The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 628: Continuous Results (Part )

Chapter 628: Continuous Results (Part )

After meeting Mr. Du, Li Huaide, who had already confirmed his surrender, was as meticulous as him, and he had to admire Li Shengli's quick thinking.

The piles of dirt in various places in the city have long become a common trouble for all parties. There are some air-raid shelters, but they have been dug since before the storm.

After going through difficulties and deporting people, although the living conditions in the city are still tight, there are many people of all ages with abandoned houses and abandoned land. Small-scale digging holes and excavated earth can be piled up in nooks and crannies.

Nowadays, all the people are digging holes. The earth and rocks excavated in a day are used by all the vehicles in the city, and they may not be able to pull them all.

Filling the lowlands outside the city requires a certain amount of earthwork, but the transportation capacity is really limited. A shovel full of soil weighs thirty-six kilograms, and cars and tractors can still be used. Just dress up and it will be enough. If it is replaced by an animal-drawn vehicle, it will be enough. It has to be dressed up.

Otherwise, the horse-drawn carriages and ox-carts will be full, and even if they can be pulled, they will not be able to pull them several times a day. If they are loaded less, they can be pulled a few more times, but the earthwork figures will still be there, and they will be counted. Go, it’s almost an account.

According to the current progress, within a few months, the accumulated earthwork in the city will definitely affect traffic. Aren't these few months the best reserve time for the workers and peasants of the steel rolling mill?

"Brother-in-law, the Gongnong brand has higher requirements for parts and components. Just like the Convenience brand, it will be difficult to produce 1,800 vehicles at once."

Li Huaide is grasping the general trend here, but Du Peng, the unlicensed chief engineer, is in charge of the details. The convenience brand has been delayed in leaving the factory, but it is not that there is a lack of parts.

But the initial test results were not very satisfactory, and the Gongnong brand was positioned between cars and tractors.

In terms of cars, the Gongnong brand is acceptable, but compared to the cargo capacity of tractors, the products currently put together by the steel rolling mill are somewhat inadequate.

"Director, have they integrated all the problems?"

Although Du Peng was easily drawn into the game, the priority still had to be distinguished. Li Huaide was different from Niu Bijian. Although Li Shengli defined both of them as Du family mazai, they were fundamentally different.

Xin Yihe's Niu Bijian, in the early days, was like a domestic slave, and Ma Zai praised him because the Du family or Li Shengli controlled the lifeblood of Lao Niu.

As for Li Huaide, he was only a collaborator in Du Lao's official career. As far as the external environment was concerned, Li Huaide could only be a collaborator. To say that Lao Li was a Ma Zai was somewhat derogatory.

Perhaps after many years, Lao Li will be qualified to call Father Du an old leader and be a real Ma Zai. Now, he, Lao Li, is not qualified yet.

Seeing that Xiao Li was also a perfect person, Li Huaide smiled and said:

"Now, brakes are a problem. The frame is made of rails, and the power of the diesel engine is no problem. Our factory is not capable of producing brake components."

The three cars in the steel rolling mill are the tools for Li Huaide to make progress. Lao Li is more concerned about them than Du Peng and Feng Qian know, but they don't know many things.

Many things cannot be understood through words, but they can also be understood through words. Du Peng and Feng Qian should not despise Lao Li, but Li Shengli's side is looking at Lao Li's attitude towards things, which seems to be pretty good now.

“It’s easy, just pretend to have whatever you have!

It can be a tractor, or it can be changed to three wheels. It can also have one less wheel at the front, and it can also be a little rougher for shock absorption and the like.

Director, I have something to trouble you about. There are not many land boundaries around Sijiu City that can store mountains of soil. Please find out in advance.

If the road conditions are good, many things will be easier to do. The emphasis on the worker and peasant cards saved this time is to have more numbers and pull more, but what about speed?

I feel that this problem is going to last for a long time, so the speed should be slow or fast. If it is fast, who would know that this is the worker-peasant card produced by the steel rolling mill?

Or is it just like the convenience card, we won the first prize, and the remaining brake components are just a matter of a few transfer orders?

I estimate that even the three to five thousand earth-moving trucks that are under construction on the subway may not be enough.

Two steel rails, three wheels, a wooden carriage, and a diesel engine will make it run slower if it is pulled too much. It is not possible even if you brake uneasily. It's okay! "

The design idea of ​​the workers and peasants card has nothing to do with Li Huaide. For Lao Li, if it continues for a long time, that is what Xiao Li and Li Shengli want to say to him.

The rest is what Du Peng should remember. As long as he, Old Li, remembers the location of the mountain of earth for a long time, it is enough.

“Brother-in-law, don’t you brake if you don’t want to?

What to do if you run over someone? "

Although he understood what his brother-in-law Li Shengli wanted to do, as the chief engineer of the steel rolling mill, Du Peng didn't want to design an amateur car without brakes and make people laugh.

According to Feng Qian, if the designed thing is too rough, it will be a stain on the designer's experience.

It's okay to let Li Huaide make the decision, but he, Du Peng, can't make too many mistakes.

"Du Peng, you have no life now, your brother-in-law is right.

There are no Jiefang trucks on the street, some pulling more than a dozen trailers?

This is earth pulling, with three or five hanging buckets, the worker and peasant brand cannot outrun the bullock cart.

Furthermore, there is too much earth currently accumulated in the city and will be accumulated in the future.

We can definitely set up a dedicated route, a dry land train, which is what the people call the liberation train with a long trailer. Let's just follow this.

Use one with brakes in the city. If you want to go out of the city, get a high-power engine. "

Lao Li's mind was spinning very fast, and he directly explained the design idea of ​​the engineering vehicle. Li Shengli did not answer the question, but gave a thumbs up to express his agreement.

"The factory director still has an idea."

After listening to what Lao Li said, Du Peng also patted his forehead. He was anxious about this matter and thought twice about it.

"Young man, don't forget to observe life after work. I see that after you entered the factory, you didn't go out seriously.

After we go back, I will get you a new work permit and a jeep with a pass. You and Feng Qian can take a walk around the city and check out the road conditions. "

After quietly giving Du Peng a favor, Li Huaide turned to Li Shengli and said:

“I came here today because I wanted to discuss with you the air-raid shelter under the Victory Clinic.

Since the workers and peasants card has been mentioned, let's not be in a hurry. You can go back and see how to plan this air-raid shelter when you have free time. You are a pioneer in this matter and have sufficient experience.

Let's drink less. After dinner, Du Peng and I quickly returned to the factory to catch up on the Workers' and Peasants' Brand. "

Ideas are not as good as changes. Li Huaide can also come up and down at any time. The workers and peasants cards are combined with small high-standard air-raid shelters. No matter which side he is, Old Li is a capable person.

After looking at Director Du's son-in-law and son, Li Huaide also strengthened his determination to serve.

Lao Li also saw clearly what was going on in the storm, and it was okay to just follow him around. Killing the original Factory Director Yang was enough for him.

No matter how loudly he hit this or that, he didn't see Director Du. Li Huaide still had illusions. If he saw him, he would know that many high-ranking officials would be watching with cold eyes.

These years have gone too far, and when the wind and water turn, it will also be the turn of the blind blathering to be unlucky. The principles of officialdom have not changed for thousands of years.

As the former deputy director of the steel rolling mill and now Director Li of the revolutionary committee of the steel rolling mill, Li Huaide has his own way of looking at things.

There is no need to use other standards, just the output of the steel rolling mill is enough. Although it is to maintain production, the factory is shut down every three days. Recently, a considerable part of the manpower has been used for militia training, digging holes, stocking up on supplies, etc. Transfer supplies.

Since all working hours are spent on these things, it’s no wonder that production is not affected. Based on previous years’ attendance rates and compared with production efficiency, this year’s attendance rate is only half of last year’s and one to two percent of that before the storm. The steel rolling mill is only a part of the industrial cycle. A link.

If the steel rolling mill loses production, the production capacity of downstream factories will be restricted and their operations will be insufficient. Upstream factories, mines, and steel mills will also be affected.

Although the supply and demand of raw materials are tight now, once this tight supply situation calms down, there may be big problems in the industrial cycle. When the production capacity of mines and steel plants is also affected, the cycle may not be able to continue.

This is similar to a machine. If there are problems everywhere, it is not far from a shutdown. The nonsense will definitely not be sustainable. Li Huaide can predict the future situation based on the output of the steel rolling mill.

Without intervention from above, the industrial cycle will affect other industries in about three to five years. Any longer, and the result will be a complete shutdown.

"That works!

But at my free clinic, there have been a few patients with radiation sickness recently. They were sent down from above, so it’s impossible not to take good care of them first.

If I can't get away, the factory director will ask Du Peng to notify me. "

Hearing Li Shengli's serious address, Li Huaide's heart tightened again, just like giving birth.

The storm has now affected the mainstay. Without these people, there would be no mention of production. No one with any brains would dare to use them when it comes to those who go to the countryside to starve.

They can't even understand what they're doing if they keep arguing and don't resist. It's probably more difficult than starting over from scratch. To put it bluntly, it's better to keep the current situation with the young people who went to the countryside. At least they can survive. Three to five years.

Learning technology can't be learned by just talking about it. If you point your fingers at the industry, that's pure bullshit.

Now Li Huaide has basically seen Li Shengli's position clearly. He is an alien among decent people and a bad guy among bad guys. In these days and days, Xiao Li is the type of person who is least likely to be trifled with. It is not against the law to kill people, so who should be trifled with? Can you afford it?

"it is good!

It’s just that the preparation of the materials will take some time. After I finished eating, I went to the courtyard to relieve my drunkenness. I have other things to do in the afternoon! "

Watching Li Huaide go out, Li Shengli glanced at his brother-in-law Du Peng and signaled him to report to work.

"Brother-in-law, the design of the Gongnong brand..."

"That's wrong, tell me what happened with that college student who went to the countryside. Do you really think you are Mr. Du?

The steel rolling mill is just a transition and protection. On the convenience sign, all you want is the word "BA" in Chinese and Pakistani.

The workers and peasants card only needs the word "kuai"; the remaining unity cards only need the word "和".

These words have nothing to do with the quality and level of the car. They show your vision and ability to do things and solve problems.

If you really want to be Mr. Du, you still need at least five years of college qualifications!

In this marriage, you will be both the son of the Du family and their son-in-law. Once the relationship is finalized, each of you must put your career first.

Tell Feng Qian that if the time is right, let Li Huaide sneak people into the steel rolling mill and change their names. This is also a familiar trick for you. "

After pausing for a moment with the empty wine cup in front of him, Li Shengli interrupted Du Peng's technical report.

For this heartless pretty boy, it is not difficult to win over others, but the difficulty is maintaining the subsequent relationship between husband and wife.


Brother-in-law, I was still thinking about warming the hot pot before talking about this.

There are no gossips in the factory about the matter between Feng Qian and I. What should we do? "

Like his brother-in-law Li Shengli, who lives in one house and one pot, Du Peng thinks he doesn't have that kind of ability, and the family across the street is not that kind of family. If he really does this, he will die quickly in the future.

"That's the matter between Feng Qian and her. As for men, it's fine if we don't leave each other.

At this time, even if you really see it, you have to endure it, but how to go forward is the most important thing.

People are serious college students, ambitious, and just follow their own interests.

Can’t you get an understanding in exchange for your full support in your career?

This is especially true for women who study science and engineering. With a little guidance, they can become very rational.

If you have nothing to do, tell her more about the difficulties of those female scholars or female scientists who do not have the support of their families. If you have empathy, maybe they will be willing to be blind! "

After quickly finalizing Du Peng's affairs, Li Shengli didn't let Li Huaide wait any longer in the courtyard.

After unloading the cigarettes and alcohol in the car with Du Peng, Li Shengli sent away the two people who had their own concerns.

Returning to the free clinic in the self-training class in the afternoon, the initial medication for radiation sickness also showed results.

If radiation sickness can be cured by just venting and taking supplements, then radiation will not do any harm to people.

Generally speaking, tonics are not needed for diseases caused by evil heat. Evil heat and fire poison are rootless trees in the body. As long as the syndrome differentiation is accurate, evil heat and fire poison can be manipulated by drugs and should not be considered a big deal.

But radiation sickness is different. These new patients are also very different from Master Yang, who has suffered radiation injuries for more than ten years.

The remaining radiation in their bodies is the fuel for evil heat and fire poison. Once it is vented, it will come again. The method of nourishing yin and promoting body fluid to eliminate evil heat is that when encountering waves of evil heat, there will be signs of drinking poison to quench thirst. .

After using Qingxiao tonic drugs, the effect of the drug is not obvious. Once the tonic effect is achieved, the evil heat will rise accordingly. Wave after wave can be blocked, and this wave is higher than the previous wave. The treatment is as follows. It's almost time to wake up.

Now Li Shengli and Pu Lao's idea of ​​using medicine has returned to what he originally mentioned, Danggui Buxue Decoction and Wuzi Yanzong Pills.

Faced with the situation where medication only leads to losses, Li Shengli still uses the same old method, using the authentic medicinal properties of authentic medicinal materials to replenish the body's deficiencies.

"Victory, too much supplement will only encourage evil heat. If you simply increase the efficacy of the medicine, I'm afraid there will still be no solution..."

Faced with such a difficult disease, Mr. Pu and other old men also frowned. This is the state of encountering a new disease that is not going well. It is obvious that the syndrome identification is correct, but after applying the medicine, there is no effect.

If the path is wrong, there is still a positive side to the pulse, but it is just that the catharsis cannot be corrected. Changing the path is nothing more than catharsis and tonic. Changing it again and again is just changing the soup without changing the medicine.

"Then we will use the method that Pu Lao mentioned before, and we will still use compound medicine.

Danggui Buxue Decoction and Wuzi Yanzong Pills cannot be stopped. One dose of these two medicines is to nourish blood and the other is to improve essence.

Add Qingying Decoction and Huanglian Jiedu Decoction for catharsis, add Angong Niuhuang Pills, increase or decrease, and supplement with tonics such as Sijunzi Decoction according to changes in pulse conditions.

Use heavy medicine this time, otherwise their bodies may not be able to bear it if they continue to waste their time.

When people come to our side, they have to listen to us.

As asked by the above, my treatment policy this time is that the radiation is extremely intense, the evil heat and fire poison are intense, and the medication should also be intense. "

After listening to Li Shengli's words, Mr. Pu, like Li Huaide he met in the morning, played obediently. As soon as he heard the words "my treatment policy", the old man sighed heavily.

Strong medicines are used for weak people. Once the patients cannot handle the medicines, the risk is life or death...

(End of this chapter)

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