The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 629: Continuous Results (Part )

Chapter 629: Continuous Results (Part )

"Sheng Li, if you take this medicine, the risk to the patient will be very high.

How about applying for a batch of nutritional supplements and letting them rest for a while? "

If it were purely a matter of doctor-patient relationship, Mr. Pu would have agreed to Li Shengli's medication plan.

Nowadays, faced with moderate to severe cases of radiation sickness, they, the top medical experts, still cannot help but try their best.

This is not a problem of inaccurate syndrome differentiation, but because the patient's condition is complicated. He cannot relieve his symptoms and cannot take a large amount of tonic. He needs to replenish his body gradually. Regardless of whether he can replenish his body or not, the time the patient leaves for them may not be that long.

"Mr. Pu, we're afraid we won't have that time. There are many things that patients cannot say due to confidentiality principles.

I guess they have already used chemicals to reduce the radiation level in the body. For us, there is no other way but to resort to traditional Chinese medicine.

This time, the medicines are given one by one, starting with the one with the worst health.

You must prepare life-saving medicines in advance, such as oxygen, cardiotonic drugs, etc..."

Seeing that Li Shengli was about to fight his last, Mr. Pu had a lot of worries on his face. Dialectically speaking, everyone believed that the previous treatment plan was the right one, but the patient was in really bad condition and the medicine couldn't work.

The matter has come to this point, no matter how hard we argue, we can’t come up with a clear answer. Now we can only hope that the patients can withstand the proper effects of the medicine. If they can’t handle it, they will not die. TCM first aid may be criticized, but it is not possible to die. The methods are also incomparable to Western medicine.

It is very likely that the next medication will overwhelm the body. This is why Chinese medicine sometimes says that it is difficult to find medicine. It is not that there is no cure, but that the effect of the medicine is more dangerous than the disease.

Many times, senior doctors have said that just treat patients as normal, but this normal treatment depends on the time and the patient.

Nowadays, patients who are terminally ill are suffering from the same pain.

If the medicine fails, people will die. If there are diseases in medical books, you can also refer to them. As a new disease, radiation sickness is absolutely indispensable.

Just follow Li Shengli's current statement and prescribe heavy and violent medicine, and the patient will die immediately. How can you feel normal at this time?

After Li Shengli finalized the treatment plan, first aid drugs and methods were ready. In the afternoon, he consolidated the treatment with the decoction Danggui Buxue Decoction and Wuzi Yanzong Pills.

Early the next morning, under the witness of everyone, Qingying Decoction, Huanglian Jiedu Decoction, and Angong Niuhuang Pills were administered to the patient in sequence.

If Da Liang cathartic drugs are used, the most direct effect is that the patient starts to have blood in his stool.

Li Shengli and Mr. Pu naturally did not take it lightly. They guarded the patient conscientiously and performed hand pulse examinations every once in a while.

Li Shengli and Mr. Pu, who were more than ten years old, kept guard for three days in fear. Finally, the clouds cleared and the moon appeared. After the catharsis, the patient's pulse gradually improved, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sheng Li, you go back and take a rest first. You can't sleep for three days and three nights, even an iron man can't bear it."

During the critical three days of waiting, Li Shengli stayed for three days and three nights, while Pu Lao and the other old men fought in a wheel-and-wheel battle.

After the patient's pulse recovered, Mr. Pu took Master Yang to see the effect of the medication. He immediately wanted Li Shengli to take a rest.

"Pu Lao, are you thinking now that you would have taken the medicine according to the original method if you had known it?"

Listening to the kid's teasing, Pu Lao blew his beard and glared, but also had a smile on his face.

"You little doll, you get a bargain and act like a good boy!

Ordinary patients naturally treat it with a normal attitude.

How can such a patient dare to use strong medicine?

If your baby is really like this, his craftsmanship is not good. His mind can be used in addition to diagnosing diseases, but it cannot be used in diagnosing diseases.

Sometimes, even if you know that strong medicine is effective, you still have to use it to test your qi.

Mistakes are not a matter of life and death!

Otherwise, strong medicines are often used to save people. Even if the people are saved, they are still evil doctors!

Don’t forget the four words of benevolence as a doctor.

Strong medicines are used to treat diseases, and strong medicines are used to remove malaria. The effect of saving thousands of people is not as bad as the sin of hurting one person!

In addition to seeking stability, Chinese medicine also needs a correct character to abide by medical ethics. "

Lu Meng's medicine had an effect. Mr. Pu was very happy and also gave Li Shengli a reminder.

It is true that strong medicines can cure acute illnesses, but doctors still need to talk about the word "benevolence".

Using strong medicines as a habit will inevitably hurt people. Once a doctor has the intention of using strong medicines to gain a reputation for quick effects, not only will those who are saved be saved, but what about those who will die?

This is both a philosophical question and a question of moral cultivation. Pu Lao’s words make it clear that one mistake is a total mistake.

Killing one innocent person in order to save ten thousand people is a principle, but in reality, the merit of saving ten thousand people is not as great as the sin of killing one person.

This was also the old man giving Li Shengli some hints. Some things should not be too biased. Li Shengli had no choice but to smile helplessly.

"Mr. Pu, when Dr. Li is making great progress in his studies, he still needs to encourage him."

After Mr. Pu finished speaking, Master Yang, who had basically observed the whole process, started to defend Li Shengli.

"Master Yang, Victory's medical skills are not weaker than mine. What do you mean by making great progress?

Now is not the time for him to strive for great success, but for stability and righteousness.

In the Department of Traumatology and First Aid of Traditional Chinese Medicine, he is the leading expert. Having heard and seen his methods, I feel that my future life is formidable.


Are you afraid that this little kid wants to encourage me, an old man, to make further progress? "

Master Yang was stunned when he heard Mr. Pu's words of praise for Li Shengli. He thought that he and Mr. Pu had a master-disciple relationship. He never thought that the meaning of Mr. Pu's words was that the young man in front of him could already compete with the masters of traditional Chinese medicine in terms of medical skills. Comparable.

Master Yang can be regarded as a top figure in the field, with good vision and vision. A medical expert like Mr. Pu will not make false claims easily. He glanced at Mr. Pu doubtfully. Master Yang still didn't believe it.

"Master Yang, although young doctors are rare in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, they are not unheard of. They are recorded in the classics of all dynasties.

There are even more monstrous existences than Victory, which are also recorded in the classics.

Master Yang, do you know why Shengli is here at this free clinic?

Because he is fast!

On this day, more than ten of us old men together could not keep up with his patient volume.

Regarding radiation sickness, from the time it was proposed to when the treatment plan was determined, we were just bystanders. What is really useful is the dialectic of victory. "

After listening to Pu Lao's explanation, Master Yang also looked serious, cupped his fists and said to Li Shengli:

"Mr. Li, you can't see Taishan anymore."

"Master Yang, we are all acquaintances, what kind of gossip are we talking about?

Radiation sickness is difficult to cure because there is still radiation residue in the patient's body. I think chemical preparations have been used to neutralize the radiation, but we can't explain exactly why it remains.

The treatment of radiation sickness has only taken a small step. This disease is a fast disease in terms of symptoms and a chronic disease in terms of causes. Speed ​​and slowness are one, Mr. Pu, we can learn from each other..."

In the self-training class, there is no need to say kind words. If Mr. Pu and Master Yang can say such kind words to a big shot when they meet him, Li Shengli will still benefit from it. As for behind closed doors, there is no need to say kind words. .

Thinking of the prolongation of radiation sickness, Li Shengli was not happy because of the improvement of the patient's pulse condition.

Encountering radiation sickness is not only a problem for doctors, but also a disaster for patients. For both doctors and patients, final recovery is the best result.


This disease is so severe that it still needs to be treated early!

Master Yang, you all need to hold your heads up and ask for permission. Our medical methods are not easy to use, but we are afraid that they will not be used or used by then!

This is dangerous, and doctors like Shengli need to check around the clock, which is evident! "

Master Yang's face darkened when Mr. Pu said that radiation sickness should be treated as soon as possible.

For many things, conditions are not enough and there is no choice. In addition to keeping secrets, these people also have work tasks. When they look up, they see nothing. It always feels like time is running out. How can we do it as early as possible?

"Mr. Li, I have a senior who has become a little unrecognizable after being stimulated. Is there any way to treat him?"

Instead of worrying about Mr. Pu's early treatment, Master Yang made a request, but Li Shengli's face was a little downcast.

“If, like Master Yang, there is someone to look after such a patient, I wouldn’t dare to take action.

Master Yang, you have your responsibilities, and I have mine.

The inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine has been discontinued to this day due to the malicious resistance of some people.

I am a Chinese medicine practitioner and I depend on the great heritage of Chinese medicine. It will affect my patients who continue the great heritage of Chinese medicine. No matter how important it is, I will not take over.

This is helpless. Master Yang must have experienced it a long time ago and hopes to understand it. "

Li Shengli doesn't need to know who a person is. He only needs to know that people like Master Yang are important weapons to the country.

People like them are likely to have someone watching from the sidelines all the time. If they encounter such bad luck, the self-training class does not have that kind of background.

"Mr. Li is overly worried. He is just a crazy old professor living on the street. I don't know where he is. He only makes a living by begging in the city."

Master Yang's explanation made Li Shengli's face darken. The inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine was only interrupted by one successor.

This person is not a person who can stand, sit, walk, eat and drink, but a person who truly has ideals and can study deeply. It can also be said to be a pure person.

Li Shengli is not a victim of wind and rain, nor does he reject it, but wind and rain have indeed destroyed many people's ideals. There are two sides to everything...

Nowadays, the vast majority of doctors, both Chinese and Western medicine, can share the joys and sorrows with patients. They have no shortage of empathy and getting rid of pain is also the pursuit of most doctors today.

In a few decades, doctors are looking forward to having more and more patients, and looking forward to patients using more medicines. Ninety percent of the people in the entire industry will regard this as their job, and the industry will also become a golden rice bowl, and the rewards will be quite generous. It is the real successor who has no one.

"it is good!

I'll find it! "

Seeing that Li Shengli realized that there was no risk, he changed his rhetoric and acted like a villain. Master Yang also smiled helplessly. This young doctor was very sincere and not artificial at all.

Mr. Pu could only apologize for this. Li Shengli was telling the truth. Some people would have problems even if they were treated, not to mention they had diarrhea.

For Li Shengli and Pu Lao, the subsequent treatment and medication are much simpler. The evil heat is temporarily released, and it is time to take supplements. They are also the four gentlemen who have used wild ginseng for more than 30 years. Soup.

The recovery effect is also immediate. After the tonic is administered, it is only the beginning of the treatment of radiation sickness. The next step is to continue to vent and replenish.

Li Shengli sent someone out to look for the old professor that Master Yang mentioned in the morning, and was sent to the self-training class at noon the next day.

This guy is very different from what Master Yang said. There is no crazy old man living on the street. He was pulled out of the university campus.

This person was indeed mentally stimulated. The idea that he was living on the street was just a rumor. It was just that because of his condition, the school's supervision of him was very lax.

Looking at the old man in ragged clothes and disheveled hair, Master Yang wiped away his tears, while Li Shengli sighed softly. Mr. Pu's words of saving thousands of people are not as good as hurting one. The words are still ringing in his ears, but he doesn't know what the consequences will be in the future.

Mr. Pu was not good at this kind of madness or madness. Li Shengli glanced at the old professor in front of him. His sigh was just that he didn't meet this man in the city.

If they meet by chance, maybe Brother Tong, who he hasn't seen for a long time, can give him a task. But now, Li Shengli doesn't really want Brother Tong to give him a task, because if he does, it will be difficult to complete the task without hurting others.

As for the old professor's symptoms, Li Shengli had no problem. The Thirteen Needles of Ghost Gate can both save his life and calm his mind. Supplemented by emotional calming drugs, it is not difficult for the old professor to recover.

The real difficulty is the radiation sickness that lies ahead. From spring to summer, more than two months pass by in a flash.

Li Shengli and Pu Lao's team also achieved first-stage results in treating radiation sickness.

Li Shengli's name for the first stage results is also very direct. The three-stage catharsis and tonic method treats radiation sickness. He and more than ten major doctors such as Pu Lao also have a common understanding of the focus of the treatment. The first step is to vent the evil in the body. hot.

Different from the evil heat contained in febrile disease, the evil heat and fire poison of radiation disease have root causes in the body. The three-stage purging and replenishing method can only be regarded as the first stage of treatment.

The next routine is actually simple, nothing more than leaking and supplementing.

For the cure, both Li Shengli and Mr. Pu wanted to see the results immediately, but the reality was cruel. According to everyone's estimates, taking Master Yang as a reference, the course of this cure would take more than ten years.

Some of the damage caused by radiation to the human body is also irreversible, just like pulmonary fibrosis. Traditional Chinese medicine can effectively improve the living conditions of patients, but it cannot cure it.

"Shengli, I'm going to report the three-stage therapy. Isn't it a little hasty?"

At the beginning of summer, Pu Lao, who, like Li Shengli, wore a pair of white coarse cloth, raised his question again.

Glancing at a room in the courtyard of the self-training class, Li Shengli took care of the old professor. Under the instigation of the old professor, Master Yang also joined the students in the self-training class and the correspondence class. A basic mathematics test.

These two students took away more than fifty students from Li Shengli, and started physics courses in the self-training class without any hindrance.

According to what the old man said: Our foundation is still too poor now. If there is a teaching opportunity, he doesn't want to let it go.

For such an answer, it would be easier to handle Li Shengli if he was a truly evil person. The old professor told Master Yang earnestly that if he could say anything else, he would just handle it.

For this reason, Li Shengli asked Wang Qian to go to Haizi and report to his godmother. After being called out for being nosy, the people there actually accepted the result.

In the final analysis, the storm cannot last forever. When it comes to construction, we still need the continuous dedication of people like the old professor and Master Yang.

"Old Pu, don't be in a hurry, you have to ask the old bachelor over there, what do you think about me finding a partner for him?"

After hearing what Li Shengli said about "old bachelor", Mr. Pu blew his beard and stared. When he heard the word "next crop", Mr. Pu felt helpless again.

(End of this chapter)

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