Chapter 912 Sun Yuting

Sun Shaoping burned Hou Yuying's confession letter.

Sun Shaoping did not respond to Hou Yuying's confession and planned to ignore it.

Not a few days.

Sun Shaoping and Tian Runsheng returned to Shuangshui Village.

before they go back.

"You have to review these contents when you go back." Sun Shaoan arranged study tasks for them and asked them to continue reviewing their homework at home and not forget the knowledge they learned in high school.

In addition, before Sun Shaoping returned to Shuangshui Village, Tian Xiaoxia came to An Yeju for dinner again.

"Brother-in-law, the food you cook is more delicious." Tian Xiaoxia was full of praise.

However, his eyes were always on Sun Shaoping.

After dinner, I chatted with Sun Shaoping for a while about extracurricular books.

There was hesitation in Tian Xiaoxia's eyes, and she wanted to confess to Sun Shaoping, but she still didn't say it.

As for Sun Shaoping, he couldn't help but say that he liked Tian Xiaoxia.

Even if they both missed it.

However, there are still days to come, and they still have a chance.

It didn't take long.

Tian Xiaoxia also went to the countryside.

The place where I went to the countryside was in the suburbs of the original Xi County.

Not far from the county seat.

Tian Xiaoxia rides a bicycle and can go to the village to work during the day and go home to live at night.

Going to the countryside like this is very good and can save you a lot of trouble.

Sun Shaoping also began to work in the fields.

Sun Shaoping returned to Shuangshui Village and went to the field on the third day and performed very well.

Sun Shaoping is a young man who can endure hardships.

Similar to Sun Shaoan back then, after graduating from high school, he went to work in the field to earn work points.

It's just that Sun Shaoping has been slacking off in his studies recently.

He did not complete the study tasks assigned by Sun Shaoan.

It's not that Sun Shaoping is lazy, it's because he has no energy to study at night after working all day.

At most, I read extracurricular books.

Sun Shaoping went home for a month.

I took the time to come to the county town, mainly to meet Tian Xiaoxia.

"Xiaoxia, long time no see." Sun Shaoping became darker and thinner.

"Yes, Shaoping, long time no see." Tian Xiaoxia also looked darker and thinner.

Working in the fields was still a bit uncomfortable for both of them.

"My hands had blood blisters on the first day." Tian Xiaoxia said about working in the fields.

"In the first few days, I also felt very tired. I lay in bed at night and fell asleep without reading a book." Sun Shaoping also said about the hardship of labor.

"Have you finished reading that book?" Tian Xiaoxia asked.

Previously, Tian Xiaoxia recommended a book to Sun Shaoping.

"Halfway through, I feel like I need to read it a few more times." Although Sun Shaoping didn't bother studying, he still found time to read extracurricular books.

Sun Shaoping still likes to read extracurricular books.

"Have you read the latest newspaper?"


"There is an article. What do you think?"

"I think"

Sun Shaoping and Tian Xiaoxia chatted a lot.

There was something wrong with the way they looked at each other.

However, they still didn't confess to each other.

They were still young and a little embarrassed.

In this way, they met once and left again.

After graduating from high school.

In addition to contacting Tian Xiaoxia, Sun Shaoping also received a letter from Hou Yuying sent to Shuangshui Village.

Every now and then, I receive a bold confession letter from Hou Yuying.

Hou Yuying never received a reply from Sun Shaoping, so she kept writing to Sun Shaoping.

From this point of view, Hou Yuying is a girl who dares to love and hate.

But Sun Shaoping still ignored him and did not reply.

Sun Shaoping probably refused with silence.

After a period of silence, Sun Shaoping replied to Hou Yuying with a tactful rejection letter.

It was regarded as rejecting Hou Yuying's confession.

From then on, Hou Yuying stopped writing to Sun Shaoping.

Tian Runsheng returned to Shuangshui Village for a month and did not work in the fields.

Tian Runsheng has a weak body and is not very able to endure hardships.

Therefore, Tian Runsheng does not want to work in the fields.

Tian Futang was a little worried about this.

We are not worried that Tian Runsheng will not be able to work in the fields and will not be able to earn work points. Tian Futang does not lack such work points, but that he is worried that Tian Runsheng does not work. When there is an opportunity to recommend Tian Runsheng for work or study in the future, it will be difficult to recommend Tian Runsheng who does not participate in labor.

Tian Futang is worried about his son's future.

In this regard, Sun Yuting, who loves to calculate, helped come up with a good idea.

"Secretary of the Party Committee, this is where Runsheng can be the teacher." Sun Yuting looked like a dog-headed military advisor.

Sun Yuting could basically guess what Tian Futang was thinking.

A lot of Sun Yuting's thoughts were spent on trying to please Tian Futang.

"Where can I be a teacher?" Tian Futang felt that Sun Yuting was a little whimsical.

"It's in our village. Doesn't it encourage the establishment of junior high schools? We in Shuangshui Village should also apply for junior high schools." Sun Yuting came up with a good idea.

Let Tian Futang apply to establish a junior high school in Shuangshui Village.

Shuangshui Village only has a primary school and no junior high school.

At this time, it happened to be advocated to establish a junior high school in the village.

When a junior high school is established in Shuangshui Village, teachers are needed.

In this way, Tian Runsheng and Sun Shaoping can be arranged to be teachers, and there is no need for Tian Runsheng and Sun Shaoping to work in the fields.

This is a good thing for Tian Runsheng and Sun Shaoping.

Because as a teacher in Shuangshui Village, you can earn full work points and some subsidies. Although the subsidy is not large, it is still a lot of money after one year.

Moreover, with experience as teachers, it will be easier to recommend Tian Runsheng and Sun Shaoping to work and study in the future.

"At critical moments, Yuting still has a way." Tian Futang praised Sun Yuting well and planned to give Sun Yuting a pair of old shoes.

However, Sun Yuting refused.

Because Sun Yuhou helped Sun Yuting buy a new pair of shoes.

After Sun Yuhou made money, he also made Sun Yuting's life easier.

Next, Tian Futang actively applied to establish a junior high school in Shuangshui Village.

As for Sun Yuting, he went to Sun Yuhou's house to ask for credit.

"Don't think I always take advantage of your family, but I will help you in big things." Sun Yuting finally felt proud.

Sun Yuting also knew that he had been taking advantage of Sun Yuhou's family.

Sun Yuting had a meal confidently this time.

Sun Yuhou and others were somewhat impressed by Sun Yuting, and felt that Sun Yuting was somewhat useful.

The establishment of a junior high school in Shuangshui Village was quickly completed.

Tian Runsheng and Sun Shaoping both became teachers.

(The situation in the TV series is different from that in the book.

In the TV series, there is only one spot.

Tian Runsheng gave up his spot to Sun Shaoping.

Tian Runsheng went to serve as a soldier.

Sun Shaoping became a teacher.

Now, both are teachers. )

An Yeju.

It's almost noon.

Sun Shaoping and Tian Runsheng arrived.

"That's what happened. Runsheng and I both became teachers." Sun Shaoping said about becoming teachers.

"Being a teacher has work points and subsidies, right?" Sun Shaoan asked.

"Yes, the work points are full work points, and the subsidy is six yuan a month." Tian Runsheng replied.

"This is a good thing." Tian Runye nodded in approval. Because a good laborer in the countryside cannot get full work points in a year.

Sun Shaoan then said, "Now that I have become a teacher, I have time to study.

The learning tasks assigned by me must be completed.

You guys haven't been performing well during this period.

We must seize the time and make up for the missed work. "

Sun Shaoan still emphasizes learning.

Sun Shaoping listened. He planned to study hard when he went back and make up for the study tasks he had missed.

As for Tian Runsheng, he was a little disapproving.

Tian Runsheng felt that Sun Shaoan was having a whim and said, "What if he is recommended to go to university?"

Where does this come from?

Don't daydream.

There is no chance of being recommended for college.

Therefore, Tian Runsheng does not want to study. And he didn't like to learn either.

"The food is ready, come and eat." Sun Shaoan just reminded him without saying much.

Sun Shaoping and Tian Runsheng, if they want to learn, they can learn. If they don't want to learn, Sun Shaoan won't say anything.

However, Sun Shaoan kept an eye on Tian Runye and kept asking Tian Runye to review his homework. Tian Runye didn’t complain, but instead of reading by himself, he took Sun Shaoan and gave her a lecture.

For Tian Runye, listening to Sun Shaoan's lectures was also interesting.

Besides attending classes, you can also do interesting things.

Had a meal.

Sun Shaoping went out.

Sun Shaoping went to find Tian Xiaoxia.

"Xiaoxia, I'm a teacher in Shuangshui Village." Sun Shaoping was eager to tell Tian Xiaoxia this good thing.

"Great, so you can come to the county on weekends from now on?" Tian Xiaoxia hoped that Sun Shaoping would come to Yuanxi County often to meet her.

"Yes, I will come to see you every weekend from now on." Sun Shaoping had tenderness in his eyes.

However, it was hidden in an instant.

Sun Shaoping still didn't dare to confess.

"I don't have the chance to be a teacher. I have to work in the fields every day, but I'm tired."

"There are skills in working, don't tire yourself." Sun Shaoping hurriedly taught how to save energy when working.

These methods were taught by Sun Shaoan to Sun Shaoping before.

The days passed by.

Sun Shaoan's side.

When Tian Runsheng returned to Shuangshui Village, Runye's mother also returned to Shuangshui Village.

Runye's mother, wants to cook for Tian Futang and Tian Runsheng and take care of them.

Instead, Shao'an's mother came to An Yeju to help take care of the children.

Sun Shaoping went back for summer vacation, and Sun Lanxiang was also at home. Sun Lanxiang cooked every day and took care of the old lady.

Sun Shaoan went back to Shuangshui Village once and said that he wanted to pick up the old lady and Sun Lanxiang to An Yeju.

But, none of them want to come.

Sun Lanxiang also said that she would take good care of the old lady and cook for her father and second brother.

this day.


Tian Futang came to Sun Shaoan.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Sun Shaoan helped Tian Futang make tea.

"I want to blow up mountains." Tian Futang said about his recent plan to blow up mountains to create fields.

Tian Futang wanted to create a big event that would cause a stir in the Stone Ge Festival.

Then, I thought of blowing up mountains to create fields.

If it really succeeds, Shuangshui Village will be able to cultivate a lot more farmland.

This is a good thing.

"This is a good thing." Sun Shaoan first confirmed Tian Futang's idea, and then talked about the difficulty, "However, if we want to blow up the mountain, we have to let the people in Jinjiawan move."

The place where Tian Futang is going to bomb is over Jinjiawan, so the Jin family who live in Jinjiawan need to move.

“Yes, those people in Jinjiawan are all moving.

You can help them build a new kiln. "Tian Futang also thought about this.

"Then are they willing to move?" Sun Shaoan asked.

“They definitely don’t want to move.

However, this is a good thing for the whole village.

It won't work if they don't move. "Tian Futang has already figured it out.

Under the overwhelming general trend, no one cares about personal thoughts.

"Dad, you still have the ability. You are the most powerful village party secretary in the entire Shige Festival." Sun Shaoan gave Tian Futang a high hat.

"Haha." Tian Futang was happy.

Sun Shaoan is a capable person. Sun Shaoan praises Tian Futang, which can make Tian Futang happier.

After having a meal at An Yeju, Tian Futang went back happily.

Tian Futang came to Sun Shaoan to talk about the mountain bombing, just to see if there were any omissions.

Sun Shaoan added some details and affirmed Tian Futang's approach.

Tian Futang wants to start a big fight when he goes back.

Shuangshui Village.

Tian Futang summoned everyone and told them about the bombing of mountains to create fields.

Most villagers think it is a good thing.

But the Kim family didn't want to agree.

They don't want to move.

However, the Jin family is unable to stop the general trend.

Just when the whole village was discussing the matter of bombing the mountain.

Another thing happened in Shuangshui Village.

Sun Yuting was blocked in Wang Cai'e's kiln.

What's going on?

Sun Yuting fell in love with the pretty widow Wang Cai'e.

As mentioned before, Wang Cai'e has a good impression of Sun Yuting.

This young and pretty widow has a crush on a middle-aged man.

How could this middle-aged man be able to stop him?

It didn't take long for Sun Yuting to fall in love and fall in love with Wang Cai'e.

Then, it got out of hand.

Sun Yuting often went to Wang Cai'e's kiln to make sheets.

As time went by, everyone in the village basically knew about this.

He Fengying didn't know about Sun Yuting's wife.

Wang Cai'e is Jin Junbin's daughter-in-law.

Although Jin Junbin is dead, the Jin family is not empty.

Wang Cai'e found a wild man, which made the Jin family very embarrassed.

So, this day.

Jin Fu and Jin Qiang blocked Sun Yuting in Wang Cai'e's kiln.

Then, it became a big deal and everyone in the village knew about it. (The reason for the big fuss was that Tian Futang was unwilling to intervene in the matter.)

Not only that, the Wang family in the next village also knew about it.

How do you know?

The thoughtful people from Shuangshui Village secretly told them.

There is no shortage of such caring people at any time.

The Wang family believes that the Jin family bullied Wang Cai'e.

So, several of Wang Cai'e's brothers, together with dozens of heroes of the same clan, armed with weapons (farm tools), rushed towards Shuangshui Village in a menacing manner.

Outside Wang Cai'e's cave dwelling, two brothers, Jin Fu and Jin Qiang, blocked the door.

Although Jin Fu and Jin Qiang are good fighters, they can't beat four hands with two fists.

Dozens of people from the Wang family came, and Jin Fu and Jin Qiang had no choice but to run away.

The kiln door opened and Sun Yuting took advantage of the chaos and ran away.

At the critical moment, Sun Yuting was in a complete mess.

Being stuck in the kiln, Sun Yuting's performance was not as good as Wang Cai'e's.

After the Wang family arrived.

Without saying a few words, he started doing chores in the Jin family's cave dwelling.

Jin Junwen's house was rushed in and smashed.

Fortunately, the Jin Junwu family blocked it and no one rushed in to smash it.

After that, dozens of heroes from the Jin family came to fight with the Wang family.


They also made trouble at Tian Futang's house and wanted to beat Tian Futang.

The Tian family also has a group of good guys who are not afraid of fighting.

This farce was finally put to rest when people from the Shigejie Commune came, and no one was punished, including Sun Yuting.

This matter.

When Sun Shaoan found out later, he didn't know what to say.

September has arrived in a blink of an eye.

Sun Lanxiang is coming to Yuanxi County to attend high school.

This time, Sun Shaoan made the decision and took the old lady to An Yeju.

As for Sun Lanxiang, of course she also lives here.

In addition, I also told Jin Junhai to let Jin Xiu also live and eat in An Ye.

In Shuangshui Village, the only two eldest men left were Sun Shaoping and Sun Yuhou.

Sun Shaoping had more time, so he was responsible for cooking.

Sun Yuhou would take time to go up the mountain to chop firewood.

An Yeju.

this day.

Sun Lanxiang and Jin Xiu went to the County No. 1 Middle School to report.

Sun Shaoan sent them there.

Three people, three bikes.

Jin Xiu rides Jin Bo's bicycle.

Sun Lanxiang's bicycle was a new one bought by Sun Shaoan, and it was a women's bicycle.

Sun Lanxiang wore fashionable clothes, rode a brand-new women's bicycle, and carried a women's watch on her hand to report to school.

Sun Lanxiang was originally pretty.

Along the way, it attracted a lot of attention.

Arrived at school.

Many students couldn't help but look at Sun Lanxiang more.

Sun Lanxiang happily reported.

Her high school life has begun.

(End of this chapter)

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