Chapter 336 Chapter 333
"Captain Otto?"

"Huh? Are you still there? Send the Deputy Chief of Staff to escape. Now it's in battle. Please leave the bridge for irrelevant personnel." Captain Otto took the space suit handed over by the deputy captain. Suddenly, the hull violently shook. The shock forced Captain Ott to stop putting on his spacesuit and turn into the armrest to prevent being thrown out. "Hmm... I was shot... No, I missed a bullet?"

"The enemy's mobile suits haven't come yet. The whole fleet, keep the formation and retreat slowly. Rely on the Luna II to prepare for a counterattack. MS troops, hide behind the battleship, and the Luna II's garrison troops, dispatch quickly." Otto The captain tried hard to put on the spacesuit. "The battle bridge is open, get down as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, Captain Ott, who had changed into his space suit, went to the battle bridge in the captain's chair.

"Captain, all parts of the fleet are ready for battle, and the mobile suit team is dispatched."

"Listen up, everyone. This is a battle to survive. Lend me your lives. I look forward to your hard work, and your luck will be prosperous."


"The largest distribution of Minovsky particles! The whole ship sprays horizontally at full speed in the predetermined direction! Retreat at full speed while firing in salvo. Once shot, just pretend to be dead."

The surviving Federation ships pushed themselves laterally out of the wreckage of friendly warships to become invisible, and naval guns and missile launchers all over the hull began to counterattack.

The artillery fire fired by the remaining three Krapp-class ships and a dozen old-fashioned Salamis-class aviation types unexpectedly stopped the Neo Zeon's artillery fire for a while.


Soon, the Federation's artillery fire was suppressed by Neo Zeon.And gradually disappear.

"Very good, have you been shot? The whole ship, including the life support device, stopped and retreated in inertial navigation." Captain Ott saw that Ganaku was shot, and exploded a huge fireball , ordered directly.

"You can't even survive a round of artillery fire. Does it mean that the Federation has become so corrupt?" Shaar drove a Sazabi, took off from the Lulula class, and brought a large number of MS to Luna II to carry out the suppression operation. .

Shaar frowned and looked at the Federation Army fleet that was constantly exploding, tumbling, emitting smoke and fire, falling into the distance, and always felt that something was wrong. "The retreat is too fast. According to the plan, it will take at least 30 minutes of fighting to suppress the federal garrison..."

"The entire fleet is in a state of alert, and we are starting to enter the Luna II for assault reconnaissance." Since the fleet has already retreated, and the fleet has no spare power to pursue Shaar, he ordered the installation and planned to start the battle.


"what happened?"

"All key passages have been blown up, making it impossible to reach the nuclear weapon warehouse."

"Cut, I was placed in a row, and MS was sent to force it through. Anyway, it is in a state of zero gravity, and the boulder can be dragged away!" Xia Ya hammered the cockpit.



"Captain Otto, the enemy has divided up. Now the enemy is entering the Luna II through the pupae of various cosmic gates."

"Are you really planning to seize the Luna II's nuclear weapons? The counterattack begins! The ships' attitudes are righted! The first wave of missile salvos begins! Ship gun salvos! The MS team follows the schedule, and the battle begins!"

After confirming the order, all the wreckages came to life one after another except for one unlucky Salamis class that was actually sunk. The jets at the tail of the ship sprayed out blue flames, and the attitude control nozzles around the hull sprayed out Flame, righting the hull.

The naval guns all over the hull were recalibrated, and enemy radar waves and range-finding lasers were fired at the Neo Zeon fleet one after another.

Afterwards, the bow missile launchers of each warship began to fire missiles in salvo, and the mega particle cannons began to bombard Neo Zeon warships.

Just like what the Neo Zeon army did half an hour ago.

"Damn it, it was set up. Is it really an act!" Xia Ya's Sazabi was almost beaten into a fool by the dense barrage. "The [-]st MS Squadron follows me and annihilates the enemy fleet. The [-]st Fleet turns around and relies on the Luna II and the enemy fleet to enter the bombardment battle. In terms of firepower, our army has an advantage!"

"Nanayi, what's the estimated time of operation?" After shouting on the public channel, Xia connected to the fleet commander's private channel.

"The passage has not been opened yet, and the estimated working time is 120 minutes."

"Speed ​​up work."


After hanging up the communication, Shaar exhaled fiercely, and manipulated the body to avoid the not-intensive anti-aircraft fire of the Salamis class.The beam rifle fired continuously, destroying all the armaments, bridge and main propeller of the Salamis class.

Then Shazabi spiraled forward, avoiding the shooting of the two Jiegangs, and the mega particle cannon on the waist was charged and fired, blasting the two Jiegangs together with the shield and the body.

"I really don't want to admit it. This is the result of my arrogance." Shaar said with a complicated expression, avoiding the missile launched by Jiegang.

In the end, after 97 minutes, the federal fleet lost its combat capability, and only three warships that were still able to sail broke away from the Luna II space.

However, under the premise of being attacked by surprise and being in a weak force, the Luna II garrison of the federal army also achieved four Musaka-class ships and dozens of mobile suits.

"Baht, I survived." Captain Ott took off his helmet that had been broken for a long time, and spit out a mouthful of bloody saliva.He used an emergency press-type tourniquet to hold down the blood that was bleeding from his forehead.

"Captain, this is a non-gravity zone. Don't vomit blood casually, as it will cause equipment damage. If you vomit blood, please go to the gravity zone." The deputy commander tried to speak expressionlessly, but the broken arm still made him grin his teeth continuously.

"It's so noisy, let's go now, where is the deputy chief of staff?"

"Laser communication has been re-established, at a distance of 350 kilometers from us."

"Che... still alive, ah no, it's great that the deputy chief of staff is still alive.

"Captain..." The corner of the deputy captain's mouth twitched, and he didn't know if it was pain or frightened by the thought of a certain possibility.

"The deputy chief of staff is an important talent, and he can't die here." Captain Ott cast a glance at his deputy captain indifferently, and it was clearly written in his eyes, see through, so don't say it. "Send mobile suits to the front to escort the deputy chief of staff back. Are there any friendly troops nearby?"

"Lundbell is coming here."

"Then connect to Lundbell's communication, explain the situation to them, and contact the Federal Army Staff Headquarters. I need instructions, where else can we go now." Captain Ott cleaned up the wound on his forehead and pasted a big No. Band-Aid.

65 minutes later, the Neo Zeon fleet finished transporting the nuclear weapons, retreated from Luna II, and released the pre-prepared camouflage balloons. The three identical fleets split into three groups and flew in different directions.

In this regard, both the Federal Army Staff Headquarters and the staff of Lund Bell said:
"Meow meow meow?"

(End of this chapter)

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