The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 611 Diligence comes from hard work (Part )

Chapter 611 Diligence comes from hard work (Part )

"Pu Lao, at this rare opportunity for the development of traditional Chinese medicine, how do you want me to stop?

Many things are a process of ebb and flow. Now that we take a step back, how will we explain it to future Chinese medicine practitioners?

Nowadays, if we don’t take the opportunity of young people going to the countryside and recruit the talents among them, the generation of talents in traditional Chinese medicine is just around the corner.

Western medicine can be restored once classes are opened, but traditional Chinese medicine has lost its talents. It will be difficult to open ten or one hundred traditional Chinese medicine universities to make up for the lack of inheritance caused by the lack of talents.

I would like to promote the apprenticeship system for Chinese medicine college students, but I don’t dare to do so these days.

However, the Barefoot Doctors went to this university in rural areas, giving them the opportunity to inherit traditional Chinese medicine.

Correspondence education, further education, going to the countryside, correspondence education, and apprenticeship. Within three or two years, the famous old Chinese medicine practitioners in the mountains will have qualified apprentices.

For a period of 578 years, these correspondence students accepted from below inherited the inheritance of the famous old Chinese medicine doctors from the mountain villages. The future of Chinese medicine will be broad.

There are some things that are irreversible now..."

Li Shengli's purpose in the self-training class was told to Mr. Shi, Mr. Pu and others early in the morning, including the famous old Chinese doctors in the mountain village.

Mr. Pu may not be clear about it, but Li Shengli knows in his heart that since the Chinese medicinal materials started to increase 279 times, by the time the epidemic in Hong Kong is controlled, this general trend has been achieved.

It makes no sense for something that is popular outside to be resisted domestically. Although the treatment of radiation sickness is very narrow now, there is still an opportunity for Big Brother to make Chinese medicine a god. This is an opportunity not to be missed for the great inheritance.

If a medicine wants to gain a foothold in the international market, it will have to step on countless corpses. However, those corpses are all people who have no connection with traditional Chinese medicine. As long as they are destined, they will not become corpses.

As for the pamphlet compiled by Li Shengli, it is nothing more than a supplement to the barefoot doctor. The domestic tricks are of little practical use.

"Shengli, that's what it is, but if Western medicine doesn't participate in the training of barefoot doctors, wouldn't it mean that it will ruin people's future?"

Hearing Mr. Pu's statement, Li Shengli raised his eyebrows. This time, he might have got it wrong.

If he had known that Mr. Pu was talking like this, he wouldn't have wasted any words. Now is the time to show his integrity.

Sometimes, if you say good things to the other person, you may end up doing bad things with good intentions.


This matter?

Pu Lao, I have always advocated the coexistence of traditional Chinese and Western medicine. You always want to mention it and I will not stop you. After all, the overall situation is more important.

The knowledge of Western medicine used in our neo-circulatory sect is not old or young..."

Hearing that Li Shengli still had an overall view of the situation, Mr. Pu also breathed a sigh of relief. After thinking about it for a while, he took the pamphlet "Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment of Radiation Disease with Traditional Chinese Medicine" and left the yard of the self-training class and got in the car. Went to report.

Looking at Mr. Pu going away on the Volga Golden Deer, Li Shengli shook his head. Mr. Pu just didn't mention it when he came up. If he did, it would be the final word.

If Pulao's previous treatment for meningococcal meningitis was still considered a small-scale epidemic, then this time the Hong Kong City Flu is truly a worldwide epidemic. Because of the delay in the early stage of gypsum tea, there were no large-scale casualties in Hong Kong City.

There are casualties all over the place elsewhere, and with Jardine pushing Swire to spread the news behind the scenes, the casualties of this flu in Hong Kong City are in the millions, and there must be several such units.

For many things, I am afraid of settling accounts. The statistics of casualties in influenza are bound to be carried out. The number that comes out now will definitely make the supply of traditional Chinese medicine preparations in New Yihe exceed the demand.

This kind of information must be known to the leadership office. Because of Swire's promotion and HSBC's obstruction, the influenza that was supposed to be over in about a year will at least last until this winter, and maybe it will last until next winter as well.

The blocking effect of traditional Chinese medicine is only reflected on the individual body and has no killing effect on the influenza virus.

This shortcoming of the special medicines of traditional Chinese medicine is unknown to outsiders. As long as the influenza virus cannot be killed, the influenza will continue.

Western medicine or modern medicine has the ability to make vaccines, but continuous epidemics mean continuous mutations. For type A and type III, the vaccine cannot be overcome within three or two years, otherwise there will be no more epidemics in the future. .

This can also be regarded as a foreshadowing for the best-selling of traditional Chinese medicinal materials. They can only work if there are symptoms. This is also in line with the medical theory of traditional Chinese medicine, which is to treat the disease after it is already sick. Most of the traditional Chinese medicine anti-inflammatory drugs have symptom requirements.

When it comes to traditional Chinese medicine or traditional Chinese medicine, most people use tonics, and among tonics, authentic medicinal materials are an indispensable part. The rhetoric that Chinese medicine is regulating or tonifying seems more advanced. .

If the treatment of influenza in the Hong Kong city, treatment of diseases in the north and south, and radiation sickness cannot attract the attention of the leadership office, then it will be wrong.

Li Shengli raised the topic of radiation sickness. In addition to hitting the hot topics, he also saw Cherno in the future. At the same time, he did not forget those people who remained anonymous and paid silently.

Thinking that without Du Jiaoyang, there would be one less contact person between the self-training class and the leadership office, Li Shengli went to the office and called Wali.

Naturally, the candidate cannot come from the Wang family's old house. The eldest lady Ding Lan went there and did whatever she wanted. The pampered behavior she has developed since she was a child will be annoying.

As for the most suitable candidate, Xie Chan, she is just the most suitable for the position of liaison. She is well organized and can use the information in front of her to analyze the future development of things. These are all very good.

But whether it's for Li Shengli himself or for the future of the Xie family, Xie Chan, who has lost her husband's family, can only be an analyst for her younger brother Xie Fei.

Letting Xie Chan pass would give her a way forward, but it would also easily make her out of control. This was something neither Li Shengli, nor the Xie family, nor Xie Chan's biological mother, Zou Jin, wanted to see.

Moreover, if Xie Chan goes out, she will block the way of her younger brother Xie Fei. The Xie family is a combined family, and the allocation of resources is also limited.

Xie Chan and Xie Fei's brothers and sisters are both serving in the military, and they can also take advantage of Lao Xie's influence. Xie Chan and Xie Fei, as siblings, can take advantage of Lao Xie's career resources in advance, which is more in line with Xie Fei's career. development of veins.

Based on the analysis of these conditions, regardless of whether Xie Chan has a husband or not, and whether she is suitable for this job, she can only serve as an assistant to her brother Xie Fei.

After the phone call, Xie Fei arrived very quickly, almost the same as when we first met, except that the Chinese tunic and three-joints at that time were replaced by today's old military uniforms and yellow rubber shoes, and the brand-new bicycle was replaced by a semi-new one.


Uncle Li, what's the matter? "

After meeting, Xie Fei was also a person who could move up or down. He had a drawl and kept his attitude to a minimum.

Needless to say, Li Shengli glanced at the bruised skin on Xie Fei's face and understood the attitude of Mr. Caixia also made him correct his attitude.

As long as Mr. Xie rubs some cream on his face and runs less in the cold wind, there will be no spots of dark brown skin on his face.

"Lao Xie, Mr. Xie, you have a good attitude.

We don’t need to hide some things from each other. You still call you Lao Li, and I still call me Lao Xie.

As for when you arrive at the Zhao's house in Wali, how should you bark?

I asked you to come here this time because I want you to be an errand boy, running between the self-training class and the leadership office. Don't be too quick to be happy. Let me ask you first, what do you think of the Chinese herbal medicine cultivation and breeding industry in Wali and the mountains? "

After clarifying the names between the two, the entanglement between Li Shengli and the Xie family is not that simple.

He also thought of Xie Chan's usefulness when he was fighting the epidemic in the south. He was nothing more than the general manager of the family. As a small person, Li Shengli didn't want to get involved in too many things. When there was no need to fuss, it should be a time of peace and stability. .

Some things must be handled by someone, and Xie Chan, who is very organized, is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate.

There was no need to tell Xie Fei these things. Seeing that he was ecstatic when he heard that he was going to the leader's office to run errands, Li Shengli asked him a question.

"Of course it's very good. When I was in Wali, I calculated that the income from just a piece of mountainous land increased the income of Wali village members more than 20 times.

As for the number of villages in the mountains, they are forty times smaller. As for Madianji and Taipingzhuang, their incomes have increased by more than five times.

The low growth rate in these two villages is not due to low income, but because the previous base was high.

Currently, the Chinese medicinal materials produced in Wali and mountains have a shortcoming: the lack of manpower for further processing. "

Xie Fei's words were more professional. It was obvious that during this period, he had both practiced his skills and followed his master. Otherwise, it would be difficult for a disciple like him to say such knowledgeable words.

I roughly guessed that this matter is probably related to Lao Gao of Tongrentang, who focuses on the preparation of medicinal materials, and only a person in this industry can tell.

“Yes, but we can’t say this.

We can only talk about the income of Madianji and Taipingzhuang from herbs and medicinal materials. Have you calculated this? How much income can the average person in the village get in a year? "

Li Shengli's meaning cannot be said, but Xie Fei understands it. After counting, the origin of the medicinal materials is only a few, and they are not popular.

As for Madianji and Taipingzhuang's profits from medicinal herbs, Xie Fei couldn't explain clearly. He really learned more than half of what he learned from Lao Gao.

Because last year, Lao Gao led people to prepare medicinal materials in Wali, so Xie Fei followed him for a while. After being introduced by Lao Gao, he met a few more teachers and went to the countryside to become the son-in-law of the Zhao family in Wali. It’s not a loss, as a little more attentiveness is the result of being more diligent in your work.

“The per capita price in Madianji is around RMB 5, while the average price in Taipingzhuang is around RMB 10.

Lao Xie, although this number is less than the monthly salary of some temporary workers, it is the result of per capita in a large village of five to six thousand people.

Moreover, there is little land in Madianji, and some autumn winds in Taipingzhuang and Wali have been used for medicinal materials, including more than 100 tons of herbal medicinal materials.

Although there is a reason for the price increase, the amount of medicinal materials is still dozens of kilograms per capita.

If this happened across the country, the benefits would be huge..."

Although the leadership office has done all-receivable collection before, it was only for some villages with a tradition of collecting and purchasing medicinal materials. More than half of the villages have not yet had such benefits.

Don’t underestimate the five or six yuan per capita, or more than ten yuan. In some villages, the actual per capita amount that the brigades can get in a year may not be this amount.

Just like the previous mountain villages, there are more and more upside downs every year. Five or six yuan is not a small amount of money in today's rural areas.

"Lao Li, what do you mean?"

Going to the leader's office to run errands had little to do with the per capita ratio between Madianji and Taipingzhuang. Knowing that there was something in Li Shengli's words, Xie Fei simply asked directly.

“Simple, that is to look at things from a high level.

Different from other units, what we do there is summary work, and what we look at is not the gains and losses of one city or one place, but the overall situation.

I will give you a little bit this time. Your mother and sister can explain it more clearly.

Go to Madianji to have a look and chat. I will give you an opportunity to go there in the next two days.

After entering the city, don't wander around, the weather outside is still not good. "

Li Shengli was relieved to see that Xie Fei's push would be fine. If Mr. Xie was as reckless as Wang Qianjin, he would not dare to introduce him to the leadership office.

When work was about to end in the afternoon, Mr. Pu walked into the courtyard of the self-training class with a troubled look on his face. He looked at Li Shengli's free clinic, and the old man walked in feeling depressed.

"I'm afraid you're using my old man as a weapon again this time. If I don't say something, others don't know. Will it strengthen their determination if I say it?

We are upright and upright in order to pass on the inheritance, but they are thinking of fighting among themselves, delaying it for a while, and using Chinese medicine to support it first. Isn't it just right? "

At this time, Pu Lao thought about it all the way before he figured out what Li Shengli said he had always advocated. The insidious aspect of the coexistence of traditional Chinese and Western medicine was that the old man had little experience in a career.

Sometimes his experience in the martial arts world and his career are not so consistent. If he is not careful, he will fall into this guy's trap.

"Hey, Mr. Pu, we all arrive at the same destination through different paths..."

What are the results of the radiation sickness thing? Don't you even have a case in your old age? "

Listening to Li Shengli changing the subject in person, Pu Lao stroked his long beard twice and couldn't say anything weird anymore. The deal was already done and there was no point in talking more.

"We're going to have one, and we're going to check on the efficacy. People in the northwest are all busy!

This person went to the place, contacted there in front of me, and could be here within a day or two.

I also learned about this person's situation. He suffered radiation injury more than ten years ago. One eye was damaged, and the vision of the other eye was also affected during this period. Can this disease be cured? "

After listening to Mr. Pu's explanation of the symptoms, Li Shengli scratched his head. According to the radiation injury, it might have been completely metabolized in ten years.

One eye was damaged, which was probably a direct radiation injury such as retinal detachment. After a rough guess, Li Shengli was not sure.

"If vision continues to be affected, it should be that the evil heat in the body has not disappeared. Check the pulse. If it fails, follow the path of diabetes. It is nothing more than clearing away heat and moistening dryness, nourishing yin and promoting body fluid. The spleen is responsible for raising clearness, causing the body fluid to rise. This radiation Even if you are ill, you may not be able to escape the spleen replenishing method."

Li Shengli's method of opening his mouth seemed a bit sloppy to Mr. Pu, but the general path still sounded good.

After pondering for a while, I felt that I had to see the patient's pulse before I could differentiate the syndrome and treat it, so I stopped arguing with Li Shengli.

Just thinking that Li Shengli took advantage of him again today to confirm the idea of ​​Barefoot Doctor majoring in Chinese medicine, the old man still felt a little depressed.

Compared with the young man in front of them, the fighting experience of these old men is really inferior. The old Jianghu can't compare with the small Jianghu, which is also a matter of regret for the old man...

(End of this chapter)

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