Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 774 Thunderstorm Night

Chapter 774 Thunderstorm Night

Zhou house.

"Boss, I helped Lu Zhaopeng last night." The sixth child reported the situation to Zhou Qiang again.

The battle between Yue Weishan and Lu Zhaopeng was under Zhou Qiang's control.

Yue Weishan struck first and gained the upper hand, while Lu Zhaopeng responded passively and was at a disadvantage.

Yue Weishan arrested a few of Lu Zhaopeng's men, and Lu Zhaopeng tried to save them but failed, and instead got involved with a few more.

Lao Liu observed in real time and couldn't stand it anymore, so he secretly helped Lu Zhaopeng so that Lu Zhaopeng would not lose too miserably.

"Yeah." Zhou Qiang nodded, "So, that Yue Weishan is quite capable?"

"That's it. Lu Zhaopeng is still too young, too little experienced, and has no means." The sixth child was a little disdainful.

"Lao Liu, you are arrogant and complacent, which is not a good thing."

"Understood, understood, my boss, don't worry, I will definitely change it." The sixth child followed Zhou Qiang to do things smoothly, and he was used to it, and he looked down on others.

"Lao Liu, let me ask you, why do you think Yue Weishan played against Lu Zhaopeng's people?"

"Why? This... is nothing more than fighting for power and profit."

Zhou Qiang was noncommittal, thought for a while, and ordered: "Go and call Lu Zhaopeng over."


Soon, Lu Zhaopeng arrived at Zhou Qiang's place.

"Uncle Zhou, you called me?" Lu Zhaopeng was very respectful to Zhou Qiang.Because Lu Zhaopeng knew too much about Zhou Qiang.

The great changes in Zishui County were all accomplished by Zhou Qiang.

Zhou Qiang's "supernatural powers" made Lu Zhaopeng look at him with admiration.

"Zhaopeng, do you know why Yue Weishan arrested your man?" Zhou Qiang cut straight to the point without pretending he didn't know anything.

"Maybe he is dissatisfied with us and wants to suppress us." Yue Weishan took action, but Lu Zhaopeng didn't pay enough attention to it.Lu Zhaopeng just felt that Yue Weishan was a villain and could not get on the stage.

"Yue Weishan arrested people, why? Where did he come from so bold?" Zhou Qiang continued to ask.

"Why?" Lu Zhaopeng frowned.

"Zhaopeng, there must be a reason for Yue Weishan to dare to attack, you have to be careful!" Zhou Qiang said in a rather solemn tone.

"What?" Lu Zhaopeng still didn't quite understand.

There are some things that Lu Zhaopeng doesn't dare to think about at all, so he doesn't realize it.

"You're a smart person." Zhou Qiang could only click to the end, unable to say more, "Okay, it's okay, you can go to work."

"Uncle Zhou, I'm leaving." Lu Zhaopeng said hello and left.

Although there were many things he wanted to ask, Lu Zhaopeng refrained from asking.

"Boss, what did you mean just now?" Lao Liu didn't understand.

"Think about it yourself." Zhou Qiang didn't say much, and couldn't say much, "Sixth, you have to be careful about everything, don't be insensitive, or you won't know when your head will move."

"Understood, boss, I will never be careless, I will send a few more people to keep an eye on Yue Weishan."

Zishui County.

Some tailor shop.

Lu Zhaopeng told Tailor Han what Zhou Qiang said.

Tailor Han is Lu Zhaopeng's partner.

"What does County Magistrate Zhou mean?" Tailor Han was a middle-aged man who looked decent.

Lu Zhaopeng shook his head, he still didn't understand what Zhou Qiang meant.

"County Mayor Zhou is not an ordinary person." Tailor Han stood up solemnly, "County Mayor Zhou started his career in Bailu Village and now has achieved a great career, every step he has taken is very powerful.

Since, County Magistrate Zhou specifically called you over, and solemnly reminded that it must be County Magistrate Zhou who sensed that you were in danger. At this point, Tailor Han paused, and then said: "Perhaps, you are not the only one in danger." "

After Tailor Han finished speaking, his expression changed.He already had some guesses.

"It's not just me, could it be?" Lu Zhaopeng also realized, because some of the people around him were just taken away by Yue Weishan.

Lu Zhaopeng and Tailor Han looked at each other.

Both of them are somewhat enlightened.

Tailor Han said: "I'm afraid, Yue Weishan wants to attack us?"

Lu Zhaopeng nodded, "Yue Weishan has already made a move secretly, and it will be a matter of time before he makes a move against us.

However, Yue Weishan only dared to do it secretly, and didn't dare to do it openly, so there is no need to worry too much, just act cautiously, and don't be caught by Yue Weishan." Lu Zhaopeng was interrupted by Tailor Han before he finished speaking.

"What if Yue Weishan attacks us blatantly?" Tailor Han suddenly asked.This was an idea that suddenly popped into Tailor Han's mind.

"Brave?" Lu Zhaopeng looked surprised and shook his head hastily, "No, how dare Yue Weishan attack us openly?"

"Yeah, how dare Yue Weishan?" Tailor Han frowned, and he also felt that Yue Weishan didn't dare.

What would it mean if Yue Weishan made an explicit move?
Neither Tailor Han nor Lu Zhaopeng dared to think about it.

However, Tailor Han was still a little worried when he remembered Zhou Qiang's reminder.

Neither Lu Zhaopeng nor Tailor Han dared to underestimate Zhou Qiang's "serious reminder".

Zhou Qiang has been very prosperous these years.

But it has also been studied hard.

Zhou Qiang's way of doing things, Zhou Qiang's various habits, Zhou Qiang's lust, Zhou Qiang, etc., have all been thoroughly studied by interested people.

After researching, I found that Zhou Qiang was too powerful.

Simply not human!

Becoming a god!

Who would dare to underestimate Zhou Qiang's words?
"Zhaopeng, why did the county magistrate Zhou remind you?" The question came back again.

"You should be worried that Yue Weishan will secretly attack us, right?" Lu Zhaopeng shook his head after finishing speaking, "That's not right."

"Isn't that right?" Tailor Han nodded, "County Magistrate Zhou is far-sighted and very comparable to others. He has done so many things in Zishui County over the years, who doesn't give a thumbs up?" Tailor Han couldn't help but boast first One sentence.

"It's amazing!" Lu Zhaopeng nodded and admitted.Zhou Qiang is amazing, does anyone in Zishui County know?

"Zhaopeng, such a powerful person as County Magistrate Zhou, why did he send someone to call you over and remind you to be careful? It must not be because Yue Weishan secretly attacked us."

"Why is that?" Lu Zhaopeng asked.

Tailor Han walked around a little anxiously, but he just couldn't figure it out.

"Old Han, why don't I ask Uncle Zhou again?" Lu Zhaopeng was also a little uneasy.


County Magistrate Zhou didn't say it clearly, so it must be inconvenient.

Now that County Magistrate Zhou reminded you to be careful, we must proceed with caution in the future.

Some of our points of contact are changing locations.

People who had been known by Yue Weishan were transferred away one after another.

For all subsequent contacts, try to avoid Yue Weishan's eyes and ears. "Although Tailor Han didn't know what Zhou Qiang meant, he planned to follow Zhou Qiang's reminder and make various preparations to prevent being caught by Yue Weishan.

"Okay, let's do that."

Lu Zhaopeng and the others just had a change.

Zhou Qiang knew it there.

"Master, many of Lu Zhaopeng and others have left Zishui County, and there are still contact points." The sixth child reported the situation.

"It's pretty clever." Zhou Qiang said lightly.

"Boss, Yue Weishan has been poaching our people recently, do you want to hit him?" Not only there was movement from Lu Zhaopeng, but also from Yue Weishan's side, all kinds of methods have not stopped.

Not only did Yue Weishan attack Lu Zhaopeng, but he was also rude to Zhou Qiang.

Yue Weishan is a person with a backer, and acts a little boldly, as if he doesn't take Zhou Qiang seriously.

"Let's hit it." Zhou Qiang looked down on Yue Weishan's schemes.

If Yue Weishan had some upright conspiracy, maybe Zhou Qiang would take a closer look.

next time.

After Yue Weishan was beaten by Zhou Qiang, he didn't dare to provoke Zhou Qiang again.

Yue Weishan and Lu Zhaopeng have been fighting openly and secretly.

But no matter who wins the battle, it is always difficult to pass what they want to do when it comes to issues involving many people.

It wasn't that Zhou Qiang got stuck on purpose, it was because of what they were going to do, according to the procedure, they had to submit the plan first, but this plan could not pass the normal review of the Academy of Counselors.

It's not that the Council of Advisors got stuck on purpose, it's because their plan has too many loopholes, and they still want to implement it when they don't understand many things. This is not playing the piano randomly.

Yue Weishan looked for Zhou Qiang.

"Brother Zhou, save face, this is what the higher-ups asked to do, you can't do it."

"It's not because you don't give face, it's because you didn't consider everything comprehensively. How can you pass it? You should improve it first." Zhou Qiang rejected Yue Weishan.

Lu Zhaopeng also approached Zhou Qiang.

"Uncle Zhou, why didn't the Council of Counselors pass our matter?"

"Zhaopeng, you have been in the Academy of Counselors, and you are very clear about the work process there, why don't you want to go by yourself." Zhou Qiang also dismissed Lu Zhaopeng.

Both Yue Weishan and Lu Zhaopeng were rejected by Zhou Qiang many times.

To reply to Yue Weishan or Lu Zhaopeng's words, just one sentence: I didn't mean to embarrass you on purpose, it's because your plan is not perfect, and if you implement it rashly, the harm outweighs the benefit. Don't turn a good thing into a bad thing, don't learn from Yang Guang.

Yue Weishan hated Zhou Qiang so much that he kept complaining about Zhou Qiang's blackness.

But Zhou Qiang couldn't do anything about it.

Because there are people above Zhou Qiang, and Zhou Qiang pays a lot of taxes every year.

Zhou Qiang is a baby bump, no one above is willing to touch Zhou Qiang, including Yue Weishan's backer.

Although Lu Zhaopeng's plan failed, according to the questions raised by the Council of Advisors, the plan is being continuously improved.

Lu Zhaopeng didn't complain to Zhou Qiang, but a kind of sincere admiration.When Lu Zhaopeng faced specific problems, he realized that Zhou Qiang had too many strengths.

Previously, his understanding of Zhou Qiang was very superficial.

As soon as any plan was reviewed by the Council of Advisors, many problems were found.

If these problems are not resolved, even if the plan is implemented, it will cause more problems.

How did the Council of Counselors come about?

Zhou Qiang made it.

This shows Zhou Qiang's level.

Zhou Qiang has much to learn.

Lu Zhaopeng began to study Zhou Qiang seriously.

The more I study, the more I discover that Zhou Qiang is a treasure house, and there are too many shining places.

Of course, there is one thing that Lu Zhaopeng does not admire. Zhou Qiang has too many wives and concubines. This is dross and should be abolished.

this day.

Bailu Village is lively.

Tian Fuxian, Lu Zilin and other township officials were all arrested by people sent by Lu Zhaopeng.

That's right, Lu Zhaopeng not only arrested Tian Fuxian, but also his father Lu Zilin.

Lu Zhaopeng's act could be regarded as a righteous act of annihilating relatives.

Why were Tian Fuxian, Lu Zilin and others arrested?

It's not anything else, it's because of their corruption during the years when they were in the village.

on stage.

Tian Fuxian, Lu Zilin and others were declared to have committed crimes: more than 1200 taels of grain and more than 200 taels of money were expropriated every year.Lu Zilin divided 100 taels, and Tian Fuxian took the rest.

The villagers in the audience were furious immediately.

"Spit it out!"

"Hand over the money!"

"Kill them!"

"Tian Fuxian, the dog day!"

"Bastard Lu Zilin!"

There are no impervious walls in the world.

If you don't know, do nothing but yourself.

Tian Fuxian and Lu Zilin never thought that what they did would be discovered and they would be tried on the stage. Their faces were ashen, and they were scared out of their wits.

Tian Fuxian, Lu Zilin and the others can be regarded as being "monkey tricked".

at the same time.

Lu Zilin's father, Lu Zhaopeng's grandfather, and Lu Taiheng are out of breath.

Lu Taiheng was pissed off by his unfilial sons and grandchildren.

Lu Zhaopeng should get married or not.

Lu Zilin, don't let me mess around, and keep messing around.

Lu Taiheng was getting old, so he didn't come up in one breath and left.

Tian Fuxian was asked to leave by Yue Weishan, saying that he wanted to go through the normal process, but Lu Zhaopeng couldn't stop him.

Lu Zilin was safe because of Bai Jiaxuan's intervention, but nothing happened for the time being.

However, they spit out all the money that should be spit out.

It didn't take long.

Tian Fuxian was released by Yue Weishan, saying that the witness had recanted his confession.

Regarding this, Lu Zhaopeng quarreled with Yue Weishan, but there was nothing they could do.

This afternoon.

A piece of news came from Zhou Qiang's backer.

".You have to cooperate with Yue Weishan's arrest work, don't slack off!"

Zhou Qiang's face was complicated, and he sighed secretly, "What should come will always come."

"Sixth, top secret, you do it yourself. Find Lu Zhaopeng and inform him." Although Zhou Qiang received the order to cooperate with the arrest, Zhou Qiang was unable to arrest Lu Zhaopeng and others.

I can only ask the sixth child to inform Lu Zhaopeng to run quickly.

"Understood, my boss, I promise that no one will find out." Lao Liu walked away with a serious face.He never thought it would happen.

When he was about to leave Zhou's house, the sixth child suddenly thought, "Did the boss have already expected it?"

For a moment, the sixth child admired Zhou Qiang even more.

Tailor Shop in Zishui County.

Lu Zhaopeng is here.

They haven't received any news yet.

Even Yue Weishan may not have received the news, and the arrest operation has not yet started.

Zhou Qiang had to be the first to know about this news.

"Yue Weishan let Tian Fuxian go. This is selfishness and lawlessness. No, we can't just leave it like this. We want it." Lu Zhaopeng was still talking to Tailor Han.

Suddenly, the sixth child came in.

Not through the main entrance.

It came in over the wall from the backyard.

Lu Zhaopeng came to the tailor's shop secretly.

Due to the need to keep it secret, Lao Liu spent some time alone to find this place.

"Brother Six? Why are you here?" Lu Zhaopeng looked shocked.He didn't expect Lao Liu to find a tailor's shop.

"The master asked me to inform you." The sixth child quickly explained the situation.

"What?!" Both Lu Zhaopeng and Tailor Han were shocked.

"Let's go!" The sixth child left two words, and quickly jumped over the wall and left.

"This..." Lu Zhaopeng wanted to say something else.

Tailor Han has already reacted, "Immediately activate the emergency plan, separate operations, and notify as many comrades as possible to transfer before Yue Weishan takes action!"

As soon as he spoke, Tailor Han had already finished his preparations and left in a hurry.

Lu Zhaopeng was a little slower, but he also climbed over the wall and left.


There was a thunderstorm.

Gunshots kept ringing.

Yue Weishan started the arrest.

Zhou Qiang's people were also lent to Yue Weishan.

For a time, Zishui County was in turmoil, and the peaceful life of the people was broken.

Zhou house.

Tian Xiaoe and her daughters heard gunshots.

"Master, what's going on?" They thought Zhou Qiang had arranged some action.

"Yue Weishan wants to arrest someone." Zhou Qiang said with a gloomy face.

"If he wants to arrest people, he can arrest them? The master must agree." A concubine said very charmingly.

"That's true." Zhou Qiang smiled.He didn't believe that Yue Weishan's arrest would go so smoothly this time, "Come on, let's continue."

After dawn.

Yue Weishan's face was ugly and frightening.

The arrest did not go well.

The big fish didn't catch anything, and the small fish didn't catch a few.

Yue Weishan's troubles are yet to come.

Zhou house.

Zhou Qiang had just heard the report from the sixth child, and knew that Lu Zhaopeng and the others had all withdrawn safely.

Zhou Qiang squinted his eyes, thinking about the plot in the TV series.

In the TV series, Lu Zhaopeng also escaped on a thunderstorm night.

Lu Zhaopeng called Hei Wa to run together.

"Hei Wa, take me with you, wherever you go, I will go. If you don't let me follow, I will jump into the well!" When Hei Wa ran away, Tian Xiao'e wanted to go with her.

However, Lu Zhaopeng said: "They are arresting you, if they don't arrest her, go away!"

Well, Lu Zhaopeng's words put Tian Xiao'e into a desperate situation.

Zhou Qiang remembered at this moment, "Actually, Lu Zhaopeng is ruthless to women.

Drive Leng Qiuyue crazy, to death.

Tian Xiaoe was also sent to a dead end.

Lu Zhaopeng killed the two most beautiful women. "

(End of this chapter)

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