The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 648 Blooming everywhere (Part )

Chapter 648 Blooming everywhere (Part )

Li Shengli expressed his thoughts very straightforwardly. Of course, he couldn't directly talk about the city bricks and the relocation self-training class. Combining green bricks and green tiles with tourism was really one of his ideas.

When it comes to these deep-seated thoughts, it's a matter of perspective. If he wants to sit across from Father Du and talk about some issues involving the future, Li Shengli also needs to slowly lay the groundwork.

"Good idea, let's talk about Du Peng's idea."

As soon as Li Shengli said the word "travel", Father Du had a picture in front of him. Between the green mountains and green waters, there was a large green brick courtyard. It was really pleasing to the eye when he thought about it.

As far as this picture is concerned, the word "virtuous son-in-law" is not given in vain. Next, we need to listen to his son's thoughts.

"Dad, Du Peng's future lies in those three cars.

The first one was a convenience-brand bus, which was considered a small and medium-sized bus. It was called a minibus or a minibus in foreign countries. I asked it to highlight the word "ba" to keep in line with international standards.

The last three-wheeled car was modified from Shanghai. The word I gave him was the word "harmony", which can reconcile all parties.

The worker-peasant car in front of us has the word 'quick' that stands out because it involves the accumulation of soil in the city.

The interests of Du Peng and Li Huaide are linked. Just the word "fast" seems to be a bit superficial now.

And this word "fast" does not refer to the vehicle, but to the speed of handling accumulated soil.

Since the soil can be used to bake bricks, and the steel rolling mill has a coal quota, the train track and the city wall outside the east gate are being demolished, so the land is available.

Years ago, when two gangs in the city were fighting each other, someone from both gangs suggested painting the city with red paint to make it red and professional. Unfortunately, due to the cost and lack of insight, one gang let the other gang plot against them. .

Now we are burning ready-made red bricks and building several red brick buildings in conspicuous positions. When everyone returns to the city in the future, they will definitely ask questions after taking a quick look.

This is a waste and must be investigated deeply.

Dad, if they knew that these were red bricks made from waste soil, would they say we wasted our money, or would they say we would solve the problem?

This gradually involves your thoughts..."

The words "ba", "he" and "kuai" proposed by Li Shengli already made Du Duo a little surprised. But when he heard some deeper thoughts, the expression on his face was no longer relaxed, but looked like he was thinking.

The mother-in-law on the side, Sister Fu, also thoughtfully poured a bowl of tea for her son-in-law Li Shengli.

Father Du was amazed by these plans just now, let alone the mother of the Du family, because this was a plan from her son-in-law for her son. From what she heard, she felt that her son Du Peng was going to have a bright future, so how could Sister Fu do it? Why not show kindness to your son-in-law?

"Sheng Li, you're very good. Now tell me what I think."

After thinking about it for a while, Father Du couldn't fully accept Li Shengli's idea. There were many things that he had to think about at night.

“Dad, we said before that your focus must be on the economy.

Now our economy is completely planned, everything is planned, how can you still have room to move?

After attracting the US into the situation and relying on US deterrence to withstand the North's nuclear blackmail, we must have in-depth cooperation with the US.

There are only a few areas where we can cooperate with the United States, and they are nothing more than technology and economics.

Introducing some advanced technologies and exporting some foreign exchange products will be enough for you to operate for several years.

If there is no suitable plate, these things may need to be worked on.

Nowadays, there are very few people in the country who understand the economy like you and have help from abroad.

Use the three cars and red bricks in the steel rolling mill to break the situation, and cut off the previously acquiesced plan to become your experimental field.

Introducing technology and contacting other enterprises and units, we can just export and earn foreign exchange.

Foreign exchange is now the lifeblood of the entire industrial development and is a top priority.

What I mean is to focus on light industry and separate several textile and garment factories near the port city.

Let Jiaoyang be on the other side of the United States, use the capital market to make profits, and take over and control companies that make light industrial products.

At the same time, the infrastructure construction from these factories to the port city will be completed. In this way, three to five to seven years will be spent on this.

When you have achieved results, it may be time to stop the storm and wait for work. If you operate it properly, you can get a deputy position in the leadership office. "

Li Shengli wants to pour beans through a bamboo tube, but he, a wise son-in-law, dares to speak, and Du, an old man, dares to listen, but he may not dare to do it.

When he heard that technology should be ignored and he only focused on earning foreign exchange, Father Du's expression changed. As a family, we can talk casually, but we really can't do things casually.

What Li Shengli said can still be used twenty years later, let alone the past ten years, and it will still be the right move twenty years later.

Taking the tricks from twenty years later and using them twenty years ago, if there is no wind and rain, just give it a try. But now it is full of wind and rain outside. Li Shengli, a wise son-in-law, gives Lao Du such an advanced trick. Is it appropriate to do so at the right time? Speaking of which, whether Father Du can accept it or not is the key.

"Sheng Li, are you just beginning or have you finished speaking?"

After scanning Sister Fu next to him, Father Du wanted to avoid suspicion, but thinking of her attitude towards Li Shengli, he thought about speaking, but did not.

Staring at Li Shengli closely, Lao Du just asked the progress of Xian Xian's "his idea". If it was already finished, he needed to think about it; if it was just the beginning, then he needed to think about it carefully.

"Dad, it can be said to be a rough outline or just a beginning, it all depends on what you think.

If it counts as the beginning, what I can say next is only the details. I have almost finished talking about the grand strategy. "

Father Du asked, Li Shengli answered, and then Weng and his son-in-law fell into silence, leaving Sister Fu next to them a little confused.

She also knew that what Weng and her son-in-law were talking about were important matters. Although she wanted to ask questions, she did not dare to speak casually. In this situation, Lao Du at home would not allow her to ask casual questions.

"I know, you can stop talking about it now, I need to think about it carefully.

Next I say, listen!

The report on promoting the barefoot doctor training class has been submitted to the leadership office, and a reply has come, two words, very good!

The content of the report has been implemented as soon as possible. Some of the problems mentioned in your report do exist and are somewhat serious.

It has been agreed with the office that, except for training courses, no correspondence courses or other extended classes for barefoot doctors are allowed in any place.

Including health clinics in various places, we can only organize basic training courses for barefoot doctors, and the teaching materials must also use the teaching materials of your self-training classes.

This can also be regarded as a feedback from the office for your several free clinics. The office also had difficulties with some of the previous things. Next, the office will allocate as much supplies to you as possible. "

Putting aside Li Shengli's economic talk, Du Lao also told his son-in-law about the progress of the barefoot doctor training class.

It is said to be Li Shengli's report, but in fact the results of this report still belong to Lao Du.

Barefoot doctors or barefoot doctor training courses, before the export of Chinese herbal medicines, were just a small thing among the complexity.

The leadership office is also the most difficult department among all departments at this stage. It must not only participate in the storm, but also contain the storm, and maintain a balance between the storm and economic development.

Storms are meant to curb economic development. To achieve a balance between two conflicting things, the previous leadership office was actually struggling to survive in the process of losing ground.

Before evacuation, the first thing to do is to clean up the idle personnel and bad guys, and at the same time resume production. This alone can reflect the difficult situation in the leadership office.

If we don't make adjustments, we will suffer a huge defeat. After the evacuation, we will be in a messy situation.

A report from Lao Du was handed over, which allowed the office to take a look at the relationship between Barefoot Doctors and the export of Chinese medicinal materials, and also allowed the office to see the role of Barefoot Doctors.

After collecting all receivables and carefully selecting, what is left to the medicinal material company is a large inventory of foreign herbal medicines, although the foreign exchange earned from exports is enough to make up for this kind of consumption.

But discarding these herbal medicines directly and comparing the export prices of herbal medicines is a huge waste.

Barefoot doctors can avoid this waste and can also greatly improve the medical environment in rural areas.

But thinking is one thing, doing is another. Through recent investigations, the office has also discovered a very embarrassing problem. Except for the barefoot doctors sent from the self-training class in the city, they can barely use it. Beyond herbs.

Barefoot doctors trained in other places have no ability to use Chinese medicinal materials.

For many things, if you don't investigate or figure it out, it's an ideal state. Once you see it clearly, it's not the case at all.

It would be nonsense to say that none of the barefoot doctors trained in various places know how to use Chinese herbal medicines, but on the whole, these barefoot doctors still have less use of Chinese herbal medicines than the barefoot doctors from the self-trained classes. Huge difference.

Moreover, locally trained barefoot doctors also cause a lot of medical accidents. This is also inevitable. You can open a class for one and a half months and send people there to treat them?

A normal person would not think about this matter like this. If doctors were really so easy to train, what kind of training courses would they hold?

The differences are all found in comparison. The direct result of the comparison is that there is basically no need to hold the barefoot doctor training class below.

It is unrealistic to say that barefoot doctors who come out of local training courses are useless, but to say that they are useful is not comparable to barefoot doctors who go through self-training courses.

Li Shengli's memorization training, as well as the contents of the Barefoot Doctor textbook and manual, are basically verified by later generations and are very useful.

With textbooks and manuals in hand, the training sessions for barefoot doctors after they go to rural areas are directly interrupted by the self-training class.

After feedback on the problem, we then solve the problem, publish a manual for barefoot doctors, and ask the barefoot doctors to practice medicine according to the manual as much as possible. This process directly becomes part of the memorization training in the self-training class.

Comparing the hatchbacks is the result of comparing goods, and Li Shengli's report also added to this.

It was nothing more than lifting up the nodes that had been laid down below, and a large network of barefoot doctors training barefoot doctors appeared in front of the leadership office.

The solution to the problem lies not only in the textbooks and manuals of Barefoot Doctors, but also in Li Shengli’s advance layout.

The large network of barefoot doctors in the self-training class can basically cover the whole country.

Using the barefoot doctors who have gone through self-training classes as a reference, we will integrate the barefoot doctor training classes in various places. In this way, the following barefoot doctor training classes will be reduced self-training classes.

With the barefoot doctors in self-training classes as the nodes and supplemented by local resources, self-training classes have blossomed everywhere.

Father Du's report was handed over. Even if it perfectly solved the problem of barefoot doctor training, except for the two-word evaluation "very good", there was basically no other opinion.

Because Li Shengli's report contains all the problems that should be thought of, and there are also solutions.

Similarly, there is a practical solution to the current problem of insufficient medical standards for barefoot doctors, and it is already being implemented, which is correspondence courses to replace self-training classes.

Loop or closed loop, Li Shengli had already created it before he wrote the report. With the blessing of later generations' experience, this is basically the most perfect solution.

Li Shengli's previous efforts were not wasted at all to Mr. Du.

There are solutions to the problems identified in the report, and many of them are already being implemented, such as the barefoot doctor training conducted after the barefoot doctors from the self-training class went to the village.

Combined with Li Shengli's previous performance in Xingzhou and the results of previous free clinics, the office had to put aside some doubts about him and give him an objective evaluation.

In terms of the overall situation, the existence of self-training classes is necessary. If the material allocation of self-training classes cannot be maintained, it means that the office has not done enough before.

The most indelible traces of Li Shengli and Wang Qinjin are related to material matters, because squandering materials is different from hatred. Hatred is something that comes and goes without a trace.

The transfer of supplies will leave traces no matter what. Now that Lao Du's report has been submitted, the leadership office has promised to allocate supplies as much as possible.

Even if it is a summary of some previous things, what is the role of self-training classes or barefoot doctors, and the promises from the office, it is almost to help Uncle Li Shengli take off the previous burden of wasting supplies.

It is impossible to say these words clearly. It is nothing more than a little nod to Li Shengli. We know that it is not easy for you to maintain the self-training class. We will try our best to make it less difficult for you.

Uncle Li Shengli has already made almost everything that should be fished out. Since the leadership office has brought up such things as blackmail, Li Shengli will have to put an end to it in the future. If it happens again, it will be difficult to talk about it.

“Dad, actually being a barefoot doctor is similar to planning an economy.

Rural areas do not have adequate medical conditions, and we do not have adequate economic conditions.

Some things are said to be one thing, but done to another. It must always be in the interests of the majority of people. "

After Father Du finished speaking, Li Shengli's answer was a bit heart-wrenching. Most people are similar to some people, and the difference from everyone else is fundamental...

(End of this chapter)

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