The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 335 Chapter 332 Luna No. 2 Raiders

Chapter 335 Chapter 332

Time went back to when Li Ping was still playing with his children on side1, and dispatched a squadron to arrive at side32 with 1 tactical nuclear warheads. He handed over the 32 nuclear warheads to Lund Bell and authorized the detonation authority.

This is because the federal government saw the determination of Neo Zeon to drop Luna [-], but because Luna [-] deviated from the falling track due to unknown reasons, no matter what happened to the unknown phenomenon later, the original Luna [-] Braking and steering proved that Neo Zeon is not capable of completely controlling the asteroid fall.

Then, a Neo Zeon that does not threaten the safety of the earth is not worthy of the Federation's all-out appeasement policy. When necessary, it can choose to directly destroy the Neo Zeon's main fleet with absolute power.

As for why there are 32 pieces...

According to intelligence, the total number of battleships in Neo Zeon is currently 2 Lulula-class ships and 14 Musaka-class ships. Each ship is assigned 2 nuclear bombs. This distribution is very federal.

"Only relying on Londobell, it will be very difficult to fight. Can't we have more troops?" Amuro closed the report.

"It's messed up now. Two weeks ago, an organization called Broken Ghosts contacted people from the Federation and Zeon. Not long after, they presented their meeting ceremony, which is the evidence of the inhumane research conducted by the Earth New Human Research Institute. And enough evidence to determine the death penalty for a federal cabinet." Brad rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Last week, they released the criminal evidence of the Inner Universe Liaison Minister, and they will release another one this week. Coupled with the activities of Neo Zeon, now the Federation Army can only station a minimum garrison fleet on Luna II, The other fleets are stationed in various colonies to prevent riots. Only we are the limit."

The pure warship combat power ratio is 5 vs. 16, how to fight this kind of battle.

Even with two Gundams...

Gundam is not a god, this kind of combat power can only be sent to death.

Even if Londobell is a veteran of Aogu who survived the first Neo Zeon War and the Grips War, there are many militias in Neo Zeon, and only a few of them are veterans, this battle cannot be fought.

"Don't despair, it's not like the Neo Zeon fleet is here." Amuro patted Brad on the shoulder. "Didn't half of the fleet go to Luna II?"

"The hostility is a bit heavy... What's the matter with this ominous premonition?" Li Ping, who had initially finished the design of the supersensory control device, scratched his head.

"It's probably because the armament of the ι Gundam is too extreme. The live ammunition is only the cannon on the head, and these four 60mm cannons are all loaded with fragmentation shells for missiles." Qiqi in the hangar Looking at this mobile suit, it is more than half taller than Niu Gundam, and it is probably the third largest mobile suit in human history.The airframe was too heavy to even take off using a standard catapult.

As for armaments... Beam spirit cannons that are as powerful as naval guns, back beam cannons, waist beam cannons, arm beam rifles...

All beam weapons.

"Extreme..." Li Ping paused for a moment. "It's really too extreme, maintenance officer, prepare some bazookas for me, and let the Jiegang troops bring them to me when the situation is not good."

"Understood, is the super bazooka used by ν Gundam okay?"

"No problem, thanks for your hard work."


"The latest information is that Neo Zeon has raided Luna II. The battle situation is unknown now. We have received orders to go to the interception point and destroy the Neo Zeon army returning from Luna II. The whole ship, prepare to deal with acceleration." After debugging the machine , when Li Ping was about to return to the room, Brad's voice sounded in the ship. "After the acceleration is completed, the important officials of various departments in the ship will come to the conference room for a meeting."

————Time back to 15 minutes ago, Luna II—————

"Ahead is the Neo Zeon fleet that came to return the nuclear weapons, right?" Deputy Chief of Staff Palea boarded the bridge of a Krapp-class cruiser.

"That's right, one of the Lula class and seven of the Musaka class are left, the numbers match." The captain nodded.

"The Krapp class stepped forward, we are being rude to Xia Tai by staying behind." The deputy staff officer of Palaiya looked at the captain.

"Understood, the Krapp class stepped forward, all ships, switched to the formation of the fleet, the formation of the double column. Send a reconnaissance plane to confirm the status of the Neo Zeon fleet."

"Understood, the fleet formation changed, and the reconnaissance plane was dispatched."

The EFF Luna II garrison fleet that received the order began to move, transforming into a complex column for the ceremony.At the same time, Santai Jiegang took off from the Kolap class and began to conduct reconnaissance operations.

"Strange...?" Jie Gang's pilot drove the machine across the Neo Zeon fleet. Generally speaking, in this case, shouldn't it be a single column approaching?Why is there a single horizontal formation?

"What's wrong? Report the situation."

"Neo Zeon fleet, although the muzzles are raised to the maximum firing angle, but the formation of the fleet is a single horizontal formation."

"Single horizontal's okay, it should be used to show the total number of their fleets." The commander of the federal army was quite naive.

"Crack!" When a Jiegang was changing its orbit, it hit a huge object being towed behind a Moussaka class.And, directly broke this thing.

Like a shattered balloon, the massive object quickly shattered into pieces, revealing its contents.

It was a battleship encased in a flexible electronic display balloon.

"Have you been exposed? It's okay, Nanayi. The battle has begun." Shaar put on his helmet and floated into Sazabi's cockpit.

"Understood, remove the camouflage, the battle starts, the maximum battle speed, the shelling starts after 15 seconds, and the MS team dispatches 60 seconds after the shelling starts."

After each Neo Zeon battleship, huge gray balloons appeared from the void, and then the balloons shattered, revealing the battleships inside.

2 Lulula-class ships and 14 Moussaka-class ships are here.

The battleships in the back row that were pulled forward quickly descended, while the battleships in the front row rose rapidly, and the gun barrels of each battleship pointed at the Federal Army fleet and the Luna II asteroid ahead.

Then, all the bullets were fired.

Massive missiles and countless mega particle beams splashed in the direction of Luna II, and the three scouting Jie Gang was locked on by countless anti-aircraft guns, and they were smashed into a sieve almost instantly.

After all... Before firing, the Neo Zeon fleet didn't even deploy the Minovsky particles, the radar wasn't disturbed, and the anti-aircraft fire was very accurate.

"How is it possible! They violated the treaty! Why did this happen!" Praiya's deputy staff officer shouted hysterically.

"Che...was your life saved by the Complex Column? Call the entire fleet. The battle begins. Each of you will face each other. Start laser communication and broadcast to the entire band. The content is "The entire Neo Zeon fleet is attacking Luna II. I will fight until the last moment." The captain pulled off the discipline button, and he just wanted to be the captain of the sentry ship at the headquarters of the space army and paddle until he retired. How could such a thing happen? "The avant-garde fleet should not be chaotic, and give the rear fleet time to deploy. Open the battle bridge, and put on the space suits in batches! Establish a laser communication data link, notify Luna II, blow up the key passage, and retreat immediately. Inform all ships, open Flagship combat order A17, ready to execute."

(End of this chapter)

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