The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 612: Diligence comes from hard work (Part )

Chapter 612: Diligence comes from hard work (Part )

After returning home in the evening, Li Shengli had another task: teaching Xie Fei something outside the country.

Xie Fei could only get this information from newspapers and books before. Compared with the reality, the contents there were very one-sided.

Just like Du Jiaoyang went to the other side of the ocean and came back with a face of panic, he truly saw their true nature. The country at home is a paradise for ordinary people, while abroad is a hell for skin and cramps. Under money, no matter what Everything can be done.

For example, Li Shengli and Du Jiaoyang joked about the top foreign brands, the money is left there, and you have to follow it, otherwise the money will stand up, and it will be even worse!

The classroom in the Wang family's old house was placed directly in the main hall. Li Shengli and Ding Lan sat at the head of the class, while Xie Chan and Xie Fei took the guest seats.

Li Shengli began to introduce some of Du Jiaoyang's previous errands to Xie Fei. This was also a tacit agreement with the leadership office. When Xie Fei passed by, they naturally knew that he was Du Jiaoyang's replacement.

Judging from Xie Fei's resume, he might even be able to get a position as a clerk in the office. If he could get such a position, it would be a step to the sky for Mr. Xie.

While others went to the countryside to eat farm food, he went to the countryside to work for seniority in the leadership office. When the wind stopped and the rain stopped, there was a shortage of people everywhere. Xie Fei, who was in his early thirties at that time, might have started at the department level. .

I attended class one night at the Wang family's old house, and spent the next day with Li Shengli. On the third day, Mr. Pu answered the phone and wanted to pick someone up from the leadership office, so Xie Fei followed him all the way.

Mr. Pu had to go and return quickly, while Xie Fei was left in the office. The patient Mr. Pu brought back was also very open-minded. He was wearing a patched tunic suit in the winter and entered the free clinic with a smile. , due to this mental state, the future life limit cannot be lowered.

Li Shengli was young and could feel clearly in his hands, so Li Shengli took the first step in pulse diagnosis.

"Professor Yang, it's not a big problem. Let Mr. Pu think about it again?"

At the end of the pulse diagnosis, it turned out to be similar to what Li Shengli said right away: just replenishing the spleen and replenishing body qi might improve the weakening of vision.

"Pu Lao, after my diagnosis, I made a prescription of Sijunzi Decoction and Shengjiang Powder. If you have stomach qi discomfort, you can change it to Liujunzi Decoction and Shengjiang Powder."

After talking to Professor Yang, Li Shengli added his own cube, Shengjiang Powder, which comes from the Complete Book of Shangshu of the Febrile Disease School. It is mainly used to treat febrile diseases with severe heat in the external and internal triple burners, and the symptoms are indescribable.

This is similar to the reason why radiation sickness and febrile disease and evil heat were mentioned in the previous discussion.

"Just call me Master Yang. Don't call me Professor Yang. It will save you and me trouble. I just came back from the railway construction site. You don't want me to go back directly again, do you?"

Seeing Master Yang, who was almost in his 60s, talking cheerfully, Li Shengli was also convinced. He was a pure person, and wind and rain could not destroy his will.

"Then it's Master Yang, just stay here and ask for anything.

Mr. Pu, you try your hand again, I'll go out for a while..."

People like Professor Yang or Master Yang, who can go down to the railway arsenal site, will naturally have someone to pay attention to and protect them.

There was no need for people like this to go into the village for protection. After leaving the house, Li Shengli first asked the patrol team to go to the big canteen over Madianji to get some meat.

Then I found Mr. Liu in the self-training class office and asked for a complete set of military uniforms, cotton-padded jackets, military coats and bedding.

Judging from his clothes, he knew that Master Yang came from the south. Although the New Year was here, the spring cold was still lingering, and he was not eating well. It would be strange if his body could recover after another cold.

"Xiao Doctor Li, this is a waste of money. I can just make bed and bedding..."

Seeing that Master Yang, who had returned from studying abroad, was not limited to things, Li Shengli did not feel ashamed. Everyone has his own path, and there are not many places where they overlap. Master Yang lives the ideals of countless people, while he lives a more materialistic life. .

"Master Yang, there are many things we can't do. When we get to the place, all we can do is cure the disease, recuperate the body, and eat well and wear good clothes.

You can't come in vain, and our things can't be done in vain, right?

I would like to talk to you about the causes of radiation sickness. Would you mind giving me some advice? "

Master Yang's pulse is there, even if Mr. Pu gets started, it will only be the types of medicines that were promised before.

The syndrome differentiation and treatment of radiation disease that Pu Lao handed over also takes febrile disease as pathogenic heat as the pathology. There are restrictions on febrile disease. Shengjiang Powder is naturally the best heat-relieving medicine. As for Sijunzi Decoction or Liujunzi Decoction, it may also be tonic. Zhongyiqi decoction and the like are just the discretion of the doctor.

"Pu Lao, young people are free and easy. Without this free and easy, it will be difficult to support this career.

Dr. Li, I also admire you. Barefoot doctors are a very good idea and can solve real problems. "

After exchanging compliments, Master Yang did not reject Li Shengli's good intentions. Because of their age difference, he could chat with Mr. Pu.

"Shengli, my syndrome differentiation medicine is the same as yours, I'll take the medicine later.

Try Sijunzi Decoction first, and use Zhejiang Atractylodes as the medicinal material to avoid overpowering the medicine and causing five heart upsets and fever. "

Pu Lao's words are the words of a mature man who wants to seek a country. The use of traditional Chinese medicine cannot be separated from the words "treating the disease." It is best to have just the right medicine, but this is also the most difficult to grasp.

Li Shengli, who is now a senior in internal medicine and a senior in medicine discrimination, cannot grasp such details.

Radiation disease is also considered a new disease. Li Shengli has never been exposed to it before. To put it bluntly, this type of syndrome differentiation and treatment still cannot be separated from the method of testing Qi.

After three or two doses of medicine, the symptoms have improved. That means the medicine is right. If it is not tepid or not hot, it means the medicine is wrong. Great doctors like Pu Lao also use the same method when encountering diseases that they are not sure about.

"Mr. Pu and Dr. Li, you just need to apply the medicine. I have a pretty good physique, so I can just treat it as an experimental sample."

Master Yang can be considered a free and easy person. Although he has returned from studying abroad, he has no discrimination against Chinese medicine. However, many things still have to be based on curative effect. If Master Yang can be cured this time.

Then Chinese medicine must have a place in the scientific community, if not for anything else, just for those who will benefit from Chinese medicine due to radiation sickness. Ready-made examples are in front of us. If we really talk about science, then you can follow those scientists. speak.

After settling Master Yang, Li Shengli and Mr. Pu checked with the old men in the camp and detailed their evidence.

Everyone came to the conclusion that if Shengjiang Powder and Sijunzi Decoction were ineffective, they could only try based on the symptoms of diabetes mentioned by Li Shengli.

It is also a blessing for doctors to encounter new diseases during their medical practice. Traditional Chinese medicine has accumulated too much experience over three thousand years. Shengjiang Powder can be used to treat fever. To put it bluntly, it is not an exaggeration to say that this thing is a cold medicine.

But this medicine can cure many diseases. Combined with the principle of treating a disease before it is cured and treating the disease as it is intended by Chinese medicine, Li Shengli’s prescription of prescription medicine is still remarkable.

After getting along with a group of old men, it was natural for him to take medicine. Since he was prescribed a new disease, Li Shengli did not take Master Yang's kind words as falsehoods. He still had to try a course of treatment every three days.

Now that all parties are preparing for things in the north, there are not many patients coming from the self-training class free clinic. Mr. Pu presented a brochure on radiation sickness, but cases appeared in two or three days, which was also a practical need. If Big Brother really encountered a minor operation, radiation sickness would really be an issue that had to be discussed.

When work was about to end in the evening, Xie Fei, whose salary was average, was also sent back by Little Jeep.

After the two met, Xie Fei also mentioned the office's attitude towards radiation sickness, which was to produce results as soon as possible.

Walking all the way back to Madianji, Xie Fei, the liaison officer, also briefly talked about today's work, which was nothing more than getting familiar with the work left by Du Jiaoyang.

Although there is a trend of pressure in the north, as long as there is no real pressure, many things will remain the same as in the past, and we cannot mess up our position.

As Du Jiaoyang's alternate, the leadership office also knew Xie Fei's role. Although Mr. Xie was familiar with his main job today, there were also requests there, which were about the issue of food imports.

Grain imports are nothing new. We started importing Canadian wheat in 1954. Wheat from Canada and Australia has also been flowing domestically. This is also a manifestation of capital's pursuit of profit, and blockades cannot stop it.

Xie Fei raised the question, and Li Shengli thought about it for a moment, without hiding it, and directly gave him Nu Bijian's contact information and the secret word for the connection.

Nuo Bijian has his own considerations as to whether to do many things, and there are also bottom lines for doing things. They just can't bring in anything too eye-catching. Xin Yihe is a long-term business.

There were no problems with food and the like. It was just buying and selling medicinal materials. No one could say anything about exchanging food for medicinal materials.

Nowadays, the largest grain merchant in China is the Bunge Group in the United States. People also know who the buyers of grain are. The route is also through the branch in France, bypassing the supervision in the United States. There are many people doing this kind of business. .

This is just like the domestic trade of medicinal materials must be handed over to Yihe, and the products of small handicrafts must be handed over to HSBC. If others sell them, they are the local specialties of Hong Kong City. If you sell them yourself, you will face heavy blockades.

Canada and Australia are both colonies. New Jardine is involved in the grain trade, so it doesn't have to compete with Bunge. It can just exchange some medicinal materials.

After glancing at Mr. Xie, who was very smart, Li Shengli didn't tell him anything secret. He asked Xie Fei to come out just to divert attention from the self-training class.

Du Jiaoyang's matter might not be able to be kept secret. With Xie Fei supporting him from the front, Li Shengli would have more space and time to maneuver.

In the next few days, Xie Fei's work started smoothly. Not only did he contact Niu Bijian in the port city, but he also finalized a large grain import business. The office naturally gave him the status of a clerk. It can be regarded as good luck for being good at work and hard work.

In the self-training class, three days after Master Yang took the medicine, Master Yang's own words aside, his vision became much clearer. He only had one good eye left, and it was not as dry as before.

After conducting pulse diagnosis with more than ten old men, Li Shengli came to the conclusion that the combination of Shengjiang Powder and Sijunzi Decoction has curative effect, and the curative effect is remarkable.

Now that the medicine is effective, we need to seriously talk about the treatment of radiation sickness. The symptoms of radiation sickness correspond to the evil heat in febrile diseases. Therefore, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, this disease is not incurable.

It's just that Master Yang suffered a radiation injury more than ten years ago and his vision has declined. It's hard to tell whether it is the cause of radiation sickness.

In traditional Chinese medicine, spleen deficiency or evil heat damaging body fluids are also very common at Master Yang's age. Master Yang has obvious symptoms of relapse, so it is time to look for real radiation sickness.

Before looking for the patient, Pu Lao and the other old men naturally had to sit down with Li Shengli to discuss it. As the current patient, Master Yang was also invited to witness it.

"Sheng Sheng, using the triple-energizer dialectical theory of febrile disease to describe radiation disease, should still be appropriate.

However, if we report it again and attract patients, we will be responsible..."

Defining radiation sickness as evil heat or heat poison is not a problem for Pu Lao, but whether there is a problem or not depends on the efficacy.

Pu Lao and others still have concerns about introducing radiation sickness into the self-training class. After all, the situation is different at this time.

"Pu Lao, if the disease cannot be cured, we can still nurse him back to health.

Although medicines such as Sijunzi Decoction, Danggui Buxue Decoction, and Wuzi Yanzong Pills are not medicines that can be used casually, there will not be much harm if the tonics are taken by mistake.

Master Yang, do you think so?

What if we run into it?

Master Yang should know how difficult the later stages of radiation sickness are. "

Seeing Li Shengli turning the conversation to Master Yang, a layman, Mr. Pu sighed softly and knew that the young man had made up his mind.

With Master Yang getting involved, it would be difficult to shelve this matter. If it really works, maybe the higher-ups will support barefoot doctors in learning Chinese medicine.

"Dr. Xiao Li said it right, trial and error always have costs.

After taking these several doses of medicine, I obviously feel that my breath has become much stronger. It is an exaggeration to say that the medicine cures the disease, but the effect is also very obvious. "

Listening to the compliments of the layman Master Yang, Mr. Pu shook his head. Anyone with a weak spleen would feel strong after using the Four Gentlemen Decoction.

This person's symptoms, after taking Shengjiang Powder, are almost the same as those caused by Sijunzi Decoction. The medicine is suitable for the symptoms. Not to mention taking the medicine for three days, you may feel obvious after one dose.

But Master Yang, a layman, still has a lot of weight in his words. The younger patients who follow are almost all his students, and the older ones may be his classmates.

People in this circle, new patients, will believe Master Yang's words if they don't believe anyone else. This is the so-called reputation of Chinese medicine, and sometimes it is much better than the efficacy and curative effect of medicine.

After taking the medicine, the effect is effective, and the next thing is very simple. Master Yang will make supplements, and Mr. Pu will go up to report, just waiting for the new patients to come to the self-training class.

Many things cannot be hidden. After Mr. Pu reported it, Master Dong, Lao Bai, and Guo Shihuai came to Qiufeng from the training class to fight radiation sickness.

Now the institute is basically out of business, and Lao Bai and Bai Sushan are no longer directors of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. However, Guo Shihuai’s pharmaceutical factory is still the same. No one dares to go there to explode the thorns. It’s not that you can’t go, because you will die if you go. It's ugly.

Now that these three brothers are gathered together, they can be regarded as having switched careers from traditional Chinese medicine to pharmaceutical masters. The new pharmaceutical ideas from Mr. Shi's side are those three brothers who are working in the pharmaceutical factory for public benefit.

Li Shengli knew about this and didn't give any advice. Mr. Shi was also a famous doctor, and the final result was a summary of his life's experience. With the help of these three brothers in practice, maybe some medicines would be more powerful than the Chinese medicine given by Brother Tong. Patent medicine.

“Do you want to make Wuzi Yanzong Pills into a medicine, or do you want to make Sijunzi Pills?

Radiation sickness is a new disease!

In the beginning, we have to treat each person differently, and the scope of this disease is very narrow. Even if we can come up with the compatibility of patent medicines, we may not be able to make them in batches.

I heard that the three of you are studying Western medicine and pharmacy from Professor Zhang recently. You are good at work and hard at work, but you are idle at play. Don’t be distracted by your business..."

Professor Zhang, the Shanghai pharmacologist who came with Cheng Lao, also helped Guo Shihuai.

For Master Dong and the other three, studying medical skills is the right path. At their age, it is a good time to study medical books intensively. They will gain something after reading one book. There is no other stage in the journey of learning medicine where they can have such good results. Ability to understand...

(End of this chapter)

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