Chapter 204 Detour
And Chen Ze, who threw out the sharp knife, has already swooped out like a tiger, easily grabbed the man's collar and broke his neck.


【Experience value +1000】

Such an end has been considered very lucky.

Pulling out a sharp knife from the wall, Chen Ze put his hands under his armpits and dragged this man into the room with the original three.

During this process, he clearly perceived the whole process of dissipating the energy of the human body.

Strands of pure Yuan Qi slowly diffused in the air like smoke from burning incense.

At the same time, he was keenly aware that the concentration of heaven and earth energy around him had increased by a tiny bit.

Born in heaven and earth, return to heaven and earth.

Putting away his feelings of emotion, Chen Ze's hands became as white as jade again after rolling them over with a sharp bath tool.

At this time, the cabin was bright and spacious, and the enemy was out in the dark, so Chen Ze threw down the sharp knife and chose two almost identical Glock pistols that were found just now.

He's not pedantic.

Although I don't know how many rooms there are in the cabin, but judging from the distance traveled, Chen Ze should be in the middle of the fishing boat now.

At this time, the room calmed down again, only the sound of the waves outside the window continued.

Passing through the door lightly, the next room seems to be a bedroom.

There is an aisle in the middle, and beds are placed on both sides.

In the depths of the bedroom, the toilet that was sandwiched between the two beds was actually lit and the door was closed.

"(Korean) You kid, didn't you go to the top floor?" Chen Ze came to the toilet door and asked tentatively.

Although the situation is wrong, after all, this is the only Korean sentence he can read.

And soon there was a chattering response from the toilet, and the content was extremely high.

So Chen Ze immediately made a verdict with two guns.

Rude words, the death penalty will be executed immediately!

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

【Experience value +3000】

【Experience value +4000】.
The first time he fired a gun, Chen Ze focused on emptying the magazine and covering the fire.

After confirming that there was no sign of life inside with the perception of the energy field, Chen Ze did not go to the next room, but reloaded the bullet and prepared to do another time. The sixth child stood by the door.

He believed that there was such a big movement that the rest of the people should be able to hear it even if they were all gathered in the stern.

Just when he stopped by the door, Chen Ze had another unexpected harvest.

In the perception of the Qi field, there is actually a ball of Yuan Qi quietly staying in front of him!

Front side. That's Chen Ze squinting his eyes.

Under the bed!

The moment Chen Ze came to the conclusion, he was horrified, and immediately squatted down and rolled sideways, and soon realized something was wrong.

If it was under the bed, why didn't I feel it when I passed by?
Thinking of this, Chen Ze immediately stopped rolling, turned to lie on the ground and looked at the bottom of the bed.

Sure enough, there was nothing under the bed, no one was hiding here at all.

Then this group of yuan qi.
Before Chen Ze could think about it, there was a sudden noise from the door in front of him, making him immediately turn his gun.

But then things didn't develop as Chen Ze expected, what came in was not a person, but a spherical object.

And after this palm-sized spherical object was thrown in, it started to squeak as soon as it hit the ground, as if it was releasing some gas.

And this kind of equipment? !
Chen Ze was a little shocked by the professionalism of this group of people, but in the next second, he suddenly fell into an ice cave.

Dangerous Dangerous Dangerous!

Even before the goosebumps on his body stood up, Chen Ze had already dropped his guns, and he stood up abruptly and shot towards the side bed!

Da da da da da da da da da da da --

The crisp sound of a typewriter resounded for a while.

There were dense and messy bullet holes in the aisle where Chen Ze was originally.

This Nima also has a submachine gun? !
Chen Ze, who flew onto the bed, immediately gathered the overflowing Yuan Qi on his hands, and melted a big circle on the wall like a laser cutter, and then pushed his knee hard, the wall fell, and the sea breeze poured in immediately.

This is the side without the gunwale, so the rough sea is beyond the thick siding.

The gunfire behind him still didn't stop, but Chen Ze had already got out of the hole and fell into the sea again.

In the water, Chen Ze submerged shallowly under the ocean surface, heading towards the stern at full speed.

He wants to kill another carbine!

Soon, Chen Ze boarded the fishing boat again from the deck at the stern.

Shaking his head and shaking the water, the rattling gunfire was still intermittent and did not completely subside.

Under the cover of the gunshots, Chen Ze returned to the cabin through the back door at the stern.

Although this group of people locked the door behind their backs in every detail, it was useless under his Yuan Qi.

So a game of cat and mouse continued.

Chen Ze, who has the perception of the energy field, is like turning on the clairvoyant, and he can easily get rid of the two people who stayed behind in the warehouse at the stern.

【Experience value +3000】.
So far, Chen Ze has dealt with nine people.

A criminal gang with a total of more than a dozen people was almost wiped out without knowing it.

Walking lightly to the end of the warehouse, Chen Ze leaned his ear against the wall, judging from the sound, the person who fired the gun should be next door.

In other words, Chen Ze had visited all the cabins on the fishing boat, including the work hall, reception room, bedroom, and warehouse.

Then the next door is the last room.

Unknowingly, the gunfire finally stopped completely, while Chen Ze was lying on the wall and constantly adjusting his position, trying to capture the specific position of Yuan Qi in the room.

Since the warehouse is equipped with air conditioners, the front and rear doors are normally sealed and closed, and there is no door gap for Chen Ze to peep.

Soon, shortly after the gunfire stopped, in the perception of the Qi field, three groups of Yuan Qi broke in and were moving towards the warehouse.

Are there only three in total? Chen Ze frowned.

At the same time, the unintelligible Korean came from the next door again, judging from the rhythm of the tone, it should be calling a certain name.

It's too bad to be so cautious.
After a long delay in getting a response, during the perception, the three groups of Yuan Qi next door began to move backward until they exited Chen Ze's detection range.

As if there was some kind of tacit understanding, Chen Ze also began to back away gradually, away from the wall in the middle.

Although the siding of the warehouse would be made thicker, Chen Ze didn't want to gamble, so he retreated directly from the back door to the ship's side deck outside the warehouse.

What should I do now? From the beginning of boarding the ship to the present, Chen Ze estimated that it would not exceed 10 minutes.

But this is just his estimate. If the delay is too long, it will be troublesome to wait for the fishing boat to turn around according to the set driving route after entering the open sea.

At present, the fishing boat is still going in a straight line, so Chen Ze plans to make a quick decision.

However, windows were opened on the side of the cabin near the side of the ship, which must be the key point of guarding by this group, so a side attack would not work.

While thinking, Chen Ze, who was standing at the door of the cabin, looked up gradually, and suddenly had an idea in his mind.

Half a minute later, Chen Ze, who was walking steadily on the roof of the cabin, counted his steps and stopped.

Measured by footsteps, he has come directly above the target room.

Crouching down, Chen Ze crawled back and forth on the roof of the cabin, gradually gaining confidence in his heart.

There are actually four balls of Qi in the room!

That is to say, four people.

Three of them were near the warehouse, and the remaining one was near the bedroom on the other side.

It is much easier to lock the number and position of the enemy.

Although time was running out, Chen Ze still patiently explored for a while. He noticed that the three people in the direction of the warehouse were relatively close, and they didn't move much.

Just gave him a chance to catch them all!

So a plan was made. After choosing the position, Chen Ze maintained a prostrate posture, then raised his feet, and supported his body in the air with both hands.

That is the Russian style of standing up.

On this basis, gather Qi to form, and overflow the ball of Qi on the two feet.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Ze curled his stomach and bent his legs, put his feet together, and kicked down hard!
Beep bang bang——

A big hole was immediately melted, and Chen Ze's movements were not hindered in the slightest. With this kick, he fell into the cabin directly!

Justice from heaven!

The next moment, an old unlucky guy who was stepped on was directly below Chen Ze and exploded from head to toe!
【Experience value +3000】

The number of enemies is reduced by one.

Then Chen Ze, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately restrained his Yuan Qi, stepped on the solid floor in the cabin, and did not melt into the sea.

It was just that his feet had just stepped on, and he immediately felt a tingling sensation of cold and heat spreading throughout his upper body.

Danger alert!


Chen Ze immediately bent down and lowered his head to avoid a burst of bullets, and at the same time shrank back and rushed towards the man in front of him.

From Chen Ze's perspective, the man was raising the pistol he was holding in both hands in slow motion.

too slow!
Even with a pistol, the speed of a bullet at close range can reach hundreds of meters per second, easily surpassing the speed of sound.

So Chen Ze is indeed not as fast as a bullet, and it can even be said to be far inferior.

But he doesn't need to be faster than a bullet either, he just needs to be faster than the person firing the gun.

The force was transmitted from the back to the two arms. Chen Ze threw out his right hand like a whip, and the shoulder blade shook slightly, and the palm of his hand had already drawn across the entire arc.

Tongbei Fist, Hunyuan Strength!

In desperation, Chen Ze made a short-distance effort and only had time to show off a big pussy, so the visual effect was not very shocking.

It just screwed the man's head up by more than 200 degrees.

【Experience value +2000】


Gunshots followed, but Chen Ze had already curled up and lifted his meat shield to block him, and waves of powerful impact continued to pour in from the side, slightly hindering his steps.

And this obstruction gives the enemy an opportunity.

At this time, a person beside Chen Ze was carrying a submachine gun to shoot and suppress, and the enemy directly in front had already pulled the trigger.

The chunky warhead spun out of the chamber with the tongue of flame, tearing the air along the way with great kinetic energy until it hit an inconspicuous light.

Then the warhead lost all trace.

Inch strength, that is, to use the whole body to burst out with the greatest strength within the shortest distance, and Chen Ze used this strength with his feet, and his whole body was shot out like an arrow off the string.

Da da da da——The bullet fired at the spot missed again.

And the palm that lit Yuan Qi moved forward until it pierced the enemy directly in front of him.

It has to be said that the high temperature does have a good hemostatic effect, and it didn't make Chen Ze pour his head and face all over.

At this moment, the gunshots stopped, and before Chen Ze could think about it, he heard the sound of empty pressing the trigger.

Good boy, finally out of bullets!
To be cautious, Chen Ze also picked up the heartless man as a meat shield, and then immediately charged towards the last person.

thump, thump, thump, thump——

Chen Ze's footsteps were much lighter, but he was a little surprised when he rushed to the front.

"(Korean) Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

"(Korean) I have money, I have a lot of money!"

"(Korean) Spare me!"

The last person dropped the submachine gun and knelt down to beg for mercy.

In fact, watching the people around him being slaughtered like livestock one by one, even the appearance of death is unimaginable. It is already very strong for him to persist until now he has no bullets before collapsing.

That's pretty good, but it's a pity that Chen Ze couldn't understand Korean, so he had to slap him and send him to the west.

As the last person fell face down to the ground, the fishing boat fell into a dead silence.

Even the wind and waves outside the window have calmed down a lot, only the drizzle that has been sparse continues.

(End of this chapter)

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