The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 556: It’s easy to go up the mountain but hard to go down (Part )

Chapter 556: It’s easy to go up the mountain but hard to go down (Part )

Things inside and outside the city gradually calmed down, and Li Shengli also began to slowly move from behind the scenes to the front.

The first step he took was to target the people on the street who originally belonged to him, such as blind drifters, gangsters, and street hustlers. Except for those who were really unmotivated and were incorporated into the patrol team, Li Shengli opened the remaining more than a thousand people for them. A special care training class was organized, referred to as the special training class.

As for some projects in the special training class, those who belong to the patrol team must also participate in them.

Li Shengli's special care, those who were originally extravagant people on the street, wanted to reject it with tears, but the boss's boss was also very solid.

In the past, the extravagant figures who claimed to be no match for three or five young people on the street suffered under Li Shengli's hands.

This boss's boss is also a very tormenting person, and everyone knows how to behave well. Instead of letting this man get a good start, it is really better to study hard in a special training class.

Rib-splitting and forks, the legendary torture that was only found in Bai Gongguan and Zhazidong, were applied to people. It could really break the soles of shoes. Not only had these people seen it, but they had seen it several times.

Isn't this the scariest thing? Who has ever seen a silver needle piercing a person's body?

They have it in their special training class. According to what the boss’s boss says, it’s called observing acupuncture teaching.

When I watched this, I was so scared that I tightened my crotch. Those who had the needles were even worse. Fortunately, there was no reaction.

If you are unlucky, you can really observe the acupuncture teaching. Some of these test subjects were twitching after being pricked, and some were crying and laughing at the same time.

Why, two days ago, there was a guy who kept crying after being pricked. More than a dozen old men came and pricked the person into a hedgehog without stopping the crying. When I asked, the bastard was crying because he was scared and angry. The boss's boss immediately kicked him in the face.

Under Li Shengli's high-pressure and vicious methods, all the extravagant figures on the street were now masters of memorizing skills in the camp, and the veteran students who were observing together were now working a lot harder.

They get up before dawn every day to run and exercise. After running, they quickly memorize medical textbooks. These people can't wait to make the sound of endorsements while eating and chewing.

Without him, after entering this special training class of Laoshizi, I really couldn't even run away.

If you run more than three times in a row, the boss, Li Shengli, will ask someone to give you a big, transparent split. It feels really painful when you have to hold it in front and behind when you walk. You're afraid that some parts may fall out of your grasp.

As long as you memorize it well, you will actually be pretty good in the camp. You will be fed and given military uniforms as a reward. Now the seniors who memorize the best have been awarded three sets of military uniforms.

Comparing with the inhuman torture, these once luxurious people on the street can recognize their facial features. They took the initiative to pick up the medical textbooks and memorize them. If you don't memorize them, think about those people who supported them in front of you and held them back. Think about it. Those who bite the soles of their shoes in pain, this is the best way to encourage them.

Li Shengli slowly walked from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, and was limited to self-training classes. This was also a very helpless choice.

Those goods whose names were left on the street before are counted one by one. Those who are lucky will be assigned to them. Those who are unlucky will be assigned to them. After the calculation is completed, it is time to squat on the fence.

Wang Qianjin was also a popular person on the street before. Even though he had a job, Li Shengli had to prevent him from being sent out, leaving a vacuum in the self-training class.

Now, during this period, the self-training class is not conspicuous. Li Shengli doesn't want the foundation he has worked hard to build to become a step forward for others, so he must move forward appropriately.

Now this small step is not risky. Compared with those who went up the mountain before, he and Wang Qianjin are more comfortable.

Let’s not talk about others, let’s just talk about Wang Qianjin’s little sweetheart. First he was benefactored by countless benefactors, and now he is being pursued by the superiors. He just ran out of the city in despair with the help of a benefactor two days ago, and now he has disappeared.

Others who are similar to that little sweetheart now have to pass a test. If they can't pass it, they squat on the fence. Even if they are protected, they are obediently preparing to go to the countryside.

The words of annihilation are not a joke. If they make trouble again, the consequences will not be as bearable as they thought.

Nowadays, the closed loop of self-training classes is still missing in the Q&A in correspondence classes. Although a group of elite students have returned, and although the descendants of rural doctors and village doctors from various places are constantly moving up.

But they were still lagging behind in terms of knowledge. Li Shengli had no choice but to transfer dozens of younger and more energetic senior Chinese medicine doctors from the mountains to help in the self-training class.

The first is to teach the veteran students who have basically fixed the staff; the second is to help them solve some questions and answers.

Liu Ye, who felt that he could not do much on the mountain, also followed him down the mountain. He was quite good at answering questions according to the contents of medical books.

"Master, can I really see those two babies tonight?

You see, I don’t have anything I can get rid of. These two mutton-fat jade longevity locks were prepared for me by my hometown.

Don't mind, I can't get them out no matter how good they are. These things were not modified by some old jade who didn't know how to clean them.

It was the material that leaked out of the manufacturing office. After my hometown collected it, I asked the old jade craftsman from the manufacturing office to clean it up.

You may think that this type is a bit vague, but it was also said at the beginning that the work of Zhuoyu is life-consuming, and it is usually done for children. The construction period must be fast, and it cannot be handled by multiple people. The rough work is to prevent the children from getting involved in the cause and effect. "

Looking at the somewhat bewildered old man, Li Shengli took a piece of jade lock and looked at it. Sure enough, it was just roughly in shape, but the words "peace" on it were a bit sinewy.

"Just two?

My wife is pregnant again, and when I tried the pulse test, she found twins again. This is really weird. The others were all one, but when she got the goods, there were two. "

Du Jiaoyang's lochia was cleared, and after taking a short rest, Li Shengli had already implanted her stubble. Although she had just become pregnant, according to the familiar pulse, it was probably twins again.

According to Li Shengli's joke, Du Jiaoyang had just finished unloading the goods and then loaded them up again.

Although Du Jiaoyang was a little resentful about getting pregnant right after giving birth, it was not much. The female bastard knew very well that Li Shengli had accelerated the pace of having children, and the overseas trip she had longed for was not far away.

"Also, my hometown originally came according to the seating arrangements in the medical clinic. At that time, our medical clinic had sixteen waiting chairs, so we made sixteen jade locks.

This is peace and joy, and there are seven couples behind me..."

When he heard that Li Shengli didn't dislike him and liked him very much, Mr. Liu's goatee also started to pout. Thinking back to the time when the Liu family was prosperous, it was a pity that he had no heirs.


Then this daughter-in-law doesn’t have enough children. When I change my daughter-in-law, I will designate you to have all the children.

It just so happens that the child hasn’t been named yet. It’s not enough to call him the eldest or second child all the time. Let’s just call him Peace and Joy..."

Listening to the somewhat casual words of his heir, Mr. Liu lifted his goatee under his chin and said carefully:

"Master, please take it easy.

Although many official ladies today have fallen out of favor, they are not sweet potato eggs lying in the soil. You can pick up whichever ones you want. Even though Miss Du wants to go abroad, you can't be so busy.

If people get up in the future, this quarrel will not be cleared up. "

Listening to Mr. Liu's heartfelt warning, Li Shengli patted the old man on the back and whispered:

“Save your worries.

The Miss Du you said was looking for me, my father-in-law also agreed when he went out. There is no risk in this matter. "

Staring at his heir who had gone to the free clinic, Mr. Liu tugged the goatee under his chin and said to himself:

"This grandson is really blessed. He has to look for a nest in the front and a nest in the back. This is a rare thing anywhere..."

After work in the evening, everyone took Master Liu with him after taking a long bath and even shaving his goatee, and everyone walked back to Madianji.

"Master Liu, it's your parents who take care of your body and skin!

For the sake of those two little bastards, are you willing to do anything? "

Looking at the old man who looked so weird, Li Shengli laughed at the old man in a dumbfounded way.

"What do you know?

Miss Du is an official lady, how about she be particular about it?

What if I think I'm ugly and don't let my children see me?

Ever since I heard about Miss Du giving birth on the mountain, I was scratching my head thinking about meeting those two babies.

From now on, you are no longer the master, those two eldest darlings are the masters! "

Talking and laughing all the way back to the Wang family's old house in Madianji, Li Shengli was also extremely relaxed. I have to say that being with Mr. Liu was the most relaxed time for him.

When he met the newly nicknamed children Ping An and Xi Le, Mr. Liu was still very reserved. Although he looked eager to try, he kept testing Du Jiaoyang with his inverted triangular eyes.

Du Jiaoyang, who almost didn't recognize Mr. Liu, received Li Shengli's explanation and pointed to the two children taking a nap sitting back to back on the Eight Immortals table and said:

"Master Liu, these two are so divided. After a while, I will be full of energy. The one who bullies the younger brother is the boss. According to the jade lock that Shengli gave me, the boss will be called Ping An.

Please pick up the boss quickly, he is so annoying..."

It's fine for women during pregnancy, but it's really annoying for women who are breastfeeding to be safe. Not to mention eating eight meals a day, if you miss that one meal, your head will be buzzing, and you will be caught again and again. The bite is not an object.

As for the second child, Xi Le, he is much more well-behaved. He only sleeps and eats, and he looks more likable than the eldest child.

Napping back-to-back while waiting for a feed is a new skill that the two brothers have recently discovered. When they get hungry, the eldest brother will push away the brother who is back-to-back first, and then he will clamor for a feed.

"Miss Du, the old man has thanked you first. Don't worry, my child. You can wait until you are happy enough. Today I am just here to take a look at these two big babies..."

Li Shengli and his wife kept true to their word, which made Mr. Liu very happy. Neither of them showed anything special about their adopted child.

It really doesn't matter to Li Shengli. It will be at least five or six years until the child can study medicine. Those who have to study medicine with famous teachers will all live in Sijiu City. In fact, whether the child is adopted or not is just a matter of name.

Even if Mr. Liu really takes it, isn't it still Yang Yulian's business to feed the child?

As for Du Jiaoyang, she didn't like children at first, and she was even more annoyed in the past two days. Moreover, like Li Shengli, she knew she couldn't be with her children. Sometimes even if she wanted to tease her, she would hold back for fear of being deeply emotional. When the time comes, I won’t be able to leave the country.

What's more, when she became pregnant for the second time, she also had morning sickness that she didn't have with her first child. In addition to breastfeeding, Yang Yulian had been pulling the baby for the past two days.

"Master Liu, please watch first while I talk about something important about victory..."

Leaving the child with Mr. Liu, Yang Yulian, and Xu Xiaoya, Du Jiaoyang winked and led Li Shengli into the back room.

"Old Li, the people from the leadership office came to see me today, and it was about the export of medicinal materials.

I didn’t answer them either. Do you want to answer them or not? "

Nowadays, there are more scheming female bastards in the city, and their actions are not as emotional as before.

Knowing that the errands in the leader's office were not that easy to handle, I excused myself as a serious pregnancy reaction, saying that I was taking medicine to recover.

"We must accept it. This is a major matter, a major matter that benefits the country and the people, and we must do our part.

But this time it’s not going to be easy either. We have to add a condition, which is that you go abroad.

You don't go out alone. You, Guan Qingyue, Xiao Feng, Xiao Changgong, and the four or five people from Madianji make up ten.

Going abroad at this time of year may not be easy to operate in the office. The ten months after giving birth are almost enough for them to operate. "

Li Shengli estimated that one or two months after Du Jiaoyang's due date, it would be the time when the influenza epidemic in Hong Kong next year would occur. The opportunity to go abroad for female bastards was linked to the export of medicinal materials and the influenza epidemic in Hong Kong. This was also the reason behind the promotion of medicinal materials last year. When exiting, he had already planned the steps.

"Old Li, it's not good to threaten people with conditions..."

Li Shengli could do business with the leadership office, but Du Jiaoyang would not dare to threaten his job even if he wanted to go abroad.

This is the same as Wang Qianjin, there are some rules that are engraved in the bones of these disciples.

It's just that their troubled sons are like this now. In ten or eight years, many of them will leave this trouble in Java.

"Just now.

Mr. Liu, there are a total of sixteen pieces of jade locks. If you don't use this opportunity, you still want to give birth to everything?

It will take seven or eight years to have two children, no matter what happens. I would like to have more children, but I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it one after another. "

After hearing what her man said, Du Jiaoyang glared at him fiercely. If Aunt Zou hadn't given her some advice and let her know that she had a high chance of getting pregnant again just after giving birth, she wouldn't have known about Li Shengli's sinister intentions. .

Before anything happened, she got pregnant again. According to Li Shengli's usual style, if she really wanted to stay with him, she would have to keep giving birth if she couldn't keep her.

Thinking that the annoying boss was safe, Du Jiaoyang shook her head decisively. When she thought about the sixteen children surrounding her, her head was very big.

"Let's do it!

However, the four major foreign companies in Hong Kong City have stopped answering calls since the beginning of the year. It seems that even if other companies want our Chinese herbal medicines, they will pass administrative barriers.

Although this year’s estimated output of medicinal materials cannot be compared with last year, it is still three or four times that of previous years. The people are not being taken advantage of..."

(End of this chapter)

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