The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 617 Spreading from place to place (Part )

Chapter 617 Spreading from place to place (Part )

After listening to what Mr. Liu said, Li Shengli slapped his forehead. Thinking about it this way, he was really putting the cart before the horse.

This is the shortcoming of small people's work. They can only think about the big picture, but when it comes to details, they can calmly and carefully dig out, and even make no omissions.

This is why I said before that there is no shortage of craftsmanship in the country. If we could really make people worry-free about food and clothing, more than half of the people would become craftsmen.

Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done about it. The real situation isolates this, and the structure and vision that Li Shengli needs is not just experience.

"Master Liu, what did you say?

Having an elder in the family is like having a treasure, it’s true.

If you don't remind me, I will go astray here.

This is really true. Instead of worrying about students' choices, I would like to integrate the following common diseases and commonly used medicines, as well as some techniques. "

Mr. Liu's awakening brought Li Shengli not an enlightenment, but a change in his thinking.

It sounds very simple to grasp the big and let go of the small, but when you do many things, it becomes grasping the small and enlarging the small. As for the reason, the smaller, the less effort you have, and similarly, the smaller, the less worry you have.

If you take too many shortcuts, you no longer want to walk. Just like climbing the stairs was a habit when there was no elevator. Once you get used to taking the elevator, you will have to scold your mother for climbing the stairs.

"I think you worry too much and spend too much energy.

When we first arrived in Wali, you still had time to go up the mountain and cast a condom. Seeing how busy you are recently, I'm afraid the women in the courtyard don't even have time to go to bed, right?

Young people should play when they should.

You said that the widow Zhang is not too old. Originally, I felt that I had failed her.

Guess what?

The idle well has dried up, but I am just the right person to be a couple.

In these days and months, it is not easy to be well fed and clothed. It is almost enough for you. Miss Du has just left, so you can't be indifferent, Miss Ding?

We are considered rich and powerful now. If you don’t play, it would be a pity if you let others play for you..."

After listening to Mr. Liu's words, Li Shengli felt that it made sense. He had found it very difficult to deal with some matters in Hong Kong and abroad some time ago.

Some things sound the same and look the same, but when you do them, they are completely different from what you hear and see.

After being awkward with Ding Lan, I feel a little uncomfortable returning to the Wang family's old house. Living a free and easy life can be regarded as one of the cultivation habits of life.

The work of Chinese medicine is also very idealistic. There are some diseases that young Chinese medicine practitioners, no matter how good their skills are, cannot treat them properly, but when old Chinese medicine doctors come, they can cure the disease.

Traditional Chinese medicine looks at cultivation of skills from a close perspective and cultivation of mind from a distance. The root cause of some diseases is not enough to look at skills alone, but also requires cultivation of life.

"Nacheng, please pay more attention to the self-training class these two days. I will take Ding Lan to the mountains to play for two days.

After the new batch of students from the correspondence course were screened, it was time for them to go down with the previous batch. Some things were settled by the villagers among themselves. "

He said he was going to play for two days, but Li Shengli knew in his heart that he really couldn't relax for a moment in the wind and rain.

If he really dared to indulge in pleasure, some people would really dare to raid his old camp. Many things now are barely maintaining a balance.

It's not that you can't talk about power in the storm, but it doesn't come from the right way. It's the same as Wang Qianjin's status as the third prince. Isn't this awesome?

But after the storm, there will be countless troubles. As for the power of the Du family and the Ding family, it is not easy to use it now. Not to mention that the people above do not recognize it. When you meet a young man on the street, you can give it to him. You slap your mouth back.

When it comes to strength, if people don't use the real seal, their little strength on the street is pretty good, but if they use the real seal, Li Shengli's side is really ineffective.

In terms of deterrence, there are only four villages left behind Li Shengli, but it is still possible to drag these four villages into chaos without knowing what is going on. If it really comes to light, he will still be alone.

In fact, many things are done in a low-key manner. Li Shengli is not public, and he will not be public when facing others. He is really on the opposite side. The self-training class can only be regarded as a pile of garbage on the street, and it only takes a little time to clean it up. Take some trouble.

Having an accurate understanding of the situation is why Li Shengli didn't dare to slack off.

If he really indulges in pleasure and makes people feel that he is no longer a threat, the house will collapse in an instant.

After explaining the affairs of the self-training class, Li Shengli did not deceive Mr. Liu. He drove the Willys Jeep left by the female gangster Du Jiaoyang and drove Ding Lan, who looked worried, to the mountain village.

I just finished harvesting the wormwood during this period, and I don’t know how good the quality of the wormwood wine produced by Tongrentang this year is. According to the practices of Beijing suburb wineries, the wine body is not good, and the wormwood wine produced is not good either.

The Yinchen wine from Jingzhong and Tongrentang can only be regarded as mediocre, while the Green Yinchen wine from Heniantang is the best. It's a pity that Li Shengli didn't catch up. After the public-private partnership, people stopped making Yinchen wine.

Yinchen wine can be regarded as a seasonal product in the Gyeonggi region. It should be left to the beginning of the next spring for aging. It is nonsense to put it on Yinchen wine.

Ding Lan didn't say a word to him all the way to the mountain village, and Li Shengli didn't mind. She was just a little girl who had never seen the world. He didn't want to tease her before just because he wanted to leave a good impression.

After watching Ding Lan's performance recently, Li Shengli knew to some extent that this was really a charming lady who didn't seek to make progress. This kind of charming lady was not easy to handle these days.

When they arrived at the mountain village, they took Ding Lan to find Mr. Shi and saw some things about the world that they had never seen before. It was also easier for the Ding family girls to handle.

Because of the epidemic control in Hong Kong City, Mr. Shi didn't want to see him. Mr. Cheng who came with him wanted to talk about the process of returning to his roots, but Li Shengli blocked him.

"Lao Shi, Lao Cheng, the first batch of serious correspondence course students have come down from the mountain. Now I have to ask the seniors on the mountain, should they go through the self-training class, or should they directly take over as apprentices?"

The introduction to medical science that Cheng Lao is currently doing is much more profound than a simple analysis, because it requires the medicinal properties of some commonly used drugs, and the results cannot be achieved in a short time.

Moreover, the detailed explanation and intensive research of medical science are almost carried out at the same time. It is impossible to do it all over again.

The famous old Chinese medicine doctors on the mountain have a short life span. Doing the same thing three or four times is a waste of life. The introduction, detailed explanation and intensive research of medical theory are the right thing to do.

Now is the early stage of truly returning to the origin, and there are no results. As for the medical analysis, it is not the same. If we simply integrate it without any major fallacies, the medical analysis will be completed.

"Xiao Li, my colleagues have mentioned this before. Since we are apprentices to our master, we should follow the old rules.

After memorizing medical books in the self-training class, it is inevitable that you will be affected by the first impression. "

Li Shengli's words were not answered by Mr. Shi, but by Mr. Cheng, a former top student. In this matter, Mr. Cheng had a strong say.

Seriously speaking, adults are the first beneficiaries of the transformation of the inheritance and transformation of traditional Chinese medicine, and they are also the winners.

He was born in a medical school, taught for a living at first, and started a family immediately later. He is considered a rare genius in the medical field and a trend-setting figure leading the inheritance and reform of the medical field.


What Xiaocheng said is good. The batch of students who were sent before were really influenced by the medical books they memorized. They were a little stubborn and always wanted to discuss things with the teacher. This was not good. "

This point mentioned by Shi Lao is exactly the same as Mr. Liu. The young people on the street have experienced the first half of the storm, and their attitude towards respecting teachers and respecting morality is somewhat flawed. Regarding this matter, Li Shengli had no idea. Based on these basic conditions, perhaps according to what Cheng Lao said, after this batch of students in the correspondence class come up, the attitudes of the previous students will change.

During the journey of Traditional Chinese Medicine, there are times when the teacher's guidance is indispensable. I am confused and want to ask the teacher something, but I don't want to teach him anymore. I feel that you are not studying seriously, and my career will be affected.

In these days, let alone being a teacher, respect is mutual, and the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine is not an enlightenment education. If it were earlier, such apprentices as Shi Lao said would no longer be able to teach, and could be given a job as a pharmacist. Even if the master who leads the apprentice is kind.

Although Li Shengli didn't talk about inheritance and improvement now, he is actually doing it. Shi Lao mentioned it. For some students who are too extravagant, this is not a good thing.

But having said that, these famous old Chinese medicine doctors on the mountain really want to leave a legacy and be worthy of being a teacher. Since they are students who are not good, then they should be replaced by students. This can be regarded as a chance in life.

It doesn't matter what the general environment is like, but you still have to have some respect for the master who taught you the craft. If not, then just go to the countryside.

"Sure, according to this statement, we still need to explore how to pass on the inheritance in the future.

Shi Lao, Cheng Lao, the number of people this time..."

From Li Shengli's point of view, these famous old Chinese doctors on the mountain should not teach too many apprentices, because they still have the task of returning to their roots. Clarifying medical principles and medicinal properties is their first priority. If they have too many apprentices, it is inevitable Consume energy.

There were fewer students sent last time. The students in the correspondence class this time are all newcomers. The number of the first batch is around one thousand to two thousand. The specific number has not yet reached the deadline, so we need to wait. Wait and see.

“Based on the number of students last time, it’s okay to double or triple the number.

This is not a time to sit in the clinic and teach the apprentices, but to teach the basics. The teacher does not put any effort on the part. It is still no problem for one person to take care of twenty or thirty apprentices.

It's just that this way of leading apprentices is not as rigorous as that of your self-training class. You still have to provide a way to supervise them. "

Regarding teaching the basics of traditional Chinese medicine, Mr. Shi also recognized the model of Li Shengli's self-training class. If you memorize the skills, you can't change them anymore. This is stupid and dead skills in school.

When performing these skills, there must always be a white-faced person supervising them. It all depends on the students or apprentices' volition. If they were all such good students, there would be no discontinuity in the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine.

In terms of the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine, Mr. Shi has a good attitude towards Li Shengli. He answers all questions. He doesn't like this kid, mainly because he can't understand some of his external methods.

In fact, Mr. Shi had a clear mind. Some things were done differently depending on the position he was in. If Li Shengli didn't do things this way, he wouldn't be able to do it.

But understanding is understanding. Mr. Shi, who is in his eighties, does not intend to agree with Li Shengli. How many more years can this old man live?

I hope this protector of the great lineage of Chinese medicine can take his displeasure into consideration and be a little more restrained in his actions to avoid suffering retribution in the future.

"Just follow the rules of the self-training class. When a house on the mountain is cleared for use as a classroom, and the teacher explains the tasks, let the old students watch and learn the rules first. Once they learn the rules, let them manage by themselves. Own.

If you really don’t work hard, just send it back to the self-training class and I will help clean it up. "

Li Shengli could also feel Mr. Shi's attitude, but feeling it was enough. It was basically impossible to do things in the right way these days.

If you want to ask why, don't ask him Li Shengli, just ask if the wind and rain outside are better.

Nowadays, it is very difficult to do things in the leadership office, with regrets along the way. Many times, leaders in their seventies have to force themselves to tell young people truths that they do not want to hear, which is also frustrating.

After talking about the famous old Chinese doctors taking apprentices, Li Shengli still had something to say. The barefoot doctor textbook compiled before summarized some common diseases. Now, the number of barefoot doctors coming one after another is between 10,000 and 20,000. There are still some who attend self-training classes, Madianji, and mountain villages, with serious numbers of 20,000.

Common diseases were summarized again under the feedback of these twenty thousand barefoot doctors. Common diseases in rural areas are nothing more than diarrhea, fever, bone injuries, and trauma.

Counting some common parasitic diseases, that's all the barefoot doctors can do. As for farmers' lung, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, and some difficult and complicated diseases, famous traditional Chinese medicine doctors have trouble dealing with them. , that is not a disease that a barefoot doctor should treat.

Diarrhea, bone injuries, and trauma are all easy to deal with, but a fever, especially in infants and young children, can easily cause problems.

For emergencies such as pediatrics, Chinese medicine also has specific medicines, namely Pediatric Zhibao Tablets. Some pharmaceutical companies also call them Pediatric Zhibao Pills. This is also one of the common medicines for urban families.

There are many ready-made prescriptions for reducing fever and antipyretics in traditional Chinese medicine, as well as patent medicines, such as Angong Niuhuang Pills used by Li Shengli, and today's antipyretic pills and antipyretic pills.

However, like many township clinics and health centers that do not have injectable anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs such as Zhibao tablets are neither popular nor cheap in rural areas.

Antipyretic and analgesic tablets are said to bring peace of mind and conquer the world, but when it comes to high fever emergencies in children, the consequences of a slight delay are not something that rural families can bear.

For children with high fever and convulsions, rhino horn is naturally a holy medicine, but in rural areas, this kind of thing can only be thought of.

Taking a step back, antelope horns, buffalo horns, and even sheep horns and deer antlers can also be substituted. However, this is connected with the village doctor's medication for diseases. For traditional Chinese medicine, some medicines are not standardized.

The use of Chinese medicine cannot be said to be standardized, but if it is not standardized, sometimes the laws are very strict. Village doctors and rural doctors are regarded as wild doctors and are not recognized by traditional Chinese medicine.

It is not without some objective reasons. In many places, medicinal materials are not available, so village doctors and rural doctors can only make do with simple things. Over time, they have become a habit, and they no longer care about the monarchs and ministers who use some medicines. Good medicine is only good for curing diseases.

Most of the sources of some folk prescriptions are found in these village and rural doctors. Maybe they have been circulated for a long time and can become serious prescriptions. Some pharmacological principles are also recognized by serious traditional Chinese medicine, but irregular use of medicines does exist.

Taking high fever in children as an example, Li Shengli has an examination school. The reason is also due to the scale of barefoot doctors.

In fact, if it really needs to be regulated, there is also a section for pregnant women in rural areas to give birth. In the 1980s and 1990s, many people still gave birth to their babies on earthen Kangs at home.

But there is still a standard of priority for these two things. Li Shengli came to Shanxi Village to talk about this because he was afraid that the senior celebrities in Shanxi Village would object.

"Mr. Shi, according to the feedback from the barefoot doctors who went to the countryside, the following common diseases are still lacking in children's high fever section.

Just point to the antipyretic and analgesic tablets to sweat and reduce the fever. If you encounter a convulsion, the person who goes down will inevitably be in a hurry.

We don't have the ability to provide them with children's treasure tablets, antipyretic pills, etc. How about each person prepare a buffalo horn or an antelope horn?

It really doesn’t work, so I have to make do with sheep’s horns and deer antlers…”

Just as Li Shengli thought, both Shi Lao and Cheng Lao frowned when they mentioned this.

If the employment of people and techniques is not standardized, the two of them can accept it, but if the medication is not standardized, they cannot agree casually.

This one uses cow and sheep horns instead of precious tablets and antipyretic pills. What is the next one?

Even though the barefoot doctors are doing whatever they want, Chinese medicine does not have a bottom line, and medication is where the bottom line lies.

Don’t you see that in the textbook of Barefoot Doctor, the only ones being manipulated are the bureau and the time?

There are many classic prescriptions for use, but some classic prescriptions that need to be added, subtracted, and flavored before they can be used are not included in the textbooks of Barefoot Doctors.

Now we need to make concessions for children with high fever. The difference between a rhinoceros horn and a buffalo horn is not unacceptable to Shi Lao and Cheng Lao. Isn't buffalo horn used in antipyretic pills nowadays?

As for antelope horn, it can be regarded as a symptomatic medicinal material.

But this step cannot be taken back easily. If you take this step back, the barefoot doctors below will dare to change the prescription.

There is no need to teach anything. After memorizing the soup formula, reading medical books, and using buffalo horns, once they see that the single prescription is effective, the barefoot doctor below will naturally try to simplify the prescriptions he has used.

Most of those who have been practicing medicine since primary school have experienced this problem. After they have learned their skills to a certain extent and read books to a certain extent, they will become arrogant...

(End of this chapter)

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