The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 616 Spreading from place to place (Part )

Chapter 616 Spreading from place to place (Part )

The pressure from the north temporarily stabilized the city. Big Brother, who was too anticlimactic, and Lao Mei, who was about to follow behind, were all catalysts for the wind and rain.

If the northern side is willing to sacrifice money and let this side fight a regular battle to establish its power, then the storm will end, and the territory will definitely become larger.

If it is strong after being beaten once, there may be no danger of disintegration in the future. Unfortunately, the big brother today does not have the stomach to take advantage of both disadvantages and blessings, so he can only serve it as a dish in the future to satisfy the appetites of the gourmets.

In the future, Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian have no idea, they will both be gourmets at the dinner table. If they become more enthusiastic about eating, maybe the grasslands outside will also be eaten as side dishes to relieve tiredness.

These are still a bit far-fetched to think about. With the situation being stable and the new students in the correspondence class doing well, Li Shengli has also been thinking deeply about a question these past two days.

That is how to use the students of the first few batches of correspondence courses. According to the letters exchanged between them, the students of the first three batches of correspondence courses will not be young people who go to the countryside, they can only be young people from the countryside.

Li Shengli estimates that it will take at least half a year for the advantages of young people who go to the countryside to gradually show up in correspondence classes. The education level in the city is higher than the education level down below. This is also an indisputable fact.

The understanding ability of middle and high school students who go to the countryside is definitely better than that of middle and high school students in the countryside.

For the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine, there is no distinction between young people going to the countryside and young people from the countryside, but there is a distinction between barefoot doctors.

Young people who go to the countryside will eventually return to the city one day. The task of maintaining the team of barefoot doctors can only be left to the young people in the countryside. This is also determined by actual conditions.

Of course, as long as there are no external influences, Li Shengli's correspondence courses will continue to be held, and even a barefoot doctor will have his own promotion channels.

This is different from the training courses and refresher courses planned by the health clinic in the future. The ultimate goal of the correspondence course is to turn the students into qualified Chinese medicine practitioners. It is naturally best to train students to become famous doctors.

Li Shengli could see that after more than ten years, there would be a watershed in correspondence classes. Naturally, it was necessary to balance the proportion of young people going to the countryside and young people from rural areas in correspondence classes.

The base of young people in rural areas is larger, and a half-even ratio is definitely not possible. In Li Shengli's view, the ratio of young people from rural areas to 70% and young people from rural areas to 30% is relatively objective.

The reason is also simple. Ninety-nine percent of the young people who go to the countryside will not stay in the countryside forever. Compared with the young people in the countryside, they cannot maintain the brand of barefoot doctors.

The hundreds of thousands of barefoot doctors are also the foundation needed for the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine. Among the students in the correspondence class, rural youth account for the majority, which is also in line with the needs of the great inheritance.

For these young rural people who go to the countryside after completing their studies, barefoot doctors are not their only way out. Later, positions in traditional Chinese medicine clinics, traditional Chinese medicine hospitals, or health clinics can also be regarded as their promotion channels.

Li Shengli's reasoning is actually very simple. The more people there are, the more difficult it will be to crack down. Many things are done to prepare for not being stabbed in the future.

One person was short-term, but this time, Li Shengli did not discuss with Mr. Pu first, because the outcome of the discussion was determined. From the overall perspective, it was right to stabilize the emotions of the young people going to the countryside and give them a way to rise.

According to the overall situation, most of the quotas must be allocated to young people going to the countryside. In this matter, Mr. Pu definitely cannot take the foundation of the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine as his starting point.

Because from a general perspective, what the great inheritance lacks is just successors, regardless of the young people going to the countryside or the young people from the countryside. If Li Shengli wants to share, he will share the future social responsibilities.

This is a bit lofty, but in the final analysis it still comes down to two words: fair!

Compared with the youth who go to the countryside, the base of rural youth is larger, and it is objectively true that they account for a larger proportion.

But people who look at the overall situation will not look at it this way. They will only look at the problem. Rural youth are already in the countryside, and whether they come out or not will not cause any problems.

But young people who go to the countryside are different. There will definitely be a lot of inconveniences when going from the city to the countryside. These inconveniences will definitely give rise to a series of problems in the long run. This is similar to the admission line for college entrance examination in the future. For the sake of the overall situation, some places will It's time to make sacrifices.

But they didn't say that there would be no compensation after the sacrifice. As a small person who had been injured many times, Li Shengli didn't like these remarks.

Those who will benefit in the future, if anyone steps on these victims instead of helping them, it will make everyone feel sad. Obviously, these people who will step on them in the future are young and old. Such sacrifices , in Li Shengli's opinion, it was somewhat unworthy.

Don't you worry about scarcity but inequality...

Many things are similar to those in self-training classes. A line is drawn for memorizing the skills. If you succeed in memorizing the skills, you will become a veteran student in the self-training class. If you fail to memorize the skills, you will have to go down and become a barefoot doctor.

Of course, Li Shengli is also creating this unfairness. The children of the medical family in Madianji, as well as some of the children under care, do not have to go through this kind of selection.

Li Shengli doesn't have many demands on his children. No matter in the future or now, they and their family must protect Chinese medicine, accept asylum, and step back.

Li Shengli, now and in the future, is not a kind person. No family can afford to pay the bills for protection. This is a human loan shark. The bills will only keep getting bigger and bigger, and there will be no way to pay them off.

The disciples of the medical family may be even worse. They cannot pass down the mountain without inheritance. This is not just an empty talk by Li Shengli. They must give an explanation to the famous old Chinese doctors buried on the mountain.

As for the children of the medical family, Li Shengli regards them as personal promises. He can go crazy or die, but he must not fail to inherit the inheritance, otherwise Li Shengli will break his promise to those famous predecessors.

There is a price to pay for unfairness, and for the rest, Li Shengli can only be as fair as possible.

But how to extrapolate this generation is a problem. As far as the current situation is concerned, educated young people from the city to the countryside still have an advantage.

In terms of self-study understanding ability, young people who go to the countryside in cities are very advantageous. Furthermore, young people in rural areas are accustomed to staying at home. If they really have such an opportunity, they may not have the same desire to return to the city as young people who go to the countryside. Comparing the two cars, there is a gap.

In the self-training class, there are not many people who can discuss things with Li Shengli. Wang Qianjin is one, and Pu Lao can only count half of them, because they also have a foothold. As for the remaining one, they are getting younger and younger as they live more recently. Mr. Liu.

When they came to find Mr. Liu, they saw an old man with a goatee that was only half-length long. He was still alive and well after being over sixty. This was also the first time Li Shengli saw the real thing.

"Master Liu, please take it easy. If you can't practice, don't practice hard. If you go back, the gains will outweigh the losses."

There must be a reason for people's abnormality. He has heard that if you exercise in your fifties or sixties, your body will become stronger and stronger. He has heard of it, but he has never seen it in person. After facing Mr. Liu, Li Shengli started to diagnose the old man's pulse.

"If you don't stay home every day, you'll be angry with me when you come back, right?

It's obvious that you are capable, so there's no need. Old Man Pu checks my pulse every day, and it's infallible.

I think you should take a rest and don't spend too much time, otherwise you won't be able to live long in the future. "

Opening Li Shengli's hand to touch his veins, Mr. Liu no longer had any requirements for his successor.

His son has been a pair of twins all his life, and he has been given a huge self-training class. The heir of the Liu family has established his family at the top of the family. The old man has no regrets about the inheritance and the children of his hometown.

As for the family, the widow of the Zhang family is smart and capable, the adopted son Zhang Dingguo is also well-behaved and obedient, and there is also a big baby of the Liu family who is being raised in a mountain village. Now Mr. Liu really has nothing else to ask for.

"One generation does what another generation does for a living. Now that I've encountered it, I've gotten started. Now that I've done it, I can't give up halfway, right?

Mr. Liu, people from the correspondence class are also here. Do you think you can find some more heirs for the family?

The Liu family originated from febrile disease, and febrile disease came from the south. Today, the Liu family inherits that there are still some people who are not prosperous!

I don’t think it would be better for President Ling Ling to select dozens of young people from the Southland, teach them the febrile disease inheritance after getting started, and let them return to the Southland to spread the inheritance of the Liu family. "

After hearing Li Shengli's perfection, Mr. Liu bared his teeth in joy. He had already had such a vague idea that his stepson Zhang Dingguo, Li Shengli's adopted eldest child, could be considered both stepson and step-grandson. They would support the Liu family in the future. It still seems weak.

Mr. Liu had previously thought about enriching the Liu family's inheritance in Beijing. Unexpectedly, his successor thought further and wanted to make arrangements in the Southland in advance. However, although these guys in the previous self-training class had good memorization skills, they were all bastards who had wandered around on the street. The old man didn't like this kind of people very much. Although he had seen a few similar ones, he The number of people was still too small, so this was decided.

"Master, are you talking about the new students coming to this correspondence course?"

Thinking about the recent batch of honest young people, Mr. Liu nodded. In the past, when doctors chose apprentices, most of them did not want children from the city.

Compared with the apprentices from the village, the children in the city are more shrewd and less down-to-earth and hard-working. Learning Chinese medicine requires hard work. If they are less down-to-earth and hard-working, they have no resilience, which makes it difficult to follow the path of medicine. It's far away.

Of course, this statement can be divided into two ends. Apprentices from rural areas will be satisfied if they don't work as apprentices and won't be paid. They will be satisfied if they have food to eat, but not those in the city.


Previously, due to the situation and the epidemic control in Hong Kong City, the correspondence course was delayed for more than a year. Now it seems that the remaining time is still needed.

In the past two days, I have also learned a lot. In terms of memorizing skills, the students in these correspondence courses are really no worse than the old students.

I thought that it would be beneficial for the great inheritance to balance the ratio of young people who went to the countryside to young people from the countryside among the students in the correspondence courses, with 70% going to the countryside and 30% going to the countryside. "

The correspondence class was delayed for more than a year due to some unknown reasons. These new students were supposed to enroll when Du Jiaoyang gave birth to the first set of twins.

Although there are regrets in this, it is not a regret. At least the foundation of this batch of correspondence course students is not bad.

"Young master, you have the final say in this world. What else do you think?

If you want them to come, let them come; if you don't want them to come, don't let them come.

There are so many things, that’s it, you think too much, but they don’t know, right? "

Mr. Liu is still very confident about his right to speak in the self-training class. In this three-acre land, if his heirs say it can be done, it will be done. If they can't, even if it is true, it will be true.

"Master Liu, you can't say that, it's a matter of great inheritance, and some selfishness needs to be covered up.

If things are not done well and the young people who go to the countryside get into trouble, it is not something that thin arms and legs like ours can calm down.

Basically, I think urban youth still have an advantage. "

Hearing Li Shengli's worries, Mr. Liu narrowed his triangle eyes and said:

"Master, I think your worries are unnecessary.

Just let the people who come up put on military uniforms, eat well for a week, and then let them go back.

There is no need to spend anything but travel expenses. Just let them go down with the teaching materials like the barefoot doctors before.

They have been going back and forth over the correspondence class quota, and I am sure they will break their heads. Now this is not easy to fool.

There is a realm where people are given out clothes and still have enough to eat. Even if the people below are struggling to survive, they will still try their best to climb up.

I think you are just like a well-fed man who doesn’t know how hungry a man is when he is hungry. It’s like this in the city. If they go down there, they should be able to do it or not.

Taking correspondence classes has really become a life-earning business, so just sit in the camp and do it.

I guarantee that there are many young people below who have a photographic memory..."

I glanced at the heir of my family, who was a bit too worried about what to do, and realized that this guy had never seriously suffered from hunger.

Mr. Liu had seen a young man from the countryside who memorized all the names and properties of the medicines on the medicine cabinet in one morning.

It's a pity that the senior brother with a photographic memory was the best choice for medical qualifications. It's a pity that his mental skills were not good enough and he became a heartbreaking ghost early on.

"Master Liu, I've thought about it too, but I'm really not sure about this.

Barefoot Doctor is involved in some of my plans. I can’t tell Mr. Shi and Mr. Pu about it yet.

I'm afraid that by then, this correspondence class will become the boundary for young people who go to the countryside to return to the city. By then, the barefoot doctors in the countryside will look like nondescript people. "

The worry still stems from Li Shengli's little man's character. He doesn't trust people when he hires people, and he doesn't trust people when he doesn't use them. This doesn't exist for him either.

Many people had to test it out before he dared to use it. This was also the reason why he had been ripping people off in the city but still attended the self-training class. In terms of being cautious, Li Guishou was still remarkable.

"Master, at such a young age, what worries do you bring to future generations?

If it works, they will naturally come up. If it doesn't work, there will be reasons why they can't come up.

There are many young people who are suitable for the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine. Nowadays, there are such birds on the street. Instead of worrying about this, you might as well worry about how those old guys on the mountain are going to teach the Dharma.

Take the bone trauma technique that you are familiar with as an example. Every family has the same principles. After learning it at the end, looking back, it’s all the same job.

Just like the bone-setting techniques of Jieguliang and Liu Jinnu, something that comes from the same brand must be made different from the beginning.

If you look at the postures they use to practice strength, it is not a thing of traditional Chinese medicine, but a method of practicing martial arts.

The skills of grabbing the jar and the clay ball were all practiced very well. When it really changed in their hands, even the experienced martial arts practitioners would be dazzled by it.

Many traditional Chinese medicine techniques and craftsmanship are actually similar to those of branches. Without the branches, they are all the same trunk.

If you don't think about these serious things, what the hell do apprentices do?

The most important thing in choosing a disciple is to be strict. If you succeed, you must succeed. If you fail, you can't force it.

There are too many people down there. If they really come up, I'm afraid you should worry about not being able to feed so many people. Why do you care about them?

It's a life-and-death battle. If you can go up, you will go up. If you can't, you will go down. Your main business is still in clarifying medical theory and medicinal properties.

Now that a reliable apprentice has arrived, the first thing you have to do is not to select the person, but to simplify the techniques..."

(End of this chapter)

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