The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 613 Correspondence Class (Part )

Chapter 613 Correspondence Class (Part )

Master Dong and the other three agreed that what Master Li said was not serious. Master Dong, Bai Sushan, and Guo Shihuai were in a similar state to Li Shengli. The teacher could not teach them, so they had to resort to classics.

The current Li Shengli and Master Dong, or this group of people with similar skills, really only know that they don't know how to do it when they encounter problems. If they don't encounter problems, they just think that they know it all.

And when they do encounter problems, some of them cannot be answered even by Mr. Shi and Mr. Pu. Although their craftsmanship is still not as good as that of Mr. Shi and Mr. Pu, what they can learn from their predecessors now is really good. Not much.

Because they have taught everything that can and should be taught, except that their craftsmanship is not as good as that of their teachers, they feel that they also know what they should know. After becoming famous and starting a family, if they want to go further, they can only turn to classics.

Nowadays, the weather is full of wind, frost, rain and snow. It is difficult for the three of them to calm down and study books. They seek help from classics but cannot calm down to think, so their progress is very slow.

In fact, those who should go to the mountain villages to inherit the inheritance should be the backbone of the medical field like Master Dong.

But the level of the three of them is really not low, almost surpassing more than half of the famous old Chinese medicine doctors in the mountain village. As far as Zhongjiao Spleen and Stomach are concerned, few Master Dong and Bai Sushan can compare with their attainments.

When it comes to the treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases with traditional Chinese medicine, Guo Shihuai is a master. No one in the mountain village can compare with him.

Teaching disciples is also worthy of success. If you teach three of them like this, the teacher will be questioned and find a student who is clueless. Those famous old Chinese doctors on the mountain think that they have lived too long.

Today's Dong and Master are the things that students don't want to learn and teachers don't want to teach.

But when it comes to sitting in the hall to diagnose diseases, the famous old Chinese medicine doctors on the mountain each have their own unique skills. Whichever skill is worth learning, but learning the unique skill alone will not be beneficial to inheritance.

For people like Master Dong, studying systematically takes too long and is of no use. In short, it is not easy to find suitable apprentices in the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine.

When it comes to treating diseases in court, there is not much difference between these three doctors who are recognized as good doctors and the famous old Chinese medicine doctors in the mountain villages.

Many common diseases of traditional Chinese medicine are treated in this way at high levels, and are treated in this way at not too high level. At the entry-level level, the treatment is almost the same.

Sometimes, many doctors will not encounter many difficult and complicated diseases in their lifetime, and most of them are still dealing with common diseases. This kind of treatment, the level of which is quite different is enough.

But sometimes, some doctors who are down on their luck will face difficult and complicated diseases every day. This kind of disease is really impossible to treat without some skills.

Chinese medicine is not easy to produce in batches, and this is where the difficulty lies. Even if the apprentices can produce the medicines in batches, future patients will not be able to produce them in batches. To elaborate, it is quite contradictory.

Master Dong and others have high standards, so it is advisable to pass them on. However, some famous old Chinese doctors in mountain villages have average skills, so it is not advisable to pass them on. That is also nonsense.

This depends on both the level of inheritance and the level of the disciples. Mr. Shi's current disciples are considered to be members of the famous old Chinese medicine practitioners. Maybe the disciples of the famous old Chinese medicine doctors on the mountain will have the existence of the masters of traditional Chinese medicine in the future.

The medical world is also strange. Sometimes, it is not based on the inheritance of medical skills. Sometimes, it is based on the inheritance of medical skills.

Just like when great doctors, doctors, and ordinary Chinese medicine practitioners face Guizhi Decoction syndrome, it is really difficult to distinguish between them. There is no unclear medical theory for such a disease.

But when it comes to the radiation sickness just mentioned by Li Shengli, everyone has his own reason.

Traditional Chinese medicine does not need standards, because the standards are in the classics, but the practice of traditional Chinese medicine needs standards to regulate it. It is impossible for you to use medicine at will for common diseases.

For many prescriptions, the Chinese medicine practitioner can just cross them out if the patient asks whether the medicine is appropriate in the prescription. There must always be medical support for its use or not.

Furthermore, the objectivity of Western medicine standards cannot be ignored, and the norms or standards of traditional Chinese medicine also need to be learned.

Traditional Chinese medicine must have its own standards, which are not just things that are done behind closed doors. Corresponding to the standards of Western medicine, Chinese medicine's own standards will only be more stringent.

Li Fang prescribes medicine and the doctor cannot understand it, and it really kills the patient. According to the previous rules, doctors must pay for their lives, and rewards and punishments are clear. This is the rule.

When it comes to such a standard, Li Shengli cannot figure it out. The establishment of such a standard requires not only the participation of Chinese medicine practitioners, but also the participation of some laymen of Chinese medicine, or elites from all walks of life.

Whether Western medicine or Chinese medicine independently sets this standard, it is inevitable that it will be biased. It is just a matter of standards, but there is no rush now. Barefoot doctors are still around. It is too early to talk about standards for such medical conditions.

Thinking of the episode about Barefoot Doctor, when Li Shengli met Dong and Master three people, he also had questions and needed help from the three of them.

"Three of you, young people going to the countryside is in progress. How do you select people for the correspondence class? You seniors, can you give me a charter?"

Speaking of the correspondence course that is about to be put into action, Li Shengli is also in trouble.

With the help of the initial correspondence class, after gathering a group of village doctors and rural doctors, the recruitment of students in the correspondence class has basically stopped. Now almost all of them are newcomers to traditional Chinese medicine. First of all, the qualifications for the correspondence class The delineation is a problem.

From Li Shengli's point of view, the selection of candidates was just a trivial matter. Since the fight started, many students from all over the country came to Beijing, both young and old.

In winter, students from the north can do it, but students from the south come wearing single clothes. We can't let them freeze to death in the north. Even if they don't freeze to death, they won't freeze to death.

Therefore, a large amount of clothing was distributed for free. In addition to clothing and bedding, the consumption of food in Sijiu City by the visitors was also terrifying.

This was also one of Li Shengli's previous tricks. With the help of these students, he and Wang Qianjin poured food into the camp of the self-training class.

Whether it is clothing or food, the supply is very tight nowadays. It is really hard for the city to allow students to enter the city at will.

Today's Sijiu City does not allow young people from all over the country to come and go at will. How students in the correspondence class can enter Beijing is not a problem that Li Shengli can solve.

In addition to how to get to Beijing, there is also a problem of quantity. If there are fewer people, it will have little effect on the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine. If there are more people, where the self-training class will export food is also a problem.

These problems cannot be solved by the three teachers and teachers. It would be possible to ask the three of them how to select the students for the correspondence class.

"Uncle Li, we have no right to comment on this matter. It is the teachers who have the final say on how to choose disciples."

Glancing at Master Dong who was blocking him with his slick moves, Li Shengli sighed helplessly. This old fellow was also very slippery. The teachers were naturally talking about the famous old Chinese medicine doctor on the mountain.

In addition to skills and toughness, Chinese medicine also pays attention to understanding when choosing a disciple. There is no standard for understanding.

A person's understanding in this medical lineage may be among the geniuses, but in another family's inheritance sect, he is like a fool. This is also an unreasonable thing. Chinese medicine is people-oriented, and it really is not just what it says. Whether the master and the disciple are compatible or not is the key.

The apprentice is willing to learn, the master is willing to teach, and all the apprentices taught by the master can learn it, and can draw inferences under the guidance of the master. This is undoubtedly the best master-student relationship and the best inheritance relationship.

But this thing is also a luxury that can only be met but cannot be obtained. Just like Li Shengli asked how to choose a person, Master Dong avoided answering. In the inheritance, it is not easy to find a suitable disciple.

The correspondence class taught by Li Shengli, his junior uncle, is now not a teaching class like the previous one at the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, but is closely related to the inheritance of the famous old Chinese medicine doctors in the mountain village.

As for Hu Qin, if the selected students do not meet the requirements of the famous old Chinese medicine doctors on the mountain, they will be punished.

"You are a charlatan!

In the field of pharmaceuticals, Master Dong and Lao Bai should stop getting involved. In the future, proprietary Chinese medicines will just be an errand to lower the standards of medication. It is just a thing that goes on the market and is not conducive to the advancement of medical skills.

When you get together, why not think more about how the following TCM clinics should be structured, and what kind of structure a county-level TCM hospital should have.

The real correspondence course will be launched soon, and there will be more and more barefoot doctor training classes below. In the future, the students we have will only become more and more elite.

Going to the countryside cannot always stay in the countryside. Young people who go to the city will eventually have to return to the city.

They can't think of what will happen in the future, but those of us who are planning the path forward for the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine still need to think carefully about them.

How to choose people, how to send them down, or how to return to the city, these are things that you and Lao Bai need to spend their energy on. There are many things that cannot always be done by me alone. "

After teasing the naughty Master Dong with a smile, Li Shengli also got down to business.

Compared with pharmaceuticals, the future destination of young people who have studied Chinese medicine and rural youth is a very important topic.

Young people going to the countryside and young people from rural areas are not only one group, but also two different groups. The distinction between household registration will also be a major event in the next thirty or forty years.

Barefoot doctors cannot all be shouldered by young people from the countryside. It is not they who can truly become the group of barefoot doctors, but real rural youths, not locals. Who would stay in one place for half a lifetime?

However, such a distinction cannot be truly reflected in the self-training class. If it is reflected, it is contrary to the general environment and will directly cause the self-training class to close down.

These can only be distinguished quietly during the training process. Otherwise, all barefoot doctors will be taken over by young people who go to the countryside. When they return to the city in the future, there will be a large gap in the team of barefoot doctors, and some efforts will be lost. After returning to the city, it was all in vain.

It is a good thing for the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine to continue to expand the proportion of rural youth among barefoot doctors through correspondence courses, and at the same time take into account the youth who have gone to the countryside. If we only care about the youth who have gone to the countryside, regardless of the larger number of rural youth, it is putting the cart before the horse. make a living.

Some words are inappropriate for the times. Li Shengli will not say it easily because of the difference between young people going to the countryside and young people from the countryside.

But Master Dong was not an idiot, and he almost understood the meaning of his junior uncle Li Shengli’s words. The old man’s face also changed, and he pondered for a while before saying:

"Uncle Junior has thought carefully, so Lao Bai and I took over this task.

It's just that Lao Bai and I are a little lonely together, and we still need to choose more personnel. Can Junior Uncle protect me? "

Li Shengli didn't hear Master Dong's flattery, but when he heard the word "protection", his brows furrowed. If he were an insider in Chinese medicine, Master Dong wouldn't say this.

Protecting Chinese medicine practitioners in Beijing is also one of Li Shengli's responsibilities. Even if the family situation is really bad and the Chinese medicine doctors are being targeted, Li Shengli will help them.

As long as he is a famous doctor and a famous doctor, Li Shengli can at least keep people alive as long as he is not rebellious. If he is rebellious, he will not do anything.

There are people like this in the Chinese medicine industry, but after excluding these people, Li Shengli cannot protect the remaining ones, and those who do it will have to pay a heavy price.

In addition to Chinese medicine practitioners and pharmacists, there are also laypeople in the Chinese medicine industry, such as some people from the Chinese Medicine Research Institute and departments.

Most of the people Master Dong wants to help are this kind of people. Although these are not insiders, they can still be regarded as knowledgeable people. After thinking about it for a while, Li Shengli nodded lightly.

For many things, let alone Mr. Dong, even Li Shengli and Wang Qianjin are not easy to screen. Whether the person you pull will be in trouble will only be known after you pull him.

Now that Master Dong has spoken, he has a reason to pull. Li Shengli can't say much. He favors one over the other. There was nothing he could do before. Now that the situation has eased a little due to the incident in the north, Master Dong's idea is not impossible.

Even if people come, Li Shengli will not let Master Dong, Lao Bai, and Guo Shihuai leave easily.

In addition to studying classics, Chinese medicine has reached an advanced level of internal medicine. If you want to make progress, you must either go to see a doctor for treatment, or get together with several doctors to chat about medical skills.

Most of the chats with Pu Lao and others were spent in the morning class of mutual pulse diagnosis. The time was a little short. When Master Dong and others came, Li Shengli was not polite. He made tea and everyone sat down.

Taking the new disease radiation disease, we started talking about the spleen and stomach in the middle burner. When it comes to treating diseases with traditional Chinese medicine, sometimes it is simple. Half of the efforts in internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine focus on the spleen and stomach in the middle burner.

The spleen and stomach are in the middle burner, which is the foundation of acquired nature, the source of qi and blood biochemistry, and is the source of nourishment for all the internal organs, limbs and bones.

When it comes to which internal medicine department is indispensable, Li Shengli cannot say it, nor can Mr. Shi, Mr. Pu, and Master Dong. However, which one of the spleen and stomach departments in Zhongjiao is also indispensable, they can say it.

Therefore, most Chinese medicine practitioners in the internal medicine department must have some attainments in the theory of spleen and stomach, otherwise they will not be able to master their skills.

After chatting for as long as possible, and after everyone had gained something, Li Shengli dispersed.

Li Shengli focused on the spleen and stomach, and it was really for the new disease radiation disease. Although this disease was also studied in later generations, the depth of research was still not enough.

In the future, Chinese medicine will have many areas where it can be used to make money. However, its reputation lies in curing cancer. Not to mention curing cancer, even if it can effectively recuperate, it is also an extremely famous doctor and famous doctor, and it can gain both fame and fortune.

Many things always have a development process. Just as the purpose of wind and rain cannot be achieved, Chinese medicine will inevitably become a tool for many people to pursue fame and profit. No matter which industry or profession, there are only a very small number of pure people.

This is also related to the rapid decline of traditional Chinese medicine. Everyone is chasing fame and fortune. Those who rely on inheritance are fools. This is also a business where there is no room for reasoning...

(End of this chapter)

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