The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 646 Blooming everywhere (Part )

Chapter 646 Blooming everywhere (Part )

Lao Taishan of the Du family wants to rely on enlightenment and talk to get Li Shengli to give up his knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine. That is obviously a joke.

Not mentioning the return of medicine to its origins, not mentioning the clarification of the nature of traditional Chinese medicine, just a burial in Yaowang Temple in a mountain village can make most of the famous old Chinese medicine practitioners stay in the mountain village with all their heart.

According to what Father Du said, these famous old Chinese medicine doctors on the mountain are just old men who have a share of food rations.

In the mountain village, in addition to being buried, the return of medical science to its origins is a major event that has not happened in the medical field for thousands of years.

Just like many people who want to change their destiny, returning to their roots in Shanshan Village is an opportunity for these famous old Chinese medicine doctors to change their destiny. If they succeed, they will leave their names in the history of the medical field.

It’s not like they have never seen Li Shengli’s self-training class to train barefoot doctors. Even if there is no return to the roots and burial in the mountain village, these famous old Chinese doctors who have seen the results of the self-training class may not be willing to go down the mountain. Hold classes.

In terms of time alone, it is impossible for Mr. Du or the leadership office to give them more than one year, and the time that famous old Chinese medicine doctors want is at least five years.

One and a half months of training, in the opinion of the famous veteran Chinese doctors, it is better not to hold such a training class. If it is held, it will train quack doctors who are harmful to death. But anyone with a clear mind will not do this.

Many times, people like Father Du see things too simply. Li Shengli can be sure that even if there is no wind and rain outside, the famous old Chinese medicine doctors on the mountain will not go down easily.

They can go down the mountain for family matters or personal matters, but they will never go down the mountain for official matters because there is no reason to go down the mountain.

If you really go down because of official business, not only will your reputation be in vain, but also the students who participated in the training class will be harmed.

The reason is also very simple. There is no foundation. With only a few dozen days of training, let alone Chinese medicine, according to Western medicine, it is still unclear whether these students can learn subcutaneous injection. Why bother?

In the eyes of these famous veteran Chinese doctors, running a training class for barefoot doctors is not just a formality and a formality. Now, compared with Li Shengli's self-training class, the training classes below are not formalities and formalities. Many of them are just fake.

If the original medical students are trained to become barefoot doctors, then the reason for the existence of the original medical college will be lost.

If an old Chinese doctor goes to such a training class and doesn't complain to them, it would be considered as giving in to the wind and rain.

It's not that Father Du and the others can't control many things, it's just that they can't see clearly in the rush.

Father Du went up and mentioned the barefoot doctor training class. The leadership office naturally took it seriously because it was also an industry related to war preparedness.

Training courses in various places are not just being established now. As early as after Li Shengli published the teaching materials, similar training courses for barefoot doctors existed in various places.

These are all files that can be checked. It is also a common practice in the office to contact the local government and compare the barefoot doctors who have gone through self-training classes with the barefoot doctors who have gone through local training classes.

You are not afraid of trying many things, but you are afraid of comparison. You will have to throw away when comparing goods, and you will die when comparing people to others. It is true that there is no harm without comparison.

Most of the barefoot doctors who have gone through the self-training class have good reviews, because before they go there, they almost have about three months of memorization training, and then there is a correspondence course.

In terms of medication, Dabai Tablets are mainly used, supplemented by the manual compiled by Li Shengli. There are rules to follow.

As for the barefoot doctors sent to the countryside in many places, it is hard to describe.

There are two ways to say that quack doctors can kill people. Some quack doctors will never harm anyone in their lifetime, while others will harm each one they catch.

What Li Shengli handed over was a Chinese medicine textbook. As far as the difference between Chinese and Western medicine is concerned, it would be difficult for a Western medicine student to kill himself, but it would be too easy for a Chinese medicine student to kill him as long as he dares to prescribe random prescriptions.

The barefoot doctors here in the self-training class must also be trained on medicine before going down, and there are also restrictions on the types of medicines they can use.

It doesn't mean that you can just take the medicine according to the symptoms by randomly picking up medical books. If you dare to use medicine like this after you go down, the self-training class will find out, and your barefoot doctor's certificate will be revoked.

Barefoot doctors who have gone through the self-training class are not qualified to use the prescriptions in the medical books. All they can use are the prescriptions in the textbooks. There is no correspondence to explain the use of medicines without the textbooks.

If they use drugs indiscriminately, if the self-training class finds out, not only will their barefoot doctor certificate be revoked, but another barefoot doctor will be sent to replace them, and the person will also be sent to the countryside in a more difficult place, which will cause death. We will also follow the rules.

When it comes to serious medical practice, Li Shengli doesn't believe in genius, and the same goes for the famous old Chinese medicine doctors on the mountain. Barefoot doctors are not Chinese medicine. Without correspondence courses, they are not qualified to use Chinese medicine other than textbooks.

As for emergencies, they have to be evaluated separately, but most of the barefoot doctors who go to the self-training class are not qualified to deal with emergencies. The reason is simple and their level is limited.

In Li Shengli's self-training class, every time a barefoot doctor is sent there, they try to be as formalized as possible. As for the barefoot doctor training classes in other places, it is unknown how many of them aim to improve the medical conditions below.

In these situations, Li Shengli also included explanations when he submitted the textbooks, but such explanations are not as useful as the textbooks to many people.

It’s not that people don’t know many things, it’s just that sometimes, after weighing the pros and cons, they deliberately pretend they don’t know. It’s better to have a barefoot doctor than not. As for the level, can it be gradually improved?

After comparison, the leadership office had to agree that the self-training class had grasped the authorization letter, because the following training classes really did not have such a level.

The interim measures for the training of barefoot doctors were handed out as a notice. Although the leadership office also emphasized the issues Li Shengli raised before, it is unclear whether they will be effective.

For this reason, the self-training class also received a temporary correspondence license from the office, which is not only a restraint on the following, but also a supplement to the self-training class.

In this day and age, when you don’t follow the rules, you don’t follow any rules at all. When you really have to follow the rules, people of all ages follow the rules.

It is not Li Shengli's responsibility to take care of the progress of the barefoot doctor training class.

With the arrival of a new batch of correspondence course students, the self-training class has begun to fill up. The first batch of selected candidates from the correspondence class, as well as some veteran students from the self-training class, will also begin to go to the countryside to correct their attitudes.

Memorizing skills is actually the simplest threshold. After Li Shengli compared the memorizing skills of students in the self-training class and the correspondence class, it is obvious that the memorizing skills of new students in the correspondence class are better than those in the self-training class. Some.

This is not a question of talent, but entirely a question of seriousness and intention. Therefore, despite the lack of supervision of the new correspondence class students, Li Shengli still eliminated a group of old students with improper attitudes.

For the current self-training classes, the places are really limited, and there are too many students who need to receive correspondence education.

Half of the veteran students in the self-training class were cut off, which also made the remaining veteran students nervous. When they were nervous, the new students in the correspondence class felt uncomfortable.

Memorizing skills also requires some adaptation period. It is very high-intensity when you first start, and you will be beaten if you can't memorize it well. This makes new students a little unprepared.

Because of the wind and rain, most of the young people nowadays are unruly, but in the self-training class, they cannot be unruly.

If someone makes trouble and encounters a patrol, it will be a real beating. It's just that there are old Chinese medicine doctors in the camp to look after them. The patrol will not hold back.

If you really encounter someone causing trouble, the patrol team member will have a wooden whip made of wicker or bamboo strips, and it will be whipped down hard.

It's just that Li Shengli had only one request, just don't break anyone's bones. The wooden whip was also replaced because the patrol team had broken many people's collarbones with wooden sticks before. The strict supervision of the veteran students and the brutal suppression by the patrol quickly made the new students familiar with the rhythm of the self-training class.

It's not that no one wants to run away, it's just that they will be beaten worse. If they run too many times, they will be split in the middle. When dealing with these young people, Li Shengli will not reason with them.

When entering a self-training class or a correspondence class, there is only one requirement, which is to memorize merit, and there is only one punishment, and that is to be beaten.

If you are really sent to the countryside, it is better for those who go to the countryside with a barefoot doctor certificate. For those who only bring a dispatch certificate, even if they correct their attitude and meet the requirements for recitation, they will not have the opportunity to enter the self-training class.

The self-training class was overcrowded. Li Shengli was still waiting for the newly borrowed venue to be filled with people. Li Huaide from the steel rolling mill came over first.

The two met at the self-training class, and the conversation was still in the large canteen in Madianji. With the arrival of the correspondence class staff, some people in the self-training class were also over-focused.

Now, Li Shengli is at the free clinic at the self-training class. He has changed the furniture and medicine cabinets inside again. Once the medicine cabinets and furniture are replaced, it means that Li Shengli will not frequently attend clinics here in the near future.

The location of his free clinic has also been moved to a house near Deshengmenwai Street. In the early morning, Li Shengli will sit here for a while to provide some convenience for people who get up early and go into the city.

When they arrived at the separate courtyard of the big cafeteria, Li Huaide still offered cigarettes and alcohol first, and asked Li Shengli for Maotai instead of drinking Maotai. Lao Li was also curious and asked a passing question before getting down to business.

"I said Shengli, if you want Moutai and you don't drink it, you're not giving it away, are you?"

After Du's father came back, he also met Li Huaide specifically. After Du Peng's confirmation, Lao Li also knew Xiao Li's status in the Du family. He was afraid that Du Peng would not be able to sit and drink with his father-in-law like Lao Du at home. This treatment.


Factory director, do you have a way to get Maotai?

If so, get me a few wagons of wagons so I can eat them. "

Maotai has increased from more than four yuan to seven or eight yuan, and it is still a good drink that many people cannot afford.

But this thing, in Li Shengli's eyes, is not wine at all, but stacks of bills, good things that have increased ten thousand times. The current Maotai liquor is the only one that can be clear.

There is really no fake wine in this thing now. From the previous sauce-colored pottery bottles to white porcelain bottles and white glass bottles, from Dafeitian to Sunflower, from Sanda to Sanda Sunflower, Li Shengli has spent a lot on Moutai. money.

Saving Moutai has now become a habit for Li Shengli. Wang Qianjin has been doing it for him a lot in the past few years. Among other things, Li Huaide only gave him a hundred and eighty bottles. At his peak, Lao The wine Li sent is worth at least several million. I wonder what Old Li will say at that time.

"If you want it naturally, I'll do it.

Victory, let’s talk about the Workers’ and Peasants’ Card?

Director Du said that the pace of this matter is up to you.

In the city, we have already begun to consider the place. Now the Temple of Heaven is the first choice, but there is a lot of soil and I am afraid that it cannot be piled up.

Someone made a rough calculation and feared that it would take five or six mountains of earth to solve the problem.

There may be mountains of earth on the Ritan, Dongdan and Qingnian Lake sides. "

Digging a hole is a big project, and moving earth is also not a small project. The accumulation of soil in the city is not a big deal, but if we do mention it, it is also a headache-inducing project.

This is the Forty-Nine City, and the accumulated soil cannot be piled up casually outside the city. After asking around, Li Huaide found out that the city planned to use the method of piling up mountains of earth to deal with the accumulated soil created by digging holes.

"Director, don't rush to talk about the car. Let's talk about the wine first.

I think the storm will not last forever. Afterwards, people from below will want to come up, people from villages and towns will want to go to cities, and people from small cities will also move to big cities.

This matter of reciprocity will be indispensable in the future. If we have the conditions, we might as well save such a small amount of wine. Doesn’t the wine become more fragrant as it gets heavier?

Maybe the longer it goes, the more valuable this old wine will be! "

When it comes to storing wine, Li Shengli doesn't eat alone. He has Wang Qianjin's share and other people's share. Li Huaide in front of him is ultimately the person in charge.

There's nothing wrong with revealing some inside information to him. Whether he can make a fortune depends on Lao Li's current attitude and his patience in the future.

"Sure, I'll listen to you and keep some of it.

Victory, wine is a trivial matter. If you want it, we can exchange a few batches through relationships.

The car is the business and the important thing. Since Director Du has said that you have the final say when the car will be used, so don't keep me waiting anxiously. "

Li Huaide was anxious for no reason. He said this in late spring and early summer, but now it is late autumn and early winter. In half a year, the mechanical maintenance team of the steel rolling mill has not been idle for a moment.

Now, there are almost over a thousand vehicles of various worker and peasant brands in the factory area.

No matter how big the steel rolling mill is, it can't withstand such a heavy inventory. Seeing that there is no room for it in the factory, it's strange that Li Huaide is not in a hurry and shows his face. If the agricultural machinery factory or the tractor factory gets there first, he will blind.

“Director, don’t worry, besides cars, don’t we also have soil here?

If you don't talk about Dongdan, I won't talk about it. If you talk about Dongdan, it's not far from our factory, right?

Bricks can be made with soil. Do you think we can use this soil to build a larger mechanized brick factory near the factory?

The bricks used to demolish the city wall are all blue bricks, which are out of date. Let’s just burn the red bricks, which are red and special!

This will solve a lot of problems. As for the bricks to demolish the city wall, they can be piled up to Madianji..."

Knowing that Li Shengli was looking for Shangcheng Zhuan, Li Huaide also became interested in his suggestion. This steel rolling mill could really work.

It doesn’t matter how many bricks you burn, the key is that you do it both at the cusp of the storm and right under your nose...

(End of this chapter)

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