The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 590 The White Tiger in Medicine (Part )

Chapter 590 The White Tiger in Medicine (Part )

After listening to Li Shengli's method of advancing, Mr. Shi sighed helplessly. It was just as he said, if he really gave up the plaster and used Yinqiao Powder, Sangju Drink, etc. to enter the Hong Kong City.

If the flu is treated with medicine for many times, the disease will inevitably become more severe. At that time, as Li Shengli said, there is no cure.

Although TCM does not have pathology as a subject, it has accumulated too much experience after three thousand years of inheritance. Since typhoid fever, there are not too many medical books, classics, and notes. Although the changes in viruses have not been detailed, there is still experience.

Li Shengli used gypsum tea to maintain his health. Although it would inevitably hurt innocent people, gypsum is the white tiger in medicine. Its nature is metal and it can kill the spread of influenza. It is much more powerful than Yinqiao powder and the like.

Apply Yinqiao Powder, and as the illness continues, it will inevitably change. Once it changes, the influenza in Hong Kong City will be complicated. What Li Shengli said makes sense.

At this time, looking back at what he just said, Mr. Shi was somewhat confused, and this was the helplessness of being pressured by the general trend, unable to advance or retreat.

This is also the real difficulty in treating the epidemic. Treating the epidemic is not curing the disease. Just sit down, watch, listen, ask questions, and prescribe medicine. Many hurdles must be cleared in advance.

They came from the north, but were turned away. Colleagues in Hong Kong City were thinking about it. Xiao Dong and Xiao Bai wanted to help, but they didn't know that it was as they thought. The evil of the flu would become more serious. After calming down Hong Kong City, But there will be disaster outside.

But Mr. Shi also had doubts about Li Shengli's gypsum tea method. He could think of it once the medicine entered the port city, and he could also think of it without entering the port city.

If the gypsum tea could not be maintained, then Mr. Shi would not dare to think about it. The results obtained by using light medicine to treat influenza are very different from using heavy medicine to treat influenza...

Seeing that Mr. Shi fell into the strange circle he had come up with, Mr. Pu could only give a slight cough as a reminder.

To put it bluntly, it would be difficult for them to cure the epidemic without entering the port city. Just like what Mr. Shi said, the fifteen-year-old man did not care and entered alone, fearing that the result would be worse.

What Li Shengli said is quite good. You can only treat people if they ask you to treat them. When Pu Lao left, he also received a reminder from the leadership office. This time the epidemic control should be based on the opinions of the Hong Kong government. He was not allowed to enter. Can't enter.

Nowadays, there are internal and external troubles, and things are complicated. When it comes to controlling the epidemic, only people like Li Shengli who are good at fighting can do it.

Treating the epidemic purely with medical skills means thinking too little. Outside the current border crossing, although it is your own place, others still have the final say.

"Mr. Shi, if we don't move, we won't be able to use any moves. Let's talk about it after we talk.

Whether many things can be accomplished depends on the opportunity. Only by being selfless in the heart can the world be widened. Foreigners are not my kind. If there is still selfishness, then it is not our business. "

Seeing Li Shengli's indifferent words, Mr. Shi sighed again, thinking about the debate between Chinese and Western medicine discussed before the storm was over, and then looking at where he is now.

Li Shengli, a defender of traditional Chinese medicine, did a good job, but he, a great doctor in the eyes of others, became pushy and obstructive.

"Go on your own!

I'll think about it again..."

Hearing that Shi Lao's words meant that he wanted to continue talking to Pu Lao, Li Shengli did not continue the stalemate, but stood up and left the conference room.

"Mr. Shi, the people of Hong Kong are the people of our country."

Without Shi Lao opening his mouth, Pu Lao gave the answer. Unlike doctors like Shi Lao who have personally experienced the ban on traditional Chinese medicine, Pu Lao has always followed the path of inheriting traditional Chinese medicine.

Mr. Pu also came into contact with the hybridization of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine after he had mastered his skills. He was not like Mr. Shi, who became famous in his prime and stood in the midst of reform and inheritance for half his life.

This can be considered a difficult area for Chinese medicine to reason about. Every family has something to say, but whether or not it continues depends on the actual conditions.

As Pu Lao sees it, traditional Chinese medicine is not perfect, such as ophthalmology, dentistry, surgery, and even gynecology and pediatrics in the eyes of outsiders. Even traditional Chinese medicine like Pu Lao feels that there is a need for improvement.

Anti-inflammatory drugs can be taken out casually, but Chinese medicine is indeed not as good as Western medicine in reducing inflammation.

But then again, if Chinese medicine wants to change, it cannot be changed by one person or a few people. Without the efforts of the whole country to promote it, it will be very, very difficult!

This is why Pu Lao supports Li Shengli. He is a young man who has promoted changes in traditional Chinese medicine through various means and methods.

This should have happened five or eight years ago, but some people took the wrong path and cut off this path. Although he and Shi Lao have been working hard to continue it, they are inevitably weak and underrepresented.

Mr. Shi will care about Li Shengli's methods, but Mr. Pu will not care too much, because he knows better which end is more important.

Apart from anything else, Li Shengli maintains the consumption on the mountain by himself, and there are doubts about where the money comes from.

As the vice president of the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Pu Lao clearly knew that it was not the right path, but so what?

Without such a young man, who is mature in Shanghai, can he produce a brief analysis of medical science or a detailed explanation of medical science?

Or can Mr. Shi alone support the new faction of traditional Chinese medicine?

These changes will save the world in the future, and Mr. Pu can tolerate some flaws.

Even if it is true as Mr. Shi said, Li Shengli wants to promote the spread of influenza in Hong Kong, Mr. Pu will support it. Compared with the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine, many things are not that important. Just like in China, under the overall situation, traditional Chinese medicine is not very important. important.

Nowadays, the port city needs the white tiger medicine of gypsum, and the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine also needs the white tiger medicine of Li Shengli.

In this storm, without all the support that Li Shengli did before, I am afraid that there will be the smell of traditional Chinese medicine classics in the wars everywhere.

Changes in traditional Chinese medicine cannot be promoted by people like him and Shi Lao. It can only be done by young people like Li Shengli who are decisive and decisive and manipulate the situation.

To talk about medical ethics, we must first have the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine. This is almost the same as who should die and who should be saved.

There are many things that Pu Lao cannot accept, but he has been in a position before, and his position requires him to accept it.

Pu Lao and Shi Lao, one couldn't understand it when they were there, and the other could understand it when they retreated. But in the face of the changes in Chinese medicine, neither could understand it. To put it bluntly, the right path was still difficult to follow, or it didn't make sense. .

Both of them are considered to be the only remaining great doctors. After they pondered for a while, they looked at each other and smiled bitterly. To put it bluntly, the medical overlord they launched has now become so powerful that no one in the medical world can control it.

Not talking about the medical field, for a young doctor like Li Shengli, even if he does not focus on internal medicine and only focuses on traumatology, as long as it is not illegal, it is basically a situation that no one can control. After his death, he still has a high-ranking father-in-law...

Mr. Pu and Mr. Shi were helpless. Li Shengli, who had gone out early, was watching a show. When he came out of the big restaurant, he saw the excitement at the door.

Because he was the leader of the medical team, he didn't mess around. Instead, he went directly upstairs, opened the folding fan, stood at the window, and watched the excitement while fanning it.

Outside the door of the guest house, three people from Ding Yong's special agent camp were blocking the door with a team like going to a market.

Although he was previously afraid that Ding Yong's men would not be able to find a way out, Li Shengli also underestimated the affinity of the green military uniform, so the three people from the secret service camp went out for a walk.

The cash and food stamps were put down, and behind the three of them there was a group of fishermen wearing short bamboo hats.

Standing at the window and looking at the dark skin of the fishermen, Li Shengli knew that the physique of these fishermen was much better than that of the farmers.

Although people who grow old are bound to suffer from arthritis and the like, when they are in their prime, they have much more strength because of the different foods they eat.

Even when watching the excitement, Li Shengli's focus is different. Since he replaced the diesel engine and nylon net, the amount of fish caught at sea is also very different from before. Things like fish rice or smelly fish and rotten shrimp used for fertilization, hurry up. Processing it for people to eat is the right thing to do now.

Although in the eyes of some people, this is still speculative and sidelined, some things really have to be done. To put it bluntly, Sun Tzu would be thinking about speculation every day if he didn't do something.

Since he started selling clothes and appraising clothes, most of his livelihoods were closely related to speculation, and most of them were enough for him to go to the shooting range and make a living.

But if he had to do it over again, he still had to make some achievements. If he really wanted to win, with the big gold brick next to the hollow and the inheritance of the Liu family, he could become worth tens or hundreds of millions just by lying down. The owner of a courtyard house.

Although I can't find female brothers like Du Jiaoyang, Ding Lan, and Xie Chan, can I just pick someone as different as Guan Qingyue and Xiao Feng?

If we had to do it over again, if we were not bolder, we would really be like a little bumpkin in the valley...

The local garrison took a sap from Ding Yong at the door, and it was no longer easy to make things difficult. They checked the bamboo baskets sent to the guest house and improved the food business, and that was it.

It's just that the double posts inside and outside the guest house are also conveying the garrison's dissatisfaction with the secret service camp. They slapped them in the face, and the chief officer here didn't know how much he would have to eat.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door. Glancing at Du Jiaoyang, who was still concentrating on reading, Li Shengli put away the folding fan, opened the door and walked out.


Glancing at the daughter of the Du family who was reading a book in the room, Ding Yong swallowed the words that came to his lips.

He, his uncle, had also read the divorce certificates of the two of them, and he had also read the marriage certificates of Li Shengli and Ding Lan.

The drama of the Ding brothers going to the plateau and forcing the Du family's son-in-law Li Shengli to break up his wife and children is not yet time to play out.

But this matter is somewhat unfair to Du Jiaoyang, the daughter of the Du family. Although she didn't know her before, Ding Yong didn't have the courage to sit across from her.

"Let's go to your room."

During this period, it is definitely embarrassing, but there is nothing you can do to get things done.

It's not without reason that Li Shengli hasn't slept with Ding Lan yet. His starting point was wrong and he couldn't figure out how to manipulate the girl from the Ding family. It was still a bit embarrassing to start talking about her just because of protection.

She was different from Du Jiaoyang. In the beginning, it was a business deal between the two of them. The female gangster was willing to pay, and Li Shengli was brave enough to collect the debt. It was melancholy to find out that they had just gotten together and then separated again.

"Shengli, do you know how much the fish rice out there costs per pound?

One cent with basket, seven cents without basket. This is still bigger. No matter how small it is, it’s still cheaper, as if it’s free.

The money and food stamps you gave us are enough to live here for half a year. "

After sitting down, listening to Ding Yong's showoff, Li Shengli shook his head. Nowadays, apart from industrial products, there are few agricultural products and aquatic products with normal prices. Today's scissor difference is really not small.

Being able to exchange for so much fish and rice at once was actually due to the food stamps. If I took off my military uniform and went out with a wad of unity, I was afraid that I would be pressed down by the fishermen and taken to the commune or the police station.

"Third brother, your face is also swollen, you have to express your feelings.

I will send half of the fish and rice I got today to others.

We'll go down later and taste it to see if it's salty. If it's too salty, we at the medical team will ask the chef to soak it. You can go down and tell yourself what you want to eat.

Be careful tonight, don't let anyone turn around and knock out their teeth..."

The trick is to come and go, and Ding Yong's spy camp is also on the road. If someone really wants to get him, it will be a job to guard against thieves for a thousand days.

Since you hit someone in the face, you have to give some compensation. Hearing Li Shengli's measured advance and retreat, Ding Yong just gave him a thumbs up when he knocked out his teeth next and made his face look bitter.

What I did today was a bit over the top. At that time, I thought of leaving the guest house during the day out of a moment of righteous indignation.

This situation is similar to brother-in-law Li Shengli's method of advancing and retreating. It's the first time to play this game. You have to save some face for others. Camping at night can save some hands and save some face for others.

But the people in the military camp had less twists and turns. After listening to Li Shengli's plan, Ding Yong did it when he was excited. Now that he thinks about it, he feels a little uneasy.

I am afraid that the other party will fall out, and I am also afraid that there will be no backup plan next. No matter where I want to get a share, I will not be able to do it without scheming.

"Shengli, you said we touched the camp during the day this time, what tricks will we use next time?"

Knowing that Li Shengli had a charter, Ding Yong didn't bother to think about it. Their spy camp only talked about one word: 'do'!

If it is a regiment-level unit, some strategy needs to be discussed. The purpose of forming the camp has already been determined, which is to deal with friction. It is a head-on confrontation and there is nothing to talk about.


This is what happened!

Now that the generals have just changed here, it is still your family. I can't write two words in one stroke, so you used this first trick.

The next move is naturally the specialty of the spy camp. He is really good at martial arts. If the time is right, he will set up an arena at the guest house.

Perhaps this is the first step to set up a plan to attract troops into the army.

Since this is the first step, we have to be more aggressive when reporting.

Since the arena is set up, it must be marked with a couplet: punch in all directions; kick in all directions.

I think it looks good. Is it horizontal approval?

Just be 'young and energetic'! "

After listening to his brother-in-law's idea and the couplet that was very suitable for the current situation, Ding Yong continued to nod his head, but after hearing the horizontal criticism, his face immediately turned green. He felt a little confused this time.

"You're really doing a disservice.

If you really dare to write the couplet like this, they can't beat us to death? "

Thinking about the result of hanging the couplet horizontally, Ding Yong crossed his legs. Although he was a little timid, the couplet was still very powerful.

"You have seen the benefits of martial arts training, and you have also practiced the skills of true martial arts training.

When you receive favor from others, you have to think about repaying it.

Now this martial art is only hanging in one breath.

The only solution I have for Hong Kong City Flu is plaster.

This is the white tiger in medicine, specialized in killing people.

Maybe this arena is open, and it is also the White Tiger Medicine of the martial arts, which can have a life-saving effect.

However, if your grandson really doesn’t learn the craft well, I’m afraid he will die miserably. If you fail the horizontal batch, people will probably want to beat you to death..."

(End of this chapter)

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