Miss Konoha Hinata

Chapter 47: School Starts (Favorites)

Chapter 47: School Starts (Favorites)

The Zong family suddenly issued an order to have more children and let go of the birth restriction. This was unprecedented, and for the first time, it made everyone in the separated family feel messy.

It has always been strictly restricted, for fear that the number of separated families will exceed [-]. Now, even the restriction on marrying foreigners has been lifted, and there is no limit to the number of marriages. What's wrong?
Not knowing the real situation, everyone is very disturbed.

"Quiet, everyone, listen to me." As the team leader, Hidden Jonin, said: "I have already heard from the team leader about this matter, there is no problem, everyone can rest assured, there is a guarantee from Hinata-sama. "

Hearing Hinata's guarantee, everyone's heart immediately calmed down.

No matter how nice Rizu's words were, everyone didn't believe them. The more benefits he gave, the more everyone felt fearful. How could a weasel give chickens New Year greetings?
Hinata is different.

Everyone can have a good life now, with no worries about food and clothing, most of the money they get from work is their own, and they no longer have to worry about food, clothing, housing and transportation. This is all thanks to Hinata.

Everyone is very clear about who treats oneself well and who treats oneself badly.

"The increase in the population of our family is of great benefit to Hinata-sama," said the group leader.

"I won't tell you the specific benefits, so as not to make a big mouth and leak it to foreigners. In short, just remember that there are great benefits."

"As for you, you can look for it among your friends, or through family relations, hold fellowships and blind dates with peers from other families, or look for it among ordinary people."

"As long as there are no troubles and there is no Shura field, you are sure to be able to stay stable. You can find a few, but you must know the basics, and you must be responsible, so that the other party can live a good life."

"Master Hinata said, if someone is reckless and abandons you, has no basis for feelings, just treats the other party as a tool, and throws it aside after using it, she will let you know how to write dead words."

The group leader shook the list in his hand, handed it to the nearest few people, and asked them to distribute it to all the clansmen present.

"The rules are all here, take a look." The team leader said: "First, love each other, second, never leave, third, life and death depend on each other."

"Master Hinata will treat every new member of the branch family equally. The benefits that should be given are not small. There will be no problems on her side. Naturally, we must prevent problems from appearing on our side."

"For example, we need to keep our eyes open, and don't bring in spies with ulterior motives. It's not guaranteed to be foolproof, so don't touch it, even if you like it."

"What if the spy abandons the dark and turns to the bright, and chooses to serve Lord Hinata?" someone interjected.

"That's okay, don't be afraid of [-], just in case, anyone who has been a spy will not be accepted." The team leader said.

"The man doesn't want to be married, is this okay?" A young split female Chunin hesitated for a while, but couldn't help but ask.

"Well, it shouldn't work, the child must belong to us, and the surname is Hinata." The group leader hesitated, "I'll ask you later."

"Tell the man and his family that we can give a bride price of 600 million after we marry." Hinata thought about it after learning about it.

"Six million is the lowest price. If you disagree, you can increase it until it reaches 600 million."

"The ugly thing is up front. If he dares to do something wrong to his wife, I'll take his skin off and make his family suffer. We'll be in bad luck together."

There is no problem that money cannot solve. If there is, it must be because there is not enough money, or in other words, the other party does not love money.

The branch family is looking for a partner vigorously, and someone gets married every so often. Hinata, who likes to join in the fun, never misses a game, mainly because there are a lot of delicious food.

"Who is that little girl? There are so many people around her to protect her!" A relative of the man's family, who came to the wedding banquet from another place and didn't know much about ninjas, asked curiously.

"Shh! Keep your voice down! And don't point at people randomly, or you will be in trouble if you cause misunderstanding!" Next to her, a relative who lived in Konoha hurriedly whispered: "She is the eldest lady of the Zong family."

"Zong family?"

"It's a bit troublesome to explain. You just need to know that everyone in the Hyuga clan lives for her."

There was a lot of movement in Muye Village, which attracted the attention of many parties.

The overall structure of the Hyuga family makes it very difficult for outsiders to inquire about inside information. We only know that the sub-family members of the Hinata family are looking for partners on a large scale.

A few men from the clan have already married three people. Even if they are from the female clan, if the man joins in, he can get a lot of money directly.

This is very tempting in the minds of some forces interested in the white-eyed blood succession boundary.

Such a great opportunity to get supercilious eyes should not be missed, and the spies undercover in Konoha have been given instructions to get close to the branch family members and find a way to marry each other.

Time, like quicksand in the palm of your hand, cannot be retained, it is slowly flowing away.

Ninja School has started a new entrance examination.

As one of the teachers, Iruka is full of energy and has a very friendly attitude. He gently guides the children to complete the assessment.

"Haruno Sakura, don't be nervous, look, it's like this, it's very simple, take your time, you have three chances, it's okay."

"As expected of the Uchiha clan! Sasuke-kun, full marks."

"Uzumaki! Uzumaki! Cough... Uzumaki Naruto!! Uh, sorry, I lost my composure, please start."

"Nara Shikamaru, pass."

"Akimichi Choji, pass."

"Yamanaka Ino, pass."

"Young girl Shino, pass."

"Inuzuka Kiba, pass."

Most of the children are civilians, they did not perform well, they were brushed off, and they had to undergo a second assessment.

The children of family background, without exception, are all one-time, and they are not on the same starting line with each other, so they cannot be compared.

Iruka was not surprised by this result. He looked at the assessment list and said, "The next one is Hinata Hinata."

The crowd crowded at the school gate was separated. Hearing the movement, Iruka looked intently and saw members of the Hyuga branch standing in two rows on the left and right, leaving a path in the middle enough for three people to pass.

The six branch members held umbrellas, crossed the road, and came to him. When they got closer, Iruka realized that there was a little girl protected by these six people.

"Hinata Hinata?" Iruka asked uncertainly.

"Here." Hinata said.

"..." Iruka.

This is for an exam, or for an inspection. Besides, this is Konoha Village, the safest place in the whole ninja world. The daimyo's wife will not bring a guard when she comes here.

There are a lot of things I want to say in my heart, but seeing how many people there are in the other party, I decided to forget it after thinking about it. Iruka said with a dry smile: "Then, if there is no problem, let's start."

 Seek collection, seek follow-up
(End of this chapter)

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