Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 797 Residence Arrangement

Chapter 797 Residence Arrangement
Fang Chunyi's title uses the word "Chun".

Yongzheng decided it to save trouble.

The draft is over.

Yongzheng continued to be busy with state affairs.

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

in the afternoon.

"Your Majesty, various places are trying to misappropriate tax money." Zhang Tingyu summarized the news.Zhezi published in various places are complaining about Yongzheng's poverty and want to embezzle tax revenue.

Why was Yongzheng so poor?
It was because the ministers below were disobedient, fooled Yongzheng, and dug into Yongzheng's walls.

"Wherever there is a shortage of money, go and investigate corruption. Xia Gui, investigate hard for me!" Yongzheng was very unhappy.

Dealing with state affairs is very complicated.

The people below are not so obedient.

There are too many things that are being deceived.

How could there be no oversights in the management of such a large country?
There were too many officials fooling Yongzheng.

Yongzheng was furious and asked Sticky Branch to investigate corruption, which was regarded as clearing out a bunch of moths.

Of course, the problem of corruption cannot be completely solved.

You can only fatten them up before killing them.

Anyway, it’s all taken from the people.

"I obey the order!" Xia Gao took the order and left.

Another round of corruption investigations has begun.

In the past few months, Xia Gao provided evidence and jointly ransacked the homes of many officials with the Yamen. (Xia Jie did not have the right to arrest, Yongzheng restricted it.)
Even so, Xia Ji's reputation was completely ruined.

There are many memorials to impeach Xia Gao every month.

But it was useless. Instead, Xia Gao's officials were impeached, and Xia Gao retaliated. A lot of evidence of corruption and crimes was found, and his house was ransacked.

The money gained from confiscating houses in half a year was more than a year's taxes.

Yongzheng was short of money.

The people are so poor that they are about to starve to death.

So, where did the money go?

All the money was taken away by the upper class, middle class, and lower class who "talk about benevolence, justice, and morality."

How could Yongzheng tolerate them?
So Yongzheng took action on them.

Yongzheng was very satisfied with the result of the house raid.

This greatly alleviated Yongzheng's pressure of lack of money.

Yongzheng could do more and more important things.

As emperor, Yongzheng had great power and wanted to do too many things.

Yongzheng hoped to start the industrial revolution as soon as possible and achieve the small goal of colonizing the world.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty." Zhang Tingyu also roughly understood what Yongzheng meant.The people below were crying about poverty, but they were not necessarily really poor. They wanted to take money from Yongzheng's pocket.Some emperors who were diligent but not smart would find ways to give money, and they were deceived.

"What's going on in Huangzhuang recently?" Yongzheng had developed some farming techniques.

The technology was introduced by Yongzheng.

Originally, Yongzheng had no intention of coming up with technology.

However, people depend on food.

If more food can be produced, more people will not starve to death.

Therefore, Yongzheng casually found an excuse to come up with some agricultural technology.

In other aspects, such as military industry, Yongzheng just ordered the people below to work hard on research and development. Yongzheng would not care much and only promised big rewards.

The reason why I asked Zhang Tingyu was that Yongzheng gave Zhang Tingyu the official position of Minister of Household Affairs.

Zhang Tingyu was previously the Minister of Rites.

"I'm about to report to the emperor. The maize in Huangzhuang is growing very well, and the output has increased by [-]%." Although Zhang Tingyu is old, he is a capable minister and really works hard. (Maize is corn.)
In order to promote new technologies, Yongzheng used his own Zhuangzi as a model.

As emperor, anything Yong Zheng did would be closely watched.

As long as Yongzheng's imperial village has undergone good changes.

There must be countless people vying to imitate.

"Very good!" Yong Zheng nodded, "Also, the number of fields must be limited. You can come up with a plan as soon as possible."

Yongzheng asked Zhang Tingyu to write a memorial. The content was that there were upper limits on the land owned by different official positions and titles.

A county magistrate cannot have more fields than a prefect.

Not only a baron, but also more fields than a viscount.

Except for Yongzheng, all princes and first-class princes must abide by this regulation.

Such regulations can restrict officials from constantly buying land, reduce pressure on ordinary people, and allow them to have more living space.

Of course, there must be workarounds below.After all, there are policies from above and countermeasures from below.

However, Yong Zheng said that no matter what countermeasures were taken, as long as something was wrong, the house would be searched and investigated directly. There was no need to care about "dead rules" and no one could take advantage of loopholes.

After all, regulations are dead and people are alive. Regulations must be used flexibly and in their true meaning. There is no need to use them in a "dogmatic" manner.

However, such a statement will lead to "corruption ruled by man".

This is the case with many things, easier said than done.

If you want to do something well, there are countless obstacles. (The biggest problem is that people’s hearts are not enough.)
"I obey the order." Zhang Tingyu was a little worried.Yongzheng's regulations may be troublesome and may easily arouse dissatisfaction among ministers.

However, some people should still support it.

After all, not everyone is greedy.

There are always a few honest officials.

Zhang Tingyu hesitated and said, "Your Majesty, I wonder if I can give you a reward?"


"Officials who take the initiative to reduce their fields can be rewarded."

What Zhang Tingyu means is that if officials whose fields exceed the quota take the initiative to reduce their fields in accordance with regulations, they will make up for it in other aspects.

For example, allowing his children to study in the royal academy, or allowing them to fill vacant official positions, and other favors can be regarded as appeasement.

A stick in one hand and a carrot in the other.

"Okay." Yong Zheng nodded and agreed.There will definitely be resistance to reform, and it is also a good thing to reduce resistance.

"Your Majesty!" Zhang Tingyu flattered him again.

"In addition, Huangzhuang must reduce taxes. The taxes in other places cannot exceed Huangzhuang, otherwise, severe punishment will not be given!" Yongzheng said another rule to benefit the people.

In this era, taxes are too heavy and people are struggling between life and death.

Any natural disaster or man-made disaster will cause families to be destroyed.

"This" Zhang Tingyu hesitated, "Your Majesty, this matter is important and should not be rushed."

Zhang Tingyu understood that Yong Zheng's intention was to make the people live a better life.

I just mentioned a regulation that limits the number of fields.
Another provision is to reduce taxes,
Doing so will definitely cause the ministers to unite in protest, and the result will definitely be that nothing can be accomplished. (If you do it forcefully, it will definitely be counterproductive.)
After all, the ministers have vested interests.

Ordinary people are the lowest level of exploited people.

What those with vested interests like to do most is to exploit the people at the bottom.

Because the people at the lowest level were bullied, and they were bullied in vain.They have no way to fight back except rebellion.

But is it easy to rebel?

Who dares to rebel?

In some eras, rebellion was nearly impossible.

"Forget it, let's limit the number of fields first." Yongzheng also understood the meaning of Zhang Tingyu's advice. He couldn't imitate Yang Guang and couldn't act too hastily.

"Your Majesty!" Zhang Tingyu hurriedly flattered him again.

Yongzheng's governance style in the past six months was somewhat overbearing.Zhang Tingyu was really afraid that Yongzheng wouldn't listen.

Yongzheng took out another brochure, "This article talks about a breeding method. You can ask people to go to Huangzhuang to try it. If it works, we will promote it."

Yongzheng was eager to improve agriculture and breeding technology, and hoped that the people's lives would be better.

"I obey the order." Zhang Tingyu accepted the order and left.

After working for more than two hours, Yongzheng felt a little stiff.

"Su Peisheng, go to Arrow Pavilion."


Yongzheng went to Jianting.

However, there are already people here at Arrow Pavilion.

The Queen, Concubine Hua, Xin Chang are here, and several concubines who have learned riding and archery are here.

In order to please Yongzheng, they all practiced riding and shooting.

Yong Zheng said with a smile on his face: "Haha, I am very happy to see you here!"

"Your Majesty, come and play together!" A concubine couldn't wait to wink.They finally waited until Yongzheng.

Yongzheng fell into the goblin's nest and could not extricate himself.

That night.

Yongzheng favored Xin Changzai, who performed well.

There are many rules in the harem.

The concubines must pay their respects to the Empress Dowager and Empress sooner or later.

The Empress Dowager likes peace and quiet, so she doesn't need to pay her respects.

The queen here asks for greetings every day.

Jingren Palace.

The queen is waiting for the concubines to come and say good morning.

How many concubines were there before Zhen Huan and the others entered the palace?

Harem situation: (positions decrease in order)

A queen. (Of course there can only be one.)
The number of imperial concubines is one, but it is vacant.

There are two places for imperial concubines, both of which are vacant.

There are four places for concubines. Currently, there are Concubine Duan (originally with Yongzheng), Concubine Hua (the most favored before because of Nian Gengyao), Concubine Qi (who gave birth to the third elder brother, so she was named concubine), and there is still one vacant place. .

There are six places for concubines. Currently, there are concubines Jing (who have not yet been named concubines) and concubines Li. The other places should be empty.

There is no limit to the number of nobles, including Cao nobles and Fang nobles (who were relegated to the cold palace in the TV series).

Always there, no quantity limit, always happy.

Yes, there is no quantity limit.The concubines came to Jingren Palace to pay their respects in the morning.

Everyone else has arrived, but Concubine Hua is still late as before.

Concubine Hua is arrogant, fighting against the Queen, and has many tricks, but she prefers to be straightforward.The conspiracy and calculation came from Cao Guiren around him.

Following Concubine Hua were Concubine Li and Guiren Cao.Among them, Cao Guiren is quite scheming.As for Li Bin, she must be a bit silly.

The queen likes to plot behind her back and behaves very tolerantly in front of others, a 'female hypocrite'.

Following the Queen is Concubine Qi.Concubine Qi is probably the stupidest one in the harem.But stupid people have stupid blessings. They gave birth to a third brother and raised him.

Neutral, concubine Duan, respectful concubine, noble lady, always happy.

"Tea." The queen could not wait for Concubine Hua, so she offered tea first.

Concubine Qi, who had already arrived, was always there. Cao Guiren and others chatted in low voices, talking about Concubine Hua and Concubine Duan, who was ill and did not come.

After a while.

Concubine Hua is here.

She was still arrogant.This is her character.

As soon as Concubine Hua came in, she attacked Xin Changzai and Concubine Qi.

Xin Chang was the youngest, and Yongzheng asked his attendants to sleep more.

Concubine Qi was criticized because she asked for it.

"Concubine Qi is getting fatter and plumper." Concubine Hua mocked Concubine Qi.

"Thank you sister Chrysostom." Concubine Qi was so stupid that she didn't hear it.

The queen gave tea to Concubine Hua.

Concubine Hua smelled it, but didn't drink it, and she didn't know how to drink it. "This is last year's Longjing tea, right? It has a musty smell. These old teas from my palace have been given to Songzhi and the others."

Songzhi is Concubine Hua's personal maid.

When Concubine Hua meets the Queen, she will definitely have a few words of quarrel with her.

She used old tea to satirize the queen because she was old.

The queen hid a needle in the brocade and had a verbal confrontation with Concubine Hua. She satirized that there was something wrong with the Yikun Palace where Concubine Hua lived, and temporarily repelled Concubine Hua.

This is their daily pattern of fighting each other.

outside the palace.

Zhen Huan took An Lingrong to Zhen Mansion.

An Lingrong lived in an inn before, which was relatively pitiful.

Zhen Huan is a kind-hearted woman who takes good care of An Lingrong.

a few days later.

In the evening, Zhen Yuandao hesitated again and again, and asked Zhen Huan for a few words of advice:

"If you are not absolutely sure of winning the emperor's favor, you must hide your strength, bide your time, and curb your sharpness."

This is a mature saying, and it is quite correct.

Although Zhen Yuandao warned Zhen Huan like this, in the TV series, Zhen Yuandao failed to do this. He went against Yongzheng's wishes and directly remonstrated, which angered Yongzheng.As a result, she was imprisoned and Zhen Huan was implicated.

"As a father, I don't ask for wealth. I only hope that the apple of my eye can be happy and live a peaceful life." Zhen Yuandao was worried about Zhen Huan who was about to enter the palace.As expected of the heroine's father, he is sensible.

Zhen Huan was not a dull person, and she immediately promised: "Don't worry, father, I won't fight for favor, I just want to save the Zhen family and my own life."

Obviously, Zhen Yuandao and Zhen Huan both understand the horror of the harem, and are a little worried about the future.

Afterwards, Zhen Yuandao told Zhen Huan that the maid serving beside her, Huanbi, was Zhen Huan's half-sister.Because Huanbi is the daughter of a guilty minister, she cannot recognize her ancestors and return to her clan.

There is also a personal maid beside Zhen Huan, Liu Zhu.Liu Zhu is also good. In the TV series, for Zhen Huan, she directly hit the blade with her neck and died tragically.


The imperial edict arrived at Zhen Mansion.

Zhen Huan was granted the rank of Sixth Grade Immortal, without title.

An Lingrong, the seventh rank of Fengzheng, agreed.

This position is given based on family background.

However, if An Lingrong were more beautiful, maybe he could be given a permanent presence.

At the same time, an older palace maid, Fangruo, came to teach Zhen Huan and An Lingrong the etiquette in the palace.

The same is true at Shenmeizhuang.

However, unlike Zhen Yuandao and Zhen Huan, the Shen family did not have too many worries about Shen Meizhuang entering the palace.

I just told you to abide by the rules, don't offend others easily, and don't contradict the Queen and Concubine Hua at will. You don't need to pay too much attention to other things.

After all, Shen Meizhuang's father, Shen Zishan, is a third-rank official with real power, and not everyone dares to offend him.

This is the confidence of a strong family background.

Fang Chunyi's side.

"Congratulations Chun Changzai, you are the only one who has been given the title."

"Really? That's great!" Fang Chunyi beamed with joy.She is 14 years old, looks very good, is very cute, very playful and very gluttonous.

Fang Chunyi's family background is similar to that of Zhen Huan, and she is a member of the Manchu Army.

Can't compare to the Fucha family.

Fucha is a large family in Manchuria.

Therefore, the beautiful daughter of the Fucha family was named a noble.

In a blink of an eye, it was time for Zhen Huan and the others to enter the palace.

The queen also arranged palaces and gardens for them.

However, it still needs to be shown to Concubine Hua.

Yikun Palace.

Huang Guiquan reported to Concubine Hua on the arrangements for the palace:

Manchu military flags, wealthy nobles, Yanxi Palace.

Mongolian military flag, Borzigit nobleman, Zhongcui Palace.

Han military flag, Shen Guiren, Xianfu Palace.

The Han military flag, with Zhen Chang present, carries the Qian Palace.

Manchu military flag, Fang Chunyi, Chu Xiu Palace.

Han military flag, An Lingrong, Yanxi Palace.

Let’s briefly talk about the locations of these palaces.

Harem: (Both sides of the north-south axis, East Sixth Palace and West Sixth Palace.)
East Sixth Palace: (from south to north, two palaces at a time, first west and then east.)
[-]. Jingren Palace and Yanxi Palace.

[-]. Chengqian Palace and Yonghe Palace.

[-]. Zhongcui Palace and Jingyang Palace.

Sixth Palace in the West: (from south to north, two palaces at a time, first east and then west.)
[-]. Yongshou Palace and Qixiang Palace.

[-]. Yikun Palace and Changchun Palace.

[-]. Chuxiu Palace and Xianfu Palace.

Among them, directly south of Yongshou Palace is the Yangxin Palace, which is the closest place to Yongzheng.

In the TV series, Zhen Huan later lived here. (Yongshou Palace has not yet been repaired.)
The farthest one is Jingyang Palace.

Xianfu Palace is also relatively remote.Shenmeizhuang was obviously targeted by the queen.Because Shen Meizhuang's family was from a good family, he would never submit to the queen.Therefore, the queen sent Shen Meizhuang away.

Fang Chunyi's Chu Xiugong is not bad, but she is young and the queen has no plans to deal with her for the time being.

Fucha's Yanxi Palace is next to the Queen's Jingren Palace in the west.

Zhen Huan's Chengqian Palace is also next to the queen, in the north.

Fucha and Zhen Huan were selected by the queen in advance to confuse Yongzheng.

The queen has many schemes, and the reason why the harem is so chaotic is because of the queen.

"Is Zhen Changzai that impolite showgirl? Why does she live in Chengqian Palace?" Concubine Hua also heard about Zhen Huan.However, Concubine Hua did not know that Zhen Huan looked like Chun Yuan.

"This Chengqian Palace is a good place. It is spacious and gorgeous, and it is relatively close to the Emperor's Yangxin Palace." Huang Guiquan said.

Chengqian Palace is a good place.

Although it can't compare to Yikun Palace and Jingren Palace, it is still a very good place.

"Huh!" Concubine Hua was annoyed and changed Zhen Huan's residence to the side hall of Suiyuxuan.

This broken jade pavilion is a more remote place than Jingyang Palace. It can be regarded as the 'old and small' place in the palace.

In the main hall here, Fang Gui lives.

After Zhen Huan left, she could only live in the side hall.

"Also, that Chun Chang is here, he also sent him to Broken Yuxuan."

Fang Chunyi was also sent away.Concubine Hua was used as a weapon by the queen.

Jingren Palace.

"Your Majesty, Concubine Hua has changed the residence of Zhen Changzai and Chun Changzai to Suiyuxuan." Jian Qiu reported.She is the queen's personal maid.

In the TV series, she was sent to the Department of Punishment and tortured, but she did not say anything bad about the queen, so she was regarded as a loyal slave.

The ladies in the harem are basically more loyal than the eunuchs.

The queen smiled slightly and said, "I have pity on those two girls."

This result was also expected by the Queen.

The queen also wanted to do this, but she wanted to maintain her character, so she could only arrange for Zhen Huan to be in Chengqian Palace hypocritically.

Winning over Zhen Huan by the way is a plan that kills two birds with one stone.

The queen's calculations are deep.

In addition, the musk in Broken Yuxuan was released by the queen.

Fang Guiren had a miscarriage, and the mastermind behind it was the Queen.

However, Su Peisheng had found the musk and taken it away.

"That place is remote, let someone send some sweet-scented osmanthus there." The queen was still maintaining her character.

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Yongzheng already knew where Zhen Huan and the others lived.

"Su Peisheng, repair the Yongshou Palace immediately." In the TV series, Yongzheng didn't care about where Zhen Huan and the others lived.Now, Yongzheng still cares, at least let Shen Meizhuang and Fang Chunyi live in a good place.

"Hey." Su Peisheng understood the meaning of Yongzheng's words. Yongzheng must be dissatisfied.

"Also, send someone to Shai Yuxuan to check carefully. No dirty or harmful things are allowed. Give some supplements to Fang Gui." Fang Gui was not favored before, and her family background must not be very good.

"Hey." Su Peisheng hurriedly went to do something.

(End of this chapter)

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