The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 555 Iron nails (Part )

Chapter 555 Iron nails (Part )

Du Jiaoyang delivered the baby at Mr. Lu's side without going through any formalities. After the baby was born, he was observed by Mr. Lu for a day. Li Shengli left a copy of postpartum lochia and the prescription for nursing care as a diagnosis. gold.

The next night, he quietly returned to Madianji with Du Jiaoyang. The only birth certificate that could prove any trace was Mr. Lu's.

Once there are no witnesses in the future, the two fat boys may have to bear the title of gangster. But with a grandfather like Du Lao, this kind of title can only exist for a while.

Yang Yulian, who was going up to the pole to look after the children, made an arrangement with Yang Xiushan, who was slaughtering sheep in Madian, and asked Yang Xiushan to keep an eye on his cousin Yang Wenshan, and handed the two fat boys to Yang Yulian to get familiar with, and Li Shengli returned to his hometown. The training class is here.

Although it only took a day and a night, it was enough for diarrhea drugs to take effect.

The outcome of the matter was faster than Li Shengli and Wang Qianjin imagined. On the third day, there was no news about the woman suffering from metrorrhagia.

The manpower arranged by Li Shengli and Wang Qianjin are also doing tricks and sap everywhere. There are some things that don't need to be understood directly.

It was not without reason that Li Shengli held a free clinic at the self-training class. The unused military camp was very close to the university outside the city. Judging from the number of new patients who had come recently, he could confirm some news from the side.

This is also consistent with the news brought by brother-in-law Wang Qianjin.

"Old Li, how can you calculate so accurately?

It's all according to what you said. I went with an empty gun.

As a result, my godmother just said a few words to my face, and after returning home, she wanted me to take care of people outside the city.

I didn't dare to get into such a big den of right and wrong. I simply said that my education level was limited and I couldn't care about those foreigners. I was doing my best to care about the barefoot doctors.

Well, regarding the medical corps, because of the early results, the old man also gave it a name.

What will be the regulations in the future?

Lao Wang also said some things, after being arrogant, you have to behave yourself. "

Listening to the progress and retreat of the Wang family and his son, and looking at the results in front of the clinic, Li Shengli nodded first, then shook his head and said:

"A few days ago, when Du Jiaoyang gave birth to the baby at Mr. Lu's place, I was thinking, what the hell are we doing?

It makes no sense that when we have a baby at home, we have to wait until the baby is born because we are afraid of them, so we dare to secretly go to the hospital.

This is such a big deal. Let a bunch of bandits force us to become thieves. I don't want to admit this.

Since one family has been disturbed, other families cannot stand and watch the show. You and Xiao Hu will fight against each other these two days.

There is no reason why those who stand to watch the theater will be punished. We will help them watch the theater.

Going to the theater should only be done by those of us who are doing serious business.

Since we are busy with our feet hitting the back of the head, we cannot let them idle. It is still necessary to beat the human brain into a dog brain.

The medicinal materials I have here have been stored for a long time, so I just need to sort them out and change a batch.

Let’s stop hugging each other this time. Since the name has been decided, if we want to show our teeth, we must show our flesh-eating fangs and sharp teeth.

Some time ago, people regarded our uncle as a soft persimmon. They didn't know that we were the nails in the coffin. Even if the higher-ups knew about it, it wouldn't be enough. They had to spread the word widely.

As for those unlucky guys, are they in the world..."

Hearing that his brother-in-law was upset, Wang Qianjin gave himself a chance, concentrated on what he just said, and replied somewhat depressedly:

"Grandson, I just made a good impression on my godmother, and you want to destroy me.

This is so noisy. Although it's a bit chaotic, it suits me. Those bastards now dare to keep an eye on me openly.

It seems you are right. Only a thousand days can make a thief. How can a thousand days prevent a thief?

We are very tired here, and we can't make it easy for them. It's just that you have to scratch your head when you make a fuss. Have you figured out how to explain to my godmother? "

There are consequences for doing things, and Wang Qianjin is also worried that if he just got good, he will make trouble again, but it will be troublesome.

In fact, many things are the same as what my brother-in-law said. When you are hard and red, the streets and alleys are refreshing.

But now when Wang Qin went out, there were people watching him in the courtyard and on the street. Some of them were his children, and they wanted to teach them a lesson. However, due to their status as children, they were not like their brother-in-law, who would hit them ruthlessly without even saying hello. .

Looking at my brother-in-law's side, let alone being watched, the self-training class is still a restricted area for all parties in the Forty-Nine City. If he walks by, it will at least be a slap in the face.

My brother-in-law doesn't distinguish between acquaintances and strangers. If it violates his rules and regulations, he has to check with those he knows before talking to him.

As for anyone who dares to keep an eye on him, he is really in trouble. If you send people to keep an eye on his rear, those who order things to do with your back will disappear as well.

This is also the reason why his reputation is not known. If others do something, they must publicize it. For those who sign up, it will be really fatal for my brother-in-law to just do things without being famous.

"This is all going to add to your burden. Don't you know how to get into trouble and take a break from the spotlight?

Do you really want to be the backbone of your godmother's side?

Grandson, some things have a time limit. You must make a clear distinction between your godmother and the troublemaker.

You are just a child. You will always be forced to move around after you become a godmother. If you really go to the pole to do things, you will see the results on the street. Didn't you not see it?

It’s not that I won’t retaliate, it’s just that the time has not come yet…”

Seeing that his brother-in-law's statement was once again consistent with what his family's boss Wang said, Wang Qianjin no longer had any worries.

It's still the same as before. Li Shengli is regulating the students in the crash course in the self-training class, while Wang Qianjin leads Ma Xiaobao and Liu Wenguang to stir up trouble on the street.

There are many things that I'm afraid of disrupting the situation, and they are all young people who don't follow the rules very well. You poke me, and I poke you. The pokes come and go so frequently that I can't count them.

The white knife comes in and the red knife comes out. It's just an opening, but the follow-up is a game full of smoke.

Wang Qianjin was stirring up trouble outside the city, and Li Shengli was attending a free clinic at the self-training class. Outside, it was like the Chinese New Year, with constant crackling noises.

The noises come together, but there is no end. From the time when the two women gave birth to a child, to the time when the child can crawl, from the beginning of spring to the beginning of summer, the sound of "crack-pap-pap-pap-pap-pap-pap-pap-pap-pap-pap-pate", from night to day, from city to city. I can't stop outside.

Many people want to mediate, but people with red eyes don't care who you are. They will nod and agree when mediating. When they get home, they will still take advantage of them.

In fact, many things would have happened without provocation. It was just the provocation between Li Shengli and Wang Qianjin that made the internal strife more intense. Naturally, less blood and tears were revealed outside the inner walls.

In July and August, after harvesting wheat and medicinal materials, the crackling outside gradually began to subside. Li Shengli's younger brothers and sisters, Li Jianshe and Li Yinghong, also returned to the camp of the self-training class with the elite students who had previously gone to the countryside. inside. Looking at his darkened and thinner younger brother and sister, and seeing them looking at the original classroom with bright eyes, Li Shengli almost knew that these two should know how to supervise his studies.

As for those elite students, more than half of them behaved the same way. For the rest, Li Shengli was also thinking of names based on their appearance. This was a sign of improper attitude.

After letting them come back and take a look at these goods, they have to send them one after another. Learning Chinese medicine is similar to going to the countryside. If the attitude is not correct, no matter how good the qualifications are, no matter how good the family background is, they will not be successful.

For this kind of people, it is enough to show them the comfort of the self-training class. If they want to stay, they have to wait until their eyes have light, even the green light from hunger is good.

After the fifth batch, the number of students assigned by the higher authorities gradually declined. As Li Shengli said, going to the countryside is a daunting journey for many people.

The actual conditions are there. It is impossible for all the students in the city to attend self-training classes. Some people are not willing to seize such an opportunity. Li Shengli does not insist on this. Without the students like the first five batches, he will not There is no room for withholding food.

Nowadays, he raises more than half of the food for the self-training class by himself. There are already complaints from various wineries in the suburbs of Beijing. Most of the wine they cannot produce is sweet potato, right?

Even if you cook sweet potatoes, you still need so many dried melons!

The impact of some things is also slowly emerging. Sweet potatoes that you could buy with money in the countryside are now a rarity. You can buy five kilograms of sweet potatoes with one kilogram of food stamps.

This kind of supply and demand has also led to Li Shengli's side having to have a meal to remember the bitterness from time to time.

Now that the sweet potatoes have been harvested, rice with melon rice will be the staple food for the next week.

It is easy to say that it is easy to turn barefoot doctors who go to the countryside into iron nails, but it can kill people just by eating them.

"Old Li, the wagon from the Northeast is coming soon. If the three wagons of rice are exposed, we will be shot. Can't we go and pull it ourselves?

Are you still asking Li Huaide about this matter? "

Speaking of the black market rice from the Northeast, Wang Qianjin is also a little scared. At home, Mr. Wang has to eat sweet potatoes from time to time. Three truckloads of rice weigh less than 200 tons. Not to mention going to see it on site. Just talking about it makes me feel cold in my crotch.

Listening to his brother-in-law's advances and retreats, Li Shengli nodded. Only Li Huaide was suitable to bear this thunder. He and Wang Qianjin had little arms and legs, so they really couldn't bear it.

"There is no one else but him.

I can't bring the new and old students in the camp back with me, right?

It was still the old rule, he could exchange up to 30% of the whole grains and grains, and the rest would be given to the old party secretary in Madianji, and he would exchange it for coarse grains and sweet potatoes, pumpkins, etc. that would be harvested later in the villages on the outskirts of Beijing.

As for the students in the hospital, we have enough to take care of, so don’t think about white rice.

Some time ago, the old man also made harsh words, saying that those who were misbehaving on the street were suffering from edema, and if they went too far, they would be annihilated.

I'm afraid annihilation is just a word. You can't really kill them. When you go to the countryside, I'm afraid there will be a big attack.

Let our people pack up and prepare to enter the self-training class. Of course, those who have serious jobs should not come.

This time it’s not that you won’t come if you don’t want to come. As long as they don’t have a job, they must come. If they don’t come, they will be beaten until they come!

Since they are one of our own, I will take good care of them. "

Without the personnel allocated from above, Li Shengli raised a group of 2,000 students on his own. This is the staff that Wang Qianjin and Xiao Hu belong to.

From the main force to the periphery, 99% of the personnel were recruited into the self-training class by Li Shengli.

Li Shengli's words about taking care of his family made Wang Qianjin shiver, but it was not the same as before. Anyone who disobeyed would be punished to death.

Some people were indeed not the ones to be endorsed. In order to protect themselves in the future, Li Shengli also arranged a position for those among this group of people who really couldn't memorize the textbook. They were nothing more than a patrol team in the self-training class.

This can be regarded as the trend of self-protection nowadays. It is similar everywhere. Self-training classes are neither the first nor the last.

As for the rest, according to Wang Qianjin, these people who were taken care of by his brother-in-law did not know whether their ancestors had no good deeds. Anyway, looking at the training, it seemed that they had a deep hatred for their brother-in-law.

Li Shengli didn't care much about the other students, but he had to deal with the last batch of students every day.

The luxury guy who usually walked with his head erect on the street now wanted to put his head in his crotch and had to take a look at the free clinic from time to time. Wang Qianjin was also angry and funny.

When he and Xiao Hu were in charge of them, they had never seen these guys be so submissive. Now that Li Shengli looked at them, the way these bad guys clamped their crotches one by one was really funny.

However, the method used by my brother-in-law to help people cut open the ribs and forks was really chilling. After grabbing it with one hand, even a tough man had to lie on the ground and roll around while mourning. It took him a long time to get up at all.

It’s not that no one stood up, those who stood up all joined the patrol team. Those grandsons were also real grandsons. They took care of their own people after Li Shengli’s orders, and they didn’t spare any mercy.

Looking at those arrogant people who used to hang out on the streets with sticks, and now they are doing memorization competitions in self-training classes, Wang Qinjin is inevitably a bit sad.

The temporary calm on the streets does not mean that the risk is gone. The No. 180 patrol team left behind by Li Shengli may have little effect on the streets.

With an idea in mind, Wang Qianjin found Li Shengli. He still had to leave some strength to protect himself.


You, Boss Wang, really want to plant flags, establish titles, open incense halls, and recruit disciples in the city?

Many things must come to an end, and some things are over once they have been experienced. Do you really want to let them hang out on the streets for the rest of their lives?

Even those bastards from the patrol team will most likely be sent to the army after training.

In the future, in terms of manpower, our self-training class is the biggest player in the city, and everyone else has been packed away.

Why, you, Boss Wang, are the only ones who want to raise people and horses in the city?

The old man is keeping an eye on this issue. If you are not afraid of death, try it. "

Many people have to end up somewhere and live in this world. Ninety-nine percent of them are not good. The remaining ones are either lucky or have a backing. In the era when living in the world can be passed down to the family, as Zhang Ying said, It has passed.

It’s not that you can’t mess around next time, you just have to be prepared to put your money in the warehouse and drag down your family.

Those who are really messing around don't have the intention to be in the world from the beginning, most of them have no choice. This is also the reason why they can land safely. Simply messing around in the world is the same as seeking death...

(End of this chapter)

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