The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 610: Diligence comes from hard work (Part )

Chapter 610: Diligence comes from hard work (Part )

After spending the New Year in a muddle, watching the gatherings and separations of young people going to the countryside, the situation in the north is getting more and more serious.

The self-training class has almost become a night school, and the daytime is spent on militia training.

Today's self-training class is also a serious air defense unit in the militia sequence.

During the period when Li Shengli went south, some areas of the self-training class were also renovated, and more than ten Oerlikon cannons were added to the camp, which were regarded as obsolete.

In addition to daily militia training and artillery training, a new round of digging holes has also begun. This time, unlike the previous preparations, the scale of digging holes is almost universal.

The land issue that Li Shengli had been obsessed with before was solved because of digging holes. The air-raid shelters allocated to the self-training class are quite large, with dozens of them in total. According to the current personnel of the self-training class, digging three It can't be completed in five years.

The air-raid shelters in the self-training class, thanks to Wang Qianjin's relationship, were also properly designed. Three of the dozen or so air-raid shelters surrounding the originally idle military camps have already started construction.

Not to mention the excavated earth, the city bricks piled outside the self-training class alone are enough to build another camp.

Although digging holes is ultimately a useless side job for Li Shengli, after he came back, the efficiency of digging holes in the self-training class was obviously much higher.

Because he combined the memorization skills of veteran students with digging holes. If you don't memorize the book well, you have to carry soil. Carrying soil for a living is also the most tiring job in the process of digging holes.

There were extra subsidies for digging holes, and Li Shengli also mobilized strong laborers from Madianji and Taipingzhuang. With the strong laborers from the two villages competing, the veteran students who endorsed the instructions while digging holes also corrected their attitude.

This is the same as the playful digging process led by Wang Qianjin before. Is it strange that the efficiency is the same?

Li Shengli, who started free medical treatment in the self-training class again, also participated in most militia training during the day, just like the students. During this time, his basic military quality also improved sharply.

In addition to free clinics and training, Li Shengli now also has a thick stack of medical books on his clinic table.

After graduating from TCM internal medicine, Li Shengli also discovered that in addition to constant diagnosis and treatment, the only shortcut to further improvement was to keep reading medical books.

The evaluation of Chinese medicine as idealistic and based on experience is not for nothing. Some people say that the theory of Chinese medicine was completed two thousand years ago, which is both right and wrong.

The theory of traditional Chinese medicine, which is based on the balance of the internal organs and the five elements, is considered complete, and this statement is correct. However, new diseases are emerging one after another. How to combine diseases with medical theory, that is, the medical theory is already complete.

A person's energy is always limited, and it is impossible to go through all the diseases. However, Chinese medicine, which is evaluated as having no scientific system, has its own uniqueness in the inheritance of experience.

Being able to identify yourself as a great doctor by reading a book is almost like a myth to Western medicine, but the classics of traditional Chinese medicine really have this ability. Of course, this is very demanding for people.

It is obviously impossible to become a great doctor by just reading medical books without clinical experience. Without a very high level of understanding, it is obviously impossible. This can only be a special case and has no universal value.

However, there is no doubt that people-oriented Chinese medicine does not focus on systematic induction in the inheritance process, but focuses on the inheritance of experience.

This is not because of the poor vision of the seniors in the medical field, but because of the fundamental reason. Traditional Chinese medicine is vast, and senior doctors also believe that it is impossible to have elites who are truly knowledgeable in all aspects of medicine. In the process of inheritance, it is natural to focus on it. .

The same is true for Li Shengli. To put it bluntly, one copy of the Golden Book of Medicine is enough for many Chinese medicine practitioners to use in their lifetime.

For most people, reading all the medical books would take half a lifetime to understand and integrate them all. The only thing left is Liu Ye’s words. If you don’t have a life span of 120 years, don’t even think about it. This is it.

As Big Brother's talk of minor surgeries became rampant, Li Shengli, who was a little tired of the militia training, took up a small topic in the self-training class during this period, which was the treatment of nuclear radiation sickness with traditional Chinese medicine.

When this thing was taken out, Pu Lao and the other old men almost scratched their scalps. At this time, Li Shengli, the grandson of Li Shengli, brought up such a topic and caught the heat very accurately. But for these old men, syndrome differentiation and treatment are just the key. It became a scene of scolding.

Without clinical cases as a basis for speaking and reasoning, even great doctors like Pu Lao and Yue Lao had disputes, and no one could convince anyone.

In the end, it was Li Shengli who relied on the experience of later generations and reluctantly came up with a theory that everyone could agree with. He used the theory of evil heat of the febrile disease school to develop a triple burner dialectic for radiation disease.

When encountering new diseases, areas where traditional Chinese medicine cannot reason appeared. Li Shengli took out the febrile disease school's theory of evil heat and used triple burner dialectics to reason. After going through it again and again.

Li Shengli and other old men also came up with medication strategies based on syndrome differentiation, including Sijunzi Decoction, Danggui Buxue Decoction, and Wuzi Yanzong Pills.

Sijunzi Decoction can increase the number of peripheral blood lymphocytes, reduce thymus damage, alleviate ionizing radiation damage, and promote the recovery of bone marrow hematopoietic function.

Danggui Buxue Decoction can improve the spleen index and promote the recovery of immune function damage.

Wuzi Yanzong Pill is the key to generating essence and transforming qi.

The medical theory of traditional Chinese medicine can be explained clearly, and Li Shengli took advantage of the situation and used the traditional Chinese medicine composition given by Brother Tong to explain Western medicine, which he was not very familiar with.

When these things were taken out, Pu Lao and the other old men were blinded on the spot. Traditional Chinese medicine theory made sense, but if they used Western medicine theory to overwhelm people, Li Shengli somewhat stopped beating people.

With Li Shengli's theory of febrile disease and evil heat, various schools and factions can come up with more things. The three doses of medicine given by Li Shengli can be regarded as tonic for radiation sickness.

According to the theory of evil heat and the treatment of sweating, vomiting and diarrhea in traditional Chinese medicine, there are of course many prescriptions for releasing evil heat in the body.

Whether it is evil heat, extremely hot poison, or extremely severe heat poison, as long as the syndrome is differentiated, the next step is to treat it.

Without minor surgeries from the north, prescriptions to treat radiation sickness can only be regarded as preventive measures.

But when it comes time to find cases for treatment, this matter is now classified.

Looking for a patient, in this day and age, you definitely can't go looking for a patient randomly. If you look for a patient randomly, please wait for trouble to come to your door.

The medical theory that Li Shengli and Pu Lao and others came across made sense. When it came time to find the patient, Pu Lao also compiled a pamphlet and wanted to go up and report it.

"Victory, in such a troubled time, let's calm down, right?"

Holding a pamphlet titled 'Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment of Radiation Disease with Traditional Chinese Medicine' in his hand, Mr. Pu still hesitated before leaving.

It's a good thing, but Li Shengli's starting point is still somewhat problematic. Mr. Pu is not blind, and he can see some things clearly. Although he was blinded by Li Shengli's Western medicine theory during the reasoning process, Pu Lao still asked the Western medicine doctor at the self-training class camp afterwards, and the theory given by Li Shengli was really serious.

Many times, win-win, consideration of both sides, and solidarity are just words that are said in words. When it comes to use, it is true that colleagues are enemies. The dispute between Chinese and Western medicine, even in the wind and rain, some people still want to bring it up.

In the eyes of many people, Chinese and Western medicine, which should be able to coexist, are so true. Although more often, Western medicine criticizes Chinese medicine as unscientific.

But like Li Shengli, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner who stays behind the scenes and makes the ultimate move has a far-reaching impact.

Nowadays, all resources are limited. With limited medical resources, it is impossible for traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine to develop simultaneously. We can only support one side and suppress the other. Compared with western medicine, traditional Chinese medicine actually does not need much support. A reputation is enough.

But for Western medicine, large investments are required in venues, equipment, and the training of medical students. Li Shengli’s purpose of inventing such a striking radiation disease at this critical moment is also obvious.

In addition to the syndrome differentiation and treatment of radiation sickness, the "Traditional Chinese Medicine First Aid Pamphlet" that Li Shengli is currently holding under his hand is also a knife that can kill without blood.

Is there any difference between TCM first aid and Western medicine first aid?

Mr. Pu didn't care about such topics before, but after seeing Li Shengli's pamphlet, he had to care about it.

Western medical first aid exists in a systematic way. It originated from the first aid for war injuries on the battlefield. What would it be like to add the theory of traditional Chinese medicine to the first aid for war injuries? Mr. Pu had no intuitive impression before.

After reading Li Shengli's pamphlet, I realized that unlike western medicine's first-aid medicines, Li Shengli's pamphlet mainly focuses on some techniques and Chinese herbal medicines that are readily available around us.

If you look closely at this thing, you will see that it is not very high, just like the common people's earthwork made by Pu Lao and others.

But who should show this thing? If you show it to Western medicine, people will naturally sneer at it, but if you show it to veteran generals who have actually experienced war, they will sneer at Western medicine's first aid manual.

Only those who have truly experienced war will know how practical and useful Li Shengli's first aid pamphlet is.

Although Li Shengli's pamphlet has not yet been fully formed, Mr. Pu knew that many veterans would give it a pat on the back without even handing it over.

And then I have to say: 'If I had known earlier, so and so wouldn't have to die on the battlefield...'

Mr. Pu, who has been a health doctor and often chats with veterans, can naturally think of this.

Because during the previous chat, Mr. Pu had discussed such topics with the veterans.

Although Li Shengli's pamphlet has an obvious intention of catering to his own needs, having said that, if you are really facing a situation where there is no cure or cure, his pamphlet is really useful.

Without passing it up, Mr. Pu knew that once this pamphlet went up, it must be the result of continuous printing, because this is consistent with the current situation.

After using this pamphlet, the barefoot doctors who went there basically had nothing to do with Western medicine, because this pamphlet also covered some knowledge of Western medicine.

With the name of the pamphlet on first aid of traditional Chinese medicine, it covers the knowledge of western medicine. To say that the purpose of this pamphlet is innocent, Mr. Pu is the first to not believe it.

As the vice president of the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Pu Lao also faces an embarrassing problem. In terms of demand, it is obvious that Western medicine needs to be promoted more.

This is also confirmed by the current medical status and history of various countries, and there are examples before it.

Although Chinese medicine is said to be useful, it is still not as popular as Western medicine. This is really a real problem.

Today's situation is full of waste and there are too many places to spend money. Compared with input and output, barefoot doctors use purely traditional Chinese medicine, or mix a small amount of western medicine, which is the most cost-effective approach.

Pu Lao's height was there. Although he didn't want to provoke a dispute between Chinese and Western medicine, the real problem was also placed in front of the old man. The method used by Li Shengli to crush the general trend was really helpless.

Now that schools are closed, if the medical frontline wants to develop, whether it is traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine, it must focus on young people going to the countryside. As soon as Li Shengli is removed, the barefoot doctors will be wiped out, and the development of Western medicine will lose an opportunity.

To put it bluntly, as long as the current storm continues, Western medicine will miss out on its development. This is not a lie.

Now that I think about it, if it were not for Li Shengli, the protector of the great lineage of traditional Chinese medicine, it would be traditional Chinese medicine that would be missed.

In terms of inheritance, there are differences between Chinese and Western medicine. Western medicine is not afraid of interrupting the inheritance. In the future, when medical schools are opened, it will be three years, five years, ten years, or eight years. If the inheritance is interrupted, it can be made up for.

But Chinese medicine is not successful. Chinese medicine is people-oriented, and it is not just what it says. If there are no teachers who can teach people, accept karma and resolve doubts, it will be difficult for Chinese medicine to continue its inheritance.

There are no more than dozens or even hundreds of talented doctors. If they want to continue the entire inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine, it is purely a matter of paper.

Half of Pu Lao's medical skills come from family traditions and half from classics. He also knows best what role "people" will play in the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine.

Compared with the geniuses like Mr. Shi on the mountain, who have been taught by their families, have a smooth road to medicine, and become famous in their prime, more Chinese medicine doctors are somewhat honest in Mr. Pu's opinion.

Without the guidance of "people", it is really difficult to say how these honest people will go down the road.

Facing the younger generation, Mr. Pu would definitely say, "It's better to be diligent than to play," but when facing a younger generation like Li Shengli, Mr. Pu doesn't want him to be too diligent or too capable.

The existence of this thing is really magical. It can move the general trend without saying a word or showing up. According to Li Shengli's plan, this pamphlet on syndrome differentiation and treatment of radiation sickness was handed over, and then handed over to the little doctor of traditional Chinese medicine first aid. book.

The general trend of barefoot doctors taking traditional Chinese medicine as the basis has become a reality. There are hundreds of millions of young people, and the geniuses among them must be similar to those of the crucian carp crossing the river. With such a foundation, the great prosperity of traditional Chinese medicine is just around the corner.

But with the rise of traditional Chinese medicine, Western medicine will inevitably be affected. Speaking of medical ethics based on its position, it is difficult for Mr. Pu not to support Western medicine. Is the overall situation more important?

Medical ethics are often erratic. For example, when the medical team went to Hong Kong City to treat the epidemic, Li Shengli promoted the spread of influenza, but to the people of Hong Kong City, he calmed down the epidemic. Inwardly, he was naturally a benevolent doctor, but It's hard to say externally.

Now Pu Lao has truly experienced this embarrassment. This matter has been discussed at the top. In terms of today's conditions, the most important thing is to develop traditional Chinese medicine, because the cost of traditional Chinese medicine is not much.

But Mr. Pu, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, can't help but speak out for Western medicine. His words are like wheels on a cart, which makes people very embarrassed...

(End of this chapter)

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