Chapter 552 Entering the Mountain
No one has ever measured whether a hundred thousand mountains are one hundred thousand miles away.

It’s just that these rolling mountains are extremely vast.

Moreover, there are many different roads in the mountain, and it is easy to get in but difficult to get out... If you are not careful, you may get stuck in it.

Therefore it is quite scary.

And no one knows whether there are other people on the other side of this hundred thousand mountain.

Some good people have gone deep into it and tried to climb hundreds of thousands of mountains, but in the end no one was able to come back alive.

Whether they succeeded or not, no one knows.

In addition, there are many residents in this mountain, far more than just one Flute Clan. However, the Flute Clan is famous all over the world for its use of poison, so people have only heard of the Flute Clan and not the others.

All this news was learned from the Tong family along the way, and from the local people after arriving around Shiwanda Mountain.

But no one knows the further news.

The Hundred Thousand Mountains always make people keep secrets.

Jiang Ran and others have been here for ten days now, but they have found nothing during these ten days.

Now a group of people built a bonfire with stones, burned the flames, and cooked the ingredients.

Jiang Ran couldn't help but glance at Demon Crossing Pluto:
"You really didn't take the wrong path?"

In fact, the best choice for this trip to Shiwandashan would have been to let Wu Di lead the way.

But before he could find the Heavenly Demon Treasure Mirror, Wu Di was thrown onto the battlefield.

It was only after this that I found out that the magic weapon of the Demon Cult was hidden in the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Otherwise, Wu Di should really be asked to come over.

It's better than this Demon King who looks reliable but is actually not reliable at all.

Demon Crossing Pluto is full of confidence:

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. When your father was a disciple, our relationship with the Di Clan was quite deep.

"My subordinate has also visited the Flute Clan several times with the Old Demon Lord. This path is unmistakable."

"But you said before that it would take about ten days to reach the range of the Flute Clan, but these ten days have passed, not to mention the Flute Clan, not even a ghost has been seen."

Tang Huayi snorted.

The devil-crossing Pluto couldn’t laugh or cry:

"Your Highness the Saint, it's okay if you don't see the ghost's shadow. Aren't you the most afraid of these strange powers that may confuse the gods?

"If I really take you to see the ghost shadow, why don't you let me break my old bones?"

Tang Huayi was at a loss for words. She could do everything, but the black spot of fear of ghosts could not be wiped away.

When faced with the Demon Crossing Pluto, he could only remain silent.

Jiang Ran said softly:
"There's no news from Aunt Rou and the others?"

Along the way, they have been divided into two paths: light and dark.

However, just as they were approaching Shiwanda Mountain and before they were separated from the Tong family, traces of Aunt Rou and the others suddenly disappeared.

I have not been contacted after several attempts.

Demon Crossing Pluto shook his head:

"Wei Wu... Girl Rou should be fine.

"She has gained your mother's internal strength, and she has the Five Poisons Sutra to protect her body. There are not many people in the world who can hurt her.

"It won't be so silent unless Jun Hezai takes action himself.

"But they were not far behind us at that time. Tong Hesheng couldn't notice it, but we could find it.

"If something really happens, just shout and Jun Hezai will fall into our hands."


Jiang Ran nodded slightly:

"I don't think there will be any problems with them.

"That's it..."

He glanced at Demon Crossing Pluto and sighed:

"Then please leave it to Hades."

"Your Majesty, I don't know if it's my subordinate's misunderstanding. When you said this, you seemed a little unwilling."

Demon Crossing Pluto tilted his head and looked at Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran nodded seriously.


While chatting, everyone ate.

At this moment, Jiang Ran suddenly frowned, looked around calmly, then took out a small bottle from his arms, poured out a lot of elixirs, and secretly stuffed it into the hands of Shi Qinghua and the others. inside.

Everyone was stunned at first, and then understood.

Sneak this pill into your mouth...

As time passed, the light of the bonfire slowly dimmed.

The group of people surrounding the fire fell into sleep in silence.

In this silence, figures suddenly appeared from the woods.

I saw the leader wave his hand gently:

"All tied up."

The people behind him immediately took action and tied up the hands and feet of Jiang Ran and his party.

With an order, they were all carried away immediately.

This walk took a long time, climbing over mountains and ridges, and after a while, we came to a mountain col.

I saw that inside this mountain col, there were dots of firelight at this moment, and it turned out to be a tribe.

At this moment, there was someone waiting at the main entrance.

She is an old woman wearing rather complicated and weird clothes.

She furrowed her brows and probed for a closer look. She didn't relax until the group of people appeared.

"Amei, you are back."

A woman walked out of the crowd, it was the person who was the leader before.

She is young, around 20 years old, her skin is slightly pale, but she is dressed in black and has strong skills. Her brows are a little less feminine and a little more wild.

However, she was smiling like a flower at this time. She walked up to the old woman and took her hand and said:
"Grandma, we are back.

"Don't worry, it doesn't look like they belong to them...

“They are just a group of ordinary people who don’t know why they came to the mountains.

"I used a little trick to catch them all.

"I will interrogate them personally later. If there is no one involved... I will erase their memory of tonight and throw them directly out of the mountain."


The old woman nodded slightly:
"Amei, you are right to think so.

“There are rules in the mountains, and there are principles outside.

"People outside regard the people in the mountains as ferocious beasts, and the people in the mountains treat them the same way...

"There is no need to add blood debt to each other.

"If they really have nothing to do with this matter, let them leave quickly.

"But Grandma, remember what Grandma said, people outside the mountains have wandering minds and a lot of colorful intestines.

“My grandma had a younger sister back then, but she was deceived by the smooth talk of people from outside the mountains.

“It ended up being a miserable end.

“Also, not only our tribe, but also many young and beautiful girls from other ethnic groups were deceived by gangsters from outside the mountains.

“When I was here, I was obedient, but after I left, I became cruel and ruthless.

"As a teacher who never forgets the past, you must not follow their old path."

"Don't worry, grandma!"

Amei laughed loudly:

"Who can deceive me? If you dare to deceive me, you must first see if your life is strong enough!

"Bring them all in!"


After everyone agreed, they carried Jiang Ran and his party into the village.

This tribe lives in this mountain col, backed by a mountain, and there are many caves in the mountain.

Jiang Ran and his group were taken into a cave.

There was a buzzing sound in the cave, and I didn't know what kind of snakes, insects, rats, ants were hidden there.

This group of people didn't have any sympathy for the beauty. They tied Jiang Ran and others to the pillars and filed out.

The fire in the cave went out, and Jiang Ran suddenly opened his eyes.

First, he glanced at the cave.

"It turns out to be a scorpion..."

The rustling sounds in the cave are scorpions wandering around the edge of the cave.

These scorpions seemed to have some kind of program, just swimming around the outside of the cell, but never taking a step beyond the bounds.

Even though the walls were crawling, they had never set foot in the cell.

"They actually used scorpions as guards?"

Tang Huayi also opened his eyes and said with some surprise:
"Is this the method of the Flute Clan?"

"It may not be the flute clan."

Tang Shiqing also said:

"Maybe it's some other ethnic group...

“Just listening to their words, I feel that these 100,000 Mountains are not monolithic.

"They should have their own fights, too."

"That's right. From what they said, they suspected that we were related to someone, and that's why they attacked us."

Ye Jingshuang shook his head slightly:
"But Brother Jiang, according to Pluto, even if we haven't arrived at the Flute Clan now, we should still be close.

"If these people are not from the Di tribe...then are we on the wrong path?"

"I'm afraid we can only ask the Demon Crossing Pluto."

Jiang Ran glanced at Demon Crossing Pluto and shouted twice:

"Pluto, Pluto, wake up, stop pretending, there is no guard."

However, Demon Crossing Pluto has no intention of waking up at all.

His head was always hanging... If Jiang Ran hadn't been able to hear his heartbeat, he would have thought he was dead.

The eldest princess asked in a low voice:
"Did you just... give him the antidote?"

Jiang Ran was stunned for a moment:
"You didn't give it?"

"Forgot..." "I thought you gave it."

"I don't have one, why don't you give it to me?"


Everyone looked at each other, only then did they realize that they were pretending to be unconscious and the Demon King of Hell was really unconscious.

Jiang Ran was quite surprised:

"I didn't pay attention to it just now, so it seems that this method is not trivial.

“Although he is ineffective in defeating the Demon Pluto, his internal strength is also extraordinary.

"It's so easy to catch him."

"Brother Jiang, what should we do?"

Ye Jingshuang asked: "Thanks to them, we have found a tribe. But now that we have been here for so long, if we really go in the wrong direction, it will not be easy to get back on track."

"It's actually easier now."

Ye Jingxue grinned, and a rather ferocious smile appeared under the firelight:

"Aren't they all people who lead the way? Just grab any one and ask them clearly."

"... Just say what you say. Stop smiling, it's so creepy."

Ye Jingshuang glared at her.

Ye Jingxue laughed twice:
"I learned this from Tang Huayi."

"You go, you go, when did I teach you this? You rely on me for everything..."

Tang Huayi pouted, expressing her unwillingness to take the blame.

Tang Shiqing smiled and said:

"Xue'er's words are correct. Our understanding of the Hundred Thousand Mountains is limited, and the Demon Pluto is unreliable, so the people in the mountains should know the details of the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

"Just let them take us there then."

"Hush, be silent!"

Jiang Ran said softly:

“When someone comes, they will put on a show for a while to figure out what is going on with them.

"Then make a decision."

Everyone nodded, then their heads drooped and they continued to pretend to be unconscious.

The footsteps were already there in the blink of an eye.

As the footsteps came, the scorpions wandering on the ground moved away like a tide. It was not until people walked in that the scorpions covered the ground again, preventing anyone from stepping on it.

Not many people came in, only three.

Just listen to the girl named Amei say before:

“Who are these people?
"A man... a group of women, and an old man?

"This man bringing so many women is probably not a good thing."

As she spoke, she was already in front of Jiang Ran.

He reached out and pinched Jiang Ran's chin, lifting his head up.

How pitiful...Jiang Ran has been in the world for so long, and this is the first time he has been treated like this.

Just listen to the voice of A Mei coming close at hand:

"Why does this man look like this?
"These eyebrows, this mouth, this nose, these ears, this hair...

“It’s really different from those people in the mountains.

“It just looks a little thin, so I’m afraid I won’t be able to fight a liger.

"Huh? You underestimated him. His body is quite strong."

As she spoke, she touched Jiang Ran's eyebrows, eyes, nose, and even grabbed his chest twice. She felt that this man looked thin, but in fact he was full of tendons.

My eyes lit up and I grabbed two more handfuls.

The faces of Shi Qinghuayi and others who were caught all turned black. Even though they were in a coma, they couldn't help but clenched their fists.

"Bring it here."

Ah Mei's voice sounded again.

I heard another footsteps coming, walking behind Ah Mei, and seemed to be handing something over.

Amei held it in her hand, and Jiang Ran felt that she had brought something to his nose.

Just scanned it and took it away.

Afterwards, Amei let go of Jiang Ran's chin and seemed to find a place to sit down.

After a long while... Ah Mei was surprised:
"Why aren't you awake yet?"

Jiang Ran immediately groaned, "Slowly wake up", and glanced around with confused eyes:
"This... what is this place?"

"Where? In the words of you outsiders, this is the Palace of the King of Hell."

Just listen to that Ah Mei’s arrogant voice.

Jiang Ran looked up and saw this woman dressed in black with many small bags on her body. She had one foot on the table and looked at him coldly:

"Tell me, what's your name?"

"who are you?"

Jiang Ran didn't speak, but looked panicked:

"What is this place? What are you going to do?
"Let me tell you... my martial arts skills are very good. If you mountain people dare to go against me, I promise to beat you... until your faces are full of peach blossoms!!"

"Young boy, you're pretty good, aren't you?"

Ah Mei grinned, holding a dagger in her hand, pressing towards Jiang Ran step by step.

Jiang Ran's face changed colors at a speed visible to the naked eye.

I was also thinking about how to act.

Should I show that I would rather die than surrender, or should I show that I am greedy for life and afraid of death?

Before she could make a decision, Ah Mei had already put the dagger on her neck:

"Tell me, what's your name?"

"...Zhou Ye!!"

Jiang Ran quickly spoke.

"Zhou Ye?"

Amei smacked her lips, raised Jiang Ran's chin with her fingers, and stared at him with burning eyes:
"You're the only one who's still wild? Come on, show me how wild you are!?"

This is like meeting a female gangster!
Jiang Ran was speechless for a while:
"Girl, if you have anything to say... Us, how did we appear here? These companions of mine, are they... okay?"

"Did I say it's your turn to ask me questions?"

Amei snorted coldly, took away the dagger, and turned around:
"What do you want from the Yao people?"

"Yao people?"

Jiang Ran was stunned and sighed in his heart. Sure enough, he went to the wrong place.

He could only say:
"Is this the Yao people? I, I don't know..."

"do not know?"

Ah Mei suddenly turned around, her eyes sharp:
"How dare you say you don't know when you are on the land of my Yao people?

"Let me ask you, did the Shang people send you here?"

"The Shang clan is also a clan?"

Jiang Ran felt a little pain in his head, but he really didn't know.

This is no longer a show...

He could only say:
“We, we went deep into Shiwanda Mountain to find the Flute Clan.

"Why are they from the Yao tribe and the Shang tribe? Where is the Di tribe?"

"Looking for the Flute Clan?"

Amei frowned slightly:

"What are you doing with the Flute Clan?"

Jiang Ran didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Amei immediately put the dagger on Jiang Ran's neck again:

"I said it, I said it!"

Jiang Ran quickly said:

"Put down the dagger, we have something to talk about..."

"We are looking for the Di seek medical advice."

"Seeking medical advice?"

Ah Mei raised her eyebrows:

"Who's sick?"

"My relatives at home..."

"What disease?"

"I do not know."

"You lied to me!"

"I really don't know... If I knew, I would have prescribed the right medicine. I really don't know what's going on. I also heard that there is a foreign race in the Hundred Thousand Mountains that can cure diseases with insects.

"I have just come to this mountain with a few ladies to find the Flute Clan, and ask the Flute Clan's holy hands to go back and treat my relatives.

" was clearly agreed that we were going in the direction of the Flute Clan. How did we end up here?"

Jiang Ranruo made the matter of 'several ladies' clear, intentionally or unintentionally.

After all, this woman is just like an old gangster, always doing things to her.

Very unpleasant.

"Madam? How many are there?"

Amei looked at Jiang Ran in surprise, then at Shi Qinghuayi and others, and couldn't help but grin:
"With your small body and several wives, can you handle it?"

Jiang Ran was speechless for a while, what kind of problem is this?
Aren't you embarrassed when a woman asks you such a question?

He coughed immediately:
"A girl respects herself... This is really outrageous for a girl like you to say."


Amei sneered:
"Why is it so outrageous?
“You men can say this, why can’t we women?
"I tell you, among my Yao people, women are more important than men!

"As the saying goes, obey your wife when you get married, and obey your daughter when she dies. This is the rule of our Yao people.

"You dare to talk to me like this, you are not following the rules!"

Jiang Ran blinked.

No wonder this woman is the boss, and the person who was greeted in front of the village just now is also an old woman.

After working on it for a long time, is this ethnic group a matriarchal clan?
(End of this chapter)

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