Chapter 205 Returning
After several trips back and forth on this ship that turned into a purgatory on earth, Chen Ze was convinced that there were no other living people.

Looking at the sky that was still suppressed but not explosive, his mood also began to become dull, as if he had finally exhausted his addiction regardless of the consequences, and then there was endless emptiness.

Oh, no, Chen Ze in the sage's time suddenly remembered the omission just now.

Back in the bedroom, he moved the bed away, and Chen Ze pressed close to the ground, and sure enough, he felt a surviving ball of Yuan Qi.

Tapping on the ship plank, he quickly found a dark gap and lifted the ship plank.

Underneath is a whole piece of thick steel plate, with a few bullet holes on it, which seem to have been punched on purpose.

Lifting the steel plate again, a bald old man with his eyes closed and motionless appeared in front of his eyes.

If it wasn't for Chen Ze's ability to sense Yuan Qi, he would have thought that this guy had already met the King of Hades.

It seems that this should be the research director.

I have worked so hard for you.
Chen Ze moved the research director out with emotion, and found that he seemed to have fallen into a deep coma or sleep, as if he was affected by some anesthetic drug.

Chen Ze originally planned to wake him up, but he just looked at the red river flowing everywhere at his feet and all kinds of sticky and unknown substances mixed together.
It's better to just let him fall asleep like this.

Just as he was about to grab the research director and leave the place quickly, Chen Ze just got up but turned his head back.

In the corner of the dark grid, there seemed to be an unusual shadow.

He leaned over and stretched out his hand, and a large leather suitcase was grabbed out. Chen Ze's heart moved slightly and he groped for a while, finally he found another leather suitcase with similar appearance.

what is this?
Chen Ze noticed that there was a lock on the suitcase, and impatiently violently dismantled it and opened it to have a look.

It was actually full of neatly stacked banknotes!
Take another look at the dark green color, and the head portrait of the long-haired character in the middle of the banknote
They were all hundred dollar bills!
Fuck!Here it goes!
Chen Ze closed the suitcase again, and then took it to the warehouse to find something like tape to stick the broken suitcase firmly.

Less than 10 minutes later, the nimble Chen Ze had already prepared everything and stood on the bow deck.

A small emergency life raft was inflated and docked beside him.

There was not much on the life raft, just the bald research director and a snakeskin sack containing two large suitcases.

At this time, an alarm suddenly came from the cab not far away, and then the whole ship began to bump and turn around.

The course changed.

This means that the fishing boat has entered the high seas.

Without hesitation, Chen Ze's feet were filled with energy, and he directly wreaked havoc on the deck, trampling through the entire fishing boat.

【Experience value +2000】.
Soon, the sound of gurgling water came from the holes and gaps in every corner of the fishing boat, and the draft of the whole fishing boat began to get deeper and deeper.

Chen Ze jumped onto the life raft and waited quietly until the water surface had submerged to the bow deck.

It didn't take long before the whole fishing boat sank into the sea silently with all its sins, until there was no shadow to be seen.

The place was calm and calm, with only one bright orange life raft parked here, as if there had never been any fishing boats.

On the life raft, Chen Ze recognized the opposite direction before the fishing boat turned, and vigorously rowed the oars.

The sea stretches as far as the eye can see, but it is pitch black in all directions.

Fortunately, with an extraordinary sense of direction and the help of the looming Polaris at this time, Chen Ze stroked his heart more than 7000 times in a row, that is, nearly an hour, and finally saw the long-lost light on the sea ahead.

When the life raft approached, Big D, who was lying on the speedboat thinking about life, also found Chen Ze.

So the speedboat, which was constantly circling in place, immediately turned its bow to meet it.

"You, you are all" the raft connected, and Big D, who was already puzzled, was even more confused now.

Why do you swim alone when you go out, and you have an extra raft when you come back.

The most outrageous thing is that he brought someone with him? !

The amount of information pouring into his brain at once was too much, and Big D's brain chose to filter out certain information out of a self-protection mechanism.

When Big D was still in a daze, Chen Ze had already loaded the bald director onto the speedboat, then threw the snakeskin bag up, and stepped onto the deck at the stern.

Due to the lack of space, even the life raft could not be stowed in, so Chen Ze could only lie on the ship's side and deck.

"Your birth year." Big D, who was trying to clear his mind, was suddenly attracted by Chen Ze's red underwear.

Eye-catching is eye-catching, why do you always feel a little creepy?
"Yes." Chen Ze had no time to talk to him, "Go ahead, go back early."

"Oh." Big D replied and began to manipulate the rudder skillfully, but he always felt that the smell on the speedboat was weird.

Big D is worthy of being an old driver, and there was no disturbance on the way back.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, Chen Ze and his party took a speedboat back to the pier where they set off.

Perhaps because of the sea breeze and bumps along the way, the bald director who was originally unconscious woke up, but his consciousness was in a daze, basically like an artificial mentally retarded person.

Saying goodbye to the hard-working driver, Big D, Chen Ze went to the boss of Jiebao Shipping to ask for a suit of clothes to put on and take back his belongings.

Faced with a small request from a big client, the owner of the shipyard naturally agreed enthusiastically.

Although it's just the old man's vest with enlarged pants, at least he looks like a man.

At this time, the seafood food stall next to it was already bustling with people sitting inside and outside the store, and the noise of drinking and punching was constantly heard.

The drizzle of the night has long since stopped, but the seaside is calm now.

"Boss!" Coming to the facade where the ingredients were placed, Chen Ze had already put his hand into the big fish tank while calling for the boss.

Crash, clatter——

The grouper, which was firmly held by the ruthless iron hands, struggled continuously, and then its head quickly came into close contact with the floor.

After handing the stunned grouper to the shopkeeper who came over after hearing the news, Chen Ze picked up some more dangerous goods in the water tank.

"Hurry up, boss! I even made it together with what I put here before." The old god Chen Ze explained on the ground.

"Okay!" The shop owner who took the big order immediately burst into laughter from ear to ear, and quickly instructed the shop assistant to add a spacious table.

"That's right." Chen Ze urged again, "Put more rice."

"You open it and eat it!" the store owner assured, patting his chest.

Outside the store, beside the large round table in the open air.

While blowing the icy cool sea breeze, Chen Ze poured water on the bald director who was still a bit foolish.

The bald director finally came to his senses when the dishes served almost filled most of the tables.

"Is this Chinatown?" Looking around for a long time, he froze and choked out such a sentence.

"This is Shenzhen City, you're back." Chen Ze stared at his pupils for a while, and when he saw that there was nothing unusual, he began to eat with confidence.

After a whole night of fighting, especially when he didn't know how much Yuan Qi was wasted, Chen Ze was already hungry and tired, but he didn't show it.

"Shenzhen. How come?" The bald director touched his own Mediterranean, "Didn't you want to take me to Korea?"

"You are an important reserve talent in our country." Chen Ze grabbed the whole fish and gnawed it while running the train with his mouth full. "Someone saved you."

"Who?" The bald director asked suspiciously.

"Have you seen Wolf Warrior? Leng Feng knows?"

"That's what it is, ah yes yes yes, any evil will be brought to justice!"

"That's almost what it means." Chen Ze said clearly.

"Really?!" The bald director's eyes burst into light.

"Then how can I lie to you!"

"Let me tell you, it's like this"

Chen Ze slapped his thigh and began to fool around in detail. Oh no, let's explain.

It was past midnight when Chen Ze sent the bald director back.

As for Wang Zhenguo's side, Chen Ze thought of some excuses to fool him.

Although he knew it was wrong, Wang Zhenguo tacitly didn't ask more questions.

And Ling Sifeng didn't know much about the specific situation from the beginning to the end, so there was no need to explain too much.

So tonight this matter has finally come to an end.

Back home, Chen Ze took a rare bath in the bathtub after brushing the long-awaited little white fox.

Breathing the dense heat, Chen Ze, who had relaxed his whole body, began to examine his heart.

He must admit that tonight's murder was largely caused by his willfulness.

With the improvement of his cultivation level and his strength, sometimes Chen Ze's disregard for ordinary people would even make him feel strange.

Forget it, ask Liang Yi another day, he is even a psychiatrist, professional counterpart.
Putting this matter aside for the time being, after coming out of the bathroom, Chen Ze put on his upper body bathrobe and lay down on the sofa.


"come over!"

The little white fox jumped into his arms with a whimper, but Chen Ze always felt that the little white fox was a little stiff today.

Especially the tip of the nose keeps sniffing, and even the expression is not so natural.

So sharp? Chen Ze lightly touched the little white fox for a while and put the little white fox on the computer desk in the bedroom.

(End of this chapter)

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