Martial Arts: Gain a Jiazi internal force at the beginning!

Chapter 550 Strategies to retreat from the enemy

Chapter 550 Strategies to retreat from the enemy

"Now, I am completely in a dilemma.

"There is no way to retreat. Behind us is my Golden Cicada's territory. How can we give in even an inch?
"There is no way to advance. Of course, we have exhausted all means. Starting from Tianyu Pass on the North Road Line, combined with more than ten passes such as Houchang Pass, Yuluo Pass, Jiasheng Pass, and Changqing Pass, it stretches for 800 meters. Draw a line across the border to fight against the four-nation coalition.

“But…trying to repel it is nothing but a foolish dream.

"In fact, if they hadn't had other plans, our border defense line would have been lost long ago.

"If this continues...what should we do?"

In the Tianyuguan General's Mansion, the commander-in-chief of the three armies, Jiang Wang, frowned, and his huge face with Chinese characters was full of solemnity.

Today, in the general's mansion, in addition to various generals, there are also a group of martial arts masters.

Qingyuan's face was pale and he felt a little restless while sitting there.

This battle really started when he was brought back by Yi Jian Silent Jian Wu Sheng.

Under such circumstances, if you don't listen to the news, don't place your hope on those accidents.

In fact, since the war began, the people in Jin Chan have been very excited.

Qingyuan had made it clear before that the opponent took advantage of the joints in this battle and arranged a formation in order to create a top master.

This is a confrontation of great disparity in strength.

This was done deliberately.

Even the four countries working together could not defeat it in one fell swoop. Instead, they were constantly struggling at the border.

It was countless soldiers who kept them here with their own blood.

It's not that the armies of the four countries can't get in, it's that some people don't let them get in.

The king is ignorant, colludes with the devil, and allows the devil to harm the people.

If things continue like this, Jin Chan may still be able to turn things around.

The only thing you can do is persist.

Jiang Wan was the commander-in-chief of the three armies who was appointed in critical situations after Marquis Wuwei was beheaded by Jiang Ran.

Qingyuan couldn't help but sigh, and a feeling of powerlessness arose spontaneously.

With their ability, it would be impossible to win a battle.

After all, they had already done something impossible, so doing a few more incredible things didn't seem so incredible.

Jin Chan is still in danger!
All kinds of thoughts in my mind, the more I think about them, the more uncomfortable I feel.

But Qingyuan and the others knew it very well.

Before that, they were all desperate.

If this continues, Tianshangque will really use this to create a great master who can penetrate the heavens and the earth.

After repeated attacks, no achievements were made.

But at this point in the battle, General Jin Chan did not let the armies of the four countries go beyond their control.

Let Jin Chan take precautions in advance.

Everyone in the venue also looked at each other.

This move is like drinking poison to quench thirst, but there is nothing you can do about it.

Once or twice it was an accident, it was a coincidence, but if the coincidence happened too many times, it would no longer be a coincidence at all.

After he completely woke up from his coma, the four countries simultaneously blew the horn of charge.

This shows that Jin Chan's army is unparalleled in bravery.

After every war, many familiar faces disappear in the city... The battle is maintained with lives.

This is undoubtedly great news for them.

I knew something was wrong and wanted to leave, but I couldn't.

This gave Jin Chan a chance to breathe.

What's more, even these sacrificed soldiers will be used by others.

The golden cicada will destroy the country and destroy the family.

Facing the current situation, he knew that something was wrong, but he had to rely on the frequent changes and the news that appeared in his bookshop.

Or every time when the city is about to be breached, the opponent has various problems, causing the attack to have to be postponed.

Since the war began, whenever the four-nation coalition wanted to launch a charge, there would be various reasons for the news to leak.

The four-nation coalition formed a huge wave. With Jin Chan's own power, how could he be able to defeat the chariot with only one arm?
From the moment the war started, everyone's hearts were lifted.

Therefore, even if you drink poison to quench your thirst, you can only let it go.

But if you keep persisting like this, when will it end?

What's more, in many cases, the news is sent directly to the general's mansion.

At that time, it will be the time for Jin Chan to conquer all directions and expand his territory.

Jiang Wang said in a deep voice:
"For the current plan, can you guys think of any way to help our general defeat the enemy?"

Everyone was silent.

Even Xuanyuan Yidao and others in the field were speechless.

Although their martial arts skills were superior to others, in the face of these thousands of troops, except for Jiang Ran, a master who knew everything about the world, it would be difficult for them to reverse the situation on the field with their own skills.

Although Xuanyuan Yidao received a letter from Jiang Ran.

But it doesn't help the current situation, and the content of the letter is also very simple.

Just one word...wait!

What are you waiting for?

Xuanyuan Yidao didn't understand, didn't understand...but he could only obey his orders.

Just when everyone was at a loss what to do, the door was suddenly pushed open.

"The Imperial Master asks for an audience!"


Qingyuan's heart skipped a beat, he stood up suddenly and looked out the door.

Sure enough, I saw Dao Que coming.

But the old man’s current situation doesn’t look too good either…

The whole person looked a little haggard, with sparse white hair, and a childlike face that had not been washed for several days.

As he walked, he pinched his beard, and his whole body was filled with such a sense of irritability.


Qingyuan hurriedly greeted him.

“Sit down, sit down!
"You rebellious disciple... You are here. I, the poor Taoist, are about to fly to the west right before my eyes. My merits have been perfected, but you just created a problem for me.

"Who developed this crap?"

He held a soft-cover map and threw it onto the sand table with a wave of his hand.

Then I heard another voice coming from behind:
"What is this nonsense?"

Looking again, I saw Tang Yuan outside, and Liao Yuxian and others were also coming from the door.

It's just that the situation of a few of them doesn't look good either.

The most intuitive thing is that Tang Yuanwai has obviously lost a lot of weight.

His belly isn't as round anymore, and he looks less elegant.

However, he was still angry at this time:

"How can this be a piece of shit? This is something that my demon sect senior has just verified after spending countless days and nights, killing countless people, draining countless blood, and consuming countless lives. "

"...You have the nerve to say that? You are a bunch of crooked people."

Dao Quezhen angrily unfolded the soft-covered map.

What is drawn in it is a radiating circle around the golden cicada.

The lines are intertwined and the ravines are crisscrossed.

Many of the locations were marked with red paint.

"This is?"

Xuanyuan Yidao stood up and looked at Master Dao Que.

Master Dao Que stroked his beard and said:

“This is the core of the formations on the battlefield.

"But I have to let him tell you the specific situation."

As he spoke, the old Taoist priest let Mr. Tang out of the way behind him.

Tang Yuanwai frowned and rolled his eyes at Daoque, and then said:

"Based on the half-formation diagram provided by Qingyuan Daozi, we have deduced their complete formation.

“This formation is the long-lost [Forgetting Blood River Formation] of our demon sect.

"This formation is not very useful when fighting alone in the arena... But if it is used in a battle formation..."

He paused slightly and then said:
“This formation is hidden underground, but it works on the surface.

“It can pass through the earth’s veins and terrain, making it difficult for people’s injuries to heal.

“Injuries that are not fatal will cause people to bleed all the time and eventually bleed to death.

“That’s why it’s called the Blood River.

“After this period of time, I have been organizing it non-stop.

“We have sorted out the formation’s context clearly.

"These red marks are where their blood gathers, and they can be called blood hiding places.

“There must be people of theirs waiting here to use the blood and the dead energy of the recent dead to practice martial arts.

“Now we still don’t know which magical skill they want to practice with this.

“But no matter which one it is, it must be no small matter.

"We must not let them succeed.

“However, this formation is too big, so it is definitely not as easy to control as a small formation with several people in it.

"So, now is our opportunity."

"Exceptor Tang, please speak clearly."

Jiang Wan stood up and clasped his fists.

Member Tang waved his hand:

“Actually, it’s very simple to break the formation.

"The general prepared gunpowder for us. When the night was dark and the wind was high, we gathered a group of masters, divided our troops into separate groups, went deep into the formation tunnel, and blew up the joints in the middle.

“As the saying goes, a single move affects the whole body.

“When the landscape changes, the entire formation has to change.

"This formation is difficult to achieve. If you want to restore this formation, it will take at least three years to start."

Jiang Wan was overjoyed when he heard the words and deeds, but nodded calmly.

There are clearly doubts.

Qingyuan Daozi glanced at him and said softly:

"The general is worried that once this formation is broken, the purpose of Tiantian Que will fail.

"Then our defense line will definitely be breached by the four-nation coalition?" "That's right."

Jiang Wan sighed:

"This matter is no small matter... If there is no two-pronged approach, I'm afraid, General... I won't be able to let you do anything."

Tang Yuanwai and others looked at each other and heard Liao Yuxian smile:

"My lord, my teacher, had actually anticipated this situation.

“Therefore, letters have already been sent.

"It's just that it's not given to us... it's given to Master Dao Que."


Qingyuan Daozi was stunned and glanced at Dao Que.

Master Dao Que curled his lips, took out a letter from his arms and threw it to Qingyuan Daozi.

After Qingyuan Daozi took it, he read it ten lines at a time.

Then he stood there blankly, as if he was confused.

After a long while, he asked:

"Does it really work?"

"Anyway, everything he expected has happened so far.

"Although he didn't know that you brought back the half of the formation map, he guessed that the theft of the Demon Sect's Forbidden Pavilion was inseparable from the Heavenly Palace.

“They want to make a fuss out of the lost secret books.

“And everyone knows that the fastest way for the Demon Sect’s martial arts to advance is through murderous practices.

"Where else can one kill people as unscrupulously as on the battlefield?"

Master Dao Que snorted:
"This kid has already guessed that this world-wide plot to conquer gold is not just about forcing Jin Chan to hand him over.

"And he already had a strategy to retreat from the enemy...

"But if it works, why don't you give it a try?"

Qingyuan Daozi took a deep breath.

He gritted his teeth and said:
"This, this, this... that's all, for my best friend who I have met once, for the people of Jinchan, and for the peace of the world.

"I don't care about the shame!"

After saying that, he turned around and left.

All the soldiers, as well as the martial arts masters and sect leaders present, all looked at each other in confusion for a moment.

They immediately followed behind him.

Qingyuan Daozi pushed open the door and flew onto the roof.

Putting his hands to his mouth, he shouted loudly:
"Old drunkard, help me!! If you don't come, I will break your legs!!!"

This shout was really unexpected.

Jiang Wan couldn't care less about the majesty of the commander-in-chief of the three armies, and his mouth gradually opened wide and could not be closed.

Xin said that the key strategy to defeat the enemy was to shout for help?

Where in the world can such an outrageous thing happen?
Many people in the arena also looked at each other in confusion.

In fact, most of these people were called here by Jiang Ran... Among them, Master Shengting of Liuyun Sword Sect was like this.

Ke Beisheng personally delivered the letter, asking him to lead the disciples of Liuyun Sword Sect to come to the border to help out.

The five major sword sects are closely related to each other, and after discussing it, they simply came together.

At this point, almost all the thirteen gangs of One Sect, Two Guilds, Five Swords, Seven Sects were present.

The momentum is huge and extraordinary.

However, Qingyuan Daozi didn't care about his own face at all when faced with so many prominent figures in the world.

After shouting for a while, there was no response.

Then he continued shouting at the top of his lungs.

His internal strength is extraordinary, and his voice can be heard throughout Tianyu Pass.

An old man who was drinking in an alley raised the bamboo hat covering his face and snorted with a dark face:
"It's just a bastard..."

The masked man sitting on the wall not far away chuckled:
"It's true that the relationship between master and disciple is deep."

"You gave birth to a wonderful son!"

"Go quickly, otherwise, the whole world will know that your apprentice is going to break your legs."

"...It depends on whether he has the ability."

"To be honest, the last time I saw him, I felt that he already had this ability.

“After not seeing him for a while, I’m afraid he will make another rapid progress.

"With your old bones, I'm afraid you may not be his opponent."

"...really rebel against Tiangang!"

The old man sighed and put on his bamboo hat.

With a little step under his feet, his figure took off.

The masked man put up a pergola with his hands. After looking at it twice, he shook his head slightly, then turned back, looking in the direction of Shiwandashan:

"It's almost time..."



Qingyuan Daozi shouted for a cup of tea in one breath, and his throat almost started to smoke.

But the help still didn't come.

I couldn't help but look down at Dao Que:

"Master, is Brother Jiang lying to you?"

"Do you think he would lie to you?"

Master Dao Que was also a little unsure.

Qingyuan Daozi said in a deep voice:

"Brother Jiang and I hit it off immediately, he will definitely not lie to me.

"But Master, you are careless and careless. It's hard to say whether he will lie to you..."

"It doesn't make sense. If you don't put on the roof for a day, let's see how my master teaches you today."

Master Dao Que just talked and didn't practice. He stood there and jumped around for a long time, but he refused to teach anyone.

Qingyuan Daozi rolled his eyes, knowing that he did not dare to come up and embarrass himself.

He had no choice but to continue shouting, and just as he was about to shout... he felt someone kick him.

This kick was hard and fast, which meant that Qingyuan Daozi's martial arts had been passed down by Master Dao Que. He twisted his waist slightly during the move and stabilized his body, landing smoothly on the ground.

"Who kicked me?"

Looking back, I saw an old man on the roof, drinking wine with a gourd in his hand.

"Old drunkard?"

Qingyuan Daozi was stunned.

"I bother!!"

The old drunkard was furious and blew it out. Qingyuan Daozi felt a strong wind, as if a heavenly sword was coming.

He shifted his body involuntarily, but was still taken a step away by the strong wind.

Suddenly his forehead was covered with sweat.

Who is this?

Just one breath, how powerful is it?

If he hadn't taken it seriously just now, would he have been struck by this tone?

"Duan Dongliu, what's the point of bullying children?"

Master Dao Que's voice sounded at this time.

I saw the old drunkard’s eyelids drooping:

"Why, bullying children is not a skill, but bullying you is?
"Come on, come on, do you want to show me a few words?"

"...I can't beat you. Come down quickly, or your apprentice will come back and break your legs."

Master Dao Que will eventually expose his shortcomings.

The old drunkard immediately turned down from the roof with a dark face.

He glanced at everyone present.

Member Tang was slightly amused, cupped his fists and said:

"haven't seen you for a long time."

"It didn't take long..."

The old drunkard waved his hand:
"The last time we met, wasn't it Jinyang Mansion? Now... forget it, let's not mention that.

"I know why you called me here.

"But I just want to know, does that kid have anything to say to you?"

Qingyuan Daozi picked up the letter, glanced at it, and then said:

"He said...please start your show."

"...bastard thing!!"

The old drunkard's face was as dark as iron: "He doesn't know anything, but he knows that I have a way to defeat the enemy?"

"It can be seen that Brother Jiang and you have a deep master-disciple relationship and know each other very well."

Qingyuan Daozi smiled.

"...That's all."

The old drunkard sighed:
"I do have a way to defeat the enemy. No matter what you want to do today, just go ahead and do it.

“After this incident, the battle will come.

"There is no need to be timid, just face the will be invincible.

"After tomorrow's battle, the four countries cannot be said to be defeated, but if they want to go further, they have to think carefully.

"It should be enough to last until he comes back."

Jiang Wang was stunned when he heard this:
"I hope senior can explain the mystery behind it."

"The secret cannot be leaked."

The old drunkard waved his hand:
"If you tell it, if it spreads and they know it, this method won't work.

"You can make your own decision whether you believe me or not.

"I came here just to say this. Now that I have finished explaining everything that needs to be explained, I can go!"

After saying that, he stepped away, like a shooting star chasing the moon, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Everyone present couldn't help but look at each other.

Should I believe this or not?
Jiang Wang was the commander-in-chief of the three armies and did not hesitate for too long.

He had already taken a deep breath. Now he had no way forward, and he had no choice but to retreat. He had no way to advance or retreat. Whether he believed it or not, he had to give it a try:
"Pass my general's order to destroy the formation and break the enemy's formation!!"

(End of this chapter)

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