A pot throwing competition in Yongzheng.

Keep the concubines in the harem busy.

Fang Chunyi, Zhen Huan, Shen Meizhuang, An Lingrong and Fang Guiren actively practiced pot throwing.

"Sister Chun, your technique is wrong, it should be like this." Zhen Huan is the best at throwing pots, and she came to give instructions to the others.

"Sister Meizhuang, you are also wrong, this is how it works."

"Sister Lingrong, your fingers are too stiff, don't use too much force."

In the morning, Yongzheng talked about the competition.

In the afternoon, Zhen Huan and the others started practicing.

Of course, it's not just them.

Jingren Palace.

"Queen, let's also throw pots, shall we?" Jianqiu prepared the equipment for throwing pots.

"Pitch pot?" The queen hesitated. Although she didn't want to play, she still said, "Okay, let's try it."

The games that Yongzheng liked, the queen also had to like.

Concubine Hua's place.

"What's so fun about throwing pots? It's better to ride and shoot." Concubine Hua complained while throwing pots.

However, Hua Fei is very skilled and her shots are accurate.

"Your Majesty, your shot is really accurate. In the competition one month later, you will definitely win the first place!" Songzhi kept saying nice things.

"So what if I'm first?" Concubine Hua was a little disdainful.

"Your Majesty must be happy if your Majesty takes first place."

"Yes, in order to please the emperor, I must practice hard."

When Concubine Duan heard about pot throwing, she shook her head and did not practice it.She continued to pretend to be sick.She was indifferent to Yongzheng's changes.

Concubine Qi, Concubine Jing, Concubine Li, Concubine Fucha, Concubine Xin, Concubine Cao, etc. also actively practiced throwing pots.

In order to please Yongzheng, Concubine Qi also asked her third brother to practice throwing pots. (Concubine Qi is the biological mother of the third elder brother. Both mother and son are a bit stupid.)
Touhu became popular in the harem and spread rapidly.

The harem is a 'fashionable' place.

Whatever is popular in the harem will be followed outside.

The style of pot throwing outside has also become popular.

In a blink of an eye, it was time for Zhen Huan and the others to meet the queen.

Get up early.

Dress up.

Shen Meizhuang dressed up carefully.

She was as beautiful as a flower, and she looked even more radiant after dressing up.

Zhen Huan is also beautiful, but she understands that this kind of occasion is not suitable for dressing up too grandly, so she wears her hair in an ordinary bun.

An Lingrong also tried her best to dress up.It’s just that she doesn’t have any good jewelry.

Fang Chunyi and Fucha did the same, dressing up carefully.

Among these people, Zhen Huan is the only one who knows how to advance and retreat.

Zhen Huan is considered the smartest.

Jingren Palace.

The queen sits high.

On both sides, one is the personal maid Jianqiu, and the other is the eunuch chief Jiang Fuhai of Jingren Palace.

They are both close confidants of the Queen.

They do the dirty work and the tiring work.

Concubine Qi, concubine Jing, concubine Li, Cao Guiren, Fang Guiren, Xin Changzai and others were sitting below on both sides.Although the number of chairs is fixed, stools can be added at the back without fear of insufficient seating space.

Fu Cha, Shen Meizhuang, Fang Chunyi, Zhen Huan, An Lingrong and others stood in the middle, waiting to pay their respects to the queen.

Fu Cha and Shen Meizhuang stood in the first row.

Fang Chunyi and Zhen Huan stood in the second row.

Others are behind.

"Sisters, are you still used to it these days?" The queen's words were a fixed term.Newcomers will ask this question when they enter the palace.

The answer was also fixed. Zhen Huan and the others said in unison: "Thanks to the queen's care, everything is fine!"

These are all procedures, and they are all frivolous things, but they seem to be indispensable.

At this time, Concubine Hua arrived late. As soon as she came in, she asked: "Isn't it too late for me to come?"

There was no trace of guilt in Concubine Hua's tone. It was obvious that she did not take the Queen seriously.

Concubine Hua's arrogance is not just a day or two anymore.

Previously, Yongzheng favored Concubine Hua because of Nian Gengyao.

Now, Yongzheng does not favor Concubine Hua, but Concubine Hua has developed a habit and is still very arrogant.

The queen also had nothing to do with Concubine Hua, because Concubine Hua was Nian Gengyao's sister and could not be offended.

"Greetings to the Queen." Concubine Hua's greetings were not only perfunctory, but also somewhat disrespectful.Because the term is not 'Queen's Empress'.

"Sister, please be healthy." The queen maintained her character and did not get angry.The queen's Qi nourishing skills are pretty good.

When Concubine Hua arrives, everyone is here.Concubine Duan didn't come, she asked for leave.

Jiang Fuhai followed the procedure and shouted: "All the young masters bow down to the Queen."

When they met the queen for the first time, Zhen Huan and the others had to bow to her.

Zhen Huan and the others were seen kneeling on their knees, holding handkerchiefs in their right hands, lifting them up and putting them down, shaking them gracefully three times, then stood up, then kneeling down again, raising their right hands, and shaking them gracefully three times.

After kneeling like this three times, they knelt again and shouted in unison: "May the Queen be blessed!"

"Everyone, get up." The queen did not say "flat body".

"Thank you, Queen." The gift from Zhen Huan and the others was finally completed.

Then, Zhen Huan and the others met the other concubines.

Concubine Duan is not here.

First, I would like to say hello to Concubine Hua.

For some reason, Concubine Hua gave Zhen Huan and the others a warning, asking Zhen Huan and the others to remain polite (squatting down, not kneeling) and not allowed to get up, and they only engaged in verbal exchanges with the queen.

Concubine Hua seemed not afraid at all and made enemies with the new concubines.

It was only at the Queen's reminder that Zhen Huan and the others were allowed to stand up.

Concubine Hua's behavior seemed a bit stupid.

Isn't she cooperating with the Queen and showing the Queen's lenient personality to the newcomers?

At the same time, he also showed his arrogance and unreasonableness?
Is Concubine Hua stupid?
of course not.

Harem battles are inevitable.

If you want to avoid being bullied, you either have to be like the queen and be aloof.

Or, just like Concubine Hua, showing her claws and claws so that no one dares to bully her.

Is it right for Concubine Duan and Concubine Jing to restrain their sharp edges?

They avoided seeing Yongzheng for several months. They could only count the bricks on the wall and pretend to be sick. They didn't even have a chance to have children.

They just live in frustration, is that okay?
"Who is Chun Changzai?" Concubine Hua asked.Fang Chunyi was valued by Yongzheng, so Concubine Hua naturally could not ignore him.

"My concubine is always in Fang Chunyi's Broken Jade Pavilion. See you, Concubine Hua." Fang Chunyi's eyes were big and she was a little naive.

"I heard you are only 14 years old?"


"Like pitching?"

"I like it." Fang Chunyi smiled.

"Then have fun." Concubine Hua confirmed with her eyes that she was a playful child and posed no threat.

Fang Chunyi smiled and nodded.

"Who is Shen Guiren?" Concubine Hua continued to ask.She has ignored Zhen Huan.

"Concubine, noble Shen Meizhuang of Xianfu Palace, please see Concubine Hua." Shen Meizhuang bowed solemnly.

"Shen Guiren is so elegant." Shen Meizhuang's beautiful face made Concubine Hua very unhappy.

"Concubine Hua, thank you very much." Shen Meizhuang replied carefully.

"Your Majesty has really good taste. She is indeed a beauty. Okay, get up." Concubine Hua's face was full of jealousy.She was jealous of Shen Meizhuang's youth and beauty.

Shen Meizhuang stood up, and for some unknown reason, said again: "The beauty of my country is so fragrant, how can I dare to compete with my concubine's fireflies for the brilliance of my pearl?"

Maybe because he was bullied by Concubine Hua just now, Shen Meizhuang was a little dissatisfied and angry.

However, when Shen Meizhuang was angry, he chose the wrong word. "The beauty of the country and the fragrance of the country" are usually used to describe the queen.

Concubine Hua pointed it out immediately, preventing Shen Meizhuang from coming down.

Concubine Hua was always an unreasonable person who fought for three points, but now that she is justified, she will definitely not let Shen Meizhuang go.

When the queen saw this, she was about to speak for Shen Meizhuang.

At this time, Zhen Huan said, "The empress's mother's grace is as bright as the bright moon in the world, and Concubine Hua's beauty and heavenly fragrance are as bright as pearls." She was able to help Shen Meizhuang get through.

Zhen Huan's quick thinking resolved Shen Meizhuang's 'embarrassment'.

At this time, Concubine Hua looked at Zhen Huan seriously and asked, "Which sister are you?"

"Concubine Sui Yuxuan is always in Zhen Huan."

"They are also from Sui Yuxuan. Each of Sui Yuxuan's sisters is more outstanding than the last." Zhen Huan's beauty made Concubine Hua a little unhappy.

Of course the Queen will not let Concubine Hua continue to be 'arrogant'.

".Don't be jealous, live in harmony, serve the emperor well, and create heirs for the emperor."

The queen said some high-sounding nonsense.

The Queen Mother did not want to see the new concubines who entered the palace, so the Queen asked the concubines to kneel down.

Out of Jingren Palace.

Go further.

Shen Meizhuang grabbed Zhen Huan and thanked her in a low voice, "Thank you for your help just now, sister."

"Sister, you don't have to be like this. We sisters should take care of each other." Zhen Huan also whispered, fearing that others would hear her.

An Lingrong said nothing, and she was also a little scared.If he did something wrong just now, Shen Meizhuang would be punished.

Concubine Hua's fierceness was clearly visible to Zhen and Huan.They were not in the mood to talk and went back to the palace.

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Su Peisheng told Yongzheng about Jingren Palace.

Regarding the harem, Yongzheng was no longer deaf.Yong Zheng understood that this was Concubine Hua's attempt to establish her authority in front of newcomers. It was considered a normal operation, but at best it was a bit excessive.

Yongzheng should not have cared about it.

However, Yongzheng did not want Shen Meizhuang to be afraid of being offended.

"Su Peisheng, go to Xianfu Palace."

"Hey." Su Peisheng's eyes flashed, and he understood that Shen Meizhuang held a lot of weight in Yong Zheng's heart.

Xianfu Palace.

Chang Xitang.

Shen Meizhuang talked to his personal maid Caiyue alone.

"Little Master, that Concubine Hua is so powerful!" Caiyue was a little scared when Shen Meizhuang was caught with a sore leg.

Shen Meizhuang nodded, a little scared, "I've seen it today."

"Little Master, we didn't offend Concubine Hua. Why did she treat you like that?"

"I accidentally said the wrong thing." Shen Meizhuang knew that Concubine Hua was trying to suppress the newcomers and establish her authority.

"Concubine Hua is so aggressive that the young master is frightened."

"No problem."

"Concubine Hua doesn't even look down on the queen."

"Be careful what you say, walls have ears."

Shen Meizhuang and Caiyue were talking privately.

At this time, a maid hurriedly came in and reported, "My lord, the emperor is here."

Shen Meizhuang and Caiyue hurried out to greet and salute.

"Get up." Yong Zheng looked at Shen Meizhuang and asked with concern: "How have you been in the palace these days? Are you still used to it?"

"Thanks to the emperor, everything is fine." Naturally, Shen Meizhuang would not complain.

"That's good, call the concubines over and let's throw pots together." After chatting for a while, Yong Zheng wanted to do some exercise.

A maid hurriedly went to call the concubine Jing.

Concubine Jing will come soon.

Yong Zheng looked at Concubine Jing and said, "You don't look good. Someone, go and ask the imperial doctor to come over."

"No need, right?" Jing Bin is pregnant, but she doesn't know it yet.

"Your health is important." Yong Zheng chatted casually with Jing Bin and Shen Meizhuang.

Soon the imperial doctor came over, it was Wen Shichu.

Today, he happened to be on duty.

Wen Shichu saluted Yongzheng and others, and then knelt down to check the concubine's pulse.

"Your Majesty, it's Ximai. My concubine is pregnant."

"Haha, okay, reward!" Yongzheng Longyan was delighted and immediately rewarded him with many things.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Concubine Jing looked surprised.She thought she would never be able to have a baby in this life.

"Su Peisheng, take Wen Shichu around."

"Hey." Su Peisheng understood that this was to check if there was anything like musk.

Yongzheng continued to chat with Jingbin and Shen Meizhuang.

After a while.

Su Peisheng and Wen Shichu completed their inspection.

Xianfu Palace is quite clean.

"In this case, Su Peisheng, you take Wen Shichu to ask for safe pulses from other concubines." Yongzheng planned to place a small 'satellite' to make the harem lively.

During this period of Yongzheng's reign, many concubines in the harem were pregnant. It didn't take long, and they probably didn't know it yet.


The harem was indeed lively.

Concubine Qi, concubine Jing, concubine Li, concubine Fanggui, and concubine Xin are all pregnant.

The queen was shocked.

Concubine Hua was shocked.

Concubine Duan was also shocked.

After the Queen Mother heard about it, she hurriedly came out to inquire about the situation.

The whole palace became lively.

There are smiling scenes everywhere.

Only the queen forced a smile.

Only Concubine Hua was unhappy.

Only Concubine Duan coughed more violently.


Yongzheng, the Empress Dowager, the Empress, Concubine Qi, Concubine Jing and other pregnant concubines dined together.Concubine Hua and Concubine Duan did not come.

"Your Majesty, you have worked hard." The Empress Dowager praised Yong Zheng.Because Yongzheng was very diligent.

"It's all as it should be." Yong Zheng chuckled.

"You must take good care of your fetus and create heirs for the Emperor." The Empress Dowager inevitably warned.

"The concubine obeys."

"Okay, let's have a meal." The Queen Mother was very happy.

Finished lunch.

The empress dowager warned the empress alone, "The emperor has too few heirs. It is God's virtue that so many concubines are pregnant this time. As the empress, you must be careful and avoid any more accidents."

The Queen Mother knew that the Queen often aborted other concubines.

This is a special instruction to the Queen, and the Queen is not allowed to take action again.

"Queen Mother, don't worry, I will definitely take care of the pregnant concubines such as Concubine Qi and Concubine Jing, while thinking about who can give birth and who must have an abortion."

The queen is a professional in abortion and the nemesis of Yongzheng's heirs.

So many concubines in the harem were pregnant at once.

Zhen Huan and the other newcomers also gathered together to chat.

"I didn't expect the emperor to be so powerful?" Zhen Huan looked surprised.

"Yes, most of the concubines in the harem are pregnant." Shen Meizhuang blushed a little.

"Can we sleep together?" Fang Chunyi looked curious.

"What's wrong? Xiaonizi, do you want to be pregnant?" Zhen Huan teased Fang Chunyi.

"Humph, I'm still young and don't want to get pregnant yet." Fang Chun didn't mean what he said.

"Your Majesty is so capable, it's only a matter of time before we get pregnant." Shen Meizhuang's face turned red.

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

"Su Peisheng, pregnant concubines often had accidents before, and we will never allow similar situations to happen again this time. Do you understand?" Yongzheng would never allow the queen's abortion conspiracy to continue to succeed.

"I understand." How could Su Peisheng not know about the filth in the harem?Usually I just pretend to be confused.

"Send someone to keep an eye on Jingren Palace to see what she will do." Yongzheng said something that could scare Su Peisheng to death.

"Follow your orders." Su Peisheng's back felt a little chilly.

"Also, Concubine Hua also sent people to keep an eye on her." Concubine Hua seemed to have never harmed the emperor's heir, but Yongzheng had to be on guard.

"As ordered." Su Peisheng began to sweat on his back.

After Yongzheng gave the order, he still felt it was inappropriate, "Let the slaves who are good at wrestling go."

Let the older maids go,

Let Tai Hospital go to the hospital every day to ask for Ping An’s pulse.

Notify the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Imperial Kitchen, and there must be no omissions.Otherwise, they will all be exterminated! "

Yongzheng will never allow anything to happen this time.

He ordered Su Peisheng to send additional eunuchs and maids to take care of pregnant concubines such as Qi Fei and Jing Concubine. Every day, a different imperial doctor would go and ask for Ping AnMai.

Strictly order the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Imperial Kitchen not to allow any problems.

If something goes wrong, the family will be confiscated and the entire family will be destroyed.

This is no ordinary killing with a stick.

The Queen and Concubine Hua used their family members to force their slaves to do dirty things.

Yongzheng told them in advance that if they did dirty things, they would confiscate their homes and exterminate their clans.

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Xu Jinliang, the eunuch of the Jingsi Room, came and asked, "Please turn over the sign."

The new concubine can sleep with her.

Yong Zheng did not hesitate and directly turned over Shen Meizhuang's sign.

Yongzheng liked Shenmeizhuang.Zhen Huan also likes it, but she has to stay behind.As for Fang Chunyi, let’s wait for three years.

There are no secrets here in Yongzheng.

He just looked over the Shenmeizhuang brand.

The Queen already knew about Jingren Palace.

"It's actually Shen Guiren?" The queen was a little surprised.She thought Yongzheng would turn over Zhen Huan's name.

The queen was a little unsure of Yongzheng's thoughts.

At Shenmeizhuang.

"Shen Guiren, you are the first to be favored by the emperor." Xu Jinliang said kind words with a flattering look on his face.

"Thank you, father-in-law." Shen Meizhuang was very happy and hurriedly motioned to Caiyue for a reward.

Also coming with Xu Jinliang was Aunt Liu, who was responsible for teaching Shen Meizhuang what to do as a bed attendant.

In fact, no specific teaching is required.

Before Shen Meizhuang entered the palace, her mother had already taught her.

Shen Meizhuang also studied the paintings with illustrations seriously.

Just learn the rules to pay attention to.

After learning the rules, Shenmeizhuang took Fengluan Chunen's carriage and went to the side hall of Yangxin Hall.

Here, Shen Meizhuang still had to take a bath, and then he was wrapped in a quilt and sent to Yongzheng's bed.

Yong Zheng looked at Shen Meizhuang on the bed. He was not anxious, but recited a poem first. (End of chapter)

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