Chapter 105 Chapter 103

"What's going on here! What happened! What about the task I gave you? Report to me immediately!" Patrick asked in a deep voice.

"I'll talk about this later. Now I have something that I want to talk to you, father anyway." Aslan stared into his father's eyes.

"Tell me, let me see what you have to say." Patrick stepped back tactically.

"What's the matter with that man? That man, that Earth Army officer named Li Ping, is he an undercover agent sent by ZAFT to ambush the Earth Army? Why can he get ZAFT's latest mobile suit so easily? Among the orders, the most important thing is the Freedom Gundam, and the Messiah seems to be attached. Obviously, they are all MS equipped with anti-neutron jammers, aren't they?
Why did that person make so many arrangements for our personalities and social relationships, and why can he always know our strategic deployment one step ahead?I even knew that I would go to Earth with the Justice Gundam. "

"...I hope that he will be loyal to Plant, and now we are at most tacit cooperation."

"Cooperation? You and the Earth Army officer?"

"He is no longer an officer of the Earth Army. Looking at it now, he should be looking at this war from a higher perspective."

"So, father, what do you think of this war? We have been fighting for a long time, and I really want to know how much we have to pay, and how long we have to fight to end the war.

Alaska, Panama, Victoria... I went to attack the enemy and was beaten back, and after being beaten, I fought back again. All I saw was the ever-expanding flames of war. "

"Enough, Aslan. Do you only see such a superficial place? Can't you see the game behind this war?!"

"All I see is the collision of strength and strength. Does father think this will end this war!"

"Of course it can end. As long as all the enemies are wiped out, the war will be over. If the army is still resisting, then the army will be wiped out. If the people resist, then the people will be wiped out. Race wars are such things."

"Is father going to wipe out all natural people!"

"Of course! This kind of racial war stemming from differences in abilities, either natural persons with low abilities will be wiped out, or adjusters with high abilities will be wiped out. There is never a third way to go. You can't even do this Can't you see?" Patrick picked up Aslan's collar.He lifted Aslan up and threw it aside, then took out a pistol from his back and pointed it at Aslan. "Forget it, tell me, Aslan, where are the three mechas? If you don't tell me, you won't be let go!"


"..." The two were arguing back and forth, but it was obvious that Aslan still didn't realize the crux of the war.The key to this war is that the injustice between people is too obvious!Life is equal, but human beings are not. Human beings are born uneven. Family conditions, their own genes and other aspects determine that everyone's starting line is different.However, people can think, so what society has been doing is to whitewash the relative fairness between people.In this way, people can live in harmony with each other.But the appearance of the adjuster broke this balance. The appearance of the adjuster used the most direct way to throw the gap in the starting line between people caused by the family gap in front of human beings bloody.

Otherwise, why do so many people eat the blue universe?
Although I am lazy, stupid and ignorant, the position that only recruits doctoral graduates from the world's top universities is mine, and your admission as an adjuster is a piece of cake for me!

And almost the only final means to solve the contradiction between human beings and natural persons is to fully implement the cheap and extensive genetic adjustment technology, so that all the people can become adjusters, then the racial contradictions will disappear.

Whether you knock out a gene that makes you prone to major diseases or change your hair color, you are an adjuster.

The remaining unfairness is the same as the original one, and it is an internal contradiction of a race.

"Aslan! If you don't say anything else, I'll arrest you as a traitor!" Patrick looked at his own child with a little disappointment. Look at other children, what are you doing when you are so old?However, the necklace on his neck is very interesting. Who gave it to him?Carrie? "Where are Freedom Gundam and Justice Gundam!"

The performance of duties is not perfect, and my own thinking is still immature. Up to now, my thinking is still limited to the level of "soldiers".

"Say it!" Patrick's hands were trembling a little, his thoughts were immature, and his vision was limited. Okay, it doesn't matter. After the war, people like Siegel, Lacus, Li Ping, and Asha can give him extra lessons.

So, think I'm wrong, and defy my courage? !Clenching your fists and bowing your head in silence to resist me, are you a child throwing a tantrum!
Fighting back the urge to sigh, Patrick reached over and pressed a button on the table.Six gendarmes rushed in with guns.Pointing at Aslan.

"If this is what you expected...then, I will stop you." A series of messages including Uzmi's words were strung together, and Aslan thought something through, and his eyes became firm.He stared hard at Patrick.

Then Aslan jumped to his feet and rushed to Patrick.

Patrick frowned, moved the muzzle of the gun a little, and fired directly.The bullet grazed Aslan's shoulder.

Aslan suffered from pain and fell to the ground.

"Arrest it, ask the whereabouts of the Liberty Gundam and other three machines, it doesn't matter if you use torture." Patrick put away his gun. "I misread you, Aslan."

"Me too, Father." After speaking, Aslan was taken away by the military police.

Patrick watched Aslan being led out with a gloomy face, and when the door closed, Patrick's demeanor immediately changed.

"Oh oh oh oh oh... Siegel, have you seen it! My Aslan! That little eye! It’s just like a little tiger! That eye that chooses and eats people is great! It’s finally a bit bloody! "

Siegel and Li Ping looked at each other, shook their heads and sighed.

"Okay, the play is over, and you should be on your way. Get out of here." After Patrick finished his excitement, he started to chase people away.

Li Ping and the two spread their hands and shrugged, turned and left.

"My bastard, please." Li Ping heard Patrick's whispered words when he left through the secret door.

"Don't worry, your child has grown up."

When Siegel and the others left, Patrick called someone in, and then sent the data of the Freedom Gundam [-] (modified by the first mate, none of which was correct except for the size and equipment code, which are useless data) and The information on the anti-neutron jammer was given to this person.

If Kruse was present, he would definitely recognize him. This person is the one who often sells secrets to Kruse.

 Thanks to RocketRobot, book friend 20190312230850867, mottled breeze and bright lotus night, poor sky tour, eva_xy, low-key brother Li for their rewards~
(End of this chapter)

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