Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 911 Hou Yuying confesses her love

Chapter 911 Hou Yuying confesses her love

“I wanted to go somewhere tougher.

If there's a fire somewhere and no one dares to put it out, but someone has to put it out, I'm willing to go.

I'm not here for fame and money.

I don't know why I have such an idea.

That's what I thought anyway. "

Sun Shaoping expressed some of his deepest thoughts.

Tian Xiaoxia didn't understand what was going on with these thoughts.

In fact, this is what Sun Shaoping wants to do, and it is more meaningful.

Young people always want to do "big things" to find a sense of existence or a sense of accomplishment.

Although Tian Xiaoxia couldn't understand it, like Sun Shaoping, she had similar thoughts and wanted to do more meaningful things.

In fact, every young person has the complex of ‘saving the world’.

What boy doesn’t have a ‘heroic dream’?

However, real life has wiped out the boy's dream.

Sun Shaoping chatted a lot with Tian Xiaoxia.

But Sun Shaoping did not say anything about his affection for Tian Xiaoxia.

Tian Xiaoxia didn't say anything either.

Neither of them dared to express their love for each other.

Confession takes courage.

Had a meal.

Tian Xiaoxia gave Sun Shaoping a schoolbag. Before, Sun Shaoping gave Tian Xiaoxia a notebook.

"This schoolbag has more pockets, making it easier to carry things." Tian Xiaoxia smiled like a flower, with reluctance in her eyes.

After Sun Shaoping graduated from high school, he returned to Shuangshui Village to work in the fields to earn work points.

Although Sun Shaoan's home is near the veterinary station and Sun Shaoping can come and stay, Sun Shaoping must be in Shuangshui Village most of the time.

It will not be so easy to see Sun Shaoping again in the future.

"Thank you, I like it very much." Sun Shaoping stared at Tian Xiaoxia and said.

Sun Shaoping also had reluctance in his eyes.

Sun Shaoping had the urge to say, "I like you."

But, the words were on my lips, but I couldn't say them.

We made an appointment to meet again later. Tian Xiaoxia went home and Sun Shaoping returned to school.

The eyes of the two of them were full of reluctance.

Parting is always painful.

Sun Shaoping returned to school.

After graduating from high school and about to leave school, Sun Shaoping wanted to stay with his classmates for a while.

Tian Runsheng is playing cards with his classmates in the classroom.

Seeing Sun Shaoping coming, he pulled Sun Shaoping over and played cards together.

In the past, Sun Shaoping rarely played cards.

Now, this is an exception.

What is Hao Hongmei doing at this time?

Hao Hongmei is worried.

Hao Hongmei needs to give gifts to her classmates, but she doesn’t have enough money.

In junior high school, when giving graduation gifts, you only need to give gifts to your best friends, not to the whole class.

It's different now.

Graduated from high school.

Everyone gives gifts to the whole class.

Regardless of how our relationship is at ordinary times, after graduation, treat them as good friends and give them gifts.

Hao Hongmei had to give it away like this.

But Hao Hongmei only saved enough money to give gifts to a few classmates.

Hao Hongmei didn't have enough money to give gifts to the whole class.

Supply and marketing cooperative.

Hao Hongmei came bravely.

Although she didn't have enough money, Hao Hongmei still came to buy handkerchiefs, and she counted as many as she could.

It won't work if you don't come. The students will leave school tomorrow. If we don't buy gifts, it will be too late to give them.

"Hello, I want to buy some handkerchiefs." Hao Hongmei said to a male salesperson.

This male salesman happens to be Jin Guangming.

He is sorting the goods.

Jin Guangming brought a box of handkerchiefs to Hao Hongmei and asked her to choose. Jin Guangming continued to organize the goods, still facing Hao Hongmei, as if he was not worried about Hao Hongmei stealing anything.

Hao Hongmei counted the money and calculated how many handkerchiefs she could buy.

I carefully selected five handkerchiefs with beautiful patterns.

"Hello, give me some money."

"Okay." Jin Guangming nodded the handkerchief and counted the money.

The money was just enough and there was no need for change. Jin Guangming put the money away without packing the box containing the handkerchiefs, and turned around to continue sorting the goods.

Hao Hongmei put five handkerchiefs into her bag.

Just when I was about to leave.

At this moment, Hao Hongmei suddenly reached out and grabbed the handkerchief on the counter.

I just grabbed a handful and didn't have time to retract my hand.

Jin Guangming suddenly turned back.

Just in time to see Hao Hongmei stealing the handkerchief.

"How dare you steal anything! You thief!" Jin Guangming was furious.

If something is lost, Jin Guangming will pay for it.

At this moment, Jin Guangming was surprisingly angry.

It's not that things have never been lost before. Jin Guangming always used his own salary to make losses.

Jin Guangming hated thieves who stole things.

Jin Guangming stood across the counter and grabbed Hao Hongmei's arm, "You thief, if you dare to steal anything, I'll beat you to death!"

Jin Guangming was about to slap Hao Hongmei.

But before the fight ended, Hao Hongmei started crying.

I cried quite miserably.

This time, Jin Guangming couldn't do anything.

After all, she is a girl, not one of those second-rate kids on the street.

Hao Hongmei cried so hard that the pear blossoms were filled with water.

"Why are you crying? Come on, follow me to see the director!" Jin Guangming scolded Hao Hongmei and went to see Hou Shengcai.

That's right, by some strange combination of circumstances, Hao Hongmei fell into the hands of Hou Yuying's father, Hou Shengcai.

If Hao Hongmei and Hou Yuying have a good relationship, then big things should be reduced to trivial matters and nothing will happen.

However, the relationship between Hao Hongmei and Hou Yuying is not good.

Hao Hongmei is the object of Hou Yuying's envy.

Hao Hongmei and Sun Shaoping had a good relationship, and now they are still dating Gu Yangmin.

This made Hou Yuying extremely envious.

Gu Yangmin is in very good condition and is very good. Most of the girls in the class like Gu Yangmin.

Hou Yuying is no exception.

Sun Shaoping rescued Hou Yuying.

Hou Yuying also secretly fell in love with Sun Shaoping.

The two boys Hou Yuying likes are both on good terms with Hao Hongmei.

This made Hou Yuying dislike Hao Hongmei.

"What's going on?" Hou Shengcai asked Hao Hongmei.

Hao Hongmei cried and confessed. She wanted to give gifts to her classmates after graduation. Because she had no money to buy gifts, she was confused and stole the handkerchief.

Knowing that Hao Hongmei was a classmate of his daughter Hou Yuying, Hou Sheng was ready to go home and ask his daughter what was going on with Hao Hongmei.

"Guangming, take her to my office first." Hou Shengcai told Jin Guangming to keep an eye on Hao Hongmei.

Then Hou Sheng hurried home.

"What? Hao Hongmei stole something and was caught by Jin Guangming?!" Hou Yuying looked surprised and surprised, "Great, Hao Hongmei is not a good person, she is very bad.

With Sun Shaoping

Follow Gu Yangmin again."

Hou Yuying lifted the lid on Hao Hongmei.

Hou Yuying had a bad impression of Hao Hongmei.

Because of Sun Shaoping, Hou Yuying had always wanted to cause trouble for Hao Hongmei and vent her anger on Sun Shaoping, but now she was in trouble.

"It turns out she's not a good person, and she even managed to dodge Shaoping for a moment. She can't be spared lightly.

Yuying, go to the school to find the leader and take good care of this Hao Hongmei.

To cancel her diploma.

She also needs to record this matter in her file.

Also, her family also has problems."

Hou Shengcai thought of many ways in an instant.

These methods can knock Hao Hongmei into the dust and ruin Hao Hongmei's life.

How old is Hao Hongmei?

Just because she was confused for a moment, her whole life was ruined. Was she wronged?

Maybe it's unfair, maybe it's not.

"I'll go to school right away." Hou Yuying went to school with a happy face.

After Hou Yuying left.

Hou Shengcai also returned to the supply and marketing cooperative and guarded Hao Hongmei with Jin Guangming.


Hou Yuying saw Sun Shaoping playing cards in the classroom. So he called Sun Shaoping out.

"Is something wrong?" Sun Shaoping was helpless.

Sensitive Sun Shaoping could feel that Hou Yuying liked him.

But Sun Shaoping didn't like Hou Yuying.

Sun Shaoping's eyes were high.

What Sun Shaoping likes are all beauties. Not only the person must be beautiful, but the soul must also be beautiful.

A lame Hou Yuying could not catch Sun Shaoping's eyes.

"Something happened to Hao Hongmei." Hou Yuying whispered to Sun Shaoping. There was a little excitement on her face.

Something happened to Hao Hongmei, which made Hou Yuying extremely happy.

Unable to stop the smile on his face.

Laughed all the way, still laughing.

"What? What's wrong with Hao Hongmei?" Sun Shaoping was a little anxious when he heard this. After all, Hao Hongmei was the girl Sun Shaoping liked.

"She was caught stealing a handkerchief in Ermen Market."

"Ah?!" Sun Shaoping was stunned.

Sun Shaoping never thought that Hao Hongmei would be a thief.

The smart Sun Shaoping suddenly thought in his mind, "Hao Hongmei had no money to buy gifts, so she was confused and could only steal the handkerchief."

"when did it happen?

Where is Hao Hongmei now? "Sun Shaoping asked hurriedly.

“Just what happened just now.

It's locked in my dad's office.

My dad asked me to come to the school to find the leader. "Hou Yuying said it all. She wouldn't hide anything from Sun Shaoping.

"Have you found it?" Sun Shaoping asked Hou Yuying anxiously, his eyes widened.

"I haven't found it yet." Hou Yuying was a little surprised.

Sun Shaoping's reaction was wrong.

Shouldn't Sun Shaoping be happy when he heard that something happened to Hao Hongmei?

Hou Yuying thought that Sun Shaoping still held a grudge against Hao Hongmei and Gu Yangmin.

“If you haven’t looked for it, don’t look for it.

Hao Hongmei is our classmate.

Her whole life cannot be ruined just because of one thing like this. "Sun Shaoping said calmly, not too anxious.

Hao Hongmei does not have a special status in Sun Shaoping's heart.

Sun Shaoping was just helping his classmates.

If any classmate encounters such a thing, Sun Shaoping will find a way to help.

"Ah?" Hou Yuying was surprised now. She wanted to ask Sun Shaoping, "Don't you hate Hao Hongmei?"

"Yuying, it's not easy for us to become classmates. It's fate.

Hao Hongmei is our classmate. We will try our best to help her if we can.

Don't add insult to injury because of some small things in the past. "Sun Shaoping opened his eyes to Hou Yuying.

"Ah, then, okay." Hou Yuying nodded in agreement.

The main reason why Hou Yuying added insult to injury to Hao Hongmei was to vent her anger on Sun Shaoping.

Since Sun Shaoping wanted to let Hao Hongmei go, Hou Yuying didn't care.

Sun Shaoping and Hou Yuying went to the second sales department together.

Sun Shaoping rode a bicycle and took Hou Yuying with him.

At this moment, Hou Yuying felt happy.

Hou Yuying hoped that Sun Shaoping could lead her like this for the rest of her life.


Hou Shengcai, Jin Guangming, and Hao Hongmei are all here.

Sun Shaoping and Hou Yuying knocked on the door and came in.

Hao Hongmei saw Sun Shaoping with despair in her eyes.

Hao Hongmei felt that Sun Shaoping would definitely add insult to injury.

"Uncle Hou." Sun Shaoping greeted Hou Shengcai and Jin Guangming.

"Shaoping is here, where are the leaders of your school?" Hou Shengcai greeted him with a smile.

Hou Shengcai had a good impression of Sun Shaoping.

Mainly because Sun Shaoping saved Hou Yuying's life regardless of danger.

Hou Shengcai still had some thoughts about Sun Shaoping and wanted Sun Shaoping to be his son-in-law.

"Uncle, can we not ask the school leaders about this matter?" Sun Shaoping asked.

"Oh?" Hou Shengcai was a little surprised.

Hou Shengcai thought that Sun Shaoping was going to add insult to injury, but unexpectedly, Sun Shaoping came to plead for mercy.

"Hao Hongmei was confused about this matter for a moment. I gave away the money for these handkerchiefs. Can you please stop pursuing this matter?" Sun Shaoping sincerely begged Hou Shengcai.

These words surprised several people in the office.

Especially Hao Hongmei.

She looked at Sun Shaoping in disbelief.

Hao Hongmei never expected that in this 'desperate situation', it would be Sun Shaoping who came to save her.

Hao Hongmei had hurt Sun Shaoping before.

"This" Hou Shengcai hesitated. He wanted to ask Sun Shaoping if he was really interceding for Hao Hongmei?

"Uncle, Hao Hongmei is not a bad person.

She is a classmate of Hou Yuying and I.

We should help each other.

She cannot hold her head high because of this incident. "Sun Shaoping was still putting in good words for Hao Hongmei.

"Here, Shaoping, come out with me." Hou Shengcai thought that Sun Shaoping did not dare to tell the truth in front of Hao Hongmei.

Hou Shengcai called Sun Shaoping outside and asked, "Shaoping, do you really want to let that Hao Hongmei go?"

"Yes, uncle, I leave this to you.

Also, you need to tell Jin Guangming and don't spread this matter.

Otherwise, Hao Hongmei's life would be ruined. "Sun Shaoping is still begging for mercy.

"Shaoping, you are still kind-hearted. Regardless of past grudges, you intercede for Hao Hongmei. You are a good young man." Hou Shengcai praised Sun Shaoping a few times.

Return to the office with Sun Shaoping.

"Okay, this is a misunderstanding.

Those handkerchiefs were given to Yuying’s classmates. "Hou Shengcai doesn't want to accept money from Sun Shaoping.

"Uncle, you'd better take the money." Sun Shaoping kept the money.

He said hello to Hou Yuying and Jin Guangming, and left with Hao Hongmei.

Out of the supply and marketing cooperative.

Go outside.

Hao Hongmei came back to her senses with tears in her eyes: "Sun Shaoping, thank you."

"You're welcome. We are classmates and should help each other." Sun Shaoping pushed his bicycle and walked a few steps with Hao Hongmei.

"You go back to school first, and I'll go back to my brother's house." Sun Shaoping rode away on his bicycle.

It's not that Sun Shaoping didn't send Hao Hongmei off, it was because he was afraid of misunderstanding.

Hao Hongmei watched Sun Shaoping leave.

Hao Hongmei walked slowly back to school.

On the way, many tears were shed.

Hao Hongmei was very grateful to Sun Shaoping.

However, Hao Hongmei never thought about leaving Gu Yangmin and getting along with Sun Shaoping again.

The next day.

The students left school one after another.

First, my family is in the county seat.

Tomorrow, all the students who live on campus will also leave campus.

The classmates came together at the school gate and said to each other: "Take care."

Hurt parting.

High school life is over.

The grudges of the past disappeared in the sadness of separation.

Sun Shaoping sent away one classmate after another.

It's almost noon.

At the school gate, there were not many classmates left.

At this time, Hou Yuying walked to Sun Shaoping.

"Shaoping, I haven't given you a gift yet." Hou Yuying gave Sun Shaoping a beautiful notebook.

After handing it to Sun Shaoping, Hou Yuying hurried away, seemingly a little shy.

After walking a few steps, he looked back at Sun Shaoping. Hou Yuying's eyes seemed to be conveying something.

There seems to be something in the notebook.

Sun Shaoping opened it and saw a piece of letter paper.

"Dear Shaoping:

I like you.

You risked your life to save me."

Hou Yuying confessed.

Hou Yuying is a bold girl.

Dare to confess to the boy you like.

Hou Yuying's confession letter is very sincere.

But Sun Shaoping could not be impressed.

Again, Sun Shaoping has high standards and looks down on Hou Yuying.

(End of this chapter)

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