Chapter 551 Parting
The trees are lush and the water is gurgling.

A fierce battle was going on among the trees and flowing water.

Those who were taking action were the members of the Tong family and the Qian Forging Hall disciples wearing Qian Forging Hall costumes.

There were a few people covered in blood who fell to the side, nervously looking at the situation in front of them.

Seeing that the Tong family had the upper hand, they felt relieved.

I only occasionally looked back and found several young men and women standing aside, pointing at the beautiful scenery of the mountains and rivers, and were speechless for a moment.

However, these few people were on the same side as the Tong family, so they didn't dare to say anything.

They were chased by people from Qian Forging Hall and escaped all the way here, where they happened to meet people from the Tong family.

He Sheng, the iron-walled Canglongtong, is famous in the world.

As expected, he did not hesitate to save him, and immediately came forward to greet him.

"How else to put it, how about the chivalry of the world?"

Even the Luo Mianshi who had been fighting against Tong Hesheng died on the spot.

"Senior Tong... I heard that you were at the scene regarding the Zhang family's incident in Feixing City.

"Now, the Master of the Eight Dilemma Swordsman, Zhou Ye, Shaoxia Zhou, held a hero meeting at Wuhua Gate and invited masters from all over the world to attend the meeting to discuss counterattack matters.

“Young hero Zhou is truly blessed.

This allowed them to temporarily avoid the danger of death.

Chang Huaishan waved his hands repeatedly:

Tong Hesheng came to those people covered in blood.

"Qian Forging Hall mobilized troops several times, but was beaten back by Zhou Shaoxia with the Eight Difficulties Sword Technique.

Tong Hesheng cupped his fists to be polite to him.

"However, Young Master Zhou is a chivalrous Bo Yuntian, repaying evil with kindness, and his martial arts has improved by leaps and bounds.

Just listen to Tong Hesheng shout:
"Don't let any of them get away!!"

But I only dare to think about these thoughts in my heart.

I would feel embarrassed if I said this secretly behind closed doors, but saying this in front of that person is simply humiliating me!

Tong Hesheng nodded slightly:
"When we were in the Zhang family, I did have a chance encounter with this young hero Zhou.

"Don't take it seriously, don't take it seriously, Iron Wall Canglong is so famous, younger people really admire him for a long time.

"It turns out to be the Jingfeng Dao Chang Huaishan, whose name I have admired for a long time."

"Senior Tong has incredible martial arts skills, but he still has to make decisions for us."

These people immediately struggled to get up. The leader was a middle-aged man who cupped his fists and handed over his hands:
"Chang Huaishan thanks Mr. Tong for helping me."

"Oh, Qian Forging Hall is really bullying people too much.


"What are your plans now? How are you going to respond?"

The disciples agreed one after another and then went to work.

“Since the news about the Eight Difficulties Sword Art came out, both good and evil factions in the world have wanted to find Zhou Shaoxia.

“In this short period of time, there have been a series of killings and a bloody storm.

"But I didn't expect that I would be discovered by the people from Thousand Forging Hall... I chased him all the way, and then I ended up here."

"Wuhuamen...Zhou Ye?"

After all, Jiang Ran's identity is still unknown.

"Take care of the corpse, dig a hole and bury it. Don't be too close to the water source. The dirty blood of Qian Forging Hall cannot touch it."

"To be honest, even in the early days of Wuhua Sect, they may not have had any good intentions.

“However, what you just said is not bad, Qian Forging Hall is indeed going too far to deceive others.

Tong Hesheng secretly glanced at Jiang Ran, who was not far away, and thought to himself, what kind of martial arts do I have?

At this point, Tong Hesheng took a long breath and ordered his disciples:

Soon, all of Qian Forging Hall's small group of people were lying on the bank of the flowing water.

At this moment, everyone in the Tong family has the upper hand, and the people in Qian Forging Hall have suffered heavy casualties, and they have begun to retire.

"But I don't know, how is this young hero Zhou doing now?"

Chang Huaishan grinned, but it also involved his injuries. After snorting, he said:

“This junior’s trip was originally intended to go to Wuhua Gate.

Tong Renjie and Tong Yanlin spoke up at the same time, and their men became even more ruthless.

"Since arriving at Wuhuamen, whether it is Wuhuamen itself or those who came to visit and challenge later, all have bowed to Zhou Shaoxia's character and righteousness.

I can only laugh dryly:
"That's ridiculous. Although I have some good somersault skills, I'm far from being a master.

"What's more, even the third master of Qian Forging Hall took action personally and was beheaded.

"Nowadays, people in the world say that Zhou Shaoxia's martial arts skills are probably on par with that of Jin Chan, the current demon king.

"Since the White Jade Tower, I have become a new generation of geniuses.

"What's more, some people compare him with Chu Nanfeng, the best man in the world a hundred years ago.

"I think that even if Chu Nanfeng is resurrected, whether the Nanfeng Hidden Sword Style or the Eight Difficulties Sword Technique is better will only be known after fighting it."

"It's so amazing?"

Tong Hesheng was surprised.

He knew very much about Zhou Ye's affairs.

When Su Qing saw him in the small courtyard, he knew that this man was good at swordsmanship but lacked internal strength.

His internal strength was still taught by Jiang Ran.

Moreover, Jiang Ran concluded that this person would not live long... which meant there was something wrong with his internal strength.

Now that Zhou Ye is making rapid progress, he is probably not far from death.

If it were placed before the incident in Su Qing's small yard, he would still feel a little pity.

But now I think that in order to survive, he did not hesitate to kneel in front of Jiang Ran and beg for mercy. He also wanted to unite the righteousness of the world and rebel to the demon sect.

I felt that this man really deserved to die.

He is not a gentleman, he is a complete villain.

However, this villain pretended to be sanctimonious and his martial arts skills were superior to others, which actually gave him a huge reputation.

"I just hope that he can die after solving the scourge of Thousand Forging Hall..."

Tong Hesheng thought like this in his heart, and chatted with Chang Huaishan for a few more words.

After helping him tend to his injuries, they agreed that after he finished handling the matters at hand, he would go to Wuhuamen to participate in the grand event.

Then Chang Huaishan and others were sent away.

Until Chang Huaishan and others disappeared, Tong Hesheng came to Jiang Ran:
"Demon Lord, you have been waiting for a long time."

Jiang Ran waved his hand gently, saying it was okay.

Ever since Qian Forging Hall invaded Liguo's Jianghu, there has been endless chaos in the Jianghu.

Along the way, they could sometimes see Qian Forging Hall chasing and killing disciples from Li Guojianghu.

Whenever this happens, Tong Hesheng will help.

Jiang Ran and the others stopped to take a look at the scenery.

If Tong He can't defeat the enemy, he will help secretly.

There were so many situations like this that Tong Hesheng felt embarrassed.

Just now, he and the Luo Mianshi were fighting at an even level. It was an inextricable situation, but when they were fighting, the Luo Mianshi suddenly tilted his body. It was obviously Jiang Ran who took action secretly.

The leader of the demon sect who is hated by everyone in the world, the current demon lord... has secretly saved countless disciples of the Jianghu who don't know the truth.

This made Tong Hesheng feel even more ashamed.

Even... even Zhou Ye, the eight-difficult sword master who was regarded as hope by Chang Huaishan and the others, was created by Jiang Ran with the purpose of dealing with Qian Forging Hall. this still the leader of the Demon Cult?

The current Demon Lord?

Jiang Ran glanced at him, as if he could see what he was thinking, and smiled:
"Mr. Tong, you don't have to think too highly of me.

"Qian Forging Hall and I have had a feud for a long time...their success makes me unhappy.

"If it weren't for the lack of time, I would have already gone to Zhao Kingdom in person to take down the head of the leader of the Thousand Forging Hall. How could he be allowed to be so rampant today?"

"Demon Lord, there is no need to say that. After all, you have already helped us a lot."

When Tong Hesheng heard what Jiang Ran said, he sighed softly:
"Others don't dare to say anything, but since the first time you came to rescue me, no one can say anything wrong to you in front of me."


Jiang Ran smiled dumbly:
"Being independent is unacceptable. Be careful of being isolated. If you are accused of colluding with the devil's sect, your Tong family will be wiped out.

“In my demonic sect, we don’t itch when we have too many lice, and we don’t worry when we have too many debts.

"There is no need for you to get into such troubled waters...

"Speaking of which, Mr. Tong, it was hard work for you to accompany us on this journey.

"Now the Hundred Thousand Mountains are right in front of me, and I want to go there.

“That’s the territory of the Flute Clan, and there are many dangers within the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

"It's time for us to separate."


Tong Hesheng was stunned. At first, he was thinking about how to get rid of this demon king every day.

But when this day came, I still felt a little bit inexplicably reluctant to leave.

It's just that when the words came to my lips, I didn't know how to say them.

I don’t know why his majestic Demon Lord visited this Hundred Thousand Mountains?
Will there be any dangers along the way? With this in mind, I heard Jiang Ran say:
"Is Mr. Tong worried about the poison I gave you at Su Qing's side?
"Don't worry, it's not poison.

"It's just some healing products that replenish qi and blood. You all have some injuries at that time, so it's just right."

"I see."

Tong Hesheng sighed:
"Demon Lord... what a Demon Lord.

"But I don't know if there is still a place in these hundreds of thousands of mountains where I can get to my Tong family?
"The old man is willing to accompany the Demon Lord for another journey."


Tang Huayi was stunned, glanced at Tong Hesheng, and said with a smile:

"Is it possible for you to say this?
"I thought you were eager to separate from us quickly."

"A child is better than an old man, but he is by no means a person who does not distinguish between good and evil, and does not know right from wrong.

"You have helped me no less than ten times along the way... This is something that has nothing to do with you, but you are willing to help. I will keep this affection in my heart.

“It was also at this time that I realized that the current Demon Lord was different.

"The Demon Lord is upright and upright, and he has both saved lives and protected us. However, I am not very capable and cannot repay you in return.

"I can only think about it, it's a little bit meager."

His words were sincere and did not contain any falsehood.

He Sheng, the iron-walled Canglongtong, is also an outspoken and somewhat straightforward person.

Otherwise, Zhang Wanshan could not have deceived his wife into marrying three wives and four concubines when he was young.

Not only him, but after hearing what Tong Hesheng said, even the Tong family disciples behind him nodded and expressed their willingness to accompany him.

Jiang Ran shook his head:
"What happens going forward is beyond your control.

"But since we have the fate of meeting each other...and we have been together for so long, I have some parting gifts for you."

As he spoke, he took out several pamphlets from his arms.

He took out the first one and gave it to He Sheng, the Tiebei Canglongtong.

Tong Hesheng was stunned and quickly took it with both hands.

There was no name written on the book, but after opening it, it recorded the martial arts he had used along the way.

And there are comments on every move and style.

As shown in the article, the moves have become more sophisticated, and the original flaws have been made up for.

The power of the entire set of martial arts has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Tong Hesheng just glanced at it, then quickly closed it and looked at Jiang Ran with a shocked face:
"Demon Lord... this... this..."

"Mr. Tong, just accept it."

Jiang Ran chuckled:
"This one is different from the one given to Zhou Ye. Zhou Ye is ambitious and honest, but he is also treacherous.

"If this person gains power, I'm afraid the world will be in trouble.

"So, after I use him, I can throw away this sword once it is used up.

"You are different. Along the way, I have seen your martial arts. I will follow what you have learned and make up for the mistakes. This is my thanks for this journey."

"Thank you Demon Lord."

Tong Hesheng's hands were trembling. What kind of checking and filling in the gaps was there?
This is a radical change.

If a martial art has no flaws at all, it will be the best skill in the world.

If this skill is passed down to the next generation, his family's inheritance can be guaranteed for hundreds of years.

This is no simple thank you.

The old man didn't care about anything else, so he simply kowtowed to Jiang Ran on the ground.

Jiang Ran quickly helped him up:
"It's not a crime... Well, do you want it?"

Jiang Ran glanced at Tong Renjie, Tong Yanlin and others.

Just by looking at Tong Hesheng's reaction, everyone knew that this book was not simple, and they all nodded immediately, but they didn't dare to make mistakes.

Jiang Ran handed them out one by one.

After letting them go back, they can study it carefully.

Then remind Tong Hesheng:
"I would like to advise you not to get involved in the affairs of Qian Forging Hall, let alone go to Wuhua Sect.

“He wanted to be clean, but you witnessed what he did in the small yard.

“This is the stain he least wants to see.

“Even if you call yourself my own person, he will definitely find a way to harm you.

"Mr. Tong, you have to remember this carefully."

Tong Hesheng suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

He really didn't think of this step just now.

In the small courtyard, Zhou Ye knelt down and begged for mercy from Jiang Ran. They were witnesses to everything he said and did.

Now this person has held a Jianghu conference and started a huge battle, and his martial arts prestige has risen like a comet.

When this old friend meets again, I'm afraid I wish I could give myself three swords and six holes.

He nodded immediately:

"Yes, I understand."


Tong Yanlin hesitated on the side.

Tong Renjie frowned and glanced at her:
"Could it be that you still miss him?"

"Of course not."

Tong Yanlin immediately shook his head:
"He said it himself, it was all hypocrisy. Is the descendant of my Tangtong family still worried about not having a husband?
"It's that we are facing a great crisis, if my Tong family really turns a blind eye and waits for this crisis to pass.

"Will someone deliberately make a fuss out of this and bring harm to my Tong family?"

"Then keep an eye on it."

Tong Hesheng said:
"Waiting for the final battle, we will bring the Tong family disciples to help.

"There will be Thousand Forging Hall in front. When the war has started, even if he wants to deal with us, he will not have the chance."

After hearing this, everyone nodded immediately to express their understanding.

Seeing that they were almost done discussing it, Jiang Ran smiled:
"Okay, now that you have made a decision, let's do it.

"After a long journey, we must say goodbye. We will see you again later."

"If the demon lord has finished what he is doing, he will definitely come to my Tong family as a guest."

When Tong Hesheng said this, something he had muttered several times in his heart came up, but he couldn't help but say it:

"My granddaughter is pretty pretty. If the Demon Lord doesn't dislike it..."

When Jiang Ran heard this, he stepped forward a few steps faster.

Poetic and picturesque, the frost and snow were frightening, and the eldest princess could not help but look back at Tong Yanlin.

Seeing Tong Yanlin dumbfounded on the spot, she had no idea that her grandfather was going to sell her away... She couldn't help but cover her mouth and chuckle, hugged Tong Hesheng with a fist, followed Jiang Ran, and went deep into the Shiwan Mountain.

Seeing that Jiang Ran had not left a single word, Tong Hesheng sighed softly:
"It's a pity... After all, my Tong family doesn't have such a blessing."

Tong Yanlin stamped her feet angrily:
" can you sell your granddaughter?"

"Selling you? How does it count as selling you?"

Tong Hesheng glared at her:
"Don't you see what kind of handsome man that current Demon Lord is? Isn't he much better than Zhou Ye?"

"...That's true, but there are so many confidantes around him, and none of them are prettier than me. How can he like me?"

Tong Yanlin rolled his eyes:
"We've all gotten along well with each other along the way. I'm afraid that after grandpa said what you said, he originally planned to come to my Tong's house to sit down after finishing his work.

"I don't dare to come now..."

"Don't you dare to come?"

Tong Hesheng was stunned:
"How can there be anything that he, the mighty Demon Lord, wouldn't dare to do?"

"I'm afraid you'll force me to get married."

Tong Yanlin shook his head and smiled, then put his arm around Tong Hesheng:
"Grandpa, he is a high-ranking demon king, but your granddaughter cannot reach that level.

"Don't dream about it. Go back and wash up and go to sleep."

"Oh, this is true..."

Tong Hesheng sighed:
"Tell me, why is this Demon Lord like this?
"Now I can understand why Emperor Jin Chan is willing to collude with the Demon Sect.

"If the Demon Sect is like this, then why not collude with it?"

"Yes, yes, you are right. Now that they have gone far, let's go back too."

Tong Renjie supported Tong Hesheng on the other side:
"After returning, I have to organize my disciples and prepare for the battle with Qianduan Hall."


Tong Hesheng nodded:
"You're right, let's go then."

He said, taking the lead and striding away.

Tong Yanlin looked back at the direction where Jiang Ran and others were leaving, with a bit of sadness in his eyes.

"You're not really happy with this Demon Lord, are you?"

Tong Renjie's voice sounded next to him.

"With such a beautiful face, who wouldn't feel moved in front of it...

"Everyone says how powerful the Demon Lord is, but no one says that the Demon Lord is so good-looking."

Tong Yanlin smiled:

“However, I don’t dare to covet it.

"Okay, okay, let's go, grandpa is gone."

(End of this chapter)

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