The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 687: Peace of Mind (Part )

Chapter 687: Peace of Mind (Part )

"You, don't put your thoughts on victory.

He is a young man with limited experience in doing things. Although his ideas are good, he is not the one doing the work like you old guys.

Don't let it be blamed on the recklessness of young people when things go wrong. "

Sister Fu does not support Lao Du's remarks.

A person like Lao Du has an extremely firm worldview. Even at a young age, Li Shengli can give advice to his father-in-law.

As for what Lao Du said, the good son-in-law teased him so much that he couldn't sleep.

Mostly because she can express her ambitions, Sister Fu can understand many things.

"you are wrong!

On the economic front, this guy Shengli really showed me a new path.

Listening to Mr. Liu's teasing, Li Shengli blew off the sweat from the tip of his nose, put down the big pole in his hand, took a few breaths, and then said:

“I was very busy some time ago, so I had to get up early and take a walk.

"Then you really have nothing to do.

Without the daily routine of patrolling the self-training class, he really felt a little more relaxed at the Shengli Clinic.

Ignoring Sister Fu's innuendo, Father Du also ordered a cup of strong tea.

Zhou Yan can also help with things like washing and rinsing. As for Feng Xia, he can do it a little bit, but the work is not very eye-catching. After all, he is also a female disciple in the compound, and he has not been doing washing and rinsing since he was a child.

After the eyeliners on the street scanned it, no one is monitoring the clinic anymore.

The same goes for the big jujube wood pole, which is too heavy to lift. Now the only thing I can barely pick up with one hand is the big white wax pole.

If you want strong tea or Yan tea to refresh you, even 50 cents a cup may not be enough.

Although the affairs of several villages still need to be managed, for many things, just explaining them clearly over the phone is enough.

Nowadays, after checking it out, you are really greedy and really die, and you will not be given the chance to go to jail.

Li Shengli said he was free, and he was really free.

The back room where the Li family originally lived was still a bedroom, and the main room was neatly arranged like a reception room, with new Arhat beds, a master's chair, and a coffee table.

The price of tea in Haizi is not cheap either. It is all good tea and you still pay 20 cents for a cup.

This thing trains the body's strength. If you can't mobilize your body's strength, if you want to lift a large pole of at least four meters with one hand, most people really can't do it.

This may seem ridiculous to future generations, but this is the current style.

Perhaps because of his medical studies, Shengli has a very clear view of many problems that exist in actual work. This kind of vision is very powerful.

Although there is no woman around him, he can occasionally go back to Madianji to stay for one night.

These are all remnants of the martial arts practice in the early days, including the big white wax pole that Liu Ye mentioned, and the big pole made of bamboo, wood and bismuth. This is what the disciples of the Eight Banners were particular about earlier.

Do you think I should find someone to play a mandarin duck?

That’s what the Bagua sect is all about. I’ve been following it for so long, wouldn’t it make sense? "

As for the house where Li Shengli, his brother, and sister lived, he converted it into a study and clinic. In addition to painting desks and bookshelves, there was also a set of small medicine cabinets made of mahogany in the room.

As for drinking plain water, it doesn't cost anything. If you get angry and throw the cup, you have to suppress your anger and pay for the cup before leaving.

This thing was not just a show-off earlier, but a serious medicine cabinet containing precious medicines.

This is also the reason why Father Du went out to kill people until the barrel of his gun smoked, and no one came out to criticize him.

If you don’t have money on you, you have to find someone you know to beg for alms, otherwise you can only drink plain water.

Okay, let’s not talk about him anymore. Make me a cup of strong tea and bring a few dollars in change. I’m afraid today’s tea bill will exceed the standard. "

It was also by chance two days ago that Mr. Liu chatted with Chief Zhang from Beixinqiao about this matter, and he received three bundles of various poles.

The current style of work is also extremely tough. Whether it is Lao Du, the old man, or the leader, drinking tea costs money.

"Master, your skills are still lacking. It was said earlier that masters used six-meter jujube wood poles to practice their strength. You are two meters behind!"

After giving advice to Father Du, Li Shengli's routine remained the same.

I've been free lately and my bones have become stronger, so I can practice some exercises to regain my strength.

The big pole made of bamboo and bismuth, with an iron core inside, is more than four meters long. Li Shengli can't pick it up with one hand now.

Yuanyangyue is just for martial arts purposes.

During this period, by replacing the furniture in the two houses in the backyard, he also changed the original layout of the Li family.

Usually when I sit in a self-training class for consultation, the situation is similar.

It’s just that in this day and age, it’s hard to find big poles.

Father Du from Xiaowangzhuang stayed up all night again. Li Shengli, who was only responsible for coming up with ideas, had been driving horses and swinging poles in the yard early in the morning.

Nowadays, many conference tickets sometimes also print the price of tea.

In the self-training class, after getting up early to practice boxing, he would go around the camp to see if the students were working hard.

When I have free time, I have to help come up with ideas for several villages in Wali and Madianji.

This is the method of practicing the basic skills of Liuhe Daqiang that I learned from Mr. Liu in the self-training class.

In addition to inspecting the students' study status, they also have to look at the students' daily necessities, food, housing and transportation.

Take that and go out to play the harp, and the person will pull out the knife and make a "swish" sound.

When you take out a mandarin duck, if you don't take it from the bag but from your waist, you may accidentally lose two parts.

In a real confrontation, is there anything faster than a dagger?

Your mandarin duck has four claws. You can't stand it even if it hooks you, right?

Without further ado, the veteran on the mountain has sent word that you should hurry up and come up with a test method to clarify the properties of the medicine.

Young Master, please don’t accept the task of testing medicines randomly. If you really want to try poisonous medicinal materials such as pinellia and aconite, many doctors will be poisoned. "

Chatting during morning exercises is also a time to demonstrate one's skills. Li Shengli had to put down the big pole in his hand before he could speak, but Mr. Liu, on the other hand, talked while walking without any delay.

"I know.

Your skills are extraordinary!

Earlier, you were working hard on Xingyiquan, right? "

Listening to the praise from his heir, Mr. Liu's face turned ugly.

"Master, you just don't want to pick up the pot.

I was plotted against in my early years, and there was no room for me to exert my strength. If I didn't use my strength to fight with my fists and feet, would I have to die a coward?

If I had your skills before, would I be plotted against?

Before you arrived at Wali, you had made friends with the Zhao family and his son. Before you arrived at Madianji, you had broken the legs of Party Secretary Wang Qingping.

When they arrived at the courtyard, Sha Zhu and Lao Yi captured the three brothers in the courtyard and suppressed the entire courtyard.

The transportation captain said that before going outside, you must first make sure you are inside. This is what I have made clear to you. "

Listening to Master Liu's praise, Li Shengli just curled his lips and smiled.

After being kicked out of the self-training class and taking over the job at the Shengli Clinic, he became a serious Chinese medicine practitioner.

When you sit in a clinic, you still need to have the respect you deserve. You can't treat a disease in a clinic and then go back to the hospital to treat this or that.

It doesn’t mean much if you don’t go to all the trouble to say it, right?

Speaking of Master Liu's early experiences, Li Shengli did not forget the old man's health.

"There are so many things going on outside, you can't let trivial things mess up your mood, right?

You always used Deer Antler Blood Wine and Yuye Technique, and Fuyang should be fine. How are you feeling recently? "

It was not without reason that Mr. Liu accompanied Li Shengli to do morning exercises early in the morning, just to condition his body bones from the inside out.

After hearing the question from his heir, the old man blushed for a rare moment and replied:

"It's okay!

Recently, I asked Lao Pu to prepare medicine for the family. Maybe the Liu family can have a daughter without the freckles on her face.

After all, you are married back. If you cause such troubles again, it will be difficult for you to be your old companion in the future. "

After hearing Mr. Liu's honest words, Li Shengli didn't let the old man give in.

"That won't work!

She had to pass Wang Weihong's test.

My reputation is greater than her life, and the wind and rain on the street are always blowing and falling.

It would be a good thing for her to have a child, so that she would not be found when settling accounts in the future.

Misfortunes and blessings depend on it. Don't make your own decisions. Let Wang Weihong live here tomorrow and tell the people in the courtyard that he is a relative of yours.

Let her help make medicine in the clinic during the day, and let her see the fireworks of the world, which will not be a bad thing for her in the future. "

When it comes to the reputation of Shengli Clinic on the street, Li Shengli also changed his face.

The name of specialized trauma treatment is derived from this.

There is no reason not to give in because of Wang Weihong.

The Victory Clinic in the storm cannot lose its momentum, otherwise it will just wait for trouble to come.

Although most of the young people in the city have gone to the countryside, there are also some who do not want to go to the countryside because of family ties. Moreover, after the storm spreads, the main force in the city are people from work units.

These people also care about the ecology of the office or factory. The more vicious people are, the less likely they are to mess with them.

The easier it is to talk to someone, the more they bully her. From the moment Wang Weihong stood at the door and pinched her waist to talk, the outcome was doomed.

Giving Mr. Liu a child would be the best outcome for her and her family.

If they really want to go to the grassland and feed the wolves, Li Shengli will start to wipe out their family. He either doesn't do many things, or if he does, he must clean them thoroughly.

"It's up to you!

Young Master, I’ve been idle for a while now, and my heels are stuck. It’s time to clean up your energy.

You still need to review what Lao Pu said about the benevolence of doctors.

Once you get used to doing simple things, you will get used to using a knife to solve problems.

According to what you said, there will eventually be a day when the wind and rain stop. If you keep playing like this, it is not a way to accumulate good fortune. "

Mr. Liu, who has never harmed anyone in his half-life as a doctor, now believes in retribution even more.

In the first half of his life, he was depressed and frustrated, but in the second half of his life, he chose a good successor to the Liu family.

I am over sixty, and I can recover from the lower three pathologies. I don’t believe in the results of this kind.

Those who made wild claims to ban Chinese medicine at that time also caused countless Chinese medicine doctors to lose their jobs.

Today's retribution has also been brought to them by their own heirs.

Several descendants of the Liu family have cut off the blood inheritance of too many families from south to north.

In Mr. Liu's opinion, this is the retribution given to crazy people who were not treated by traditional Chinese medicine back then. It seems to be very refreshing now.


Are you afraid that I will leave the retribution to that big treasure on the mountain?

Don’t worry, the big things I plan are covered by the great inheritance of Chinese medicine!

If the retribution really falls on my head, more people will be devastated.

Mr. Liu, Barefoot Doctors are now operating below, and the self-training class also has the authority to issue licenses for Chinese medicine practitioners.

Do you think we should select a group of people in correspondence courses and issue them practicing certificates of Chinese medicine practitioners?

I have been thinking about this since the students in the correspondence course came here, but I just felt that their abilities were not enough to become Chinese medicine practitioners.

Now that I am not watching from the self-training class, I am also afraid that Wang Qianjin will make a mistake.

If this opportunity to issue the certificate is missed, I am afraid that many people will have some twists and turns in their medical journey. "

When the sweat was almost gone, Li Shengli threw two towels, one for himself and one for Mr. Liu who stopped.

When the two of them faced each other, Li Shengli started talking about the business in the self-training class.

In addition to the dispatch certificate for going to the countryside and the barefoot doctor's certificate, he also obtained the right to issue certificates for traditional Chinese medicine doctors from the ministry through Wang Qianjin's godmother.

Traditional Chinese medicine is different from Western medicine, and the ministry doesn't pay much attention to it. Once external pressure comes, the right to issue certificates will naturally go away.

It's just a matter of a batch of certificates and a steel seal. The self-training class can also engrave it themselves.

"It is possible to make hair. There are also a few qualified Chinese medicine practitioners in the correspondence courses and in the villages in the mountains.

But they certainly can’t issue more than a few dozen copies at most. For the rest, they are not qualified to be called Chinese medicine practitioners.

Master, this is official recognition. I think this should be like starting an apprenticeship.

If you don't succeed, you won't succeed. Even if you can cure diseases, you have to work as a pharmacist or go down to work as a barefoot doctor.

Nowadays, there is more choice for apprentices than before. I think it is better to err on the side of issuance of traditional Chinese medicine practicing certificates.

This is related to the face of the old Chinese medicine practitioners on the mountain. If there are some unscrupulous disciples, Chinese medicine will be questioned in the future.

Now, whether you are a student or an apprentice, you and the old Chinese medicine practitioners on the mountain will protect you inside, and there will be a Chinese medicine hospital outside to protect you.

There is no need for them to learn the art of digging out cakes from the ground, nor to go to the pier to compete in the arena, nor to face the patients who are curing them.

This is tolerant enough. You can buy them practicing certificates as early as possible.

An Nei is not so safe!

With these protections in place, I feel that the issuance of practicing certificates for Chinese medicine practitioners must be strict and cautious.

Even those practicing certificates issued before must be passed again.

In the business of traditional Chinese medicine, success is a success, and failure is also a real failure.

If you don’t grasp it from the source, you won’t be able to grasp it again later.

To put it bluntly, there is a famous old Chinese medicine doctor on the mountain who returns to his roots.

If the practice certificates issued by official departments such as ministries and divisions are not up to standard, we can also force them to take them back. "

Different from his usual good talk, Li Shengli wanted to take the opportunity to open up a new path for some students in the correspondence course, but was stopped by Mr. Liu.

This was also one of Li Shengli's choices. He just stuck to the source, fearing that it would be more difficult for Chinese medicine to produce talents...

(End of this chapter)

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