Chapter 104 Chapter 102

"Can you tell me a little bit?" Asalia Jiule frowned.Biological CPU?The name of this thing reveals an anti-human taste.

"It is said that when the Atlantic Federation unexpectedly entered into a bitter battle with Plnat, the individual differences were greatly highlighted. If the physical function of the adjuster is far stronger than that of the natural person, then as long as the natural person surpassing the adjuster is created That's good. Through human experiments on orphans, the United Army has found a way to strengthen natural people beyond natural humans. Although it is full of rumors, it is obvious that the United Army has obtained products that can be put into actual combat.

Moreover, the combat power of the strengthened person can reach the level comparable to the three of us in a short period of time, which can be said to be very good. "

"short time?"

"Well, for unknown reasons, their high-intensity combat endurance is not as long as that of the organism, which is probably a sequela of body modification. Calculated, when fighting against the three of us, they can fight for about 35 to 45 minutes. If If you fight against ordinary soldiers, it should be extended to more than an hour." Li Ping calculated. "However, in the case of full-power combat, the battery life of the G series is just this time. I am afraid that the battery life of the aircraft was also taken into consideration when designing it?"

"It sounds like a very troublesome enemy."

"It's more than trouble. Without multiple ACEs driving special machines to restrain them, ordinary troops can't go down a round in front of them. They will cause devastating blows to ordinary troops, and even turn the tide of local battles."

"The so-called UACE theory..."


"Ultra Ace, after you and Kira Yamato drive the G series to exert a strategic combat power that can turn the tide of the battle, the theory put forward by ZAFT is different from the traditional ACE that can only affect the local battle situation. The extent of the war.

Otherwise, we would be so full that we would spend a lot of money to develop an X-series capable of carrying anti-neutron jammers. "Azalia looked out of the window with her face propped up. "You must know that the production cost of a single unit of Liberty Gundam and Justice Gundam is more expensive than the mass production of 160 Gates, and the price of Messiah has reached [-] Gates. If the strategic goal cannot be achieved, [-] Gates driven by ordinary soldiers are much more useful than three special machines driven by ordinary aces. "

"That's right, then let me lay down a few more Gates to prove that your investment is correct." Li Ping said seriously, pretending.

"It doesn't have to be like this..."

"Ah, by the way, although the location and contact information are all a mystery, the name of the Enhanced Human Research Institute still appears. It seems to be called the Rhodes Institute."

"Understood, we will investigate."

"Speaking of which, why did you call me here?" Li Ping finally asked the question that had been entangled for a long time.

"The last phase of strategic support in this war will be handed over to you at this opportunity."

"...What the hell is there? I thought it was over with these three mobile suits."

"If there are no spare parts, the maintenance of your three aircrafts will be very troublesome, right? And if there are only two ships, they will be swallowed up by the large fleets of both sides if they are not careful when intervening in the battle."

"Actually, I've always felt that in the face of a battlefield where two or three full-fledged fleets of the Federation and ZAFT's main fleet are bombarded, even if I have ten ships, I don't have any confidence that I can make waves." Li Ping sighed.

"It's true..." Azalia also sighed. "That's why we have prepared an extra special ship. She should be the crystallization of ZAFT's highest technology at this stage. I hope she can stay on the battlefield for a longer time."

"... Prepare one more ship?"

"The Klein faction prepared the Eternity for Lacus. It was originally a dedicated ship for Messiah, Freedom Gundam, and Justice Gundam, but after you came last time, the brand-new design idea made the ship's designer urgently The design has been modified. Although the design and construction is too nonsense, but in the war, there is no way. The additional equipment occupies the space originally used to carry the support equipment of the Messiah Gundam.

As a last resort, we urgently started construction of a new ship as a dedicated ship for Messiah Gundam and Azure Duel. "

"Duel? Yitzhak is also attached to this ship?"

"Well. I'll ask you to take care of it when the time comes. In addition, there are many acquaintances of yours on that ship. I believe you should be able to handle it well." Azalia's mouth curled up. "Aslan should take a while to arrive, you go in first."

Asalia's car stopped at the gate of the PLANT Ministry of National Defense, and Li Ping got out of the car with a wry smile.

"Meet you again, boy. Huh?" Patrick put down a thin book in his hand, and found that Li Ping was looking at him in shock.

As for why Li Ping was shocked, it was because Li Ping saw the name of the thin book that Patrick put down just now.

"Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei (The Communist Manifesto)"

"Have you seen this?" Patrick raised an eyebrow.

Li Ping nodded, as one of the strongest ideological weapons in human history, this thing is a compulsory course in high school.

Numerous seniors who have successfully reached the pinnacle of life and failed seniors have provided countless cases to everyone with their own experience. Thought, strength, luck, and determination, these four things are indispensable when doing things. .

In terms of ideas, this short manifesto can be regarded as one of the most powerful weapons in history.

"No wonder." Patrick nodded. "So, this should be the last time we meet. I just have one question. Where do you think we adjusters should go?"

"...I define myself as a warrior who occasionally makes trouble. The issue of the survival of this race is really too big for me." Li Ping pulled up a chair and sat down. "Is it okay to just say nice words?"

"Casual, I was just chatting casually. I've been a little dazed recently. I want to listen to young people's ideas to broaden my mind." Patrick picked up the coffee.

"Then, if it makes sense..." Li Ping pondered for a few minutes, and brought out the content he memorized for the college entrance examination a long time ago (four months ago). "You must adhere to bottom-line thinking, increase your sense of urgency, effectively prevent and resolve various risks on the way forward, unite all forces that can be united, mobilize all positive factors, and constantly strive for new victories in great struggles with many new historical characteristics.

You should accommodate the legitimate concerns of other countries while pursuing your own interests, and promote the common development of all countries while pursuing your own development.There is only one earth for human beings, and all countries live in one world. We must advocate the consciousness of "a community with a shared future for mankind".

You should not blindly emphasize the confrontation between countries and races, peace should be a theme of civilization, you should emphasize the common interests between Plant and the United Council under the premise of the fact that the regulator exists..."

" wait." Patrick put down his glass with a stinky face, took out his notebook and began to "scrub" and began to write quickly. After a while, Patrick raised his head and looked at Li Ping. "continue."

"Eh... the various values ​​that exist in the international community still mainly serve the real interests of different countries, and building a community with a shared future for mankind is a long-term..."

"First of all, we must start with the Plant political system. Multi-party ruling in turns will inevitably lead to short-sightedness of the government. You must develop a long-term and stable regime that serves the country and the people wholeheartedly..."


"Your Excellency Speaker, Aslan Sara has been brought here."

"Now wait at the door, there are more important things now."


"Go on."

"...Oh, you can try to join the East Asian Republic in calling on all countries to advocate and uphold the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence..."

"what is that?"

"Eh... Mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression..."

"This is good..."

An hour later, Li Ping, who had basically worked out the last bit of stock in his stomach, and Siegel, who came over at some point, left through the secret door and watched the live broadcast of the Father's Kindness and Sons' Filial Piety in the office in the secret room.

"Your Excellency Patrick's acting skills are amazing..." Li Ping was amazed as he watched Patrick, who had switched from a kind uncle to a radical avenger, lecture Aslan.

(End of this chapter)

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