The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 618 Spreading from place to place (Part )

Chapter 618 Spreading from place to place (Part )

“This matter may seem small, but the impact is not small, and we need to take another look at it.

Victory, whatever you use in Hong Kong City is Baidu Qingfei Drink or Maxing Shigan Decoction with added flavor.

Using gypsum alone to make tea is the same as medicine. With cultivation, you can increase or decrease it as you like.

Let me ask you, if this Maxing Shigan Decoction does not contain gypsum, what symptoms will a person experience after taking the medicine? "

Although Mr. Shi had some doubts about Li Shengli's treatment of the epidemic in Hong Kong City, Li Shengli was able to suppress the Hong Kong City Flu with white tiger medicine. Ninety-nine percent of the famous old Chinese doctors on the mountain could not do it.

It’s not that I don’t know how to use medicine, or I don’t know the properties of medicine, but I don’t dare to use medicine. White tiger gypsum causes severe colds. This is what many people have learned from books, but it is not like this in clinical practice.

This is not something that can be taught casually. It can contradict the theory of medical science and medicinal properties, and a careless remark may lead to sectarian disputes in the Chinese medicine community.

Great cold and great heat hurt people. This is recorded in the classics of many sects. If you push others down with just one word, it would be strange if they don't start a fight with you.

Nowadays, in this mountain village, there is basically no shortage of people from all walks of life. Saying this, it is really easy for some old men to get together after they finish their quarrel.

"Mr. Shi, if the Maxing Shigan Decoction does not contain plaster, you will have frequent urination at first, and within an hour or two, you should urinate frequently.

But after that, I was afraid that I just couldn’t urinate. If the antidote could be administered in time, it might be possible to save my urine. If not, I would have to go to the hospital for catheterization using Western medicine.

If the urine cannot be catheterized in time, I am afraid this person will not be able to be retained..."

When asked by Mr. Shi, Li Shengli replied that this can also be regarded as a check by the seniors against the younger ones. The use of traditional Chinese medicine must have laws and regulations, and there must be monarchs, ministers, and assistants. The four qi, five flavors, and the meridian distribution of nature and flavor should be ranked behind the monarch, ministers, and assistants.

Without him, at this time it is necessary to mention that the medicine is three parts poisonous. It is not as simple as saying that the medicine is three parts poisonous. It is not as simple as saying that the medicine is three parts poisonous. It is still good for patients to be unable to get up. Sometimes, they can only It is said that the death was very miserable.

For example, Mr. Shi asked about the consequences of Maxing Shigan Decoction without adding gypsum. Once taken by mistake, people will be suffocated to death.

A living person cannot suffocate his urine to death. This is because he has not encountered a Chinese medicine practitioner who uses medicine indiscriminately. Many Chinese medicines for removing blood stasis and dispersing stagnation should also not be taken randomly. If it is not done, it will be the result of bleeding from the back door of men and metrorrhagia of women.

In the field of traditional Chinese medicine, it is difficult to kill people if you use medicines properly, but if you use medicines indiscriminately, it is not just a matter of killing people.

If a woman actually died of metrorrhagia due to food, in the early days, it was the most basic condition for a Chinese medicine practitioner to survive. If the patient suffered revenge and the whole family was affected, no one in the profession would sympathize.

"Shengli, you have to go back and think about the question I asked.

Let’s first let our colleagues take turns to come down the mountain to select disciples..."

Seeing that Li Shengli was familiar with the properties of medicines, Mr. Shi gave him another thumbs up. Indiscriminate use of medicines in Chinese medicine is very harmful, so the indiscriminate use of medicines should not be done.

Just like the previous doctors who did not recognize wild doctors such as village doctors, rural doctors, and traveling doctors, these people are not incapable of treating diseases. Some of them are famous doctors in the same place, but using medicine indiscriminately is not orthodox Chinese medicine. This is also regulation.

There are no rules and regulations in the use of traditional Chinese medicine. It can cure some diseases, but it will cause more additional casualties.

The goal of traditional Chinese medicine in the early days was to work your way up, and the final destination was still in the hospital bureau of the imperial physician. It was inconsistent with the ultimate goal of traditional Chinese medicine.

Therefore, although the prescriptions of serious Chinese medicine are related to patients, what really matters is the future of Chinese medicine practitioners. It is impossible to be cautious.

Once there is a reputation for using drugs indiscriminately, don't even want to go to a place like the Hospital Administration Bureau.

In fact, many of the tricks of traditional Chinese medicine come from places like hospitals and bureaus. It's just that the dignitaries don't dare to use them, so they take the trial medicines that they dare to use, and if they try them for ten or twenty years without any trouble, then they are the current prescriptions or prescriptions. .

What Li Shengli said about changing the medicine is not based on the laws of traditional Chinese medicine, but more on the human nature and sophistication of the traditional Chinese medicine doctors.

"Sure, I listen to you, I'll take a break in the mountains these two days and let the seniors choose their disciples as they please.

But try to choose apprentices among the new batch of correspondence students, and try not to be greedy for too much.

There are more and more young people in the countryside. In the future, the situation in self-training classes will be that people are passed on from place to place, and the only thing missing is famous teachers. "

Following the children of village doctors and rural doctors, Li Shengli has already gone through the formal procedures for this group of correspondence class students. As long as the famous old Chinese medicine doctors in the mountain villages approve, there are many such young people in the countryside.

Going to the countryside and going to the countryside are just geographical differences. Li Shengli didn't mean to belittle them. He had similar ideas to Mr. Shi and Master Liu. When it came to choosing a barefoot doctor, he also preferred young people from the countryside.

Just being able to stay on the ground and being tough enough are enough for them to be barefoot doctors.

In fact, another advantage of rural youth is that the base is large, so most of the people who come up are high school students. Although they are not as cognitively as high school students in the city, they are better than the city students in terms of learning ability.

Among the young people going to the countryside, there are still quite a few junior high school students. The remaining high school students still have a large number of people who cannot correct their attitude and are complaining about themselves. According to Liu Ye's words, Li Shengli really has some unnecessary worries.

After getting along with Mr. Shi and Mr. Cheng, Li Shengli took Ding Lan and moved into his own courtyard.

In the other courtyard, he changed his clothes and put on leggings, and then helped Ding Lan put on leggings. Seeing the charming lady pouting at her outfit, Li Shengli said:

"Silly girl, your man is very particular about his appearance!

The Yuanbao shoes on my feet were specially made by a master from Nei Liansheng. There is no market price now. A pair of them were more than ten or twenty yuan a pair earlier.

In an area like Hong Kong City, the craftsmanship of this pair of shoes would be hundreds of Hong Kong paper. This is called haute couture outside.

The placket on my body is made of Songjiang native cloth, dyed with native methods, and is also specially made.

Although what I am wearing is a piece of clothing, this homespun jacket was not much cheaper than a silk shirt earlier.

To put it bluntly, your one hundred and forty-eight yuan piece of woolen clothing is really not worth as much as a pair of my shoes.

This person, sometimes, has to be a little knowledgeable, otherwise he will look stupid..."

Through observation, Li Shengli discovered that dealing with Ding Lan was actually very simple. If she suppressed her in her proud territory, this silly girl would not be able to hold her head up.

As for the one-hundred-and-forty-eight-dollar woolen cloth, this refers to the Chinese tunic suit worn by generals, nuns, and nuns. It is the most popular style of men's clothing. It costs one hundred and forty-eight yuan for a set in the supply and marketing cooperative, not counting the cloth fee.

One hundred and forty-eight is considered to be the best clothing available to ordinary people. Many young people choose this outfit to find a wife.

"Don't call me Sha Niu. You can call me Ding Lan or Lan Lan. If not, you can call me Xiao Ding. If you call me Sha Niu, you just don't respect me."

Having said this, Ding Lan is also fierce in appearance and strong in appearance. During the time when she was wandering around in the city, the little girl also experienced times when she was targeted everywhere and was beaten.

There are also times when I run away in tears at night, or when I huddle in a corner and moan. But along the way, there would always be someone to help her when she was in the most critical moment. She didn't know what happened before. Li Shengli was not at home some time ago, and Aunt Zou next door also nudged her.

Li Shengli arranged for people to protect many of them. Although he could not follow them around the clock, nothing would happen during the day.

After listening to the secret stories told by Aunt Zou next door, and the previous guidance from Du Jiaoyang, Yang Yulian, and Xie Chan on the wrong path, this charming young lady of the Ding family has actually resigned herself to her fate.

Being able to stay in Madianji, not to mention delicious food every day, if she really wants to ask for something, her brother-in-law Wang Qianjin can find it for her as long as she opens her mouth.

Life like this is still very good for Ding Lan. As for the little old man Li Shengli who pulled the certificate, she doesn't care at all. The precarious situation outside is really taking people.

"Okay, let's take Xiao Ding..."

After showing respect to Miss Jiao of the Ding family, Li Shengli put the carbine placed in the other courtyard on his back and took Ding Lan up the mountain.

The worst time for hunting is the late spring and early summer. When you encounter rabbits, you can see their ribs far away. If you hunt them, you will get neither good skin nor good meat.

Near the mountain pass, it is impossible to encounter large animals such as wild boars. I shot a few pheasants and mountain birds, and showed Miss Jiao of the Ding family how to shoot with a gun and get a headshot.

Seeing Ding Lan carrying a headless pheasant and mountain birds jumping for joy along the way, most of the obstacles in Li Shengli's mind were gone.

Many times, there is a difference between being heartless and being innocent. If Ding Lan was really pure and innocent, he would be really hard to talk to. Sometimes, just because a person is dirty does not mean that his heart is also dirty.

But it is easy to find resonance when he is heartless. Just like Du Jiaoyang is going abroad, Miss Jiao of the Ding family will share a common language with him in the future, eating, drinking and having fun.

I looked around at the mountain pass of the mountain village. Nowadays, the mountains and forests that the mountain village can reach are much farther than before. You can tell by looking at the surrounding Tongshan Mountain.

The mountain forests on the outskirts of Beijing are not where the ancient wood wolf forest is. Most of them are covered with low shrubs. The Huyu Mountain Forest has a bit of a mountain forest feel. When we get to the Wali side, from a distance, almost all the water is covered with bare mountains. .

After finding a common language with the daughter of the Ding family, Li Shengli did not stay in the mountain village for long. He looked at Yang Yulian's house, which was like a nursery. When he went back, he walked around the valley again and gave Ding Lan to Madianji. I found a serious teacher.

Let this daughter of the Ding family stay in the Wang family's old house and interfere with the Xie family's mother Zou Jin next door. Li Shengli is also afraid that Ding Lan will learn to be snobbish. Sometimes, she really learns the same skill from someone.

If he really wants to raise the charming young lady of the Ding family into a savage canary, I'm afraid that when old Dingtou and his wife come back, they won't be able to spare him.

There is a famous old Chinese medicine doctor in the mountain village, and there are many technicians and scholars here in Madianji who study professional skills, and Ding Lan is not that good.

It is okay for Ding Lan to learn from Professor Liu or Fu Yiqing, the daughter-in-law of the famous Li family in Beijing.

Li Shengli hid too many good things in the warehouse in the village and city. He didn't know how to do it. In the future, there must be a member of his family who does.

The antique business is a high-end one, and it's almost as good as a poor one, but it suits the temperament of the daughter of the Ding family.

Regarding marriage, Li Shengli also understands that marriage, attachment, and combination of interests can all be used as evaluations. You really can't invest too much in this kind of marriage. If you really commit to each other and fight to the death, his future will almost be a disaster.

His biggest starting point is Chinese medicine. Whether it is the Du family or the Ding family, if they really come to the opposite side of the traditional Chinese medicine inheritance, they will part ways.

After handing the daughter of the Ding family to Professor Liu and Fu Yiqing who were looking at the library, Li Shengli stayed outside for two days and then returned to the free clinic of the self-training class.

In the past two days, the famous old Chinese medicine practitioners on the mountain also took away the new correspondence course students from the self-training class.

The simple young man from the countryside can really catch the eye of these medical seniors. The word "honesty" also fulfills the two thousand years of Confucianism's requirements for the common people.

Being honest and usable, he is considered to be a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner who is deeply integrated with Confucianism. The requirements for selecting disciples have benefited these rural youths.

Listening to Mr. Liu talking about the senior medical practitioners on the mountain and the number of people they had taken away from the self-training class, Li Shengli shook his head. Some time ago, due to personnel problems, he could not find the famous old Chinese doctors who were suitable to pass on. Seeing this everywhere The passing scene was somewhat uncontrollable.

Li Shengli didn't say much about the number of apprentices that far exceeded what Mr. Shi said. Just because people were taken away, it didn't mean they had to receive the inheritance on the mountain. If they didn't practice, they would still be taken down the mountain to attend the self-training class.

In the two days since Li Shengli went out, Mr. Liu also made a list of the old students who had returned from the correspondence course to visit their relatives. With the arrival of new students, the pressure on food in the self-training class has gradually increased.

It is nonsense to say that the wind and rain have no impact on production. Sweet potatoes that did not require tickets before can now be bought with tickets. The people above are angry and students are not allowed to enter the city casually. These are all manifestations of tighter supply.

In addition to the population problem, people above are also aware of the demand for chemical industry in agriculture. Before the introduction of ammonia-based fertilizer plants, they were not affected by wind and rain, and this is even more true now.

According to Li Shengli's imagination, it is not a big problem for Madianji and Taipingzhuang to double their output this year if they have chemical fertilizers. The crops are all dependent on dung. This is not nonsense.

As long as chemical fertilizers are applied, the output will rise sharply. Some people say that the synthetic ammonia industry feeds an increasing number of people, and that makes sense.

According to the requirements of the agricultural technicians, as long as Madianji and Taipingzhuang control the amount of chemical fertilizers, doubling the grain is just a matter of course. The yield per mu will be one thousand catties, and improved varieties are needed to match it. This cannot be said now.

However, with sufficient amounts of chemical fertilizers, it is not a problem to increase the grain yield of two crops of wheat and corn by 700 to 800 kilograms per mu.

This batch of increased grain production still needs to be concealed as before. There is nothing we can do about it. Now the pressure on the self-training class to increase grain is too great, so it is necessary to conceal it, otherwise the students in the correspondence class will not be able to do so in the future. Recruited.

As for hiding things, it was pretty much what Li Shengli said before. He didn't hide anything from the bottom up. The increase in grain production was due to chemical fertilizers, and he, Li Shengli, got the chemical fertilizers. As long as he could deal with the members of the village, he could hide the truth.

The old man has said that concealing reports is just dishonesty. Those who make false reports or lie are in danger and are the enemy, right?

As far as the current situation is concerned, the first batch of new students coming to the correspondence course are still not enough for the famous old Chinese medicine doctors in the mountain villages to choose from.

The real first batch of students in the correspondence class are the children of village doctors and rural doctors. Because they are not serious Chinese medicine practitioners, they are not recognized by the famous old Chinese medicine doctors in the mountains. Sometimes, the laws of Chinese medicine are just like the use of medicine, which seems to be random. , but the rules are still strict.

As for the later correspondence course students who were counted as the first batch, they were the ones favored by the famous traditional Chinese medicine doctors.

If we follow this standard, it would be much easier for the old Chinese medicine practitioners to recruit apprentices. Just honest rural youths can still earn tens of millions.

According to the current selection method, those seniors in the medical field can really be regarded as being passed down from generation to generation.

However, the capacity of the self-training class is limited. Although the new students in the correspondence class have just arrived, Li Shengli is thinking about canceling the self-training class.

With the promotion of barefoot doctors and the submission of teaching experience, the level of the idle military camp has to be gradually improved. In the future, the inheritance class will be the foundation and it will gradually develop into the intensive training class.

After the storm and the subsequent stabilization, there are still about ten years left. Then it is time for the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine to exert its strength...

(End of this chapter)

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