Chapter 553 Hundred Tribes Conference
There are hundreds of thousands of ethnic groups in the mountains, and each tribe has its own rules.

This Yao people are women who are in charge.

Although Amei is not very old, she is actually the head of the Yao tribe.

Jiang Ran didn't know the reason, only felt shocked.

He saw this girl coming to him with a dagger, getting closer and closer... He could hear his breathing.

I feel like I can't go on like this after all.

Even if he could endure it for a while, Tang Huayi and the others were about to reach the limit of their endurance.

It seems that the strategy can only be changed. Break free from the restraints, push them to the ground, and interrogate them one by one with inner demons.

If that doesn't work, just grab someone as a guide.

Having made up his mind, he turned his palm and was about to use force to break the rope.

Fierce footsteps suddenly came from outside the cave.

Scorpion separated the two sides and saw two women approaching, with anxious looks on their faces:
"Oh no, the Shang tribe is coming!"

Amei didn't care about teasing Jiang Ran and took a step back. Although her face was a little solemn, she was not surprised at all:
"How many people came?"

"Many people! Nanda, the leader of the Shang clan, personally took action, and even the Snake King who was worshiped by their clan was invited out.

"Clan leader, please go and have a look quickly."

"Okay, let's go."

Amei turned around and walked out of the cave.

But when she passed the two people who passed the news, the woman who had just lowered her head to report, with a respectful and eager face, suddenly pulled out a dagger from her waist.

It's like sticking out your tongue to spit out a letter, and like a needle in the scorpion's tail.

The vicious and sharp killing move went straight to Amei's back.


Jiang Ran immediately reminded him.

The dagger was shot not only quickly, but most importantly, silently.

If she succeeds, this person named Amei will definitely die.

After hearing Jiang Ran's voice, Amei immediately reacted.

With a twist of his body and a wrong step, he made a sliding movement around half a circle and arrived at the other end of the cell almost in the blink of an eye.

But no matter how fast she was, the two of them were too close just now, so she still couldn't help but get hit.

From the back of the heart to the arm, a bloody gash appeared.

Ah Mei looked at the person in front of her in astonishment:

"A Ying? What are you doing?"

Just as she opened her mouth to ask, another person had already taken action, knocking down the two people who were following Ah Mei to the ground with one blow.

Without thinking about killing him quickly, he was already standing with that A Ying.

"The dagger is poisonous. She has been poisoned. If you kill her, it will be said that it was the hands of the prisoners in this cell."

The woman spoke slowly.

Ah Ying nodded and looked at Ah Mei:

"Clan leader, I'm sorry.

"Actually, my name is not Aying... nor am I from your Yao tribe.

"I am from the Shang clan, and I am the daughter of Nanda, the leader of the Shang clan.

"The reason why I hide my identity among you Yao people is just for today.

"You are young, and your ability to take charge of the Yao clan is extraordinary.

“But my father is already old...he can’t support the Snake King for a few more years.

"I ask myself that even if I succeed to the position of clan leader, I will never be your opponent.

"Instead of being killed by you at that time, it is better to strike first...

"After devouring your Yao clan, you will be able to obtain more benefits from the Di clan during the grand gathering of hundreds of clans.

"I'm sorry. I'm afraid I can't repay you for your kindness over the years."

"...I'm so grateful to you for actually letting me die to understand."

Amei smiled bitterly.

But he also understood that the other party said this not only to make himself understand, but also to delay time and let the poison in the body take effect.

She was definitely not someone who would sit back and wait for death, but there was nothing she could do about this poison.

In this short period of time, she had fully demonstrated what she had learned, but the poisonous energy was still heading towards her heart, which was completely irreversible.

The breath in the body is even worse than before.

Aying chuckled lightly:
"In that case, please return the clan leader to heaven."

Having said this, and just as he was about to take action, he heard a voice say:
"Well, can I interrupt?"

Amei and Aying turned their heads at the same time and saw Jiang Ran who was tied there and said softly:
"What is the purpose of the Hundred Tribes Festival you are talking about?
"Is it held in the Flute Clan?"

After the two people heard it, they didn't know each other at all. They came up at the same time and were about to get entangled in one place.

Unexpectedly, just when the two were about to exchange the first move, two hands stretched out, one hand grabbing A Ying's wrist, and the other grabbing A Mei's wrist.

Just a gentle tug.

The two of them were like children fighting in a kindergarten, being easily separated by adults.

Amei and Aying looked at the sudden appearance of the third person...Jiang Ran in disbelief.


Ah Mei looked at him in surprise.

He has such ability, how could he be caught by himself?

That look of fear just now was just an act, right?
"Slow down, take your time. If you have anything to say, why bother fighting? It's too hurtful."

Jiang Ran put the two people on the ground respectively.

Then A Ying smiled:
"The people outside the mountain are so capable... I'll show you something good."

She flicked her sleeves, and a white shadow went straight to Jiang Ran's throat.

Ah Mei was taken aback and subconsciously wanted to stop her. However, the poisonous energy was attacking her heart at this moment, making it difficult to perform her exercises. She couldn't even lift her arms, so how could she stop her?

However, the next moment, she realized that her thoughts were unnecessary.

The white light stopped in front of Jiang Ran's neck and was pinched tightly by his two fingers.

Still twisting in his hands... it turned out to be a small white snake.

"Children like to play with these little things. If they can't beat them in a fight, they will put little things in there to bite them."

Jiang Ran took the little white snake in his hand and looked at it carefully.

He found that this snake was different. It had hard scales and was as sharp as a knife. It didn't die even when he pinched it. It struggled with great strength.

The decoration is red vertical pupils, which are stubborn and unyielding.

There is a red line on the head... extending all the way to seven inches.

"Are you afraid that others will pinch you wrongly? You look quite considerate."

Jiang Ran smiled.

I heard bang bang bang, and there were sounds one after another.

It was poetic and picturesque, Jingshuang Jingxue and the eldest princess got out of trouble one after another and walked down from the pillar.

Tang Huayi shook his wrist and said with some dissatisfaction:

"Brother-in-law, why are you exposed when you are so good?

"What about the acting you promised?
"You are so nervous about this Amei, are you trying to attract bees and butterflies again?"


Jiang Ran shook his head:

“This is different from before.

"The previous display of martial arts only made people think that our purpose was even more complicated.

“He is afraid of us.

“But taking action now is a favor to her.

“Even if she is afraid, she is probably too embarrassed to say it.

“And when it comes to scorpions and snakes, I probably prefer scorpions.

"But this snake looks pretty good. Girl, why don't you give it to me?"

The last words were naturally addressed to Aying.

A Ying's face had already changed drastically.

The plan for tonight is actually very simple.

She deceived Ah Mei and said that the Shang tribe was invading, so she took the opportunity to make a sneak attack and smeared the dagger with poison. Even with Ah Mei's ability, it was impossible to undo the poison.

Kill A Mei, put the blame on Jiang Ran and his group, and get rid of them all.

At that time, the Yao people will be leaderless.

The Shang tribe's annexation of the Yao tribe is just around the corner.

This plan is so simple that it can almost be said to be crude...but in fact, the simpler the plan, the fewer flaws it has.

The chances of her succeeding are great.

But she didn't expect that what she miscalculated was that the few people who were easily knocked down were actually pretending!

At the critical moment, they suddenly took action, causing the plan to completely fail.

He also exposed his identity for no reason.

This snake is A Ying's trump card. It is the descendant of the Snake King of the Shang tribe. It is extremely poisonous and powerful. Every inch of its scales is as sharp as a knife.

Ordinary people would be seriously injured even if they were touched, not to mention pinching.

As a result, even it was easily manipulated by Jiang Ran. There was really nothing to say... A Ying put away her chin that was about to drop, turned around and left.


Aying sneered in her heart.

This person outside the mountain is so naive, there is only one way to get him back, and that is to take action.

You don't take action, you just shout to get yourself back?
Isn't this the most ridiculous thing in the world?

Then she realized that at this moment, she had a strange thought involuntarily.

That is... you can't leave. They asked you to come back. Why didn't you listen?

The two thoughts entangled in my mind for a moment, and the latter replaced the former.

Turn around and come back honestly. Jiang Ran played with the little white snake in his hand, glanced at the person next to Ah Ying, and finally looked at Ah Mei:
"The situation seems to be different now..."

"You...who are you?"

Ah Mei's entire face has turned completely black, not because of discomfort, but because of poison.

Her face seemed to be smeared with a layer of black ash.

The lips are covered with a layer of deep purple.

"People from outside the mountains come here to seek medical advice."

Jiang Ran said:

"I want to save the world. Well, don't worry about it, girl. I'll help you detoxify it first."

"it's useless……"

Amei shook her head:

“This is the poison of the Shang clan, and no one can dissolve it out of thin air except for the Shang clan’s unique antidote.

"Quick... you, look for... on her body, see if there is any antidote?"

"Not looking for it."

Jiang Ran shook his head:

"Whether it's the Shang tribe or the Yao tribe, you have too many weird things on your body. Who knows if you might be bitten by something strange when you are searching for them in her arms?"

As he spoke, he put his hand on Ah Mei's wrist.

Thoughtfully, he took out a pill from his pocket and stuffed it into Ah Mei's mouth.

Ah Mei frowned:

"What... did you give me to eat?"

As she finished speaking, her expression suddenly changed, and she felt a breath of air sinking suddenly, running along the duodenum, and finally with a pop... she farted!

Ah Mei's eyes turned red in an instant, and she stared at Jiang Ran blankly, completely unable to believe that she farted in front of so many people...

Still a loud fart!
She, the dignified leader of the Yao tribe, made such a fool of herself, causing her to slowly grin:

“Everyone must die, no one should be left alive!
"I want to kill people and silence them!!!"

Having said this, he jumped so high that he felt the energy in his body flowing freely... He stretched out his hand and was about to make a move when he was held down by Jiang Ran:
"Calm down for a while. I'll tell you after seeing that you've been unhappy for a while.

"If you keep talking nonsense, I'll feed you my snake."

Ah Mei stopped talking immediately, her eyes had lost their light... She couldn't kill them, she just wanted to fly away.

Jiang Ran patted her face twice:
"Hey, hey, isn't it just a fart? Isn't that what?"

"...To put it lightly, it's not you who farted loudly in front of so many people."

Ah Mei's eyes were red and tears were rolling in her eyes.

Jiang Ran was speechless for a while:
"Then why don't you deal with these two people first, and then think of a way to survive on another planet?"

"Planet? Which tribe is this?"

Amei was surprised.

However, Jiang Ran's words reminded her that it was really not a matter of whether she was embarrassed or not.

She gritted her teeth and shouted outside:

"Come here! Are everyone dead?"

The sound came out, and soon there were footsteps.

Several women came in with astonished expressions. Looking at the people on the ground and Jiang Ran and others who had escaped from trouble, their faces immediately became wary:
"What are you going to do? Let the clan leader go, and we will spare your life."

"...Okay, arrest A Ying and the others."

Ah Mei spoke weakly, but still had to maintain her face.

"Ah? Patriarch...who do you want to arrest?"

"A Ying!!"

Ah Mei gritted her teeth and said:

"A Ying and his two men intended to assassinate the clan leader. They committed a heinous crime. They should be detained directly in a cell and let me deal with them later."

Having said this, she gradually regained her senses and looked at the people who had just come in:

"Will someone from the Shang clan come to invade us tonight?"


"That's good."

Amei breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at Jiang Ran and others:
"Is my poison...really cured? What on earth did you give me just now?"

"An antidote to poison."

Jiang Ran smiled slightly.



Just like Jiang Ran said.

In the beginning, if one directly exposed his martial arts skills, he would definitely have conflicts with the Yao people.

No matter what you do, you have to do it forcefully.

Although it may not be impossible to force it, it may not be able to fulfill one's wishes.

Now that she has saved the Yao clan leader, no matter how much confusion she has in her heart, this life-saving grace is there.

Therefore, the treatment of Jiang Ran and others has also changed.

Switch directly from the cave dungeon to the building outside.

Although the environment in the building is not particularly beautiful... The Yao people live in the mountains and build their houses with wood from local materials.

However, there are many damp and insect-infested areas in the room.

It's not particularly comfortable to live in either.

But for the Yao people, this is the best treatment that can be provided.

Amei sent them to the room, looked at a few people with a complicated expression, and then said:

“It’s too late today, you just need to rest here for the night.

"If anything happens, we'll talk about it tomorrow morning..."

"To be honest, I am indeed a little anxious now."

Jiang Ran said:

"Why don't you tell me first, girl, what does this gathering of hundreds of tribes mean? Is there something to be done about the Hundred Thousand Mountains?"

This joint is too critical these days.

The whole world is cutting down gold, and the world is in chaos. If the Hundred Thousand Mountains cannot bear the loneliness, they want to reappear in the world and enter the realm of the Five Kingdoms.

This chaos is unprecedented.

“The Hundred Tribes Conference… To be honest, I don’t know what this is, let alone what the Di Tribe wants to do.

"This was three months ago. The Flute Clan sent a message to all tribes in Shiwandashan to..."

She said this and counted on her fingers:
“In seven days, a conference of hundreds of tribes will be held.

"At that time, we can witness the feat of the leader of the Di clan ascending to immortality."

"...ascension to immortality?"

Jiang Ran felt that he should clean his ears. Why are things being listened to a bit distorted recently?

"You heard that right."

Amei glanced at Jiang Ran impatiently and said in a deep voice:

"Actually... there has long been a legend that the leader of the Flute Clan has a way to become a god.

“This has been planned for many years.

"Now, I am afraid that my merits will be perfect, so we are invited to attend the Hundred Tribes Conference to observe the ceremony.

“Moreover, this time they have prepared extremely rich rewards.

"It is extremely important to us and other hundreds of tribes."

"A mere flute clan?"

Jiang Ran raised his eyebrows: "What's so attractive about the rewards they gave?"

"...You are an outsider and don't know what role the Flute Clan plays in the Hundred Thousand Mountains. It's not your fault...but you must not talk nonsense in the future.

"There has always been a rumor among the Hundred Thousand Mountains that the people in the mountains were born because of the flute.

“And the methods of controlling insects inherited by ordinary tribes like us all come from the Flute tribe.

“They are also the only ones among these hundreds of thousands of mountains that can drive away all the poisonous insects.

"We, the Yao people, can only control scorpions.

"As for the Shang clan, they are snakes...

"Only the Flute Clan can control them at will, no matter what kind of snakes, insects, rats, ants, flying insects or poisonous insects they are.

"There is also an unfathomable way to use Gu. Therefore, the Flute Clan is the holy land of this Hundred Thousand Mountains."

When Amei said this, she paused and glanced at Jiang Ran:
“I’m telling you this because you saved me.

"The Yao people are not people who don't repay kindness, but... your identity is mysterious, and I don't know what kind of thoughts you have in coming here.

“So, it’s impossible for me to completely believe you.

“I can only advise you to leave as soon as possible, Shiwandashan is extraordinary.

“This mountain seems to have its own wisdom.

"People who don't belong here, stay too long...or they will become mountain people.

"Or you'll die."

After saying this, she turned around and closed the door.

He said to the two female guards in front of the door:
"After watching them, there is no need to stop them from going anywhere, but they must report to me."


The two of them agreed, and then Ah Mei turned around and left.

Several people in the room looked at each other in confusion, and finally decided to sleep first and wait until they wake up tomorrow to talk to Ah Mei.

But when allocating beds, a new problem suddenly arose:
"Speaking of which, where is the Demon-Destroyer Pluto?"

With one sentence, several people who were originally very interested suddenly became quiet.

Everyone, look at me and I look at you. Finally, Jiang Ran decided on the charter:
"Go to bed first, and we'll talk about the rest tomorrow."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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