Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 913 College Entrance Examination

Chapter 913 College Entrance Examination

It's October in the blink of an eye.


An Yeju.

Sun Shaoan called Sun Shaoping, Tian Runsheng, and Tian Xiaoxia over.

"You all know the news in the newspaper, right?" Sun Shaoan was talking about the college entrance examination. The newspaper has said that the college entrance examination will start in December.


"I saw it."

"In the December exam, you will take the preliminary exam first. After passing it, you can take the college entrance examination." Everyone in Tian Xiaoxia knew this.

"It's good to know, then you all have to take the college entrance examination, right?" Sun Shaoan asked.

"I will definitely participate." Tian Xiaoxia said first.

"Yes." Sun Shaoping and Tian Runsheng also nodded to take the college entrance examination.

Sun Shaoan smiled and said: "I also want to take the college entrance examination."

"Ah?" Tian Xiaoxia and others were surprised.

Tian Xiaoxia hurriedly said: "Brother-in-law, if you want to take the college entrance examination, you will definitely be able to get into university."

"Yes, brother-in-law, you will definitely pass the exam." Tian Runsheng also said the same.

Sun Shaoping nodded in agreement.

All three of them thought that Sun Shaoan could get into college.

"Sister Runye, you also have to take the college entrance examination." Sun Shaoan continued.

Tian Runye is not at home, she goes to school.

But Sun Shaoan will definitely let Tian Runye take the college entrance examination together.

"Ah? My sister also wants to take the college entrance examination?" Tian Runsheng looked surprised.

"Sister Runye should also be able to pass the exam." Tian Xiaoxia knew that Tian Runye studied well and had a solid grasp of knowledge.

"Yes, Sister Runye can get into college." Sun Shaoping also thought Tian Runye could.

"What about you? Can you go to college?" Sun Shaoan asked.

"Us?" Sun Shaoping and others looked at each other.

Tian Xiaoxia said: "Shaoping is good at studying. He should be able to get into college."

"Yes, Shaoping can pass the exam." Tian Runsheng also agreed.

"I'm afraid it won't work. I've forgotten a lot of knowledge." Sun Shaoping looked at Tian Xiaoxia, "Xiaoxia studied well and should be able to pass the exam."

"I haven't studied recently, and I have forgotten a lot of knowledge." Tian Xiaoxia was a little depressed.

Tian Xiaoxia has been working in the countryside in recent months.

I am exhausted every day.

It's good to be able to take time to read extracurricular books.

The school textbooks have been abandoned for a long time.

"If you don't pass the exam, I will definitely have no chance." Tian Runsheng said.

When he was in school, he didn't study seriously.

It's harder to get into college.

"It's October now.

There is still more than a month until the college entrance examination.

You follow me, review hard, and sprint hard.

There should still be a chance to get into college. "Sun Shaoan encouraged them.

"Brother-in-law, Shaoping and Xiaoxia should still have a chance, but I'm afraid there is no hope." Tian Runsheng regretted a little.

I regret not studying hard before. But now, it's too late.

"Runsheng, don't give up.

If you don’t pass the exam this time, you can still sprint for the college entrance exam next July.

Start studying hard from now on.

I believe that next July, I will have the opportunity to be admitted to university. "Sun Shaoan encouraged Tian Runsheng.

"Brother-in-law, I can't learn." Tian Runsheng looked depressed.

Tian Runsheng felt sleepy as soon as he read a book.

I finally learned some knowledge and then forgot it the next day.

Tian Runsheng felt that he was not good at studying.

Sun Shaoan probably knew about Tian Runsheng's situation and didn't say anything else.

"Brother-in-law, starting from today, I will study with you here. Over there at the village brigade, I have asked for leave." Tian Xiaoxia is ready to sprint for the college entrance examination.

"Brother, Runsheng and I have to go back to Shuangshui Village. We need to continue teaching." Sun Shaoping and Tian Runsheng are teachers in Shuangshui Village. They cannot take more than a month's leave and need to go back to teach the children.

"You should review carefully when you go back. Come here on the weekend and I will teach you if you don't know how to do it." Sun Shaoan gave a few words.

"Okay." Sun Shaoping and Tian Runsheng agreed.


Tian Runye is back.

"I also took the college entrance examination." Tian Runye has been reviewing the knowledge in class in the past few years and thinks he can get into college.

"Sister, let's work hard together and take the college entrance examination together." Tian Xiaoxia and others said.

Had a meal.

Sun Shaoping and Tian Runsheng set off and returned to Shuangshui Village.

Tian Runye and Tian Xiaoxia began to study.

Tian Runye has no class in the afternoon.

Sun Shaoan went to the veterinary station.

Sun Shaoan does not need to review.

Time passes day by day.

In a blink of an eye, it’s time for the preliminary exam.

There are many people who have signed up to take the preliminary examination.

In the sea of ​​people, Sun Shaoan pulled Tian Runye and squeezed in.

Sun Shaoan and Tian Runye were in the same examination room.

Take the math test first.

The test papers are handed out.

Sun Shaoan took a look and found that the question was very simple.

Start answering questions.

high speed.

In less than half an hour, the answer was completed.

After checking it again, there was no problem. Sun Shaoan began to be in a daze.

An invigilator saw Sun Shaoan's situation and walked over to take a look. He was slightly surprised to find that Sun Shaoan had finished answering.

Waited for half an hour.

Sun Shaoan saw Tian Runye also finished answering and tested again.

Sun Shaoan went to hand in the paper.

A few minutes later, Tian Runye also handed in the paper.

In addition, several people also submitted papers.

When they got outside, Tian Runye checked the answers with Sun Shaoan and found that several questions were wrong.

"I handed in the paper early. If I check it a few more times, I will definitely get it right." Tian Runye was a little unhappy.

"It's okay. This is the primary election, not the college entrance examination."

a few days later.

The preliminary examination is over.

Soon, the results were announced.

Sun Shaoan and others all passed the primary election, including Tian Runsheng.

The primary election was not difficult, but it still eliminated many people.

After passing the preliminary selection, Tian Runsheng also started to study seriously.

Time passes quickly.

Before the college entrance examination, you need to apply for a university.

"Brother-in-law, which university did you apply to?" Tian Xiaoxia asked.

"I'm applying to the best university in Beijing." Sun Shaoan said casually.

"The best university?" Tian Runye, Tian Xiaoxia, Sun Shaoping, and Tian Runsheng were all shocked.

They knew that Sun Shaoan was a good student, but they didn't expect that Sun Shaoan would enroll in the best university.

Isn't Sun Shaoan afraid that he won't be admitted?

"What's wrong? Are you afraid I won't pass the exam?" Sun Shaoan asked with a smile.

"Brother-in-law, aren't you afraid that the admission quota is limited and you won't be able to get in?" Tian Xiaoxia said tactfully.

"Don't be afraid, even if only one person is admitted, it can only be me." Sun Shaoan seemed confident.

"Then what did you fill in for your second choice?" Tian Runye asked.

"Just fill in the application form in the province." Sun Shaoan looked at Tian Runye and said, "You choose a university in Beijing as your first choice. Let's go to Beijing together."

"There are very few students admitted to universities in the capital." Tian Runye was a little worried about not being able to get into the exam.

"Your grades should be promising. As for school, choose Beijing Normal University." Sun Shaoan also thought about which school Tian Runye would go to.

"Okay." Tian Runye nodded in agreement, choosing to believe Sun Shaoan.

"Brother-in-law, which school should I go to?" Tian Xiaoxia asked hurriedly.

"If your grades are not that good, just go to a university in the province. Just choose the one you like."

"Brother, where am I?" Sun Shaoping asked.

"Like Xiaoxia, you choose one of the universities in the province, a school in Huangyuan as your second choice."

"Brother-in-law, which one should I choose?" Tian Runsheng asked.

"Runsheng, I'm afraid you won't pass the exam this time, so just choose whatever you want." Sun Shaoan bluntly said that Tian Runsheng would not pass the exam.

"Okay." Tian Runsheng has been studying hard recently, but the learning effect is not obvious and there is not much progress.

Tian Runsheng felt that not only would he not be able to pass the exam this time, he would also have trouble passing the exam in July next year.

Soon, it was December.

The exam time has also been set, December 9th to 10th.

"Don't be nervous, just perform normally." Sun Shaoan said.

The day before the exam, Tian Runye and Tian Xiaoxia were somewhat nervous. “Brother-in-law, why aren’t you nervous?” Tian Xiaoxia asked.

"Although the college entrance examination is very important, for me, it is not too difficult and there is no need to be nervous." Sun Shaoan was a bit pretentious.

"Brother-in-law, can you take the first place in the county?" Tian Xiaoxia continued to ask.

"It should be no problem to be number one in the county. I want to be number one in the province." Sun Shaoan continued to show off.

"No. 1 in the province?!" Tian Xiaoxia and others were shocked.

The next day.

The exam begins.

Let’s take the math test first.

Sun Shaoan brushed up and answered the questions quickly.

In less than half an hour, I finished the answer.

Check it again, everything is correct.

Before he could hand in the paper, Sun Shaoan began to be in a daze.

This time, Tian Runye was not in the same examination room as Sun Shaoan.

Sun Shaoan is not sure about Tian Runye's situation.

Tian Runye was still trying to answer the questions.

She felt that the first questions were okay, but the big questions at the back were a bit difficult.

Other examination rooms.

Tian Xiaoxia and Sun Shaoping were also answering questions.

Their situation is similar to Tian Runye.

Tian Runsheng can't do it.

He struggled to answer the questions for an hour and felt confused.

The exam is over.

Sun Shaoan didn't let them say the answer was correct.

"Eat, rest, and prepare for the exam in the afternoon.

The morning exam has passed, don’t think too much about it. "

"Okay, brother-in-law." Tian Xiaoxia did not go home, but went directly to An Yeju to have dinner with Sun Shaoan and the others.

In the blink of an eye, the exam ended in two days.

An Yeju.

Sun Shaoan began to write all the questions silently.

Let Tian Xiaoxia and the others answer the questions again and estimate their scores.

"Brother-in-law, you are so awesome. Do you remember all the questions?!" Tian Xiaoxia and the others were stunned by Sun Shaoan again.

"It's okay, I have a good memory." Sun Shaoan smiled and continued to show off.

First, the math questions.

Sun Shaoan finished writing silently.

Tian Runye and Tian Xiaoxia recalled the answers.

If you can't remember it, do it again.


"Run Ye is good. I only made a few mistakes in math. I should be able to get over 80 (out of 100) in the exam."

"Xiaoxia is almost, less than eighty, more than seventy."

"Shaoping is almost there, probably seventy, or less than seventy."

"Runsheng failed."

Sun Shaoan helped them score.

"Brother-in-law, how many exams can you take?" Tian Xiaoxia was curious.

"Not a hundred, but more than ninety-five." Sun Shaoan said lightly.

Let Tian Xiaoxia and the others be surprised again.

"Let's continue to answer the questions." Sun Shaoan wrote down all the questions in the four courses.

Give Tian Runye and the others a score.

Needless to say, Sun Shaoan's achievements were that Sun Shaoan felt that he should have won the first prize in the provincial examination.

Tian Runye did well in the exam, and his score was higher than Sun Shaoan predicted. He should have no problem getting into the Beijing Normal University.

Tian Xiaoxia also performed well. She should be able to get into universities in the province.

Sun Shaoping's performance was a bit abnormal. Whether he can get into the university he applied for depends on luck.

Needless to say, Tian Runsheng will definitely fail the exam.

Not many days.

College entrance examination results announced.

Score comes out.

Tian Runye and Tian Xiaoxia were shocked again.

First of all, the difference between the scores of Tian Runye and Tian Xiaoxia and the scores that Sun Shaoan helped estimate was no more than five points.

Secondly, Sun Shaoan's results shocked everyone.

The perfect score for mathematics and Chinese is just five points short of the perfect score. For the other two subjects, the total difference is only ten points short of the perfect score.

Sun Shaoan's results will make everyone stunned when they see it.

Sun Shaoan became famous.

After Tian Fujun heard about it, he went to the veterinary station to see Sun Shaoan and praised him for a while.

Colleagues at the veterinary station, as well as Qiao Zengming, all looked at Sun Shaoan with admiration and praised him for several days.

Li Xiangqian, Zhang San, Zhao Wu and other friends also came to congratulate Sun Shaoan.

"It's true that people can't be judged by their appearance." He treated guests to dinner for several days.

The original West County is not big.

Sun Shaoan passed the provincial examination and soon everyone in the original West County knew about it.

Many people came to see Sun Shaoan.

Everyone wants to see what the provincial champion looks like.

The news spread to Shige Festival and Shuangshui Village.

Liu Genmin also came to congratulate Sun Shaoan.

Liu Genmin did not take the college entrance examination this time.

He had already forgotten all the knowledge in class.

"Shaoan, you are good!" Liu Genmin was full of praise and contacted several high school classmates to have dinner with Sun Shaoan.

"I can't believe that, Shaoan, you took the college entrance examination and ranked first in the province!"

"When he was in school, Shaoan ranked first in every exam."

"Shaoan, you are so awesome, I want to toast you."

"Shaoan, which university did you apply for?"

"The best university in Beijing." Sun Shaoan replied.

"Shaoan, you will definitely have a bright future in the future, don't forget our classmates."

Sun Shaoan became the provincial champion.

Shuangshui Village is also 'boiling'.

At Sun Yuhou's house, there was an endless stream of villagers.

"Yuhou, you gave birth to a good son."

"Shaoan, it's really good."

Sun Yu was so cheeky that his smile froze.

Tian Futang's family.

Many people also went.

Some praised Sun Shaoan, while others praised Tian Runye.

The villagers also suggested that Sun Shaoan come back to make them happy.

After receiving the call from Tian Futang, Sun Shaoan also returned to Shuangshui Village.

The village also killed a pig to celebrate, which was very lively.

After the results are announced.


Admission notices have begun to be issued.

Of course Sun Shaoan was admitted to the best university in Beijing.

Tian Runye was also admitted to Beijing Normal University.

Tian Xiaoxia got admitted to a good university in the province as she wished.

Sun Shaoping did not perform well and was only admitted to Huangyuan Normal College.

Tian Runsheng failed the exam.

Sun Shaoping was a little depressed.

He wants to go to university in the provincial capital.

In this way, I can see Tian Xiaoxia often.

"Shaoping, don't be unhappy. It's a good thing if you can get into college." Sun Shao'an could probably guess what Sun Shaoping was thinking.

"Brother, do you think I should take the exam again next year?"

"I think you should go to Huangyuan Normal College to go to college.

The Chinese department there is pretty good.

You also like reading.

Being a Chinese teacher or a writer in the future are both good choices. "

The reason why Sun Shaoan said this was because he was worried that Sun Shaoping would do worse in the exam next year and might not be able to pass the Huangyuan Normal College.

Because next year's exam will be more competitive.

"Okay." Sun Shaoping chose to listen to Sun Shaoan's suggestion.

Gu Yangmin, Hou Yuying, etc., Sun Shaoping's classmates, contacted Sun Shaoping and had a meal together to celebrate.

Because, in their class, Sun Shaoping was admitted to university.

Although Sun Shaoping only passed the Huangyuan Normal College, this also made Gu Yangmin and others envious.

The same is true for Tian Xiaoxia's class.

The students came to Tian Xiaoxia to celebrate together.

(End of this chapter)

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