The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 627: Massive Construction (Part )

Chapter 627: Massive Construction (Part )

After visiting the prefabricated board factory, Li Shengli arrived at the Madian Village Headquarters. After Wang Qingping, the party secretary, took office, the old party secretary Wang Shengting slowly put down his work and began to hand over power to his son again.

When the power was handed over for the first time, the old man didn't look very carefully and almost let his son ruin the huge horse shop, and he felt very unhappy.

Now the father and son, with the son in charge and the old branch secretary Wang Shengting in charge, aim to restore the members' perception of Wang Qingping with their old faces and hard work.

"Shengli, you haven't had much time to spare recently, young man, you have to take a break when you need it.

Look at the half-hearted people in Taipingzhuang. They don't accept people who don't treat people here. Last time, after I came here with my legs open to catch the autumn breeze, I went back and asked Guanda to prepare a meal. During this time, I became honest and was soaking manure in the village. "

Speaking of village doctors, there are no village doctors in Madianji, Wali, or in the mountains. However, Madianji’s standards were not low before, and they were assigned a health worker who graduated from a medical college.

Villages like Taipingzhuang, which are inherited from the elders, have serious village doctors, but the one there is not a serious person.

He is a half-baked monk who has become a monk on his way to becoming a monk. His rules are still young and old. If people in Madianji want to see him, most of the time they will not show him.

Some time ago, Madianji cooperated with Taipingzhuang. This old guy got the news from nowhere and wanted to arrange for a dozen children to study in Li Shengli's self-training class.

The proud man wanted to come to the old house of the Wang family in Madianji, but he didn't even come in from the village entrance. He pointed at his age and acted like a jerk with the militiamen in Madianji village. As a result, he happened to meet Ma Xiaobao and threw him into the ditch. .

After being cleaned up, I found out where I was coming from and contacted Dana Guan of Taiping Village.

This old village doctor in Taipingzhuang settled in Qizhuang during the Republic of China. To put it bluntly, he just settled in the city.

This man became the village doctor of Taipingzhuang by relying on a few things passed down from his family. He was also a man who relied on his craftsmanship to get more food and take advantage of others. He was not favored by Dana and the other villagers.

Naturally, Ma Xiaobao took care of him and beat him back, without even seeing Li Shengli's face.

After Li Shengli found out, he inquired about the man's situation and heard that he was not a stranger, so he didn't pay much attention.

As an old village doctor, life in Taipingzhuang is much more comfortable than that of Li Shengli in Madianji.

Not only does a person take food for a family, but it is none of his business whether he is busy or leisurely when working in the village. He has just become a person who smokes foreign cigarettes in the office, and is very unpopular with the village members.

Speaking of people, no matter whether it is a flag village or an ordinary village, they are all the same. There are no rules to speak of. At that time, what was divided was nothing more than profit.

The words "1, 2, 3, 4" are just like the salary of 460 for a first-level professor in the city, and it is almost one of the causes of the storm.

The first-class people smoke foreign cigarettes in the office; the second-class people spend half the day in meetings and half the day free; the third-class people are poor at all times; the fourth-class people work on production with their tail between their legs.

Speaking of Madianji, let alone the captains and deputy captains of the village, the accountants and treasury managers of each team are also semi-off-the-job. This applies not only to rural areas, but also to urban areas.

Those who are more numerous are still the third-class people in the jingle. They are not worried about the scarcity but the inequality. This saying is always useful.

It’s similar to what Li Shengli said. Compared with those literary artists who seek shortcomings, the third-class people in jingles are the ones who are really difficult to deal with.


Don't mention this. Recently, the school outside the village needs to increase its manpower, and the building is not enough.

Old party secretary, the rules are still the same as before, the construction cooperative has masters here, and I have people from my side.

You have to take care of the fertilizer section. Thousands of people’s lives depend on food!

This year we have to build a house again in the mountain village, and you have to plan for the materials and the like. "

When it comes to rest, comfort and leisure, compared with others, Li Shengli feels that his life is already very good. Many things must be done in comparison.

Living in Madianji Village, Li Shengli couldn't do nothing every day, wandering around the older girls and younger wives, let alone eat and drink in the big canteen all day long.

Apart from these two points, wearing unpatched clothes, living in a landlord's courtyard in the village, and occasionally driving is nothing.

People always have empathy. Don't say that no one will be jealous if there is too much difference. If Li Shengli acted like a landlord in Madianji Village, eight old Party Secretary Wang Shengting would not be able to suppress the whole village.

In this day and age, meat has to be eaten secretly, new clothes have to be worn inside, good cigarettes and good wine have to be packed in boxes, and wealth can be used at any time if it is not exposed.

Otherwise, if you live in the same courtyard, others eat porridge and you eat meat, you can just wait for trouble to come to your door.

Li Shengli felt that nowadays, apart from the fact that his crotch was a bit abrasive when walking for long distances, the cloth pants were pretty good. There were elastic pants over there in Hong Kong City, but those were really more comfortable than troublesome. , so I didn’t buy it even though I knew it existed.

I recently sat in a self-training class and took advantage of my free time to read medical books and classics. Brother Tong gave me advanced internal medicine, and there were faint signs of understanding it. This kind of mental refreshment is something you can't get by swiping your mobile phone.

Then comparing the experiences of the residents of the small building with Du Jiaoyang, Wang Qianjin, Ding Lan, and Xie Fei, and comparing the treatment of young people who went to the countryside through letters, his life can be regarded as a fairy life now, except for the occasional Apart from feeling tired, everything is going well.

"It's up to you.

Shengli, the members of the village have made a lot of money recently, but they have money and no place to spend it, so they feel depressed even if they hold it back.

Look, can you get some things from the supply and marketing cooperative to cover the money that the members can't spend? "

Li Shengli was content with the status quo, and Wang Shengting, the old party secretary, also expressed his melancholy. It was not easy to lead a whole village with him.

When you are hungry, you have to look for food everywhere; when you are poor, you have to make a living from scratch; when you have money, it is not without trouble.

In this day and age, there are really not many things in the supply and marketing cooperatives that do not require vouchers. Even if every household in the village has a stack and a half of unity, there is no place to spend this much money.

According to Wang Shengting's explanation, the villagers had a lot of money to burn, but there was no way. During this period, many villagers secretly ran out to pick up things in the city or at the pigeon market.

There are some things that Wang Shengting just turns a blind eye to, but Ma Laosan, the master of the village slaughterhouse, often sneaks out of the village and hauls things around the city. I heard that he has almost spent the little two thousand yuan he got. .

Many things have to be seen for signs, knowing that if he doesn't persuade him, something will happen in the village, so the old party secretary put Li Shengli as the breakthrough point to solve the problem.


Tell Ma Laosan, too. If he plays harp again in the village, I will beat him to pieces. "

With Ma Xiaobao and the young people, Li Shengli could also get a general idea of ​​what was going on in Madianji Village. This is the benefit of individuals in later generations. No one believes it. When you get the news, you have to compare it. Otherwise, the whole Madianji story will be decided by the Wang family and his son, and Li Shengli is afraid of being ignored.

As for Ma Laosan, Ma Xiaobao and the others were naturally clear. Those who slipped out of the village were probably let out by the militiamen who could not stop them and turned a blind eye.

To the village militia, these people who slipped out of Madianji were either uncles or uncles. No matter how brave a young man is, he is still afraid of the big stick at home, right?

"It has to be you!

I'll let Xiao Ma arrange the people, and you can rest assured about building the house.

During the period before and after the New Year, teachers in the city also held classes for the members. They learned a lot of things and were just waiting for the opportunity to put them to use. "

After finalizing the exchange of money for supplies, Wang Shengting also praised Haikou. Since the village has taken in city people, whether it is farming or building houses, according to Li Shengli's words, he must listen to the advice of those cultural people.

If it's not bad, you have to listen to others. Last year, in terms of grain production, because of the advice of the agricultural technology teacher, Madianji had the experience of spreading fertilizer and water in the rain, and the increase in grain production was visible to the naked eye.

Nowadays, in Madianji, it has become a trend to learn from the masters in the city. This has also improved the lives of some people from the city who took refuge in Madianji.

Rural people are real, and in this day and age, the most real thing in the countryside is food. Saving some good things in exchange for skills has become a tacit livelihood for both parties.

After the old party secretary agreed, Li Shengli didn't go to the mountain village anymore. He had already made the general plan there, which was nothing more than expanding along the mountain.

He can outline the plan in general, but the specific design and construction are the business of Professor Liu and Team Ma.

As for the material things that the old party secretary mentioned, Li Shengli also had access to them, which was just the inventory of supply and marketing cooperatives and some factories in the city.

Although most of today's production is planned, there is also unplanned production. Today's factories and companies mostly have single products, and inventory problems are unavoidable.

The supply and marketing cooperative is a little better. The inventory is also purposeful. Wang Qianjin has collected a batch before, but the inventory in the factory is really unsellable inventory.

If you need something unplanned, you can exchange it for something. If you don’t have it unplanned, it will just sit in the library and gather dust.

The old branch secretary brought it up, and Li Shengli took the opportunity to wash it out, but there were still unfinished treasury bills.

During this period, the biggest use of treasury bills was to exchange for food and stamps, just like the members of Madianji. In these days, there were not enough bills and they could not spend money.

The idea of ​​large-scale construction projects has been finalized in Madianji, but the situation in the north has become increasingly tense, because after the spring thaw, people become more alive and can do many things.

Similar to the Czech Republic before, Big Brother still wants to use the army to suppress the border and resolve the dispute roughly. But for this side, the army to suppress the border is obviously not a very useful method.

There was a move in the north, and here it was just soldiers versus soldiers versus generals.

The army moved ahead without moving food and grass. With this movement, the supply situation became tense, and the exchanges of people in the city became more frequent.

Although they were coming and going, more people were leaving the city with a purpose. Just as Li Shengli said to his brother-in-law Wang Qianjin, the transfer in the city had already begun.

Young people who were stranded in the city and did not go to the countryside were increasingly urged to go to the countryside. This was also a way to avoid war.

Likewise, more and more soil is being piled up in remote areas throughout the city, and everyone is digging holes. What used to be just a matter of words has now slowly become a job on the hands.

The neighborhood committee began to urge households to dig holes, and the housekeepers and aunts who had been abandoned began to play an indispensable role again.

Even factories and mines have taken over the task of digging holes in shifts while maintaining production.

Many families now dig holes in factories during the day and go home to dig holes at night. Although the standards for digging holes vary, they are still very motivated.

On Wang Qianjin's side, under the supervision of the neighborhood committee, according to his brother-in-law, he began to dig a vegetable cellar in the yard. According to his family's Lao Wang:

'If your brother-in-law asks you to dig a vegetable cellar, you dig a vegetable cellar. If he asks you to build a fire dragon, you find someone to build it. It's just another way of saying it.

That guy looks at the general trend and is right! '

The yard in Mianmian Hutong, the yard of Li Shengli's second brother and sister, and the small yard newly built by Xie Fei in the city have all become Wang Qianjin's livelihood. Who allows him to control so many people?

Wang Qianjin stayed in the city digging holes, and Li Shengli also unexpectedly received a call from Li Huaide of the steel rolling mill.

Most of the time, it was Li Shengli who took the initiative to contact Old Li. On the other hand, Director Li rarely contacted Xiao Li on his own initiative.

According to Lao Li's wish, the two of them still met in the small courtyard restaurant of the Madianji Canteen. This time, only Li Huaide and Du Peng came, and Feng Qian did not come with them.

Thinking about what Lao Li said on the phone about the task of digging holes, Li Shengli was also a little confused about Director Li's purpose.

"Shengli, there are cigarettes and alcohol in the car, don't forget it when you leave."

The meticulous Director Li was still opening his mouth to give gifts as usual. After entering the room and sitting down, Lao Li was not polite and spoke directly.

"Shengli, the air-raid shelter in the factory is definitely not a brilliant job.

I'm thinking about the air-raid shelter you dug in Wali. Let's dig a high-standard air-raid shelter over there at your clinic, right?

There are many neighborhood committees related to the factory. I plan to cooperate with neighborhood committees everywhere to pick out a few suitable and conspicuous land boundaries and dig a number of high-standard small air-raid shelters. "

How about Lao Li being able to become Deputy Director Li and Director Li? He could firmly hold the position of Director Li without having to risk a life-threatening lawsuit. He is not an ordinary meticulous person.

Digging a batch of small and high-standard air-raid shelters is a typical example of using small things to make big gains.

The manpower and materials used in digging large air-raid shelters in the factory were first used to dig small air-raid shelters. Although Lao Li claimed that he copied Xiao Li's work, others had not seen reports about the Wali incident, so why wouldn't they copy it? ?

"Director, you are still smart!

Didn't you notice that there are a lot of mounds of dirt on both sides of the road along the way? "

Li Shengli flattered Lao Li in front of the Moutai and China Cigarettes in the car. Lao Li's main job now is to pave the way for Du Peng. In the future, he will listen to Du Lao's command.

A small, high-standard air-raid shelter was nothing to do with Du Peng. Thinking of the increasing piles of dirt on the street, Li Shengli dragged his brother-in-law Du Peng into the situation again.

"You kid, you have a quick brain, it's time for the workers and peasants to show their strength..."

(End of this chapter)

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