The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 419 414 The Bottom of the Well of Gravity 04

Chapter 419 414 The Bottom of the Well of Gravity 04
"The transfer of the hull command system to the battle bridge is completed, the entire ship's isolation gate is closed, each combat system is activated, and the configuration of each unit member is completed. Captain, the entire ship is ready for battle."

"Very good." Bucky Lulu sat on the captain's chair on the battle bridge. "Exterior Brain Startup."

Bucky Lulu frowned, and after feeling his scalp tingle for a while, the familiar feeling of being connected with the people around him appeared again.

"14239, the control of the dragoons will be left to you."

"Understood. Do Misaka 14239 rolled up his sleeves to show that he is full of energy." Misaka 14239 looked back at Bucky Lulu and made a pose.

"I'll leave it to you. The whole ship's battle speed is the highest, and the charge begins!" Bucky Lulu grabbed the handrail vigorously.

As soon as Bucky Lulu finished speaking, the propellers on the stern of the three Jupiter-class assault landing ships were fully activated, spraying out bright blue flames tens of meters long, and the three warships accelerated towards the earth with an acceleration of 5G direction.

"Tristan, Parsifal launch preparations, targets, enemy Krapp-class engines and main guns."

"Eh? Are you serious, Ms. Bakilulu, using the battleship slasher stick?" Misaka 2196, who was in the gunner's seat, turned around and said in a slightly exaggerated tone.

"Can you do it? Also, when can you unify this messy address with your seniority?" Every time I hear the Misaka series call me sister, I feel weird. The body of the Misaka series uses the DNA of Li Ping and Misaka at the same time. Information, in other words, Li Ping is the father of the Misaka series.Then, as a girlfriend, I am also their mother.

Then they call themselves elder sister, then they are their own mothers.

Are you bullshitting?

"Of course, but for us, ethical issues can't be normal in this life, right?"


While talking, Misaka 2196 was not idle. The five Tristan beam cannons and two Parsifal electromagnetic cannons that could fire forward on the hull rose from the containment compartment, the turret rotated, and the barrel adjusted its pitch slightly. horn.

After locking on to their respective targets, each muzzle firmly locked on to their respective targets.

"Get in range."

"The main gun fires!"

After a brief charge, Parsifal's gun body began to jump arcs, and as the blue light flashed, six 600mm armor-piercing projectiles were fired at 11 times the speed of sound.

Afterwards, five Tristans opened fire, and ten green beams hit the Krapp class ahead.

The green light beams came first, destroying the 356mm double-mounted mega-particle main guns on both sides of the Krapp-class hull directly in front of the Jupiter and the 180mm anti-aircraft mechanisms on more than a dozen Krapp-class hulls. Gun turret.

Ten seconds later, six armor-piercing shells arrived and hit the engine compartments of the Krapp-class one after another. The huge impact directly caused the two engine compartments of the Krapp-class to be torn off from the hull and exploded.On the other side, Juno and Neptune also made similar actions. After correcting the orbit of the hull, they used similar means to abolish the combat capabilities of the other two Krapp-class ships.

This kind of unscientific shelling accuracy...

The Federal Army has never seen it.

"Report the situation!" The captain of the Krapp class firmly grasped the armrest of the seat to prevent himself from being thrown away.

"The hull was shot! The main guns on both sides were damaged! The engine was shot. It looks like live ammunition by visual inspection, and the damage is unknown!"

"The same goes for La Fette and La Dotte! The nacelles of the second and third engines in the lower part have been torn off!"

"The anti-aircraft guns are broken! The combat capability of this ship has dropped to 12%!"

"Many places on the ship are on fire!"

"Damage control team, go to put out the fire immediately! The isolation gate is closed, let the mobile suit team push up! The whole fleet shelling begins! There are only three ships on the other side, sink them!"

One of the Clapp-class ships, one of the Irish-class ships and one of the Salamis-class ships with still intact combat power, each beam turret circled, and after aiming at the three Jupiter-class ships rushing forward, they fired directly without waiting for complete locking. up.

Every three seconds, 28 mega particle beams will pounce on the three attacking landing ships that are rapidly approaching.

Then the people of the Federation saw how the mega particle beams launched by their own side were bounced off by the I-Field.

"I-Field?! To equip the battleship?" The expressions of the bridge personnel of the Federation Fleet were all distorted.

"All the anti-ship missiles are launched, where is the MS team?"

"Already leaned up, but..."

"The attack here is completely ineffective!" A striker Jie Gang fired all six missiles on his shoulders.

The missile was blown up by the rapid-fire guns of the opposite warship before flying a few hundred meters.

Near the high-efficiency I-Field, the beams of these not-so-new Jegan beam rifles can't fly out of the muzzle at all, and they can't even light the lightsaber.

In vain, the hulls of the three ships could only be strafed with the 60mm head Vulcan cannon.

After the large-scale live-fire weapons of Jiegang and Dagger were intercepted, the Misakas in charge of fire control focused their attention on these MS. Under the frightened expression of the federal MS driver, they fired the 90mm electromagnetic Gatling muzzle Aligned with these MS.

The 90mm electromagnetic Gatling fired several rounds of short bursts, and each round of short bursts was like a whip of fire on these unlucky bastards. Each MS was accurately assigned five rounds of short bursts. Limbs and joints were shattered by 90mm armor-piercing bullets.Except for the two mobile suits that were unfortunately located behind their teammates and were directly knocked down by the torso hit by the electromagnetic gatling, the torsos of the remaining mobile suits were all floating there intact.

"Juliet 051, Dolphin 014 laser signal cut off!"

"The MS team is completely wiped out, and the enemy ships are still approaching!"

"The Calis was shot! Can't fight!"

"It doesn't matter if you hit them, absolutely stop them!"

"La Jericho was shot and unable to sail!"


The three Jupiter-class battleships did not take care of the difficult maneuvers and tried their best to enter the interception orbit, but the bows of the ships slightly lifted and flew over the Federation fleet.

Before passing through the Federation fleet, the three Jupiter-class ships fired more than 20 psychic missiles, which were controlled by Misaka and destroyed the remaining main thrusters of the Federation fleet.

"The propeller is broken! Can't sail!" The helmsman's hysterical shout was transmitted to the captain's ears through the violent vibration of the hull and the moaning of the hull structure.

"Damn aliens, how much ahead of us is the technology on the other side!" The captain took off the helmet of the spacesuit, threw it to the ground and said frantically.

"I seem to have seen Zaku, who appeared for the first time in the Federation Fleet during the Battle of Loum again..." The deputy commander also took off his helmet, and looked at the back of the bridge blankly, as if seeing Those three taillights...the look of the tail flames.

"During the Battle of Loum, the casualty rate of the mobile suit troops that rushed into the battle actually exceeded 80%. The big ships and cannons that the Federation is proud of actually played a certain role. If it weren't for that battle, Zeon's Zaku Capital With a low-yield nuclear bomb, the casualties of the fleet would not be so great." As a survivor of that battle, the captain of the Krapp-class ship and the commander of the temporary squadron felt that he had to defend himself , Zaku of Zeon is not invincible. The Battle of Loum was actually after the Zeon fleet was crippled by the Second Federation Fleet, and the mobile suits entered the field to attack.

Moreover, it was the first and third fleet led by Rebir who did not enter the combat state from the polar orbit.Even in this hasty battle, the Federation also defeated [-]% of Zaku.

"Send a message to Luna II, 'I'm waiting, the battle is impossible, the fleet is broken, the damage is unknown, please rescue.' Release all the jet seats and traffic boats, and start to recover the MS troops. Immediately start emergency repairs." Finished , the captain left the bridge, and he needed to go to the agency room to appease the members of the agency who had suffered heavy losses.

(End of this chapter)

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