The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 418 413 The Bottom of the Well of Gravity 03

Chapter 418 413 The Bottom of the Well of Gravity 03
About four or ten minutes later, Zinnerman desperately ventured to the lower deck of the hull. Whether it was the scan results, the feeling of touching the hull, or the creepy groans coming from the frame of the hull all the time, it all showed that this ship The Glancieres has really come to her end.

Zinnerman returned to the bridge, removed the nameplate engraved with the name of the ship Glenciere, and left the Grenciere in a bit of dismay.

"There's no other way, all the crew retreated from the ship. Each mobile suit left the fixed frame with its own power, cut the top deck of the Glancieres, and left the Glancieres by itself." Zinnerman carefully put away the nameplate.

As soon as the words fell, three pink light beams penetrated the top deck of Garencieres from the inside.

The swift and decisive action made Zinnerman, who once regarded the ship as his only home, twitch his brows.

After the three mobile suits cut the top deck of Garencieres, under the command of the ground personnel, they threw the cut 20-meter square deck fragments on the deserted sandy ground.

The Unicorn Gundam, Phoenix Gundam, and Nightingale temporary modification took off first. After clearing two flat areas around the hull as a landing pad, they temporarily parked near the hull. Two fly to the pedals and then take off.Landed in the clearing cleared by MS.

The crew of Garenciere went in and out of the Grenciere, carrying their personal belongings and ship's supplies onto the flight board.

When the handling operation was in full swing, everyone faintly heard the roar of the aircraft, and the crew members who were working put away the supplies in an orderly manner, and rushed to the camouflage bunker that had been prepared earlier.

Minerva, Lita, and Shaar used the telepathic wave to remotely activate their respective mobile suits, and ran towards their own mobile suits in three steps at a time.

Before the cockpits of the three MSs were closed, the pilots felt that the SII Gundam driven by the three of Camus and the ZZII Gundam driven by Jiedo were flying over from a distance.

"It's so slow..." Xia stood on the cockpit door to watch the four variable MSs in MA state slowly flying over about three kilometers away.

"After all, we were dumped to Ceylon Island (the largest island near India), and it took several thousand kilometers to fly over, and we had to avoid the eyes of the Federal Army in the middle. It took more than a day to sneak over, which is considered fast. .” Camus’s voice was helpless. "Fortunately, the mobile suits that are parked in the two auxiliary hulls are mobile suits that can fly in the atmosphere. If it is those three mobile suits, I am afraid they are still crawling slowly on the road, or they can only stand still, waiting for the support from the moon. Alright."

"Lucky among misfortunes." Shaar shrugged his shoulders. "The alarm is lifted, and the material handling operation continues."

"I heard that the plan has been transferred to D-31?" Jiedo inserted into the communication channel.

"That's right, after losing Grencieres, the original plan can no longer be advanced, so it's not going to be a joke." Xia looked up at the sky, now at this place, the moon can be seen during the day. ...


At the same time, Luna II, Federation Space Force Command.

"An automatic report came from the high-earth orbit sentinel satellite, and three unknown warships were found."

"Greenwich Observatory and Von Braun's Observatory have received the same report that three warships of unknown affiliation are approaching the Earth's absolute defense circle."

"The Third Sentinel Fleet has changed its orbit and headed to intercept. The First Fleet set sail urgently and brought the atmospheric penetration equipment."

"Notify the Federal Air Force and the Army, connect the Air Force Command and the Army Command, and send them the predicted drop point."

"Won't the navy be notified?"

"As far as their legacy of the One Year War is concerned, how can Jim in the water and the Kiev-class Kai fight against the cutting-edge ships of the Broken Ghost? Just let them keep an eye on me through the global sonar monitoring system."

"Notify Londe Bell and let them send a fleet to low orbit to intercept."


"Finally it's my turn to play..." Natal, who hadn't shown his face for a long time, held his fist with his right hand and held his cheek , tapping the armrest flexibly with the four fingers of his left hand.

On the rear wings of the Jupiter are the second ship Juno and the third ship Neptune.

The Jupiter-class assault landing ship is an assault landing ship designed on the basis of the hero ship Athena in the SEED world.

With a length of 560 meters and a width of 400 meters, it is universal for space and space. It is equipped with an experimental Minovsky particle navigation device and a gravity control system developed based on the superpower "gravity control".

It is currently the world's first space battleship equipped with an artificial gravity generator. The manned cabins in the ship, except the garage and the mechanism room, will maintain a standard gravity of 1G.

The whole ship is equipped with laminated armor, and the joints and key compartments are equipped with phase transfer armor.

Armed with three 600mm triple-mounted electromagnetic guns "Persival", seven double-mounted 2500mm high-energy particle cannons "Tristan", twenty 90mm double-mounted triple-barreled electromagnetic rapid-fire guns, "atom collapse" There are twelve generators, one bow positron cannon "Deviation Sword MK2", eight single heavy-duty torpedo launch tubes, and six sets of 16 medium-sized general-purpose vertical launch tubes.

Auxiliary weapons include a ship-borne next-generation quantum computer and a next-generation AI-controlled dragoon system, as well as 8 large I-Field generators whose range of action is sufficient to cover the entire ship.

Generally speaking, facing the army of the UC world, which uses mega particle cannons as the main means of combat, this ship is already semi-invincible.

A nautical bridge and a combat bridge are set up, and the bridge personnel use the "telepathy" released by the "external brain replacement" developed by Shokuhou Misaki to link with each other in battle, so as to achieve the best cooperation.

Equipped with three catapults and a landing platform, it can carry up to twelve 12-meter-class medium-sized mobile suits.Different from previous design ideas like "aviation battleship" or "MS mothership with artillery", this ship is designed with the idea of ​​"aircraft battleship".

Even without mobile suits, the warships of this series can still stand on the tactical battlefield.

After all... with the help of "external brain replacement" and "fantasy master", this ship can perform short-distance space jumps under the control of the Misaka series.

"Colonel Bucky Lulu, I saw the shadow of a ship ahead, and compared it with the heat pattern... four Krapp-class ships, one Irish-class ship, and three Salamis Aviation-type ships. It looks like it is releasing mobile suits."

"The battle configuration of the whole ship, the command system has been transferred to the battle bridge. All the crew are wearing space suits, without releasing mobile suits, and can directly break through the blockade with the combat power of a battleship!" Bucky Lulu smiled slightly, took off the captain's cap and tucked it under his arm .


(End of this chapter)

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