Chapter 773 Study Abroad
The situation after the war will change dramatically.

Zhou Qiang didn't know how to deal with the various follow-up problems.

Without thinking too much, Zhou Qiang took a large group of people to Chang'an City.

He also brought a lot of food, medicine and other supplies.

The students in the school were all followed by Zhou Qiang.

Lu Zhaopeng, Lu Zhaohai, Bai Xiaowu, Bai Ling, and Hei Wa were all brought along.

Chang'an after the war is full of ruins and devastated.

Dead bodies are everywhere.

The surviving people had dull eyes and were on the verge of collapse. Seeing someone coming, there was a little hope in their eyes.

Everything here is difficult to look at.

Tragic, too miserable.

Corpses are everywhere.

The key is the country itself.

This kind of infighting is too detrimental.

Zhou Qiang brought a large group of students here just to show them and gain some insights.

A porridge shed was set up so that those who survived could have a bite to eat.

The boiled traditional Chinese medicine is distributed out to treat the sick and prevent the sick.

The corpses were constantly being carried out and limed to prevent the plague from appearing.

The wounded were rescued in time and placed properly.

Do everything possible to save lives.

The ruins were quickly cleared.

Everything in Chang'an City is recovering quickly.

After Zhou Qiang arranged these things, he went to the Governor's Mansion.

In this battle, Zhou Qiang contributed a lot and repelled Liu Xiazi's [-] troops, preventing Liu Xiazi from levying food from Zishui County.

Not only that, but also a lot of food, medicine and other materials were assisted.

Chang'an City did not collapse due to lack of water and food in the end, and Zhou Qiang contributed the most.

Victory now.

In terms of rewards for meritorious deeds, it's time for Zhou Qiang to get promoted and make a fortune.

But Zhou Qiang refused.

Zhou Qiang never wanted to be an official.

When I was the magistrate of Zishui County before, I was forced to protect myself.

If Zhou Qiang wanted to be an official, he wouldn't stay in Zishui County.

Zhou Qiang, who is so capable, really wants to be an official, at least at the level of "Ge Lao", or the strongest warlord.This is just the beginning. If it is more exaggerated, it will only take a small step to unify the world.

"I would rather not get promoted and get rich, but let me stay in Zishui County and build a better place there." Zhou Qiang refused to get promoted and get rich.

a few days later.

Zhou Qiang began to let people buy shops and houses.

After the catastrophe.

There are many shops and houses without owners.

Based on the principle that if he doesn't buy it, others will buy it, Zhou Qiang bought a large number of houses and shops while taking advantage of the cheap price.

Although these houses and shops were basically blown down, it doesn't matter, they will be rebuilt soon.

Soon, the prices of these houses and shops will increase again, and they are worth a lot of money. After all, this is a provincial capital, and it is still within the city.

Of course, Zhou Qiang did this not because he was greedy for money.

To Zhou Qiang, money is just a number.

Not all the shops and houses he bought were for himself.

In terms of rewards for meritorious deeds, many people under Zhou Qiang's command can be assigned to houses or shops.

To fight is to die.

Zhou Qiang repelled Liu Xiazi's [-] soldiers and killed many people.

If they died, their family members could be allocated a shop or house in a provincial capital.

For those who are injured and disabled, their families can also share a shop or house, but it will be smaller in comparison.

Zhou Qiang is also not stingy with those who have meritorious deeds, and the rewards are very generous.

Why are Zhou Qiang's subordinates so loyal?
Because of this.

Zhou Qiang regards them as human beings, and they are willing to repay each other with their lives.

this day.

Zhou Qiang set off back to Zishui County with a brigade.

Zhou Qiang did not take a car, but rode a horse and drove back slowly.

There was one more person beside Zhou Qiang.

Not a woman, but a man.

Yue Weishan, the most powerful villain in this TV series, is going to Zishui County.

"Brother Zhou, I will rely on you more when I go to Zishui County this time." Yue Weishan said politely.

Yue Weishan is a shrewd and capable person.

In the TV series, Yue Weishan did a lot of things in Zishui County.

Lu Zhaopeng was almost killed by Yue Weishan.

"It's easy to say!" Zhou Qiang smiled heartily, "I don't care about other places, but in Zishui County, no one dares not to listen to what I say.

After Brother Yue has gone, if anyone doesn't listen to you, just tell me and I'll take care of him. "

Zhou Qiang's words were not polite at all, they just meant: I have the final say in Zishui County, and after you leave Yue Weishan, you must obey me.If you disobey me, I will deal with you.

The smile on Yue Weishan's face almost couldn't be maintained.

"Then thank you brother Zhou first."

"Brother Yue, do you have a place to live in Zishui County?"

"Well, I'll just live in the county government office."

"How about that? In this way, I will give my brother Yue a house."

"No need." Yue Weishan declined a few times, but Zhou Qiang's kindness was hard to deny, Yue Weishan could only obediently accept it.

At this moment, Yue Weishan felt Zhou Qiang's strength.

Yue Weishan was a little worried that the future work would not be easy to carry out.

Chatted with Zhou Qiang, wanted to find out about the situation in Zishui County, but what Zhou Qiang said was all fake, Yue Weishan found it boring, so he found an excuse and walked away.

After a while.

Bai Ling ran to Zhou Qiang's side.

Lu Zhaohai, Bai Xiaowu and Hei Wa were not far away and did not dare to come over.

"Uncle Zhou!" Bai Ling greeted with a smile.

"What's wrong, Bai Ling? What's the matter?" Bai Ling is always hanging around Zhou Qiang these days, chatting with Zhou Qiang whenever he has free time.

"Uncle Zhou, why did Blind Liu want to besiege Chang'an City?" Bai Ling was at a loss for words.She just wanted to talk to Zhou Qiang.

"Why else, it's just a matter of competing interests."

"Uncle Zhou, when will we stop fighting?"

"When you are strong, you don't have to fight anymore, and you won't be afraid of fighting anymore."

"Powerful? What does it mean to be powerful?"

"Bai Ling, in the eyes of foreigners, we are just meat on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered. If we want to be strong, we must first be stronger than the foreigners."

"Stronger than foreigners?"

"Yes, foreign guns, foreign guns, foreign goods, foreigners, and other foreign things, Bai Ling, don't you think everything about foreigners makes us look up to you?"

Bai Ling nodded and did not speak. She knew that everything about foreigners had a great influence.

"Bai Ling, the industrialization of foreigners was basically completed in the last century.

What about us?
Industrialization has not yet begun.

I don't know when it started.

How many years will it take to catch up with foreigners? "

"Uncle Zhou, we will definitely catch up with foreigners."

Zhou Qiang shook his head, "It's useless to talk empty words, you have to be down-to-earth and come out step by step. It depends on you young people, study hard, and use solid knowledge to change everything."

Times and countries need creative young people.

There is no shortage of young people like this.

"Uncle Zhou, I must study hard." Bai Ling's grades are very good.

Returning to Zishui County, Zhou Qiang's life returned to normal.

"Yard three to six, light up the lights!"

Arrangements for lighting up every night are essential.

Zhou Qiang left for many days.

There are quite a few complaints in the back house, and Zhou Qiang needs to be appeased one by one.

While Zhou Qiang was enjoying life, Yue Weishan began to work actively.

Yue Weishan needs to be familiar with the daily work in Zishui County first.

After getting familiar with it, Yue Weishan was dumbfounded.

"It's not like that!"

"That's not how things are done!"

"If you do this, what's the use of Yue Weishan?"

Zishui County built by Zhou Qiang is unique.

Although Yue Weishan had heard about it before he came, but after he got in touch with it, he realized, "Is this completely out of hand?"

Not only was Yue Weishan unable to intervene.

Even if Zhou Qiang wanted to bend the law for his own benefit, it would not be so easy.

Because, all operations in Zishui County have rules to follow, without human intervention.

It also does not leave opportunities for human manipulation.

Moreover, the operation of Zishui County is frighteningly fast.

Zhou Qiang's Academy of Counselors works 24 hours a day, without any rest for a year.

Yue Weishan had never seen such a working condition and enthusiasm.

But in doing so, all kinds of things in Zishui County were dealt with extremely quickly.

Everything in Zishui County is too fast!
Yue Weishan wanted to intervene but couldn't.

However, Yue Weishan is not an ordinary person, he still started to do things within his power, such as: enabling Tian Fuxian and other former township covenants that were dismissed by Zhou Qiang, and changing his name.

Yue Weishan started some special tasks of his.

Zishui County.

Zhou house.

Lao Liu came to report the situation to Zhou Qiang.

"My boss, the man named Yue, has been involved with Tian Fuxian and others recently. Their and Yue Weishan's every move in Zishui County is under Zhou Qiang's surveillance."

Yue Weishan has no secrets in Zishui County.

There were a total of more than [-] people called by Yue Weishan, of which more than [-] people were sent by Zhou Qiang, and the rest did not dare to go until they had greeted Zhou Qiang.

Of course, it was said that it was sent by Zhou Qiang, but in fact it was not someone who was arranged by Zhou Qiang himself, but was asked by Lu Zhaopeng to do the specific work.

That's right, the person who dealt with Yue Weishan was Lu Zhaopeng.

This was arranged by Zhou Qiang in advance.

Yue Weishan is a character, he will toss a lot of things out.

Therefore, Zhou Qiang made arrangements in advance, and Lu Zhaopeng, as Yue Weishan's helper, was sent to Yue Weishan's hand.

How much Lu Zhaopeng can "help" Yue Weishan depends on their respective levels.

The two of them went on stage to sing, and Zhou Qiang was in the audience, enjoying it casually.

However, Lu Zhaopeng won't be able to compete in the ring for long.

Because, before long, Lu Zhaopeng will have to disappear.

"I see, let Zhaopeng handle these matters."

"Boss, recently there are many foreigners around Lu Zhaopeng."

"Never mind, Zhaopeng is my nephew, as long as he doesn't break the law."

"Well, there is also a list of overseas students selected for this year's selection. Take a look."

Zhou Qiang pays money every year to send students to study abroad, and when they return from their studies, they will blossom and bear fruit.

"Oh? It was chosen so soon?" Zhou Qiang took it curiously.

Randomly looking around, there are Lu Zhaohai and Bai Ling in the list. Obviously, both of them are very good, and they were cultivated as 'seeds'. I hope they can absorb nutrition overseas and grow up to be pillars of the country.

Bai Xiaowu was well-behaved and was not selected.

Hei Wa belonged to that kind of disobedient, and she was not fired because of Zhou Qiang's face.

"Lu Zhaohai and Bai Ling, don't announce it yet, others will announce it normally." Zhou Qiang planned to deal with Lu Zhaohai and Bai Ling in a special way.


"Send a car to Bailu Village and pick up Bai Jiaxuan and Lu Zilin."

"it is good."

"Jiaxuan, why do you think Magistrate Zhou asked us to come over?" In the car, Lu Zilin whispered to Bai Jiaxuan.

Bai Jiaxuan shook his head and said nothing.He has a good relationship with Zhou Qiang and is not worried about anything.

"It's not the kids who are causing trouble, right?" Lu Zilin was a little worried.Both their sons work under Zhou Qiang.

Bai Jiaxuan still shook his head.

Lu Zilin looked worried. Not only was he worried that something would happen to his two sons, but he was also worried that Zhou Qiang was unhappy because he and Tian Fuxian had both followed Yue Weishan.
Zhou house.

living room.

A few words of courtesy.

Zhou Qiang said directly, "That's right, this year's selection of places to study abroad includes Lu Zhaohai and Bai Ling.

The two of them haven't been announced yet.

I want to hear what you think first. "

"What?!" Bai Jiaxuan and Lu Zilin were both stunned.

The butler at the side helped to explain a few words, what is a quota for studying abroad.

"Do you still want to go abroad to study?" Bai Jiaxuan and Lu Zilin were still surprised.

"Foreign knowledge is deeper than ours. If you want to learn the best, you still have to go to a foreign country."

"How far is this foreign country?" Bai Jiaxuan asked.

"Send them to Chou Country, it's a long way, it will take several days by boat."

"No, no, my family, Zhaohai, won't go so far away." Lu Zilin hastily refused.He also hopes to have a grandson as soon as possible.After Lu Zhaopeng got married, he arranged for Lu Zhaohai to get married.

"My family Lingling won't go either." Bai Jiaxuan also disagreed.He was even more reluctant to let his good daughter study abroad.

"I know you don't agree." Zhou Qiang smiled as expected. "That's why I didn't announce the two of them."

Zhou Qiang did this in consideration of Bai Jiaxuan and Lu Zilin's feelings.

at this time.

A servant reported: "Lu Zhaohai and Bai Ling are here."

"Let me in." Zhou Qiang ordered.

After a while.

Lu Zhaohai and Bai Ling came in.

Seeing that Lu Zilin and Bai Jiaxuan were there, he was a little surprised, but he didn't dare to ask any more questions, he just said hello.

"Uncle Zhou, why didn't I and Zhao Hai not be included in this overseas selection?" Bai Ling boldly asked directly.

The reason for asking this question is simple.

Those with lower grades than Bai Ling were selected.

Bai Ling didn't choose.

The same is true for Lu Zhaohai.

"This." Zhou Qiang hesitated and was about to make up an excuse to fool him.

Lu Zilin couldn't help but say, "If you didn't choose, you didn't choose. There's nothing to ask about it. Even if you choose, you won't be allowed to go."

Well, Lu Zilin's words made the smart Lu Zhaohai and Bai Ling understand what was going on.

"Uncle Zhou, is it because I was selected and my dad didn't let me go?" Bai Ling asked again.

"Smart little Lingling!" Zhou Qiang praised, "Okay, you all know what's going on, so you can discuss it." Zhou Qiang left after speaking.

"Dad, why don't you let me study abroad?" Bai Ling pounced on Bai Jiaxuan and started acting coquettishly.

Lu Zhaohai also reasoned with Lu Zilin.

"Ugly Country is so far away, Dad doesn't worry about going there." Bai Jiaxuan coaxed Bai Ling.

But Bai Ling couldn't coax him, so he had to go.

The same is true for Lu Zhaohai.

Lu Zilin couldn't stop him either.

Bai Jiaxuan and Lu Zilin had a difficult time.

I can only ask Zhou Qiang for help.

But Zhou Qiang didn't say much. He just said that in recent years, people have gone abroad every year, and some have returned after completing their studies and have become pillars of the country.

Bai Ling and Lu Zhaohai still went abroad to study.

After sending them away.

Zhou Qiang couldn't help but laugh, "It's so much fun!
The TV series "White Deer Plain" has been changed too much. "

Bai Ling's life trajectory should have been
Now he is abroad.

Lu Zhaohai's life trajectory should have been...
Still out of the country now.

And Hei Wa became a member of Zhou Qiang's escort team.

Hei Wa wants to be a bandit, but it will be difficult.

The life trajectories of the two brothers Bai Xiaowen and Bai Xiaowu have also undergone considerable changes.

Only Lu Zhaopeng, although Zhou Qiang has influence on him, but not much.

What Lu Zhaopeng used to be is basically the same now.

Lu Zhaopeng is busy competing with Yue Weishan.

Because Yue Weishan had already made a move and arrested several people.

(End of this chapter)

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