Chapter 337 New Plan 334

"...Amuro, quickly use your omnipotent new human sensory perception." Brad pondered for a long time, and finally chose to believe in metaphysics.

"How could this kind of thing be sensed! Also, don't chat with Lieutenant Li all day long! That guy talks weird things that new humans don't say all day long, you are infected!"

"Amuro, haven't you been infected too..." Brad looked at the sky speechlessly. "What is the strange saying of new human beings, did you have this sentence in the dictionary before?"



"Now, the Neo Zeon fleet is divided into three groups, going to my side1, space region, Axis space region and the moon respectively.

However, it is likely that two of the routes were decoys consisting of camouflaged balloons, and it is also possible that each fleet had real warships and decoys.We have no way of knowing all this. "Brad pointed at the display screen with a laser pointer, on which there were three estimated trajectories of inertial navigation." Not long ago, these three fleets broke into the debris belt around the earth, and neither optics nor radar could track the enemy fleet. "

"Generally speaking, according to the content of the Federation-Neo Zeon Mutual Aggression Treaty, Neo Zeon's ultimate goal is this Axis Fortress. According to Char's speech, his purpose is to drop this Axis Fortress to the earth. , to cause a nuclear winter on the earth, until it is too cold to live in." Li Ping pointed to the location of Axis. "The remaining question is, why did they divide their forces. They went to the moon or to this side1... no, it should be what to do in the reef space near side1."

"Probably accepting the equipment." Amuro frowned. "During the last battle, we identified a variety of new types of aircraft including Girardka, Chad Deka, and Sazabi. Moreover, according to investigations, most of these airframes were manufactured by the Lunar Surface Factory in Anaheim. A small part seems to be made by the hidden Neo Zeon remnants, and according to rumors, that part of the Neo Zeon remnants are lurking in the Reef space.”

Oh, that unit is indeed Harman's subordinates. It owns two MS production lines stolen from the Republic of Zeon. It was originally a production line for Zaku-100, but later it was transformed into a production line for Kiradka. , Production of more than [-] Kiradkas for Neo Zeon was temporarily suspended.

After the rise of the "Broken Ghost", under Harman's call, the production line was packed and taken away. Even the material plus the production line plus a small part of the wreckage of the super-large MA Silver Thunder, a total of five Papu-class transport ships and Two Columbus-class transport ships.It's amazing to say that this group of technicians from the old Neo Zeon remnant party, who can't afford to eat, can still build a giant MA with a length of more than 200 meters. The kind of mega particle cannon.

If it wasn't for Li Ping's intervention, this group of people planned to take advantage of the second Neo Zeon War to put that MA into a special attack.

But when Harman came back, this group of people had no intention of seeking death, they obediently ate their food, packed their luggage and ran away.

If Char is fighting the AMX-111, Zodiac II doctrine, then this group of people will probably be disappointed.

After all, counting the time, the fleet should be approaching Midway Island.

Well, there is only one answer, and Anaheim is going to give Neo Zeon something good.

Is it α Sauron?That one was supposed to be a large MA driven by Kui Si.

"Are side1 and the moon here to receive the equipment? It's really troublesome." Thinking of Anaheim's ability to make troubles, Brad felt dizzy for a while. "If it's a new type of mobile suit, it's enough to use the flight pedals, and it's also very concealed.

So it seems that according to Zeon's urine, it may be a large MA. "

" that guy from the GP series?" Amuro recalled the video materials he saw back then.

"...A cruiser-class MA? It scared me to death. I don't want to face monsters like Big Zam again." Brad also remembered the huge monster that resisted the entire Solomon Fortress attack force at the end of the One Year War. MA.

The bombardment of the entire fleet failed to bring down that thing. It was because Zeon's large-scale reactor technology was immature at the time, which caused the combat reactor to overheat and shut down. It happened that the MA was knocked down.

The members of La Cailum who had participated in the Battle of Solomon or the Diraz Rebellion all swallowed their saliva.That thing can be solved by these five ships?
"Let's take a gamble. I'll bet that things on the moon are even more troublesome. A Krapp class is going to Axis secretly, while monitoring the movement of side1, and maintaining regular laser communication with our team." Brad rubbed temple. "The whole ship turned, headed for the moon, intercepted the Neo Zeon fleet, and prevented them from receiving the large MA."

"Captain Brad, I have received a communication from a friendly warship. This is... the identification signal of the Luna II's garrison, and it is the troops retreating from the Luna II."

"Very good... wait a minute, this Captain interesting." Brad looked at the battle report with great interest.

Although a certain Clapp-class captain tried his best to hide his existence, he portrayed himself as a layman who only wanted to paddle, who only knew how to follow orders, and who only knew how to follow the scriptures.

But each of his instructions came naturally at just the right time.

When it is judged that the old-style fleet of one's own side cannot stand up to the Neo Zeon fleet and the hostility of the Neo Zeon side cannot be judged, they will form a new column in the name of a parade formation and sacrifice the front row to provide reaction time for their own side.

Immediately after being attacked, the A17 combat plan for sneak attack and special operations was activated, that is, in a disadvantageous operation, the hull was deliberately injured, and the ship was pretended to be a wreck drifting to a suitable battle position, and then launched an all-out attack in one breath.Unexpectedly, it is likely to cause extremely impressive results.

Before launching the A17 plan, it was also judged that Shaar’s target was the strategic material of Luna II, and ordered his subordinates to blow up the key passages of Luna II. Although the effect may not be good due to lack of time, it is enough.

When he judged that the deputy chief of staff of Palea was an incompetent guy, he decisively forced him to board the escape boat to escape, probably because he wanted to get rid of that incompetent person with the help of Neo Zeon.

He's a nice guy... Brad had a strange smile on his lips.

Find a way to dig it out.

"I'm afraid that the nuclear weapons of Luna II have been seized. It's not easy to fight. But there is no way, the purpose of the battle remains the same, and the priority is to prevent Shaar from receiving new equipment. If it is a nuclear bomb, the ship is also equipped with a lot. Anyway, it is There is no difference between [-] and [-] things that will die at the first touch. During the battle, everyone should remember to intercept any missiles fired at the fleet. According to the schedule, La Chater will go to Axis, and the rest of the fleet will go to Moon."


(End of this chapter)

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