Chapter 106 104 Surprise
"Ah... this is more troublesome. But you can't leave it alone, can you think of a way?" In a certain safe house of the Klein faction, Lacus watched Aslan being taken into the national defense by the military police. Looking at the photo above, he tilted his head and looked at Da Costa.

"Let me try it, the risk is quite high." Da Costa scratched his head.

"Then I'll leave it to you. Then, Sister Aisha, let's go." Lux looked at the woman standing in the corner with her arms crossed.

Ten minutes later, Aslan, who was wounded in the shoulder, was escorted out of the Ministry of Defense by more military police (all Patrick's core loyalists).Prepare to be escorted to the armored vehicle used to transfer prisoners, and transfer Aslan to the Security Bureau.

The military police who escorted Aslan out recognized that among the six people who got off the armored vehicle, two were Klein faction loyalists who were pretending to be ordinary soldiers, two ordinary soldiers, and two agents from the Security Bureau. After one of them was Tiger's adjutant——Da Costa secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

As they approached the armored vehicle, the military police shoved Aslan pretending to be impatient.

"Go! Hurry up!"

In fact, it is to create opportunities for Aslan to fight back.

Sure enough, Aslan's IQ was online at this time. He decisively knocked away two escorting gendarmes with two consecutive shoulder bumps, one left and one right, and then kicked a gendarme flying off an armored vehicle, and quickly ran away.

"Damn it?!" Da Costa was taken aback when he saw his own being kicked away, how fierce is this son?
"You bastard!" There was no one behind him, and the real gendarme hurriedly took out the gun from behind.But Da Costa hit him on the nose with a gun butt and fell directly to the ground.Then Da Costa directly threw a shock bomb and threw it at the agent's feet.Then he chased after Aslan.

And Aslan looked at Da Costa who was shooting at the armed agent from behind the wall in a daze.

After throwing out another flash bomb and a shock bomb, Da Costa came to Aslan's side.

"You're really messing even knocked down one of your own people..." Da Costa turned to look at the panting Aslan. "Turn your back, I'll help you open the handcuffs."

"Sorry...I don't know...but who are you?" Aslan turned away obediently.

"I think so." Da Costa handed Aslan a pistol after breaking the handcuffs with a gun. "I was sent by Klein to save you."

"Da Costa, let's withdraw!" The member of the Klein faction who was kicked away by Aslan fired guns and suppressed the material agents to the corner where Aslan and the others were.

"Okay!" Da Costa nodded, and began to shoot alternately to cover each other and evacuate.

"It's almost time..." Captain Butterfield sat on the captain's seat of the Eternity with his legs crossed, picked up the communication device at hand and started the ship-wide broadcast. "This ship is entering the final stage from now on, repeat, this ship is entering the final stage, all crew members are on their positions!"

"Huh?" A group of soldiers who were not sent by Klein listened to the broadcast blankly, and looked up at the speaker that made the sound.As soon as he lowered his head, he saw his comrade pointing a gun at him. "Hey, hey... what the hell is going on..."

"Don't ask if you don't know, just get off the ship." The crew members who were not sent by Klein were driven off the ship by Tiger's subordinates, and then began to prepare for the Eternal's voyage.

"...Why you..." Yitzhak, who was dressed in white, looked at Li Ping with a troubled face.I was transferred to the special forces of the Ministry of National Defense for shooting down the "Red Reaper", and was promoted to the White Team, and the body was also transformed into an anti-neutron jammer. This should be a very happy thing.

Then he was transferred to serve as the deputy of the red god of death?What kind of joke is this?
"Surprised?" Li Ping spread his hands.

"Surprise you big-headed ghost!" Then Yitzhak saw Siegel Klein floating behind Li Ping.

"Yo, long time no see, Yitzhak." Siegel greeted Yitzhak with a smile.

This time Yitzhak really looked like he had seen a ghost. You must know that his mother had been sighing for a long time about the killing of the former Speaker of the House of Representatives Siegel Klein.

"By the way, how many things has been explained to you by Aisalia, do you need me to re-introduce the situation to you?"

"...Sister?" Yitzhak's expression twisted instantly. "You bastard is two years older than me! You call me sister! I call you uncle?!"

"I have no opinion, nephew." Li Ping nodded, and then saw the pile of red clothes behind Yitzhak...

Now it was Li Ping's turn to twist his expression... This group of people were all wearing red military uniforms embroidered with their own coat of arms...

By the way, Li Ping has seen all these coats of arms...

From the body he once shot down.

"The Doctor" Michal Coster

"Hero" Gerd Weir

"Evening Bullet" Michelle Elman

"Impatiens" Shiho Hanifs
Heine Westenfluth
Courtney Sheronimus
"...Pfft." Siegel couldn't hold back from behind. He had been waiting for this scene for a long time...

"Have we met somewhere?" Heine rubbed his chin. "Oh, by the way, I seem to have seen you on the shuttle that took off from the Carpentaria base after the battle against the Archangel."

"...I really don't want to see this face." Michelle slapped her face.

Shiho looked at Yitzhak's distorted expression with great interest...

As for the remaining three people, they didn't have much impression of Li Ping. Although they were both members of the Sara faction, they were not members of the same combat unit and they were not familiar with each other.

The few things they have in common are being able to fight and being beaten by Li Ping.

"Mother didn't say much, just told me not to be too surprised when the time comes. What are we going to do next?" Although Yitzhak was particularly concerned about that "sister", he also knew that now was not the time to worry about these things.

"Really, Lord Siegel, are you coming or me?"

"Come on, I am a dead person. This is the last time I have to show up. I will hide in the shadows from now on." Siegel took out a paper bag with two holes in it from his pocket Put it on your head. "Yizhak, please put me in a room where nobody cares."

"Well, I'll take you there later." Yitzhak nodded.

"Yizhak, call the officers on the ship to the meeting room in 15 minutes. Let me give you an overview of the current situation."

"Well, besides, it's the first time I've met the captain of this ship. I heard from my mother that she is a very capable captain. She seems to know a lot." Yitzhak said in a low voice.

15 minutes later, in the conference room.

Li Ping tried his best to control his expression.

Because the captain of this ship is Talia Gladys who is still wearing black...

"Most of you are meeting me for the first time. I am Lieutenant Colonel Li Ping, the MS pilot of the Archangel of the Joint Space Force. The situation is more complicated. I will explain to you later what I can say.

The current situation is roughly as follows. The ship will defect under the orders of Speaker Sarah and the former Speaker Siegel, and sail from Plant forcibly. After breaking through the Akindodimensional defense line, it will go to the L4 colony to perform the task of preventing the war from deteriorating to the worst state. "Li Ping summed up the next work in one sentence.

"Huh?" The newly-appeared six in red and Yitzhak from ×7 looked confused.

"Harm..." ×2 Captain Gladys and Vice-Captain Nicole Amalfi, who had been psychologically prepared for a long time, sighed.

"This ship, the Eternal, the former Space Battleship Archangel of the United Earth Army, and the Orb Army Kusanagi will exist as third-party forces in the future general attack of the United Earth Army on Plant. Both sides are our enemies, and both sides must All our allies.

Our only fighting purpose is to prevent the deterioration of the war. In other words, we will fight whoever uses the nuclear bomb, and we will fight whoever hits us. "

"Only four ships?"

"That's right, there are only four ships. The battle will be very hard and the responsibility will be very heavy. According to our assessment, in the final battle, the United Earth Army is likely to use nuclear weapons to directly destroy the Plant itself. In the early stages of the battle, our most important The mission is to intercept the nuclear bomb fired on Plant's mainland.

No nuclear bomb can fall on the Plant itself. "

"Nuclear weapons?! You said that the Earth Army will restart nuclear weapons?"

"After the Battle of Alaska, you can even do things like bombing with your own people... What do you think the Atlantic Federation can't do?" Li Ping narrowed his eyes and looked at the shocked Heine.

(End of this chapter)

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