The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 591 The White Tiger in Medicine (Part )

Chapter 591 The White Tiger in Medicine (Part )

"Shengli, I heard from Xiao Long that you are also a master. How about you come and help me?"

The young and energetic Hengbiao wrote, and Ding Yong also knew a little about the consequences. Although his soldiers were selected by Lao Xie's elite, there were not many veterans.

Because he had to learn new skills, most of the recruits were of good quality. Without battlefield experience, Ding Yong felt really unsure when it came to fighting in the ring.


I'm just a Chinese medicine student, I don't have the strength to tie a chicken, how can I get on any stage?

This is a matter for your special agent camp. You have to go up and fight it yourself. I am really a master, and this matter is not my turn.

When doing things, try to be more restrained, I am very busy..."

After digging a big hole for Ding Yong, Li Shengli turned around and left. Martial arts skills were secondary, courage was the most important.

I don’t know when I can go back to the south this time, and Li Shengli doesn’t want Ding Yong’s people to slack off.

If Ding Yong really followed what he said and set up the overlord's ring to step on the plate, he would be beaten. There might not be many masters like Xiao Changgong in the army today.

After giving Wu Xing a shot of white tiger medicine, Li Shengli didn't sleep well all night. He really couldn't adapt to the hot flashes in the south. The hot and humid environment made people feel short of breath and very depressing.

Early the next morning, Ding Yong was also a bachelor, and he didn't know what he told the receptionist, so he started building a sand pool in the courtyard to be used as a ring.

The martial arts competition is similar to the wrestling field. Because there is a method of throwing and grabbing, it is not easy to beat on the masonry ground, which can easily cause injuries.

I stood at the window for a while and watched the busyness below. Following a few horn blasts, a long line of military green trucks stopped at the gate of the guest house.

Looking at the green canvas covering the truck bed, Li Shengli knew that the water in the pool had almost been replaced. Sometimes, who could detect the murderous intention in advance?

No need to wait for someone to knock on the door, Li Shengli changed into a lighter tunic suit, leaving the female gangster to continue studying, and then walked out of the room.

“Shengli, I’m looking for you!

The raw gypsum ore is stored in the railway station warehouse. The army has said that there are at least a few hundred tons in the warehouse.

Fifteen vehicles were shipped this time, totaling 68 tons. They said it was an urgent task from above and asked us to sign and receive it quickly.


When Li Shengli left the room, he met Ding Yong who hurried upstairs. Seeing his brother-in-law wearing a light-colored tunic suit, Ding Yong was stunned for a moment and did not delay his business.

After explaining the purpose of the motorcade outside the door, I was filled with doubts and didn't know how to express the words.

"The attitude on the other side is not very good, right?

These raw gypsum mines were ordered before I came here. Yesterday I asked Du Jiaoyang to ask and he said they were not ready.

I sent a telegram to Sijiucheng and killed the relevant people involved.

People who enjoy sports like me are not welcome nowadays. People are afraid that they come here with emotions, right? "

Li Shengli had nothing to hide from his third uncle Ding Yong. The new uncle and his new brother-in-law had to get along slowly and get to know each other slowly.

Otherwise, if they don't understand each other and always make a living by rebelling against each other, they will be unhappy in the future.

There are many things that cannot be exercised at will. There may seem to be no rules on the outside, but the rules are always there, and they are very strict, just like those people who half-done things.

They also took orders to do things, and the gypsum ore was there, but they just couldn't say they were ready. Now that they were swept away because of it, they still couldn't say they were ready.

If you don't say anything, you can still die in a dignified manner. If you really speak openly, then it won't be a matter of dying.




Do we accept it? "

Ding Yong gave his brother-in-law a complicated look. He had something to say in his heart, but he couldn't say it out. He could only get down to business and cover up his surprise.

He is considered a new brother-in-law who works together. Ding Yong only knew him through hearsay before. Now that he has seen his truly ruthless side, he feels a little apprehensive.

Being ruthless doesn't mean you can beat someone to death in person. You can be called a madman even if you eat someone.

The truly ruthless ones are almost like Li Shengli, who doesn't say hello and just kills people directly.

"Shall we accept?

Are you out of your mind?

Those are medical supplies for Hong Kong City. Who are we to accept these things?

The things have been unloaded for you. Do you have the ability to transfer them, or do you have the ability to contact the port city?

Guards should do their job as guards. What does the transfer of materials have to do with you? "

It is said that there is no such thing as a good banquet, but what Li Shengli was facing now was almost like a Hongmen banquet.

If you raid my people because of the gypsum ore, I will give it to you directly. It is not something you can just reach out to take when someone hands you something. Li Shengli can leave a killer move when he leaves Beijing.

The person on the opposite side can lay out killing moves for him at will. If you want gypsum mine, I will give you gypsum mine. If you can't catch it, you will be dead.

I didn't tell Ding Yong too much. When the car comes, it has to be unloaded or sent away. It's also a sin to delay for a long time.

Taking Ding Yong downstairs, Li Shengli walked all the way to the door. Looking at the cold eyes that swept towards him, he didn't ask about the situation. After standing in the middle of the door, he waited for someone to come to him.

"Are you in charge?

This is the receipt of sixty-eight tons of gypsum raw ore, sign it! "

Looking at the people walking up, Li Shengli did not reach out to take the receipt form from Lao Shizi, but said indifferently:

"I am the leader of the medical team, and my task is to assist Hong Kong City in controlling the spread of influenza.

So we are only responsible for suggestions or comments.

Medicines are a matter of logistics, right?

I have no idea where to send this batch of raw gypsum ore, who to contact, and where did the receipt come from? What did you sign?

Ding Yong, pay attention to the security of the station. If anyone enters without asking for permission, and after firing a warning shot, if he still persists in his own way, he will be shot to death!

Those who attack or intend to disrupt the order of the residence shall be dealt with in the same manner. " After forcefully pushing back the killing move handed to him, Li Shengli directly asked Ding Yong's people to set up a cordon in the guest house.

In these days, many people do things without a bottom line. Li Shengli was also afraid that these grandsons would unload raw gypsum ore directly at the door of the guest house, so when he turned around and left, he also specifically told Ding Yong.

"Ding Yong, if they dare to unload the car directly outside the door, they will endanger the safety of the camp. Just shoot them on the head!"

Li Shengli didn't say this to Ding Yong, but to the people in the team outside.

There is no trivial matter when it comes to foreign affairs, and Li Shengli wouldn't dare to do this when it comes to transferring materials in other directions.

But the materials for the port city are still life-saving medicines such as raw gypsum ore. Just like before, they were placed in the warehouse of the train station without causing any problems. Things will not be delayed, but the process of doing things can really harm people.

Just like the group of people who just smashed their hands in the opposite direction, sometimes, even in the upper position, they have to learn to abandon their cars to save their commanders.

Although Wang Qianjin's godmother was used as a cover before, there is a real backer behind her, and it's not just as simple as fighting against each other.

As for the follow-up of the matter, Li Shengli is still the same as before. It has nothing to do with his vital interests. He just causes trouble and does not stand out.

Just like when he first came here, he faced the evil mother-in-law of the Jia family. Li Shengli did not need to solve the problem when he caused trouble. Whether it was evil people or magic, it was the same to him. Evil people had their own evil people to grind, and magic had its own magic. confrontation.

His main focus here is to muddy the waters and cause trouble, and then see if he can profit from it.

After saying that, Li Shengli and Ding Yong walked to the three-story building of the guest house. Just as he thought, with the sound of horns, the motorcade that had just stopped outside the door rushed directly to the south.


This is so fucking bullying! "

Turning around, he opened his mouth and stared at the convoy going away. Ding Yong was also frightened for a while. This person was stumbling along the way. If he had signed just now, he would have been in real trouble.


We can give people white tiger medicine, and they can give it to us.

This matter is not over yet. Today I have to continue to call and report the complaint. They say that children who cry must be fed milk. I will cry to death for them.

Don't be idle now. Since the people in the army have followed suit, this situation will not be good.

Let's set up the arena outside the guest house.

Don't do some things yourself. Go to the garrison and tell them that we are going to build a medical knowledge platform and let them set up the platform.

Regarding the couplets, go to the guest house. Don't be stupid and let the troops garrison. If you do the couplets on the arena together, it won't be done.

It's just a cure, and the troops also come out to fight again and again. Now that you're on the stage, I'll see how he uses these three fires..."

After listening to his brother-in-law's words, Ding Yong also felt Rehan's thoughts. This time, things went wrong again.

If I had known that Li Shengli was such a person who was afraid of chaos in the world, he should not have been mobilizing in the company last night.

The four words "young and energetic" have now become a shackles for Ding Laosan. When the time comes, if the work is not done well, even the old Ding in the family will be implicated.

"Sheng Li, isn't this a little too much?

That person just came up too, so we just poured cold water on him, just because we were afraid that people would fight with us!

Don't forget, we are on someone else's territory now. "

Seeing that his brother-in-law Li Shengli was about to leave him and go back, Ding Yong felt a little unsure, so he hurriedly trotted to keep up with him and slapped him in the face randomly. There was a time limit. Nowadays, life and death can easily be decided at this time.

Ding Yong was also afraid that if something happened, people like them would have their lives lost but not go home.

"If you don't want to mess with the newcomers, then go to Jiangqiao. There is a veteran there, and he also knows real kung fu. Maybe if you set up the arena on Jiangqiao, the effect will be better.

You must drink this life-saving white tiger medicine from Wu Xing, either here or over there at Jiang Qiao.

His territory?

You are wrong in saying this. No one's territory is yours. You have no choice between here or going to Jiangqiao..."

Entering the military is not a trivial matter. The battlefield fighting experience passed down for thousands of years still needs to be passed on.

It is far from peacetime yet, and there are still a few places where martial arts skills need to be used. Once used, it is definitely a good skill that can reduce casualties.

This matter was related to the life and death of many young soldiers. If he could push it away, Li Shengli would still hold the hand of his third uncle and pour this bowl of life-saving white tiger medicine into Wu Xing.


It’s better to choose this one. Over at Jiangqiao, if you go to the secret service camp, you’re just asking for trouble, so why don’t you go with us here? "

Ding Yong is also self-aware. Guo Xingfu's training method was figured out by the veteran there.

If someone goes to the end in person, Ding Yong will not dare to hit him even if he can beat him. If he is really beaten, he will have to smash his hand. If he can't beat him, it will be worse, then he will only be beaten.

Instead of going to Jiang Qiao to look for trouble, why not stir up trouble under the eyes of my brother-in-law? Three cobblers are still supporting Zhuge Liang, right?

He rolled his eyes at the cowardly third uncle, who was still a little forward and backward. Li Shengli didn't talk to him. More than 60 tons of real white tiger medicine went to the pass. Whether he could get in or not was the key to the pass.

If you can't get in, 68 tons of raw gypsum ore will have to be smashed into Li Shengli's hand with your backhand. Now it depends on yesterday's strength and the result of today's stick.

According to the behavior of the four major foreign companies, which bully the weak and fear the strong, there is probably no problem with this. After all, the export of Chinese medicinal materials is a business where real money is spent on it.

Fifteen loads of raw gypsum ore entering the port city will also have a certain publicity effect on the sales market of Chinese medicinal materials, and it will not affect the medicinal materials they stock up on. This is a good thing for both parties.

For the Hong Kong government, fifteen carts of raw gypsum ore is also a free gift, and it can also solve the current conflicts in the city. If the Hong Kong government does not have a long-term vision in treating the epidemic, this is a mutually beneficial thing at the moment.

Li Shengli's obvious attitude is: I am a bit difficult to mess with, not easy to deal with, and I don't pay much attention to the overall situation.

The method used is also the Great Cold White Tiger Medicine, which is similar to gypsum. If the gypsum raw ore enters the port city, it means that the recovery is not far away and cannot enter the port city. No matter how good the effect of this white tiger decoction is, it cannot return to the lung and stomach meridians. It is life-saving medicine, but it is in vain!

Fortunately, the four major foreign banks in the port city did not make Li Shengli's worries come true. The truck that went there in the middle of the morning came back in the middle of the afternoon, and at the same time it brought back a receipt with a purple seal.

Seeing the words Jardine Group on the seal, Li Shengli smiled. If the pirate group had the final say, then the things that Mr. Shi was worried about would have an operator, and many things in the future would also have black gloves.

In the future, when this pirate group is swallowed up with their skin and bones, everyone will be happy...

(End of this chapter)

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