The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 589 The White Tiger in Medicine (Part )

Chapter 589 The White Tiger in Medicine (Part )

After Li Shengli finished speaking, he didn't get up and leave like before. Just like what Pu Lao said, this matter is considered foreign-related, so you must pay attention to propriety.

The staff here in Hong Kong City were not like the previous people. After listening to what he said, they just stayed and watched him leave the venue, but directly raised questions.

"Sir, gypsum raw ore is also one of the medicinal materials. It will not affect our sales of medicinal materials in the Hong Kong government, right?"

Listening to the person on the other side speaking clearly and confidently, it seemed that this person was worthy of the salary he received. Li Shengli didn't make an introduction, and he didn't make an introduction either. He was very reasonable and reasonable.

“Raw gypsum ore is for people’s livelihood and has nothing to do with your market.

Furthermore, gypsum raw ore is not among the Chinese medicinal materials. The gypsum among the Chinese medicinal materials is called calcined gypsum.

That’s it. You don’t have to come next time. I don’t like you.

I won’t make an introduction, that’s because I have such qualifications, you, you are not qualified to sit with me.

Those of you who are familiar with me should tell you that your company can no longer use this person, as it will affect your business.

Anything else to say? "

The visitor didn't know Li Shengli's identity, but Li Shengli knew the identity of the other person. He was just a comprador from the four major foreign banks. Now he shouldn't be called a comprador, but an employee.

Just like Li Shengli, who was said to be a hawk before, he wore old clothes and participated in negotiations. He also upheld the rules of the medical world and respected his superior skills.

If he can come close to Jiulong Pass, his medical ethics will be no problem, and the rest will depend on his medical skills.

Li Shengli said before that Mr. Pu and Mr. Shi could not handle this influenza together. The reason was both the four major foreign companies and the Hong Kong government.

Among them, the Hong Kong government accounts for a larger share. If it is not allowed there, no matter how good the composition and effectiveness of the medicines here are, if they cannot be used on patients, it will naturally be impossible to treat and quell the epidemic.

As for the people in Hong Kong City, in the eyes of the Hong Kong government, they are just cattle and horses in the colony. If they knew that only older people died from the flu, they might have promoted the spread of the flu.

Although Li Shengli could predict this section, he couldn't say that it would be a sin to say so.

Sitting quietly, looking at the people from the four major foreign companies opposite, they communicated clearly and left the venue. Only then did Li Shengli take out a cigarette from his pocket and light it. Strength is never enough.

For the Hong Kong government, the more powerful one side is, the more procrastination there is. Since the declining ghosts set up nuclear bombs in Southeast Asia and then withdrew in disgrace, international conventions are their only fig leaf.

Under this fig leaf, there is simply a dirty heart and a rotten lung. Naturally, there is no bottom line. For Li Shengli, it is just that there is no good product on the island. The Hong Kong City Flu is not really raging in the world. Hong Kong cities, but Southeast Asia and Europe and the United States.

And the time when the flu is really fatal is not now, but in winter. The ghost guys think they have the commanding heights of international practice. When winter comes, Li Shengli will let them know how expensive traditional Chinese medicine is.

"Shengli, is it inappropriate to treat the negotiators like this?"

The people from the Hong Kong City side left. Mr. Pu asked Xiao Dong and Xiao Bai to sit down first, and then started to continue the topic that they had just left outside.

"Pu Lao, it doesn't matter what they said about epidemic control. Just wait. When the flu spreads to various countries and they can't come up with a solution and turn to Hong Kong City, then we can take action. Chance.

At this time, we can’t force anything, after all, their words don’t count.

There is no problem in transporting raw gypsum ore, and with gypsum tea to sustain life, as long as we maintain it according to the methods we have given, losses will be minimized.

Our own affairs can only be handled by ourselves.

If this meeting fails, they will probably find powerful local people in Hong Kong City to negotiate again tomorrow.

Let me talk to people first. Only if it can be used to treat the epidemic, will I have a serious talk with them.

Otherwise, if we have no purpose at this negotiation table, we will really delay the treatment of the epidemic..."

Hearing that Li Shengli wanted to take gypsum tea as the mainstay, Mr. Pu frowned. Gypsum is also one of the four life-saving medicines in traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions.

A single prescription can save lives, but gypsum is very cold. It can save lives but can also hurt people. Gypsum has a cold nature and a taste that belongs to the lung and stomach meridian.

It is a real life-saving medicine when the evil heat attacks the lungs and Wei, but it travels through the stomach meridian, and if used in an improper dosage, it can easily damage the spleen and stomach. If the spleen and stomach are damaged by severe cold, it is not easy to recover.

If it is used by people with weak colds, it is afraid that even if it relieves the evil heat, it will also seriously damage its roots. Once the severe cold hurts the stomach, causing vomiting of blood and bloody stools, it may also hurt people's lives before it comes back, which is not a good thing.

When it comes to timely epidemics, prescriptions, and medicines, Mr. Shi and Mr. Pu, or Lao Dong and Lao Bai here, are all pure doctors.

Li Shengli wanted to wait and see and use gypsum tea to maintain his health. The first thing Pu Lao thought of was that the gypsum was cold and that it would be harmful to use it universally.

Teacher Shi and his disciple Bai Sushan were also in a lawsuit. Apparently they didn't agree with Li Shengli's method of using gypsum tea to treat the epidemic. It was not that it was not successful, but that it was too biased. Gypsum can save lives, but the remaining sequelae are inevitable.

Li Shengli was smoking silently. Mr. Pu and Mr. Shi looked at each other, then got up and sat in a pile with Dong and Bai to discuss the spread of the influenza in Hong Kong City.

After discussing for a while, Mr. Pu spoke again.

"Sheng Li, gypsum tea is still too crude to treat the epidemic. Although gypsum is a life-saving medicine, it still has cold and heat. Even if the medicine does not have cold or heat, people still have deficiency and excess cold and heat.

Medications can only be used for emergencies, not for general use. I think it’s better to say hello to the higher-ups and send the medicine to Hong Kong City..."

Pu Lao said that medicine has no cold or heat, and people have different conditions. Li Shengli, who was smoking, nodded in agreement.

For normal people, apart from being poisonous, aconite does not cause severe fever. Apart from quenching thirst, gypsum does not cause severe cold. Top doctors treat diseases without distinction between cold and heat.

This is the same as the Treatise on Febrile Diseases is one of the Four Classics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, but the Differentiation of Treatises on Febrile Diseases is not one of the Four Classics. Different heights will naturally lead to different visions.

Before there were febrile diseases, typhoid fever spread all over the north and south. After typhoid fever, febrile diseases appeared, and febrile diseases could also occur in the south and north.

But to say that febrile diseases are more severe than typhoid fever is just a family opinion. If typhoid fever is not the basis, where can febrile diseases come from?

As masters of traditional Chinese medicine and among the few great doctors in the country, Pu Lao and Shi Lao both stood higher than Li Shengli.

But looking at the secular world, these two people are tied together, and they don't have as much experience as Li Shengli. When it comes to treating the epidemic, Gui Lao has no empathy at all.

A quick look at the deaths and injuries caused by the flu will reveal that the middle-aged and elderly vulnerable groups are the real victims of the flu.

At that time, not only will the Hong Kong government not step in to treat the epidemic, but will instead allow the flu to rage. After all, if the colony loses its middle-aged and elderly people, its vitality will be more vigorous, which is the most beneficial to the Hong Kong government.

There is no need to speculate. Li Shengli knows that in the next period, the Hong Kong government will definitely let the flu go unchecked. Li Shengli went south not so much to cure the epidemic as to promote it.

To treat epidemics, gypsum tea, Maxing Shigan Decoction, or his renamed Baidu Qingfei Drink are all useful.

Any one of Shi Lao, Pu Lao, Dong Shi, Bai Sushan or Lao Deng from the Guangdong Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital can come up with a prescription for treating the epidemic. As long as the right plaster is used, the type A and III influenza currently prevalent in Hong Kong City will be eliminated. It was just a case of wind-heat and cold, and it was impossible to cause tens of thousands of casualties.

Let Master Dong and Bai Sushan come over, and let Lao Deng from Guangdong Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital come over. Their main role is to prevent the spread of influenza from Hong Kong City.

After all, large-scale use of medicines consumes a lot of Chinese herbal medicines. If we control the barrier, we will save a lot of Chinese herbal medicines. These saved Chinese herbal medicines will be exchanged for colorful dollars and pounds this winter and next spring. If the time is right, they can also be bought. In exchange for something more.

After thinking it over in his mind again, and firming up the idea that people who are not from my race must have different minds, Li Shengli slowly spoke.

"Pu Lao, it's not impossible to send medicine to the port city, but it can only be raw gypsum ore, and at most add some bamboo leaves.

Single prescription gypsum tea or bamboo leaf gypsum tea is the medicine used to treat the epidemic in Hong Kong City this time. As for the inside, it will be as agreed with Master Dong before.

You can use Qingwen Baidu Decoction for mild cases and Qingfei Decoction for severe cases.

But as far as Hong Kong City is concerned, it can only be raw gypsum ore and bamboo leaves. If there are more types of medicinal materials, the result will be counterproductive.

Not only do they not give out traditional Chinese medicine, but they put everything in storage and wait to sell it for money.

The diseases of the common people are treated by the common people, and the diseases of the poor are treated by the methods of the poor.

Master Dong, Lao Bai, the influenza in Hong Kong City is not as serious as you said, right?

It is true that the disease is severe, and it is true that evil heat attacks Feiwei, but it should not be possible to poison Yong Qiying in a short period of time.

Even if there is no treatment or medicine, the patient can survive for ten days and a half, right?

With gypsum tea and anti-inflammatory drugs that are not very expensive in Hong Kong, influenza is not a serious or serious illness. "

After hearing what Li Shengli said, Mr. Shi and Mr. Pu's expressions changed, and they turned to look at Lao Dong and Lao Bai, whose expressions changed greatly. Lying about the symptoms of the flu at this time was no different from lying about military information.

"Uncle Li, my colleagues from Hong Kong City came here before and talked about the seriousness of the flu. They wanted our help. Lao Bai and I exaggerated a little."

After being exposed by his junior uncle Li Shengli and being stared at solemnly by the teacher and Mr. Pu, Mr. Dong was not frightened and stood up to tell the reason why he and Lao Bai exaggerated the dangers of the flu.


If it weren't for Sheng Ming Ming, the fight against the epidemic would have been ruined by the two of you.

Treating epidemics has always been a matter for doctors, and it has never been a matter for doctors. It is understandable that you don't know how powerful it is before you have entered the official career.

Victory, what to do next? "

The serious-faced halberd pointed at his students and juniors. Mr. Shi did not criticize them harshly, but turned to look at Li Shengli.

In terms of the complexity of his experience, Mr. Shi is not much worse than Mr. Li Shengli. As for Mr. Pu, who has spent half his life in the medical field in southwest China, he is much worse than Mr. Shi.

In terms of medical skills, Pu Lao may be on par with Shi Lao, or slightly better, but when it comes to experience and seniority in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, Pu Lao and Shi Lao are not comparable.

His experience is complicated, so Mr. Shi will not unconditionally support Li Shengli. There are always some bottom lines.

Nothing else, because many of Li Shengli's methods are too straightforward. To put it nicely, this is called decisive killing, but to put it worse, it means doing whatever it takes to achieve the goal. If such a person causes disaster, it will be a disaster. .

Mr. Pu, Master Dong, and Bai Sushan may not have understood Li Shengli's intention, but Mr. Shi has already understood.

In Mr. Shi's view, the matter of camel yellowing is not intolerable, it is just a little benefit in medicinal materials. However, the explanation Li Shengli will make next may be difficult for doctors to hear. This is why he does not do it to his two younger generations. The reason for harsh criticism.

Although the two people confused things, their starting point was still good. Li Shengli's explanation was probably vicious from the starting point. Selling medicine under the pretext of illness and pushing out medicine are much more harmful than those of camel yellow. .


It’s just a matter of taking it one step at a time. Since the port city can be maintained with just plaster, let’s take a look first and then talk..."

Li Shengli exposed Master Dong's background, and Shi Lao wanted to expose him, but there were some things he could do but couldn't say.

He just wanted to take the opportunity to expose it, but Mr. Shi didn't want to let him go. He raised his eyebrows and stared, vowing to ask clearly.

"Victory, since the plaster can be maintained, I don't think there is any need to do anything extra.

This disease comes in a violent way and lasts until winter. I am afraid that I will be killed coldly and seriously. If it goes away in a violent way, the number of people who die from the disease will be unknown.

We are doctors, and the epidemic can be cured, suppressed, and even treated well, but there is no excuse for it in the classics of any dynasty or generation, right?

I guess the colder the place where this disease is, the more severe the symptoms will be, right?

It is not uncommon for gypsum to be used in prescriptions, and it is used according to the disease. It is not uncommon to use half a catty for a catty. If so much gypsum is used in the prescription, is it not for the people in the port city? "

Mr. Shi punctured the window paper, and Mr. Pu immediately thought about it. After saying this, he really couldn't go on.

This is almost the same as who should die. Adding fuel to the flames at this time is conducive to the entry of Chinese medicine into Hong Kong City, but the people in Hong Kong City have received relief, but what about the people outside?

Recalling Li Shengli's words of war on the mountain, Mr. Pu glanced at the old man and young man facing each other complicatedly, and rarely expressed any opinions.

"Mr. Shi, the order I received is to control the epidemic in Hong Kong City.

The export of Chinese herbal medicines must also be promoted. This is a major matter that affects the livelihood of countless rural medicine farmers for several generations.

This time I went south, I told my wife that this journey was not a good business to gain both fame and fortune.

Before leaving Beijing, I chose to pursue profits without leaving my name. I had no choice but to cooperate with the Hong Kong government.

If I take extreme evil as the starting point, I will follow what Pu Lao and Master Dong said and recommend the prescription to Hong Kong City.

Instead of using plaster, I can also use Yinqiao Powder, Sangju Yin, Sangxing Yin, etc. to treat the epidemic. These medicines are not fully effective. If the flu recurs several times and then spreads, I am afraid that the disease will become so severe that there is no cure. Cured.

As Mr. Shi said, the epidemic can be cured, stabilized and stabilized, but I just adopted a wait-and-see approach.

If we use the push method, I will push Yinqiao Powder and Sangju Drink into Hong Kong tomorrow and tomorrow, and we will have to share the cause and effect at that time..."

(End of this chapter)

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