Chapter 206
After turning on the computer, Chen Ze completed the settings after a short operation.

The title of the live broadcast room at this time: "The anchor is not here, Daji is acting as the broadcaster"

The main screen of the live broadcast is the wildlife documentary being played, and the small screen in the lower right corner is a little white fox staring intently at the screen.

"Hey!" Chen Ze, who was outside the camera, pinched his tail quietly, and the little white fox immediately barked out.

As a result, there was a large wave of gifts and barrage in the live broadcast room.

【Experience value +500】.
Satisfied with leaving the room, Chen Ze closed the door and returned to the living room.

As soon as the big snakeskin bag, which had been sealed several times, was turned over, the two big suitcases rolled to the ground.

At this time, the remaining suitcase was opened, and there were indeed neat hundred dollar bills inside.

After roughly counting the amount, the two boxes of banknotes add up to more than 250 million US dollars.

Now it's real!
It can only be said that it is worthy of being a heavily armed criminal gang, and its family background is indeed rich.

This should be real money. Chen Ze became suspicious again.

And taking advantage of this time, he also began to take stock of his property.

The various things he has done recently to help Pangea biology are not for nothing, and he has been paid more than 30 in total, and the matter of rescuing the bald director today has not yet been settled.

Coupled with previous salary, live broadcast income, etc., Chen Ze already has a deposit of nearly 90 yuan.

Now there are two more boxes of dollar bills. Chen Ze couldn't help but smile.

Only at this time did he understand the phrase "wealth and wealth are sought in danger".

After laughing for a while, Chen Ze checked all the dollar bills and moved them into his suitcase, put them in plastic bags and stuffed them into the closet.

After finishing these things, he only had time to hastily practiced the Eight Longevity Kung Fu before getting ready to wash up and go to bed.

In the bedroom, Chen Ze bypassed the live broadcasting camera and lay down on the comfortable Simmons.

Anyway, he has already taught the little white fox how to poke the case with its claws to turn off the power supply with one key.

【Experience value +300】

【Experience value +300】.
The constant pop-up experience value prompts made Chen Ze drowsy, and he fell asleep quickly without even activating [Lucid Dream].

In the early morning of the next day, Chen Ze first started to make up for the alchemy practice that he owed last night after practicing the Vajra Kung Fu.

In the state of tranquility, Chen Ze first used jade liquid to refine his form to pave the way, and then his form and spirit were perfect, and he reached the time of living again.

At this time, when Kanli intersects with the true yang, it is the opportunity to produce a small medicine (congenital essence).

The so-called Kanli is just a code name, similar to the universe, lead and mercury in the human body. In short, it is a set of relative things such as air, water and fire, life, yin and yang.

Kan and Li were originally two hexagrams in the innate gossip.

Among them, the hexagram Kan represents water, which is kidney water; the hexagram Li represents fire, which is heart fire.

During life, the heart fire drops and the kidney water rises, and the intersection of water and fire is the combination of hurdle and separation, that is, picking up the true yang in the ridge to replenish the true yin in the separation.

Just like in the Tai Chi Pisces picture, there is white in black, and black in white.

According to Huang Yuanji, an alchemist of the Chinese school, the threshold is from Yongquan (foot heart) to Qihai (lower Dantian), and the distance is from Niwan (top of head) to Tianxin (between eyebrows).

This is consistent with many theories that the upper body of the human body belongs to yang and the lower body belongs to yin.

This is the time to pick small medicines, and Chen Ze has already perfected the "Zhonghuang Straight Through" exercise several times.

But if you want to use this method to refine and refine qi, you must first use the mystery of the entrance.

According to Huang's words, the appearance of the gate of the mysterious female can be confirmed by the scene of the fetal breath.

That is to say, in the emptiness and tranquility, the breathing from the mouth and nose gradually converges, from thick to thin to vague, but the real breath in the navel abdomen is continuous, rising and falling together at the lower dantian, rising and falling, thick and dense, The spirit melts smoothly, the whole body is soft as cotton, and it is extremely beautiful.

In a trance, Chen Ze only felt a cool air rising in the mud pill, the pores all over his body opened up, and the ears, eyes, mouth and nose and other acupoints all shone brightly.

Huang Shiyun: "This is exactly the phenomenon of Xuanmin's Gate. It often follows a trance and a sudden awakening, and continues to see the opening of the Xuanguan."

At this time, when the entrance appeared, Chen Ze used the guidance of the corn mystical beads condensed in Tianxin, using the true qi point of the entrance as the suction force, and the light of light as the introduction, to draw out a pure congenital essence from the lower dantian. Jing went straight to Jianggong, stopped for a while and then arrived at Shangdantian.

The main point is to observe that the dantian is between one inch and three minutes away from the skin and flesh. In the theory of Zhongpai, this is the place where you go out of the mysterious and into the female, that is, the meaning of concentrating on nothingness.

In a sense, this combination of Laoshan secret method and Zhongpai Dangong is probably unprecedented.

It is not in vain that Chen Ze named it [Chen's Inner Alchemy (Disabled)].

At this time, the movement of the innate essence to go up and down requires the cooperation of the upper and lower dantians, which is related to the dual cultivation of life and the balance of yin and yang in the human body. Only focusing on one of them is a partial study, and it is difficult to achieve success.

The ancients said: "Sex is the sky, and it often hides in the top, so the top is the root of nature; life is the sea, and it often hides in the navel, so the navel is the pedicle of life."

Liang Yi once said at the seminar:

People with yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity or those with hypertension should not over-contemplate the upper dantian, otherwise it will lead to more yang hyperactivity and yin deficiency or blood pressure rise.

Similarly, patients with yang deficiency and yin excess or hypotension should observe the upper dantian more, so that the energy of true yang will increase and the energy of true yin will decrease.

However, in the age of the end of Dharma, the heaven and earth Yuan Qi is thin, so most of the exercises focus on the lower dantian and focus on the practice of life skills, which requires practitioners to look back at the upper dantian to sweep away the negative energy of the Niwan.

As the saying goes, listen to people's advice and eat enough.

Chen Ze put a lot of effort into the visualization of the upper dantian, but during today's practice, he always felt a little turbulent in his heart.

Obviously, every time the innate essence goes up and down, it can be transformed into a large amount of pure essence, but he always looks anxious when staring at the rushing flow of energy.

This even affected his state of tranquility. In a trance, Chen Ze always thought of the bloody scene last night, and even somewhat missed that primitive and brutal pure violence.



Chen Ze managed to control his thoughts by recalling the state when he was practicing the Ba Changshou Kungfu.

Until the Xiantian Yuanjing went up and down between the middle and the yellow, Chen Ze suddenly let out a long breath, and then the outer yang returned to its original position.

This represents the successful completion of this refining process.

But almost at the same time that the work time passed, Chen Ze immediately fell out of the state of tranquility.

Opening his eyes, he lay back and collapsed on the soft mattress.

When in doubt, ask Liang Yi!
So after sending a message to Liang Yi on WeChat, Chen Ze began to close his eyes and masturbate.

Then the phone vibrated quickly, and Liang Yi sent a message saying that he was free in the afternoon, so the two made an appointment to meet at Xianyue Hospital in the afternoon.

Putting aside the phone, Chen Ze began to plan the next itinerary.

The research director of Pangea biology doesn't know when he can start working. Wang Zhenguo also has to find time to go there.
In the end, he decided to upgrade a little bit first.

With a thought, the attribute panel appeared in front of my eyes.

【Level】26 (0/500000)

[Allocable experience points] 65w
【Energy level】12
Although he had to prepare experience points for the next [Human Melting Pot], considering that the new drug samples would not be available immediately, Chen Ze still raised the level by 1 and added points at the same time.

Then the character information on the property panel becomes:
【Level】27 (0/650000)

And at the moment when the upgrade was completed, in addition to the usual pleasure, he also clearly felt a sense of connection.

Like the last straw that broke the camel's back, Chen Ze, who was passively perceiving the energy of the surrounding environment all the time, suddenly felt something.

At this time, in his perception of the Qi field, a mass of Yuan Qi suddenly appeared on the edge.

Judging from the direction, it should be the little white fox lying on the sofa outside and watching TV.

Is it
Chen Ze immediately got up and left the room.

In the living room, the little white fox was shaking the little plush doll in its mouth at a high frequency, and finally even jumped off the sofa. After pressing the plush toy with its two little paws, it tore it vigorously with its sharp teeth, while howling in a low voice.

The whole is a fierce and naive look.

And the scene of a gray wolf tearing its prey was playing on the TV screen.

This... Chen Ze, who watched the whole process, couldn't help but be speechless.

It turns out that the bloody and violent scenes will really have a bad influence on children.
Using the remote control for a plant documentary about flowers and plants, Chen Ze picked up the little white fox and placed it on the sofa, telling him not to move around, then closed his eyes and backed away step by step.

The little white fox blinked its jewel-like eyes, and stayed in place obediently.

And Chen Ze has tested a new conclusion.

My ability to perceive the Qi field has indeed improved. It is no longer five meters in radius at the beginning, but has reached a range of more than seven meters and less than eight meters.

After confirming the ability improvement, Chen Ze then put the little white fox back in front of the computer to watch the live broadcast and went out.

【Experience value +300】.
It was only in the afternoon that he could go to Liang Yi to solve his doubts, so Chen Ze chose the intense and exciting session of gaining experience in the morning.

Considering that he didn't have much time, he went to the rock climbing club he hadn't visited for a long time to try the newly installed rock climbing wall.

"Hi!" As soon as we arrived at the place, Lu Ling came after hearing the news, and he was swinging back and forth on the newly installed difficult rock climbing wall.

Hearing this, Lu Ling frowned first, and then turned around to see that it was Chen Ze who quickly calmed down.

"Route C!" Lu Ling pointed to the distance.

"It's coming!" Chen Ze responded loudly.

【Experience value +700】.
In the afternoon, when Chen Ze arrived at Xianyue Hospital, Liang Yi was still wearing a suit and leather shoes, as if he had just rushed back from somewhere.

Speaking of which, Liang Yi seems to have a unique hobby for suits, and his taste is quite particular.

A navy-style navy blue blaze jacket is worn with a bright-colored checkered shirt, which looks calm and individual.

It just doesn't match the cartoon-style children's amusement park around.

This children's play therapy room seems to be managed by Liang Yi, so the members of the seminar often hold meetings here.

"Doctor Liang." Chen Ze joked as soon as he entered the door, "Where did you go?"

"Hehe. It's all about walking around. Life lies in exercise."

After Liang Yi glanced at him, he picked up an inflatable black hammer with "1000T" written on it and began to swing it into the air.

"Half the trouser legs are going to be buried in the soil, not like you young people!"

Having said that, Liang Yi's horse stance was clearly tied, and the movements of his hands were simple but hidden in mystery. Every time he swung the light inflatable soft hammer, there was a sound effect.

(End of this chapter)

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