Miss Konoha Hinata

Chapter 46 Population Expansion (for collection)

Chapter 46 Population Expansion (for collection)

That night, a reunion dinner for the grandparents and grandchildren.

Knowing the whole story, the grandfather doubted: "What are these people doing, the target is Hinata, why don't you even know such important information as Hinata's father, let you get away with it."

"Fortunately." Rizu wolfed down the food, stuffed his mouth with food, and said vaguely: "Fortunately, they don't know, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to survive until rescue."

"That's true." Grandpa nodded.

The thieves are stupid and ineffective. This is a good thing. Bless the ancestors.

Halfway through the meal, my grandfather couldn't wait to kneel down in front of the memorial tablet, thanking the ancestors for their protection.

Having already received the gift from her father, Hinata couldn't wait any longer, finished the dinner as quickly as possible, wiped her mouth with a tissue, held the scroll with the gift sealed, and left happily.

Seeing his father still in front of the memorial tablet, thinking about what happened on this trip, Rizu walked over, knelt aside, closed his eyes, and thanked his ancestors.

"I have already passed on the master seal of the bird in the cage to Hina. The only thing left is the oath and the ceremony. She is the legitimate clan head, the head of the No. 60th generation." The grandfather said softly.

"I really didn't expect you to come back alive. What do you think about the current situation? After all, you are still the current Patriarch."

"..." Rizu.

"It's been less than ten years since I took the position of Patriarch. It's too short. Let me sit for a few more years." Rizu said.

"As the head of the family, you can sit as long as you want, as long as you want." Grandpa said: "But for your seal of the bird in the cage, don't intercept the white eyes and pupils of the branch family, and give all the share to Hinata, just like I passed on to you at the beginning." Same as when it was given to you."

"Oh." Rizu answered in a low voice.

"The voice is so low, do you have resentment against me? Blame me for giving up looking for you." Grandfather suddenly said.

"No, no, I know that father's decision is correct, as far as the family is concerned." Rizu said quickly.

Grandfather patted Rizu on the shoulder: "Are you full? Let's eat more."

"No, today's food is too salty, I'm panicking." Rizu shook his head.

"Really?" Grandpa was startled: "I didn't put much salt, how could it be salty?"

Rizu was silent, went back and picked up the bowl and took another sip: "Actually, it's okay, not particularly salty."

"Don't eat it if it's salty! Let the kitchen make another one!" Grandpa hurriedly said.

On the other side, looking at the big piece of chakra metal four or five heads taller than her, and three silver bricks in front of her, Hinata put her hands on it.

Chakra is refined and infused, and immediately resonates with chakra metal.

Excellent chakra transmission and considerable chakra amplification make chakra metal an indispensable and important material in the forging of advanced ninja tools.

But because this thing is too rare, the price is very outrageous, and without a rich enough family background, ordinary ninjas don't even think about it.

"A little bit is so much, how many are there in the family." Hinata exclaimed.

It is rare in the market, and there is a price but no market, which is related to the hard work of the ancestors to collect.

She asked her grandfather about it, and learned that the ancestors did not save cash, except for a part of it, as daily expenses, most of them would be used to buy chakra metal.

If you can't buy chakra metal, you can buy gold and silver, and then process it into gold bricks and silver bricks yourself.

Chakra metal is a valuable item that is worth more than money of the same value.

Money will depreciate. Purchasing power has been falling over time. Chakra metal will not depreciate, but will become more and more expensive. Invest in this, and you can make a steady profit without losing it. If you buy it, you will earn it.

"Huh? This is it!" Hinata was surprised.

A pure power of the white eyes burst out from the seal of the caged bird that was constantly moving on the body surface, and poured straight into the white eyes.

Her white eyes, which were already extremely pure, have gone a step further and become even more pure.

Realizing what her father did, and hearing footsteps approaching, Hinata turned her head and saw that her father was walking slowly with a teapot in his hand.

"How?" Rizu said: "Do you feel very swollen? This is normal. With so many white eyes pouring in, I gradually got used to it."

"Up? No, it's just a little itchy." Hinata said.

"Itchy..." Rizu was silent: "I don't feel any swelling at all?"

Hinata shook her head.

Hizuru suddenly put the teapot aside, picked up Hinata, and ran to find his father.

"I didn't feel the rise!" The grandfather was taken aback for a moment, then quickly realized something, grabbed Hinata's hand, and made sure again and again. This kind of thing cannot be verified by others, and can only be judged by the words of the person involved.

"It's really not at all. Now, the itching has disappeared." Hinata said.

Grandpa repeated and confirmed several times seriously, and then said solemnly: "I thought, you just have a high purity of the white eyes, but now it seems that not only the purity, but also the capacity of your white eyes, is even more terrifying."

"There is no existence comparable to Hinata in the past dynasties. I think it's time for the population of branch families to increase." Rizu said.

"The increase in the population of the branch family can further intercept more white-eyed pupil power, and make Hinata's white-eyed purity stronger. I have a hunch that something terrible will happen."

"What about the children of Hinata?" Grandpa hesitated, "What if the purity of the white eyes, especially the volume of the white eyes, is not as high as that of Hinata, inheriting the master seal of the bird in the cage, and breaking the white eyes, then..."

"This..." Rizu was silent.

After a while, the grandfather made a final decision: "That's it. From now on, let the divided families have more children. When they reach the age of 50, those who can have children will be born. It is allowed to marry foreigners. Those who are able to marry more, as long as there are no troubles." , the Zong family fully supports it."

"My grandson or granddaughter!" Rizu said hastily.

"Let's see when the time comes. If the children of Hinata can't bear so much white eyes and pupils, a group of branch families will be abolished." The grandfather said: "The heirs of foreigners will be abolished first."

Cancellation means to kill with the Bird in a Cage spell, without much effort, just a matter of one thought.

Hearing this, Rizu felt relieved and turned around to do the matter.

Grandfather and father are really kind to themselves, and they are also really ruthless to outsiders, including the branch family. The power of life and death is in their hands, and they don't treat the branch family as human beings at all. Let you live as you live, and let you die as you die. Hinata was silent.

As a direct beneficiary, of course she would not be so stupid as to abolish the clan and family division system, but in conscience, she would like to let the family members of the division family live a better and better life instead of unilaterally oppressing.

In terms of experience, she treats everyone well, everyone treats her wholeheartedly, and treats her even better, the kind that spares no effort.

"Let's triple the bonus again." Hinata secretly said.

No matter how much you say, it's better to give money directly.

There are mountains of gold and silver in the family. If you don’t bring it with you when you are born, you don’t take it with you when you die.

 Seek collection, seek follow-up
(End of this chapter)

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