xie Fei doesn't know what's going on here. Let's talk to him about the details until we get to Niu Bijian or Du Jiaoyang.

Just a few words from one side, and then the other side will have to run and break their legs and heart.

In participating in the high-level talks in July, Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian systematically used all available relations.

After finishing the work with anxiety, I interfered in the meeting, and then I had to deal with the political and business relations that had been stirred up.

Although these are all good things, one has to eat one bite at a time and do one thing at a time.

Although there is a capital pool like HSBC, every transaction, from negotiation to finalization, to investment or settlement of money and goods, cannot be completed in ten and a half months.

Li Shengli gave a vague scope for the African enclosure. Not to mention Du Jiaoyang, Niu Bijian had to stare at the map and scratch his head.

After Xie Fei went south, the Shengli Clinic gradually got on the right track.

There are seventy or eighty patients a day, plus the care provided by people from the northwest, the burden on Li Shengli is very small. Radiation disease, although it is said that it is based on the elimination of evil heat, but in practice, it still relies on the maintenance of spleen, stomach and kidney qi.

Similar to what Li Shengli said, deer antler blood wine does have miraculous effects on replenishing qi and regenerating essence.

The leader also tried it and the effect was good. Unfortunately, it only lasted for less than half a month.

Without too many restrictions, Li Shengli even thought about feeding a batch of deer with medicinal materials and then testing the effectiveness of deer antler blood.

Traditional Chinese medicine, even when it comes to the deepest level, is extremely expensive. Li Shengli also recognized the statement about ginseng and eggs in his unofficial notes.

Use animals to filter the medicinal materials, and then artificially feed a batch of deer with medicinal materials that replenish qi and produce essence.

The efficacy of deer antler blood is definitely better than that of wild blood, which involves the field of bioengineering.

Using serious scientific gimmicks, Li Shengli can also defeat those who question traditional Chinese medicine.

After Li Huaide transferred Teacher Ran, at first, Ran Qiuye didn't want to be a waiter.

Li Shengli took her to meet a few people from the northwest. Teacher Ran, who had seen a certain amount of world life, immediately made concessions on the marriage issue with Shazhu.

Even so, Li Shengli wouldn't let Zhu Qing wait to be the groom's official. Some things still had to be done by himself.

The aunts and ladies in the hospital are also quite satisfied with the temporary salary of ten yuan a month.

Lao Yi became the liaison between various related companies, which also allowed him to completely suppress the second and third sons in the courtyard.

Without Xu Damao, the courtyard gradually became more harmonious.

Li Shengli had just used up all his early strength when Lao Du came back from his place.

After Wang Qianjin passed the message, Weng and his son-in-law continued to talk about things during dinner as usual.

Over at Xiaowangzhuang, Weng and his son-in-law met again.

Father Du, who went down with the knife, became darker and thinner during the time he went down.

In addition, Li Shengli had nursed him back to health before, so the hair that had grown on his head after a few years abroad could only be seen roughly.

The man is dark and thin, and the more serious his expression is, he will have a chilling air about him.

Father Du's murderous aura was not superficial, he actually went down to kill with a knife.

According to what Wang Qianjin said, Lao Du might have to knock out a few gun barrels in less than half a year.

"Shengli, this son-in-law of the Du family is very good. He is so sharp that I can't even hide it."

After sitting down, without waiting for chopsticks, Father Du's murderous aura was revealed on Li Shengli, a good son-in-law.

“Lao Du, it’s time to eat!

If you have anything to say, you two can talk about it after dinner. "

Today's mother-in-law, Sister Fu, has become a loyal supporter of Li Shengli. When Lao Du came back this time, his eyes were so sharp and scary.

Sister Fu is also afraid that her ex-father-in-law will not be able to control his fierce aura and damage the relationship between father-in-law and son-in-law, which is not very stable.

“Dad, many things may not necessarily be a blessing if you suffer a loss.

Wherever you spend your money, you will naturally get it back.

Our money is not in vain. Look at the southwest side. Without our crooked neck tree, wouldn’t people starve to death?

As far as our geographical friends and neighbors are concerned, we have all been engaged in killing people and establishing prestige in recent years.

If the national prestige is used well, it will be a rake to collect money. Now we are also extremely poor.

The 7 billion for foreign aid seems to be a large amount, but Niu Bijian earns more than this in a year.

Over there in the scorching sun, although you earn more and spend more, cash is not all assets.

But when these assets are put together, according to Wall Street's assessment, they are probably several times this year's foreign aid, right?

Although these assets cannot all be liquidated, the liquidity after mortgage is still more than 20% to 30%. "

Li Shengli knew what Father Du meant. It was nothing more than letting Niu Bijian's words about enclosing territory in Africa reach his ears. This also violated the principle of external relations.

If Lao Du wants to speak Mandarin, Li Shengli will settle economic accounts with his father-in-law.

The stock market is a magnifying glass for capital. One dollar can be converted into one thousand or ten thousand dollars.

Li Shengli secretly changed a concept and compared it with Xin Yihe controlled by Niu Bijian.

Taking the valuation of the assets under Du Jiaoyang's control into consideration would be shocking.

If Du Jiaoyang really wants to cash it out, it's a question of whether he can get one billion or eighty billion in his hands. But these assets are long-lasting and will be worth hundreds or hundreds of billions in the future.

Not to mention anything else, Li Shengli pointed out to Du Jiaoyang that the Wharton family's affordable shopping mall, Wal-Mart, was planning to go public during this period.

With the involvement of Du Jiaoyang's funds, the initial scale there is surprising.

Not to mention the political and business connections behind Wharton, the value of such hidden resources.

When Wal-Mart goes public, the next home for domestic light industrial products will be available.

As the inevitable major shareholder, the purpose of Du Jiaoyang's investment is not only to win over political and business relations, but also to focus on the market.

Father Du can't settle these accounts with him. There are two different lines between foreign countries and domestic countries.

According to the new identity Niu Bijian gave Du Jiaoyang, it was not domestic capital, but Gui Lao's capital.

Enclosure, bad or not, Father Du really couldn't tell him.


How do you plan to spend so much money?

Will you continue to use money to replace people in China and fight a war in the world?

The news coming from inside sources, not counting the first year since Dajujuan was released.

Within two years, the rivers and lakes war you controlled caused almost as many casualties as a single battle.

Is this the power of capital that you and your wife want us old guys to see?

Acting lawlessly, using heavy weapons to carry out assassinations in the city, and targeting many celebrities who escaped, are you not afraid of the anger from above? "

Father Du has always been concerned about the outside world. Since his daughter Du Juan left more than a thousand people, many things outside have become incomprehensible to him.

Once many things start to move, they have their own inertia. The integration of rivers and lakes supported by Du Jiaoyang has stirred up a bloody storm on the other side of the ocean.

Originally, a Chicago typewriter was enough to compete with others.

When it's our turn to take action, it's all station wagons equipped with M2 and seatless rifles.

This time Lao Du was also confused after seeing the report, and this kind of war in the world.

It also began to drift from the other side of the ocean to Southeast Asia, reaching a place where almost no one cares.

Niu Bijian and Du Jiaoyang went even further, hiring active duty soldiers on vacation to help them clean up the forces in the world.

It is said that these two have also hired American attack aircraft to participate in battles in the world, but such things cannot be confirmed.

Father Du still knows his daughter and Niu Bijian. If his daughter Du Juan cannot do these things, Niu Bijian will not take the initiative to do them.

The problem could only lie with the good son-in-law in front of him, who was squatting in a street clinic, treating patients with radiation sickness in the northwest.

It's just such a dark way of doing things that even Father Du, who came out of the war all the way, has never heard of or seen.

Such a method is worse than that of a warlord. Lao Du really can't see clearly what his good son-in-law is going to do...

(End of this chapter)

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