The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 645 Li Guishou (Part )

Chapter 645 Li Guishou (Part )

He came to Luo Yun and gave the top student in the Department of Economics a brief introduction to the matter of building a professional team, and asked Xiao Hu to learn skills from him, along with Da Liu and Ma Xiaobao who were hanging around on the street.

Of course, some of the clever hardcore men under Xiao Hu, Da Liu, and Ma Xiaobao are also students of Luo Yun.

Of course, Luo Yun is not the only teacher for these people. There are also such economic talents in Madianji Village. However, such economic classes are somewhat out of date and can only be regarded as small classes hidden in the village.

After looking for Luo Yun, Li Shengli also gave her some face, and also asked for a list of names from her, which were just old relatives and friends of Luo Yun's family who were still in the city.

When going to a free clinic in the city, one sheep is herded, and a group of sheep are herded. The self-training class or Li Shengli is not a person without a backing. The number is larger and the scope is larger. People who should not be treated for free are treated in free clinics. Li Shengli's side It's also a good way to explain to Wang Qianjin's godmother, everyone has relatives and friends, right?

After handling Xiao Hu and his wife, Li Shengli finally remembered that before he wanted to practice medicine alone, he first became a psychiatrist, which he least wanted to be.

From Du Peng and his wife to his brother-in-law Wang Qianjin, and then to the Xiao Hu and his wife in front of him, he and Gui Gong followed the plan and provided psychological counseling for these people.

The next day, Li Shengli also embarked on a real free medical practice trip, accompanied by Xiao Hu and Ma Xiaobao, who were carrying economics pamphlets.

Xiao Hu was doing better, mumbling words all the way, but Ma Xiaobao was a bit miserable. Because he didn't want to learn, Li Shengli opened his ribs and was in pain.

Xiao Hu and his team have the entrepreneurial spirit to make a splash in the future tide, but whether they can earn the title of reckless hero or not depends purely on luck.

Compared with wandering around in ignorance, if you learn a little professional knowledge and go for it with a purpose, the success rate will undoubtedly be higher. With a backer like Li Shengli, the chance of failure will be very low.

After entering the city, the three of them went their separate ways. Ma Xiaobao finally got a chance to breathe. After looking at Xiao Hu, he quickly ran away holding his ribs.

Although it is a strategic relocation and evacuation, only a few people can really leave. Even if you include those who are in chaos on the streets, even if you include schools and work units, the vast majority of people in the city still have to stay behind.

Although there was no large-scale evacuation of people in the city, without the idlers and bad guys on the streets, Sijiu City felt a bit bleak in the autumn wind.

Walking on the street, listening to the faded colored paper on the walls on both sides rustling in the wind only adds to the bleak feeling.

Free clinics, whether sitting or traveling, are not difficult for Li Shengli.

After several admonitions and warnings, the methods used on the street were far less cruel than before. The physical torture was not as good as the destruction of dignity. The people above were also smart people.

The methods used by Zhazidong and Baigongguan cannot be used on the street. For most people, the torture is mental.

For these reasons, the range of diseases that Li Shengli’s free clinic will deal with is almost certain. Skin trauma, bruises, joint injuries, rheumatism, and spleen deficiency caused by insufficient supply are the main diseases.

Joint injuries also have to be mentioned. Methods such as ninety-degree bows and helicopters have caused many people to have problems with their necks, shoulders, and waists.

If you really want to talk about it, Li Shengli’s free clinic has basically no serious injuries, and most of them are bone injuries and bruises. This type of injury is familiar to the field. As a bone injury expert, he can cure the disease at hand and medicine. Still very simple.

Normally, Li Shengli's diagnosis and treatment targets should be outside Deshengmen to the west of the self-training class, so going into the city is a bit redundant.

But many of the people on the list are not idle at home, but work on the streets in the city. Those who are lucky can still go home and live at night, but most of them live in the city. placement.

Being unable to return home, feeling depressed, joint injuries and injuries from falls are, for most people, both physical and mental torture.

The heart is already depressing, and such minor injuries make people unable to eat and sleep well at night. Most people cannot bear to live like this for a little longer, which is also the reason why many people die.

After walking around the city for a whole morning, seventeen or eight people on the list were diagnosed and treated, and they were given to dozens of people around them. Li Shengli also helped with the simple treatment. For him, this was really a stretch. thing.

It was similar to Li Shengli's prediction. During the whole morning, he didn't even give him any medicine for spleen deficiency. It was all about trauma and injuries.

Going into the city now is a certain risk for Li Shengli. His previous cheating has offended many people. Although his reputation as a specialist in trauma treatment is not obvious, who knows if anyone will remember him?

Li Shengli didn't come to the city to enjoy the free medical treatment, so it made sense to bring his own water and dry food, which not only saved time but also ensured safety.

When he was hungry, he found a corner to eat something. When he was not hungry, he got up and continued the free clinic. From entering the city early in the morning to leaving the city after work, Li Shengli treated more than fifty patients on the list in one day, more than thirty of them were traumatic injuries. Injured by a fall.

Many patients looked like they were dying, but Li Shengli knew that their mental state would be different within two or three days at most.

If you are in a better state of mind, your mental state will be greatly improved that night.

Today's free clinics are just a help in times of need. When people are strong, they cannot be defeated or smashed by repeated torture.

When we are vulnerable, it is true that toothache is not a disease. The pain can kill people. At this time, with such a gentle tug, many people can persist until the wind and rain stop.

After the day's free clinic, Li Shengli returned to Madianji. Making a living at home was not the end.

After simply writing a report and eating a few mouthfuls of hot food, he drove his Willis straight to Xiaowangzhuang. Now, it was not the time to talk about the darkness under the lights.

It is also an indispensable part to keep a record of things and show merit for success. After reading a small report of a free clinic, Mr. Du talked about it in the leadership office.

In addition to being beneficial to Li Shengli, it is also very beneficial to promoting self-training classes for barefoot doctors.


Yes, the analysis is spot on.

As you said, the situation of many people will change.

Shengli, you asked your subordinates to promote the barefoot doctor training class, but left the correspondence class in the city, isn't it a little too independent..."

After roughly reading Li Shengli's free clinic report, Father Du lit it up and threw it into a pot nearby. After watching it burn out, he slowly spoke.

He just had to read the free clinic report. It was impossible to submit it. At best, he could just talk about it. After all, it was still not easy to talk about it on the table.

After talking about the free clinic, Father Du didn't forget to talk about the report Li Shengli gave him about the barefoot doctor training class.

As Li Shengli said, there is a huge demand for barefoot doctors in the more than three million villages below. The current scale of barefoot doctors is far from meeting this demand.

Promoting order is something that should and must be done, but Li Shengli silently put the power of correspondence teaching directly in the hands of the self-training class, which seemed to be a monopoly.

"Dad, this is determined by the current actual conditions.

There may be a very small part of the units below that have the ability to continue training above the level of barefoot doctors, but it is impossible for them to devote all their energy to barefoot doctors. The daily tasks are enough to keep them busy. Instead of teaching some nondescript stuff, it is better to conduct correspondence education and field education in the self-training class.

Currently, there are more than a thousand veteran Chinese medicine practitioners from various places and front-line Chinese medicine practitioners in the self-training class. There is no such foundation and strength anywhere in the country. "

After listening to what Li Shengli said, Father Du's face also became bitter. His virtuous son-in-law was good at planning for rainy days, but the matter of taking over power was not so easy to discuss.

"Shengli, can the Chinese medicine practitioners from the self-training class follow us?"

Even if what Father Du said directly harmed Li Shengli's interests, it was also something that should be said seriously.

In the official career, success or failure is determined by the results regardless of the process of doing things. The result of Li Shengli's protection of famous old Chinese medicine doctors is that currently more than 30% of the famous old Chinese medicine doctors in the country are staying in mountain villages.

“Dad, first of all, how to get their medical licenses?

Secondly, is it necessary to obtain their consent?

The third point is, how can the safety of these people be ensured after they go down?

The fourth point is, if the correspondence teaching effect is not satisfactory after this group of people go, how to solve it?

The fifth point is that after the correspondence course, the barefoot doctor will advance further. Did they teach it?

Point six..."

Listening to the wise son-in-law's words, Father Du also had a headache. It can be said that none of these problems can be solved now.

He didn't know the specific situation in the mountain village, but he just didn't want his son-in-law to take too much power.

After listening to these questions from Li Shengli, Mr. Du also knew that many things were not as simple as they seemed.

"Then how to solve their household registration?"

Father Du's question made Li Shengli show his white teeth. Some people today may not care about the household registration issue, but he cares about it very much.

Since the beginning of the difficulties, the issue of household registration from rural to non-agricultural has basically not been a problem. If one does not transfer, there will be no problem. There is no special channel, and the only way is to change from urban household registration to rural household registration.

To change from a rural household registration to an urban household registration, to put it bluntly, it is not as easy as taking the college entrance examination.

Shanshan also said that Wali and Madianji will both have registered permanent residence in the capital in the future. It makes no sense for Li Shengli not to give the famous old Chinese medicine doctors a backing up.

"Dad, everyone has settled in Madianji and Wali villages, and they all have corresponding homesteads. The houses on the homesteads have been built in the past two years."

This sentence blocked Du's next question, and also explained the wealth that Li Shengli left for these famous old Chinese medicine doctors.

This was also a secret thing that Li Shengli and Uncle Wang Qinjin secretly did by taking advantage of their right to be dispatched to the countryside. There was a female director in the commune, Ma Fenglan, to help. Even though Madianji and Wali were not the same commune, settling in the countryside was not a good thing for the two uncles. In short, it's a piece of cake.

The settlement of famous old Chinese medicine practitioners is different from that of young people who go to the countryside. Young people go to the countryside to live on loan. If they want to buy a house, in addition to money, they have to get the consent of the village brigade. Most of the young people who go to the countryside are from the countryside. Proletarian.

As for the famous old Chinese medicine doctors who settled in Wali and Madianji, they all have homes. They are not small homes with three or five rooms, but twelve rooms with hatchbacks and reverse seats. Large yard.

Although no one has cleaned up the earthwork in the city, the bricks and stones are good things. After pulling these things back, you can build a house.

New villages have been planned in Wali and on the mountain, followed by Madianji and Taipingzhuang. The courtyards are the same as those of the old Chinese medicine practitioners. They are all 12-room courtyards. Many things can be done if they are not planned in advance. Objective truth.

When you meet such a good son-in-law, Father Du is really speechless. What you want to say, he has blocked for you in advance. Thinking of this time, he talked about the epidemic control in Hong Kong City over there in the office.

Father Du thought about it carefully and decided not to treat his good son-in-law lightly. He was not old, but he was very experienced. Although his method of doing things was questionable, the results were really challenging. Nothing goes wrong.

After a chat between the father-in-law and father-in-law Du, Li Shengli continued his free clinic and Father Du continued to help.

There are a lot of things going on in the leadership office, and Father Du has made a lot of connections by relying on his daughter's previous relationship with his virtuous son-in-law.

Not long after the evacuation, Lao Du got a position as the director of the temporary liaison office in the leadership office. From now on, he would really be Director Du in Li Huaide's mouth. Although he was still working as a helper, he still had a name.

As for Li Shengli's free clinic, it went smoothly. Today, self-training classes are the largest group in and outside the city.

Not counting the self-training class, Li Shengli and Wang Qianjin, who helped Xiao Hu and others cover up on the street, gathered together and were the largest group in the city.

These people were originally from the streets, but it is not impossible to say that the rules of the city's arena come from Li Shengli's sect.

Whether it is traveling to the doctor or sitting in the clinic, Li Shengli is always the fastest. A normal bruise can be solved in a few strokes.

He does free clinics on the street. Basically, they meet each other and are given a bamboo tube medicine bottle, and the diagnosis and treatment are completed.

Li Shengli's reputation as Kuai Guishou also began to spread in the city. Although it was slightly different from Li Guishou before him, the difference was not too big.

The news brought back by Mr. Du, as well as the private contacts with the United States during this period, and the border talks with the north, all showed that strategically there was no battle to be fought.

But strategy is strategy, and tactical preparation is also indispensable.

As the old saying goes, if you don't plan everything, it will be ruined. Everything is unpredictable. If someone catches you off guard, you will suffer a big loss.

Although the grand strategy is not to attack, when it comes to the details of the city, the leadership office has overturned the previous technical standards for digging holes.

Air-raid shelters for large bombs, minor operations, or various civil defense fortifications are also a country's strategic reserves, and there is nothing wrong with taking the opportunity to promote them.

This makes some original air-raid shelters lose their due role. Only centralized air-raid and explosion-proof fortifications meet strategic requirements.

As a result, the air-raid shelters originally placed in neighborhood committees have been centralized again. There is no need to dig air-raid shelters at home, but the amount of work for collective and unit air-raid shelters has been increased again.

Shafts and human-powered elevators have now become standard features in air-raid shelters. Many units remaining in the city now have to devote about half of their manpower to these civil air defense projects or to stockpile supplies.

The huge Sijiu City, after a moment of silence, began to become noisy again, but this time the energy was stronger...

(End of this chapter)

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