The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 647: Flowers everywhere (Part )

Chapter 647: Flowers everywhere (Part )

“Victory, burning bricks is a good idea and makes money.

But these red bricks cost three cents a piece, so I’m afraid the units below won’t be able to use them!

City bricks, free of charge..."

Pulling earth and burning bricks is a convenient job for the steel rolling mill. It is not difficult for Li Huaide to get some coal. What is difficult is how to sell the red bricks.

A red brick costs three cents, which is quite valuable now, enough to buy a sesame seed cake.

The big city bricks that came from demolishing the city wall are just effort and no money.

"It's easy, just dial it out of tune!

In terms of economics, fired bricks are much more profitable than products from steel rolling mills. The city bricks are old, while the red bricks are red and unique.

Earthwork in the city is also a problem. We are both famous and expert, and we have solved the problem of earthwork easily.

For those that cannot be transferred, replace city bricks and green bricks with red bricks, ten for one or more.

Almost all the people above are away from the city now. When I come back, I find a row of red brick buildings outside the city. I have to ask where the bricks come from.

Factory Director, this question will make things worse for you.

But you can't solve this problem alone, you have to find Director Du.

As for the blue bricks and the like, I'll take care of it for you. "

Li Shengli didn't know the price of red bricks before. Once he heard the price, he knew that brick-making was a promising business.

Although he didn't know the price of bricks, he knew the price of a house and how many bricks it would take to build a small rural courtyard.

A yard costs about 10,000 bricks, and a yard in the city costs 300 to 500 yuan. Bricks are worth more than a yard. This is also the current price system.

Needless to say, there are also big profits inside. Although production is still resuming, the previous storms did have an impact on production.

The Northeast was directly under pressure from the North. The red bricks from the steel rolling mill were allocated, and the coal from the Northeast could also be allocated. According to the price of bricks and coal, the steel rolling mill also made a lot of money.

"Shengli, you mean we burn bricks in exchange for supplies?"

Li Huaide is a meticulous and lively person. As soon as Li Shengli said it, he probably knew the way, and this could really be done.

“Nonsense, we are here to utilize waste, solve problems, and support construction. What kind of materials are we exchanging materials for?

Factory Director, you have baked red bricks that are both red and professional. You must also mention this awareness and bring along the comrades in various units in the city. Since it is progress, then everyone must make progress together!

As for how to make progress together, it is natural to use red bricks.

In this way, the route of the Workers and Peasants Brand in the city has to be planned by the steel rolling mill.

To squeeze out the transportation capacity as much as possible and solve the earthwork problems in the city as soon as possible, the steel rolling mill will have to devote more energy. "

Hearing Li Shengli open his mouth was a cycle, and Old Li was convinced. If he really wanted to talk under such a banner, the bricks in the city would not be used.

Whoever uses it is just looking for trouble. The brick kilns or brick factories that have not yet seen the steel rolling mill will continue to work.

"Sheng Li, but we don't have any experience in mechanical brick making?"

Speaking of brick kilns, we have to talk about the mechanical brick making that Li Shengli mentioned before. Manual brick making is not impossible, but now is the time to resume production, and the steel rolling mill really can't spare too many people to work in the brick kiln.

"What's the matter? Just try and make changes. It's winter now, and drying the bricks is also a problem.

Previously, the prefabricated board factory in Madianji had mentioned the idea of ​​thermal drying, but it was limited by the raw materials and the technology only existed on paper.

Now it seems that this technology is cheaper than the steel rolling mill. If I provide the technology here, the factory director can directly build a brick kiln at the old goods station outside the east gate. This is just a temporary task. It is not a big problem for us to borrow the land, right? "

Although he didn't know the process of making bricks, Li Shengli had the technology to precast panels. Precast concrete panels can be dried, so there was no reason why brick embryos couldn't be made.

"You still have an idea, but now holes are being dug everywhere. The burned bricks can be used directly to build air-raid shelters. Let's burn ten kilns and eight kilns, and the technology will be figured out.

The technology for firing bricks is readily available, and what we want to try is nothing more than machinery and baking.

I’ll go back and write a report right now. Shengli, you should work on your technology. Regarding Moutai, just do it..."

Li Huaide took a few hasty bites and turned around to leave, while Li Shengli smiled and slowly started eating and drinking.

Li Shengli wanted to build the city bricks for a day. Although the people were evacuated, when they came back, they would just have to deal with the things before them. If one family was disturbed, there would be another family, and many things would have to be done. Prepare for a rainy day.

After winter, there is no shortage of manpower in Madianji and Taipingzhuang, and there are still several bald hills at the mountain pass from the mountain village.

As long as Li Huaide's side exchanges enough city bricks, he will have the building materials to expand roads and villages in the mountain village.

If there are still city bricks left, Li Shengli wouldn't mind expanding the self-training class camp into the mountains in the name of preparing for war and famine.

Thinking of this, Li Shengli raised his eyebrows. After drinking a glass of wine, he immediately changed his mind.

First move the camp of the self-training class into the mountains, because his name is hanging here in the self-training class. As long as we occupy a few hills outside the mountain village, then the old camp of northern Chinese medicine will be located in the mountain village. .

In this way, the property rights will be clear, and there will be no need to fight with the members of the mountain village in the future. Nowadays, land demarcation is nothing more than a word and a seal from the relevant unit.

After thinking about this, Li Shengli had no intention of eating anymore. After paying the bills, he walked quickly back to Madianji and directly found Professor Liu guarding the library in front of the store.

Entering the small room at the corner of the stairs, Ding Lan and Fu Yiqing were listening to Professor Liu's lecture on ancient times.

Learning from the past, eyesight is second, and cultural heritage is the foundation. Once you know the provenance and origin of various artifacts, it will be difficult for counterfeiters to deceive eyes with cultural brilliance.

No matter how well-made the fakes are, if they are inconsistent with the culture, then they are fakes. You can't put out a room full of dragon chairs and say they are civilian furniture from the Qing Dynasty, right?

"You two, go out and have some fun by yourselves. I have something serious to do with Professor Liu."

After entering the room, Li Shengli was not polite and directly described the learning process of Ding Lan and Fu Yiqing as play.

Fu Yiqing was resigned to it. Li Shengli waved her hand and she stood up. Ding Lan was naturally a little angry, but Fu Yiqing behaved well and she was too embarrassed to mess around, so she could only leave the room angrily.

"Why are you here, Mr. Li?"

Teaching was said to be a joke, and Professor Liu also lost his temper. He seemed to be a bit repulsive when he opened his mouth.

“Professor Liu, it’s still a matter of the mountain village.

Aren't you preparing for war and famine now?

I plan to move the self-training class to the mountain. The main building materials will be bricks dismantled from the city and beams and columns from the prefabricated panel factory.

As for the building regulations, I plan to imitate the palace castle and build a complex of buildings on several hills. Do you always do it?

If it doesn’t work, I might as well hurry up and hire someone..."

As the saying goes, it is better to recruit generals than to provoke them. The world has been ups and downs for some time. In addition to practicing hard-hearted, Li Shengli has also mastered more and more martial arts techniques.

Pu Lao and his entourage, the famous old Chinese medicine practitioners on the mountain, are almost all veterans of the martial arts world. After being with them for a long time, the martial arts community will not grow old.

“To put it this way, even if it’s one or two yards, I wouldn’t dare to call myself an expert.

But a building as big as Miyagi would be impossible without someone like me who studied literature and history. The masters you can find can only look at Feng Shui, but I can plan the style of the entire building for you. If it had been anyone else, such a large-scale ancient building would definitely have been made nondescript.

Is that a group of buildings mainly composed of schools?

Such a building...

Forget it, Mr. Li won't hear any playful tricks. You ask Xiao Ma from Madianji to arrange for a few smart young people to follow me. I'll take a look at the mountain topography first. "

For people like Professor Liu, although a row of bookshelves is enough for him to persevere throughout his life, during this period of time, he always rests on a sea of ​​books, and it is inevitable that he will feel that he is born at the wrong time.

Asking him may not be all-inclusive, but if you provoke him, the old man may have to put in a lot of effort to plan the mountain village.

Moreover, he is not the only one involved. Once a literati becomes competitive, he can go all the way to the bottom.

Seeing that Professor Liu was so excited, Li Shengli curled his lips and left the room with a smile. He was also full of expectations for the plan that Mr. Liu could come up with.

After leaving Liu's house, Li Shengli came to Fu Yiqing's side. Looking at the angry Ding Lan, he said:

"It's a provoking method for the old man.

I want to build a huge courtyard outside the mountain village. Then you can follow me and learn.

Just learn, if you don't like it just tell me, you can learn whatever you like. "

After listening to little old man Li Shengli's explanation, an angry Ding Lan immediately laughed and gave Fu Yiqing a provocative look.

"Professor Liu just happened to talk about the bronzes and jades of the Warring States Period. Can you find some samples?

I heard Professor Liu talk about the jingle ring. I thought it was very beautiful and wanted to see the real thing. "

Listening to Ding Lan's request, Li Shengli shook his head. Curry should have the things she mentioned.

But he was not very familiar with Ding Lan's temperament, and he was afraid that if this woman was a delicate young lady who regarded money as dirt, then his wife would suffer.

"Well, I'll ask my brother-in-law to go look for it in the city later, and we should be able to find it.

Do you two have any other requests? "

Without thinking about sending Ding Lan, the big rat, into his warehouse, Li Shengli could only ask other questions.

Li Shengli didn't know what things were in the warehouses everywhere. He only knew that there were many things. In the past, they were mainly furniture, but now they may have become miscellaneous items.

"Sister Dujuan still has a pile of ancient brocade silks left at home. Sister Fu said before that women look good in cheongsam. I want to make a few of them with Sister Fu."

After listening to Ding Lan's request and glancing at Fu Yiqing, who was showing signs of confusion, Li Shengli nodded. This request can still be agreed, but Ding Lan also knew that the cheongsam could only be worn at home.

"You go find Party Secretary Lao Wang. There are a pair of old tailors in the village who are altering my clothes. Just go there with the materials.

We have to choose new materials. I don’t know where the ancient brocade came from, and it’s hard to clean up the cheongsam once it’s made.

Also, the old party secretary has saved a batch of furs, and asked him to take some out and make a few more fur robes for you two.

Is there anything else? "

Seeing that Ding Lan really didn't seek to make progress, Li Shengli didn't intend to guide her. No matter how she lived her life, she lived a worry-free life now and would live a worry-free life in the future.

Li Shengli felt that he owed something to the daughter of the Ding family, so he left it to her. If she didn't make progress, she might not be without a career in the future.

As for Fu Yiqing, it can only be said that she just let it happen. At least she can't pass Ding Lan's test yet.

After leaving the library, Li Shengli went to the old branch secretary and told him about Ding Lan, asking him to remind the two tailors not to ruin Gu Jin.

At the same time, he also talked about the idea of ​​​​continuing construction in the mountain village this winter. Professor Liu did not have a plan, so he could only talk about it in passing.

Li Huaide's efficiency was quite good. The next day, Li Shengli was recruited to Xiaowangzhuang by Father Du.

Although he had an errand in the leadership office, Lao Du still lived at the Xiaowangzhuang cattle farm.

Lao Du is also a master who has experienced many storms. He knows that the city is still unsafe, so instead of living in a small building without any cover, it is better to go to the outskirts of the city and find safety.

And living in Xiaowangzhuang can be regarded as one of his experiences. He must be able to talk about some of the current rural situations when contacting him, otherwise some old leaders will think that he is superior, and the result will be counterproductive.

Everyone has restrictions. The higher the position, the more cautious and cautious the people are, and the heavier the restrictions. Lao Du's life is far less comfortable than that of his son-in-law Li Shengli.

"Sheng Sheng, are you the one who instigated what happened with Li Huaide?

Is there any purpose? "

Father Du can still understand that building a car and transporting earth, but transporting earth and burning bricks is a bit wasteful. The number of bricks and stones required to dig air-raid shelters in the city is not a small number.

The main purpose of demolishing city walls and courtyards was to reinforce the air raid shelters with masonry.

Although freshly fired red bricks are good, they are also expensive. Spending cash on building materials is a waste of time and money.

"Dad, do you want to hear my thoughts, Du Peng's thoughts, or your thoughts?"

As he gradually became familiar with him, Li Shengli didn't want to pretend to be a door-to-door son-in-law in front of Father Du.

Through recent contacts, he also discovered that Mr. Du is very receptive to new things. Perhaps this is because he has been abroad?

Thinking about all the aspects involved in pulling earth and burning bricks, Li Shengli simply joked with Lao Taishan.


Are you confident?

Then let’s talk about it one by one. Let me listen to your wise son-in-law’s opinions.

Sister Fu, make a pot of corn silk tea, and let’s listen to the opinions of our virtuous son-in-law. "

When it comes to drinking tea, Mr. Du still has conditions. Kuding tea was considered a popular commodity in the village in the past two years, but it has not become popular in the past two years. It has become a medicinal material that can be exchanged for money and soaked in water. It is a pity.

Corn silk seeds have a slightly sweet taste after being boiled and have certain medicinal value, so they become a substitute for tea.

This was also given to Mr. Du by people from Xiaowangzhuang. In recent days, he has also used this tea substitute to get closer to a leader. This is the so-called sharing the joys and sorrows. Although they are not in the same place, the phone call The taste of corn silk tea in the thread is even better.

“Dad, my idea is simple, isn’t it necessary to prepare for war and famine?

I want to move the self-training class to a ravine in a mountain village. This way, it will not attract attention in the city, and secondly, it will have a beautiful environment.

Moving a large self-study class here would require too many buildings. Not only would it be troublesome to get soil on site to burn bricks, but we would also have to cut down several trees on the hills.

Nowadays, bricks in the city cost nothing, but digging holes requires a lot.

This conflicted with my needs, so I gave Li Huaide this idea.

I also have deeper considerations about using city bricks to build a school in the mountains.

In a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, a red brick building appears, which is always a bit abrupt. The blue brick building is in line with the mountains and rivers.

I heard that there is talk about tourism in foreign countries. In the future, these green bricks and green tiles in mountain villages may also be a pleasure for people to look at. "

(End of this chapter)

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