Chapter 45

It has been twelve days since he was locked up in the small wooden house, and Rizuo is extremely anxious, and the days feel like years.

It has been so many days, what is the family doing for food, and he has not been found yet. If the identity of his clan is discovered, even if he has a hundred lives, it is not enough to die.

"Day day, day foot, my lord, our people are here, ha ha ha." Outside the wooden house, the tortured branch family Shangren climbed in with difficulty, and said.

"What!" Rizu was stunned, then ecstatic, but soon he calmed down: "Shh, silence, don't talk nonsense, wait patiently for rescue."

The more the last moment, the easier it is to go wrong.

None of the vicious spirits who kidnapped him was good, and the four family members might not be worth the risk of killing them in this environment.

But if the identity of his clan is leaked, it is clear without even thinking about it. No matter how high the price is, he will be taken away or killed.

The branch family jounin who struggled to climb in to announce the good news, knowingly lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead, while the other two branch family jounin who were tied to the iron frame bowed their heads and pretended to be dead.

It is the same with Japanese feet.

Outside the wooden house, there were fierce shouts and fighting sounds. The two parties were fighting to the death, and the roar of the detonating talisman made the momentum of the battle go up to a higher level.

Listening to the movement outside, and even hearing the voice of his younger brother Rizai, at this moment, Rizuru was so moved that he wanted to cry.

This is brother!

My brother is in trouble, my brother has traveled thousands of miles to come to the rescue!
He is full of virtue and ability, has such a good brother, although his father is very partial, although the eldest daughter is very troublesome, with this brother, he will have no regrets in his life.

"Brother! Are you alright? We are late! We have made you suffer!" the day difference said loudly.

As soon as he got close to the day, he didn't take a bath for more than ten days, and he ate, drank and slept all on the iron rack. The smell made him almost vomit out the overnight meal.

Suppressing the nausea, he stretched out his hand to tear off the seal symbol that restrained the flow of Chakra.

Without the seal talisman, the Japanese foot chakra broke out easily, broke the chain easily, hugged the Japanese chakra forcefully, and choked up: "Brother! My good brother!"

"..." Day difference.

"No, no, it's not me,'s your daughter, it's Hinata, she vomit...she insists on refusing to give up!" Rizai said with difficulty: "We want us to go out and search!"

Hearing this, Rizu's affection for his younger brother was mostly cooled down, and he put it on Hinata instead: "Really? Hinata, she..."

After successfully breaking away from his brother's embrace, Rizai took a few steps back, turned his head to take two breaths of fresh air, then turned his head to look at Xiang Rizu, and said.

"The elders of the sect gave up the search at the beginning, thinking that you were arrested and you were destined to die. It was Hinata who persisted and sent a large number of sect junin and ten sect jonin without telling the elders of the sect."

"We searched without sleep for about a week, and finally found it."

Rizu's face darkened.

This father doesn't want him to be better?

Yes, he was arrested, but the other party didn't know his clan status, he wasn't at the end yet!

It's better to be his daughter, her daughter is his caring little padded jacket, no matter how troublesome he is at ordinary times, when the critical moment comes, this daughter can be relied on.

"Where are those people?" Rizu said.

"I killed a few, and the corpses were taken away by others." Ri Cha said.

"Draw the face behind the mask, hang it in the gold exchange, and offer a high reward." Rizu said angrily: "If I want to get Hinata's idea, I will kill them no matter what I say!"

"Probably not." The day difference shook his head and said: "Their faces are disguised with the transformation technique, and if they hang up, they will hang up in vain."

"Damn it!" Rizu was annoyed.

Ten minutes later, by a small river not far away, Rizuki washed off the dirt on his body and put on new clothes. He rejected the proposal to go home on the day's errand, and went to the ancestral land first.

In addition to a part of the chakra metal used to rebuild the carriage, two additional boxes of gold bricks and ten boxes of silver bricks were moved.

"With these, it's enough for you to cover the whole house, little money fan." Ri Zu smiled, the eldest daughter is so caring, he wants to give her a little more reward.

Seal the chakra metal and the box containing the silver bricks into scrolls one by one.

When it was the turn of the gold bricks, he hesitated for a while. Is it too wasteful to use gold bricks to pave the house? Silver bricks are also money, and it is the same to use silver bricks.

"It seems that building a house doesn't require so many silver bricks." Rizu recalled the indoor area of ​​the house Hinata lived in.

The living room is useless.

Balconies are not required.

There are too many bedrooms, which affects walking.

It is even more inappropriate to make a bed. Where can people sleep on a silver brick bed?

Delete a little here, subtract a little there, and finally, looking at the remaining silver brick in his hand, Rizu thought for a while, and took two more bricks to make up three, this auspicious number.

Put these three silver bricks on the bedside table, you can see them whenever you want, without affecting your life, perfect.

After getting the things, Rizu hurried back to the village surrounded by everyone from the branch family.

After getting the news from the members of the branch family who returned first, my grandfather couldn't wait to come to the entrance of the village ahead of time to look around. When he saw Rizu from a distance, he put his heart down completely, and a smile appeared on his face again.

"Ale, Grandfather, didn't you come here to wait for Father? Why did you go back now?" Hinata said.

"What's there for that brat to wait for? He's the one waiting for me." The grandfather said without turning his head, and went home with his hands behind his back, accompanied by his guards.

Seeing this, Hinata blinked her eyes, didn't think much, she closed her eyes, brewing emotions, thinking more about miserable and desolate things.

It's over, I don't feel like crying at all.

As a last resort, I can only look up at the sun, and borrow the help of the sun to let the tears come out.

When her father was close, she flew over and threw herself into his arms: "Father, my lord father! I knew it, I knew it, you will be safe, flat..."

Rizu's heart was soft, he hugged Hinata tightly, and patted her on the back lightly: "If it weren't for you, father must be in trouble this time, Hinata, thank you."

At the scene, all the insiders who knew about the separation looked at Rizu brightly.

"Rizu, are you alright?" The third generation didn't know when he would arrive, and asked aloud.

"Who did it, is it the same group that targeted our clan?" Uchiha Fugaku, who had been suspected for many days, couldn't help but ask.

"Mr. Nizuzu, welcome back."

"As the clan, you were able to be rescued after being captured alive. I have to say, Mr. Rizu, you are very lucky."

"It's been a long time since we got together, let's have a couple of drinks another day."

Rizu was entangled by this group of people and couldn't get away for a while. Hinata, who was held in his arms, looked at these people and recognized some fathers and mothers of future classmates, and many others he didn't know.

"Yanzhong, Nara, Akimichi, Inuzuka, Yume, the secret arts of these families are different from the Blood Succession Limitation. They are not the ability of DNA inheritance, and they are not included in the ranks of the Five Elements Escape." Hinata secretly said: "Can I learn it?"

 Seek collection, seek follow-up
(End of this chapter)

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