Chapter 798
Renovation of Yongshou Palace.

Yongzheng also went to see it specially.

In this era, the palace had "floor heating" for heating in winter, which was called "earth dragon".

It's just limited to technology, materials and other reasons, and floor heating is not as warm as later generations.

Yongzheng used the newly acquired method to specially modify the floor heating of Yongshou Palace to make it warmer.

Yongshou Palace is uninhabited and can be renovated.

Yongzheng also ordered all other uninhabited palaces to be repaired and renovated.

Previously, the palace was not repaired because Yongzheng was short of money.

Now, Yongzheng is not short of money, so he naturally allows all palaces to be repaired.

Among the restored palaces is the Qianqing Palace.

Qianqing Palace was the residence of the Ming and Qing emperors.

Yongzheng should also have lived there.

The previous Yongzheng lived in Yangxin Hall for some unknown reason.

Yongzheng thought that when the Qianqing Palace was completed, he would move to the Qianqing Palace.

More than one palace has been renovated, and the amount of work is not small, so it naturally attracts attention.Fortunately, the repair workers were restricted in scope and were guarded by guards, so they would not affect other places.

Shoukang Palace.

The Empress Dowager called Yongzheng over.

"Your Majesty, why are you suddenly renovating the palace?" The Empress Dowager knew that the treasury was empty and it was not appropriate to carry out large-scale construction.

"Ms. Huang, I recently found a new earth dragon method, which is better than the previous one. I just want to try it so that it can be warmer when winter comes."

"New Earth Dragon Method?"

"Yes, that's right." Yong Zheng explained a few words.

The Empress Dowager nodded as if she understood, but did not understand. She just told Yong Zheng to save money and not spend money indiscriminately.

Afterwards, the queen also went to Yangxin Hall to inquire, but Yongzheng dismissed her with the same words.

When the news spread to the other concubines, everyone reacted differently.

Concubine Hua was quite concerned about this matter and even found someone to try it in her Yikun Palace.

As a result, Concubine Hua had to move to another place to live temporarily.

Moreover, Concubine Hua paid for it herself.

After Yongzheng found out, he praised "Hua Concubine is smart."

In a blink of an eye, it was time for the new couple to enter the palace.

First it was Man Meng.

this day.

Chun Chang is here, Fucha is a noble man, and four people enter the palace.

The rich and noble man lived in Yanxi Palace, the main hall.This is considered a favor.

Chun Chang is here, living in Suiyuxuan, east side hall.

The west side hall of Broken Yuxuan was reserved for Zhen Huan.Mr. Fang lives in the main hall of Suiyuxuan.

When a newcomer enters the palace, concubines with high status such as Queen and Concubine Hua will give rewards.

He was a wealthy and noble man with an extraordinary family background. Both the Queen and Concubine Hua wanted to win over him and gave him many gifts.

Chun Chang is here, because Yongzheng specially granted him a title, and he also received many gifts.

The other two received fewer gifts.

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Yongzheng was naturally thinking about it, Tan Bu, Fang Chunyi said, "Su Peisheng, Chun Changzai has already entered the palace, right?"

"Yes, I should be packing my things now."

"Is it Suiyuxuan?"


"Send someone to send some snacks, as well as shuttlecocks and things for throwing pots." Yongzheng's rewards were a bit strange. They were not silks, gold and silver jewelry, exotic flowers, or rare treasures.

Su Peisheng was stunned for a moment: "Hey." This time, Su Peisheng didn't guess what Yong Zheng had in mind.

Four newcomers entered the palace.

Only Chun Changzai received Yongzheng's unique reward.

The news spread quickly.

Jingren Palace.

"What do you mean by this, Your Majesty?" The queen didn't understand why Yongzheng asked her to send snacks and fun things.

"My slave doesn't know either." Jian Qiu was also a little confused.

Yikun Palace.

"Sends of snacks and shuttlecocks?" Concubine Hua's eyes widened.

"Yeah, it's like coaxing a child." Songzhi was also confused.

"Coax the child?" Concubine Hua seemed to have thought of something, "Songzhi, how old is Chun Chang?"

"I heard that he is still young, only fourteen."

"That's right." Concubine Hua smiled, "Your Majesty treats Chun Changzai as a child, haha."

Fang Chunyi received Yongzheng's care.

Huang Guiquan of the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not dare to ignore Fang Chunyi, and sent many more things to Fang Chunyi than other places.

There were more palace maids and eunuchs serving Fang Chunyi than others.

However, among these eunuchs and maids, the queen also arranged some help.

The queen has spies on all the new concubines who enter the palace.This is the basic operation of the Queen.

"The Emperor is so kind to me!" Fang Chunyi happily ate the snacks, thinking that when she was full, she would go out to play shuttlecock and throw pots.

Fang Gui of Broken Yuxuan felt a little jealous as he watched the servants delivering things to Chun Chang Zai. However, Fang Gui was cautious and did not go over to look for trouble.

After dinner.

Fang Chunyi went to the main hall to visit Mr. Fang.

After some polite greetings, we got to know each other.

It takes three days for the newlyweds to enter the palace before meeting the queen.

Yongzheng had to wait three days if he wanted to be favored.

They have already entered the palace, and Yongzheng is not in a hurry.

In the evening of Yongzheng, according to the order of rotation, they continued to favor the old people.

Concubine Jing is pregnant.

Yongzheng planned to make other childless concubines pregnant.

Yongzheng had to sow seeds for Fang Guiren, Xin Chang Zai, Li Bin, etc., so that they would have something to rely on and something to look forward to.

The women in the harem were miserable, so Yongzheng gave them some sweetness.

Concubine Hua, her body has been harmed by musk for a long time. It will take time to recover and she will need Yongzheng's help.

Concubine Duan is pretending to be ill.Therefore, Yongzheng did not favor her and only visited her occasionally.

As for the queen, Yong Zheng was a little upset when he saw her, and of course he would not let the queen get pregnant.

For others who already have children, Yongzheng also plans to continue sowing.

Isn’t it because the emperor doesn’t have many heirs?

Yongzheng first set a small goal to have a hundred children.

Four days later.

It was time for Zhen Huan and the others to enter the palace.

Zhen Mansion.

"Huan'er, once you enter the palace gate, it is as deep as the sea. You must be more careful in the future and be kind to others," Zhen Huan's mother warned carefully with tears in her eyes.

Neither Zhen Huan's parents want Zhen Huan to enter the palace.They have never thought about relying on their daughter to obtain high-ranking officials and generous salaries. They only hope that Zhen Huan will be safe and happy for a lifetime.

Now, Zhen Huan is selected and can only enter the palace.

"Don't worry, mother, Huan'er knows how to measure.

Father and mother, take care.

Yurao, my sister is gone, you have to be more filial to your father and mother for your sister. "Zhen Huan also said goodbye with tears.

At dawn, Zhen Huan and An Lingrong set off.

Zhen's Mansion was a bit far away from the palace, so they had to leave early.

In the two sedan chairs, Zhen Huan was a little reluctant and worried.

An Lingrong, on the other hand, was a little nervous and happy.

Everyone thinks differently.

Arrive at Shunzhen Gate.

Shen Meizhuang also just arrived.

Shenmei Zhuang should be closer.

They just said hello and didn't dare to say much.

The side door of Shunzhen Gate opened.

Zhen Huan and the others could only enter through the side door.

The concubines could only go through the side door when entering or leaving the palace.

Only the queen can go through the main entrance.

There are so many rules.

Zhen Huan's luggage has been delivered to everyone's residence.

"Mr. Shen, please come this way."

"Zhen Chang is here, please come this way."

"An promised, this way please."

Zhen Huan and the three of them had eunuchs to guide them.

In Shenmeizhuang, I went to the side hall of Xianfu Palace and Changxi Hall.

Jing concubine also lived in Xianfu Palace.Of course in the main hall.

Previously, some people praised Shenmeizhuang for his respect for concubines, which meant that he respected concubines with dignity.

Jingbi is a low-key person, does not fight or rob, and is polite to everyone.Knowing that he could not offend Concubine Hua and the Queen, he had been restraining himself.

In the TV series, Concubine Jing lived to the end, which was regarded as a good death.

Shen Meizhuang lives with Jing Bin, which is not bad.

Shen Meizhuang is a noble man, and there are six or seven people serving him in the palace. In addition to the two personal maids brought by Shen Meizhuang, the number of people he serves is not too small.

the other side.

An Lingrong followed the eunuch to Yanxi Palace, which was also a side hall.

There was only one palace maid, no eunuchs.And this palace maid, Baojuan, is also the spy sent by the queen.

In addition, there are two little palace maids, who are only fifteen years old and cannot be counted on.

In terms of treatment, An Lingrong was much worse off.Obviously, the people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs looked down on An Lingrong.

An Lingrong didn't have any personal maid, so the room was a little deserted.

An Lingrong's father was just a small county magistrate, and his official position was too low.Perhaps, of all the concubines who entered the palace, An Lingrong had the lowest status.

The main hall of Yanxi Palace was occupied by rich and noble people.

Fu Cha had no trouble finding An Lingrong.

Over there with Zhen Huan.

Broken Yuxuan is very remote.

After walking for a long time, we arrived at Broken Yuxuan.

In the TV series, there are four eunuchs and three maids serving Zhen Huan in the palace.

This obviously gave Zhen Huan high-level treatment.

Why is this so? It should be because Yongzheng gave Zhen Huan the title: Wan.

Now, it's different.

Chun Chang was there, and there were more eunuchs and maids serving him.

As for Zhen Huan, she only had three maids and two eunuchs.

And there is no Kang Luhai, the older 'speculative' eunuch.

Kang Luhai is a villain who adapts to the changing circumstances.

In the TV series, Kang Luhai works as an errand at Suiyuxuan because Zhen Huan has a title, and he wants to take advantage of Zhen Huan and gain benefits through her.

Kang Luhai didn't go to serve Fang Chunyi either.He went to wrestling practice.

Previously, Yongzheng asked the eunuchs to practice wrestling, and those who practiced well would be rewarded.Kang Luhai felt there was an opportunity and signed up.

Cui Jinxi is here to serve Zhen Huan.

Cui Jinxi is an older palace maid and looks pretty good.In the TV series, Cui Jinxi is very good to Zhen Huan and can be regarded as loyal. (However, there is a saying that Cui Jinxi tricked Zhen Huan, I don’t know whether it is true or not.)
So, who sent Cui Jinxi?
Maybe the Queen Mother or a certain concubine.There is both surveillance and protection.But not necessarily, this is just a guess.

Zhen Huan did not reward the eunuch who led Zhen Huan.

Zhen Huan still doesn't understand these rules.

Shenmeizhuang gave the eunuch who was leading the way a tael of silver.That's the rule.

Zhen Huan went to the west side hall.

"When you work by my side, it's important to be smart, but more important is to be loyal." Zhen Huan pretended to be pretentious, giving lectures to her servants, and then giving them a lot of rewards.

At this time, Zhen Huan was a little stupid and didn't understand anything.

Soon, Zhen Huan went to see Fang Guiren and got to know him.

Zhen Huan and the others newly entered the palace.

Rewards are also indispensable.

Shenmeizhuang received the most rewards, and because of his family background, he was valued by the Queen and Concubine Hua.

Zhen Huan's reward was a little small, and the Queen gave more, while Concubine Hua's reward was average.

Concubine Hua doesn't care about Zhen Huan.

An Lingrong's place is even less so.There were basically no rewards, and everyone looked down upon An Lingrong.

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

"Your Majesty, this is probably the case." Su Peisheng reported.

Yongzheng also knew the general situation of Zhen Huan and the others.

However, Yongzheng said nothing.

Neither Shen Meizhuang nor Zhen Huan was treated favorably, nor was An Lingrong pitied.

Yongzheng was busy with government affairs every day.

He has a long way to go to achieve his small goal of colonizing the world.

In his spare time every day, Yongzheng exercises and improves his physical fitness. He will always be 18 years old.

Yongzheng is not too concerned about the harem now.

Yongzheng felt that the battles in the harem could also be used to relieve boredom.

Anyway, as long as he is here, nothing big can happen, and Shen Meizhuang, Fang Chunyi, and Zhen Huan cannot be wronged.

After dinner.

Fang Chunyi ran to Zhen Huan.

"Sister, I live in the East Side Hall." Fang Chunyi knew her well, and soon she was chatting and laughing with Zhen Huan.

"I'm not full from dinner." Fang Chunyi was greedy for Zhen Huan's snacks.

"Sister, come play shuttlecock and throw pot with me tomorrow. The emperor specially rewarded it for me." Fang Chunyi showed off the emperor's love.

Zhen Huan asked curiously and found out that Yongzheng looked at Fang Chunyi in a different light and was different.

The next day.


Yongzheng was busy for two hours.

I'm getting annoyed.

"Su Peisheng, go to Broken Yuxuan."


Yong Zheng walked over casually without any fanfare.

In the courtyard of Broken Yuxuan.

After breakfast, it didn’t take long.

Fang Chunyi, Zhen Huan, and Fang Guiren are throwing pots.

It was Fang Chunyi who called Zhen Huan and Fang Guiren over to play together.They had to give Fang Chunyi face.

Touhu means throwing arrows into the pot. The one who throws more arrows wins.

"Sister, look, I made the shot!" Fang Chunyi said happily.

"I also put in!" Zhen Huan also has a lively temperament and plays hard.

Fang Gui has a quiet temperament and just plays around casually.


Shen Meizhuang and An Lingrong also came to Suiyuxuan.

"Sisters, let's play together." Fang Chunyi looked cheerful.She likes to be lively, playful and gluttonous.

Shen Meizhuang refused. She was more dignified and didn't like to play like this.

An Lingrong did not dare to refuse.She heard that Fang Chunyi was the only one with a title, and Yongzheng even specially rewarded her with things.

The more people there are, the more lively and interesting it is.

After playing for a while, resting for a while, the maids were also asked to play shuttlecock and throw pots.

They are all young girls and they are all having fun.

Broken Yuxuan was very hilarious.

When Yong Zheng came over, he heard the commotion outside.

"How are you having fun?" Yong Zheng went in with a smile.

"See you, Your Majesty. May Your Majesty be blessed with peace and prosperity." Zhen Huan and the others saluted hurriedly.

"Get up."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Chun Chang is here, are you having fun?" Yong Zheng liked Fang Chunyi better.

"Your Majesty, I am the best at throwing pots!"

"Really? I don't believe it."

"Then concubine, submit it to the emperor."

"Okay, you guys will join us. If you vote well, you will be rewarded." Yong Zheng looked at the people in Shenmeizhuang and said.

"As ordered." Shen Meizhuang also had to throw the pot this time.

Fang Chunyi and Zhen Huan began to throw the pot seriously.

Each person casts ten times.

After a while.

Zhen Huan made the most hits.

Fang Chunyi came second.

Shen Meizhuang again.

An Lingrong is the worst.Because An Lingrong's hands shook nervously after seeing Yongzheng.

"Zhen Chang is the best in voting, and I appreciate Su embroidery." Yong Zheng looked at Zhen Huan.Zhen Huan is indeed young and beautiful and deserves to be favored.

"Hey." Yong Zheng was happy, and Su Peisheng also had a smile on his face.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward." Zhen Huan saluted hurriedly.

"Get up." Yongzheng said casually.

"Your Majesty, I want to vote again." Fang Chunyi was unwilling to lose.

"Okay, I will also vote with you. The one who votes the least will be punished." Yong Zheng always had a smile on his face and seemed to be in a good mood.

Fang Chunyi took the first shot and performed well, scoring eight out of ten.

Zhen Huan's second one seemed to want to get six out of ten.

Shenmeizhuang was third, also six out of ten.

Fang Guiren was fourth, three out of ten.

An Lingrong performed well this time, scoring four out of ten.

Yongzheng made the last shot and hit all ten.

"The Emperor is so powerful!" Fang Chunyi's eyes widened.

Zhen Huan and the others also looked at Yong Zheng in surprise.

It's not easy to hit all ten.

Yong Zheng chuckled and looked at Fang Guiren, "You have the worst grades and will be punished."

Fang Guiren immediately looked at Yong Zheng nervously.

"I'll give you a pinch on your shoulders as a punishment." Yongzheng didn't really punish.

"I obey my orders." Fang Guiren had a slight smile on his face.

"Your Majesty, let's try another game." Fang Chunyi still wanted to play.

"Okay, this time, I will let you. You can put the pot farther away."

Toss again.

Even if Yongzheng's pot was twice as far away, Yongzheng still hit the target with every shot.

They received surprised looks from Zhen Huan and the others again.

They were not pretending, they were really surprised that Yong Zheng was good at throwing pots.

"This time, Chun Changzai performed well and had lunch with me." Yong Zheng took Fang Chunyi away.

Zhen Huan, Shen Meizhuang, and An Lingrong said hello to Fang Guiren and went to Zhen Huan's room.

"The emperor seems to be easy to get along with." Zhen Huan whispered.After getting along for a short time just now, Zhen Huan felt that Yong Zheng was not as scary as she imagined.

"The Emperor is so kind to Chun Changzai." Shen Meizhuang was a little envious.

"The emperor seems to like throwing pots." An Lingrong said.The three of them each have different concerns.

"Then let's also practice throwing pots?" Zhen Huan said with a smile.She throws the pot well. If she doesn't let it go, she will definitely throw better than Fang Chunyi.

"Okay." Shen Meizhuang agreed.It is what concubines like to do if they want to do what they like.Shen Meizhuang was no exception, and she was unwilling to lose today.

An Lingrong nodded, and secretly made up his mind, "I must practice throwing pot well, and get Su embroidery in the next competition, and have dinner with the emperor."

There are no secrets in the harem.

The story of Yongzheng throwing a pot at Suiyuxuan spread quickly.

Jingren Palace.

"What? The emperor is throwing pots with Chun Changzai and Zhen Changzai?
And take Chun Chang to have lunch together? "The queen was surprised.

"Yes, Zhen Changzai rewarded Su Xiu for his good casting."

The Queen began to think about it. She was wondering, "Did the Emperor want to see Zhen Huan, so he went to Broken Yuxuan?"

Zhen Huan looks like Chun Yuan, which is very important to the queen.

"Your Majesty, should we prepare shuttlecocks and throwing pots in the palace?" Jianqiu asked.

"No need." The Queen was about to refuse, then hesitated, "Let's get ready."

The queen was thinking that if the emperor came to Jingren Palace and wanted to throw pot, she couldn't live without him here.

Yikun Palace.

Concubine Hua also heard about it and said, "It's just a pot throw, Songzhi. In the afternoon, you go ask the emperor if he wants to go to Arrow Pavilion."

The other concubines also heard about it.

They all started practicing pot throwing in the afternoon.

After having lunch with Fang Chunyi, he sent her back.

in the afternoon.

Yongzheng continued to be busy with state affairs.

After an hour or two.

"Your Majesty, Concubine Hua asks you if you want to go to Arrow Pavilion?" Su Peisheng asked carefully.He can't guess Yong Zheng's thoughts now.

"Go, of course we have to go to Jianting." Yong Zheng was about to go for a ride right away.

Arrow Pavilion.

There was no one around this time.

Only Concubine Hua is there.

Yongzheng and Concubine Hua rode horses and played archery for an hour or two.

We also went to Yikun Palace for dinner.

Of course, Concubine Hua was also asked to sleep with her.

Although it is night.

But the news spread quickly.

The concubines were a little confused, not knowing whether they should practice pot throwing or riding and shooting.

the next morning.

Yongzheng went to Suiyuxuan again and continued to throw pots with Fang Chunyi and the others.

"In one month, there will be a pot throwing competition, and the winner will get a prize." Yongzheng was about to start to stir up the atmosphere and get the concubines in the harem excited.

(End of this chapter)

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