The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 420 415 Interception and Airborne

Chapter 420 415 Interception and Airborne

"The enemy's line of defense has passed, and the operation has entered the second stage."

"X4700, Y217, and Z23 found the Londebell fleet ahead, including three Rakelam-class ships, five Krapp-class ships, and two Irish-class ships."

"Battle preparation..."

"Wait, Miss Natal, the Londobell fleet doesn't seem to have the will to fight." Misaka 1096, who is in control of the CIC and radar, took a closer look at the Londobell fleet. Judging from the number, it should be the Londobell fleet. The appearance of most of the remaining fleets on the bright side.

However, the output of the fleet reactors was maintained at cruise output, and all combat electronic equipment such as ECM and ECCM fire control systems were not activated.

Even, the muzzle is vertically upward at 90 degrees, deliberately indicating that it will not fight.

"What does Brad Noah want to do? Go back and ask CC to make a new Brad Noah character model. I am afraid that Brad Noah already has his own ambitions." Natal controlled on the captain's seat The optical sensors of the three assault landing ships were all aimed at the bridge of Londobell's flagship Rakalam.

The optical sensors of the three assault landing ships formed a joint array, and the imaging accuracy reached the level where the expression on Brad's face could barely be seen clearly.
What kind of expression is that...

Brad was approaching 5000 kilometers away at this time, standing in front of the bridge of Rakalam, looking at just three assault landing ships with blue and white trails of light.

Brad is not sure now whether the Broken Ghost and his ultimate goal are the same.

The information was blocked too seriously, Brad, and several small political alliance groups formed by generals and congressmen with similar aspirations have changed their evaluation of Broken Specter in the past three years.

From the original small organization similar to August's anti-"current federal government" with more gentle means, all the way to the "Xiao organization" of the universe century.

Although I don't know what you want to do, but in short, let's look at destroying the world first.

Although I don't know how much your combat power is, let's first look at the two full-fledged space fleets of the Federation before the One Year War.

Although I don't know the skills of the MS pilots, but judging from the pilots that have appeared, let's estimate it based on the captain's per capita Amuro at the end of 79.

Although I don't know... oh, the MS that showed up a few times are all high-level MS, this is basically counted.

If calculated like this...

No help, just die.

Not to mention anything else, judging from the current information, Amuro, Char, and Harman are all on the opposite side. Although they haven't shown up yet, there is a high probability that Li Ping is also on the opposite side.The whereabouts of the low-IQ version of Camus, who was originally a doctor on the moon, is unknown. After returning to normal with a high probability, it will be on the opposite side. The whereabouts of Jiedo’s Jupiter resource fleet is unknown. The last contact is in the orbit of Mars. fart.

As long as there are suitable mobile suits, these six people can tear down the entire Londe Bell.

Immediately, Brad remembered one more thing, and that was the battle information of the Unicorn Gundam that Niagama had sent back.

Obviously, Broken Specter has a way to reproduce the physical fitness of Li Ping, the strongest human driver in the past, in other people.

The physical fitness of the enhanced human named Maritan Cruz and the new human named Banerjee Links is also not right.

...Of course those mobile suits are even more wrong. Whose mobile suit flies more ghostly than missiles?And that whirling maneuverability similar to that of a drum washing machine can really be driven by humans?Could it be some kind of drone?

"If you don't move, don't worry about it. Enter the third stage and prepare to break into the atmosphere." Bucky Lulu's gaze was still on Brad's face.Since you are looking for someone you can cooperate with, then continue to look for it. Anyway, it is not bad for you, Londo Bell, to support twenty boats.

"Understood, in the third stage, preparations for atmospheric entry, the hull turns 180 degrees, and reverse ejection begins."

The main engines of the three assault landing ships stopped pushing, and the posture of the bow and stern controlled the jetting of the nozzles, allowing the hull to turn 180 degrees.

Then the main engine ignited again and began to slow down the hull.

Although there are nano colloidal heat dissipation films, there are also several defensive methods such as laminated armor and electromagnetic shields.

The relatively safe atmospheric entry speed of this Jupiter-class assault landing ship is less than 1.5 kilometers per second, and the entry angle is not less than 45 degrees and not greater than 80 degrees.In this way, the heat generated by the friction between the hull and the atmosphere is within the heat dissipation range of the nano-heat dissipation film, and the hull will not float above the atmosphere due to excessive angle or speed.

"Warning, the strategic air-to-air missile group is approaching, and it looks like it was launched from North America."

"The number is 41, the distance is 370 kilometers to 410 kilometers, and the speed is approaching. The relative speed is 5.7 kilometers per second,"

"It is a supersaturated attack launched from four directions. The missile type is a long-range strategic air-to-air missile of Minuteman V. It has no radiation response. It is judged to be a conventional warhead."

"There are still 40 seconds until the hit is expected... It's too late for the hull to turn around. All ships, prepare for a tactical jump, Misaka, I'll leave it to you to judge the timing and jump distance." Bucky Lulu was accelerated in reverse Overload presses on the seat. "Colintes (heavy ship-to-air missiles for space) fire salvos, target enemy strategic anti-air missiles. Tristan, turrets capable of firing backwards fire freely in anti-air mode, target, enemy strategic anti-air missiles. "

"Understood, Corinthus, first tube to No. 40 eight-tube full launch tube reload.

The fire control system finds and locks on the enemy.

Tristan, the [-]rd, [-]th, [-]th, and [-]th gun ports, radar and laser aiming linkage, focus reset, and rapid-fire mode shooting in the air begins!
Then, Corinthians.Full shot! "

The four beam cannons of the three assault landing ships that could fire backwards swiveled and pointed at their assigned targets.

The converging device inside the barrel rotates slightly to make the beam more scattered in the impact area.

The three ships then fired almost simultaneously, each Tristan beam cannon firing at a rate of four beams per second.

The medium-sized general-purpose missile launching units on both sides of the hull opened the covers one by one, and launched 48 Corinthus heavy ship-to-air missiles within five seconds.Like... Eke always preys on the prey, rushing towards their respective targets.

("Collect data, throw the data to Anaheim, Nova Industries and the technical staff of the base let them evaluate." Brad turned to look at his deputy commander.

"Yes!" The Deputy Commander replied sternly, and then began to tell the observation department to collect data. )
"Tristan's first wave of attack was ineffective, and the attack mode was switched to the light armored target mode. The focus and power were readjusted.

Corinthus, 5 seconds before impact. ………impact! "

As Misaka's voice fell, dozens of huge fireballs with a diameter of several kilometers exploded in the airspace in front... behind the three assault landing ships.

 One chapter is published first, and the other one is still being written
(End of this chapter)

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