Chapter 772

Not long after Hei Wa got married.

Zhou Qiang asked Lao Liu to conduct a thorough investigation of his people.

Foreign instructors, foreign doctors, foreign teachers, and various experts and scholars invited, etc.

"Boss, these people have done nothing good in your name." Lao Liu quickly found out.

"Severe punishment will not be tolerated." Zhou Qiang gave him four words.

"Yes." After subconsciously accepting the order, Lao Liu asked again in a low voice, "Should those foreigners also be dealt with?" At this time, foreigners were looked up to.

"There is nothing special about foreigners, they are treated in the same way." Zhou Qiang was different from others, he did not give foreigners special treatment, adding a class to innocent people is already very kind.


a few days later.

"Protest, we protest!" A large group of foreigners protested Zhou Qiang's arrest of foreigners.Foreigners just like to make trouble, not only in their own country, but also in other countries.

"Protests are useless!
Anyone who dares to mess around will be shot to death by me!
Publicize the criminal evidence of foreigners, punish them severely, and never compromise! "Zhou Qiang withstood the pressure and dealt with the foreigners who committed crimes.

This approach immediately aroused widespread heated discussion.

Because foreigners were involved, major newspapers and periodicals reported the incident.

Most people clapped their hands and applauded.

There is also no shortage of dog legs to say ugly things.

However, Zhou Qiang didn't care.

Foreign protests were ineffective, and many asked to leave.

Zhou Qiang also let them go.

At the same time as it was released, it continued to recruit new foreigners to engage in teaching and medical work.


Foreigners come here to make money.

As long as you give money, there are many foreigners.

The storm subsided.

Zishui County continues to develop rapidly.

The school built by Zhou Qiang is better than the provincial capital.

Therefore, many students from the original provincial capital have gone to Zishui County.

All aspects of Zishui County are changing rapidly.

This is a paradise among the ruins.

It can be regarded as Zhou Qiang did something meaningful.

Time flies fast.

this day.

Zhou Qiang received a message.

This news made Zhou Qiang very unhappy.

Blind Liu is coming.

Leading [-] troops, he attacked Chang'an City.

In the TV series, blind Liu besieged the city for eight months and cut off water and food for Chang'an City.About [-] soldiers and civilians were killed or injured in Chang'an City.

He also sent his platoon leader Yang to collect food on Bailuyuan.

Make Bailu Village fly away.

Now, Blind Liu is coming.

Even if Zhou Qiang didn't send troops to deal with Liu Xiazi, Liu Xiazi would send troops to Zishui County to collect food.

A man-made disaster is inevitable.

Dodging is of no use.

Be ready for anything.

"Boss, what should we do?" the sixth child asked.The news was obtained by Lao Liu, and it was very timely, and no other places should have received the news.

What Zhou Qiang thought at this moment was that Mr. Zhu retreated [-] Qing soldiers alone.

Mr. Zhu was able to retreat from the Qing soldiers last time, so this time, can Mr. Zhu retreat from the warlords?
Obviously, Mr. Zhu cannot retreat one hundred thousand warlord soldiers. (The Qing military governor Fang Sheng was reasonable, but the warlord Liu Xiazi was unreasonable.)
If he could withdraw, Mr. Zhu would have gone there long ago, and he would not have been waiting for news in Yuanshang.

I didn’t think much about Mr. Zhu.Mr. Zhu protected himself wisely and did not do useless things.

"Notify our people, who has relatives in Chang'an, let them come out and take refuge."

"Okay." Lao Liu hurried away.His family has relatives in Chang'an City.

The news that blind Liu was coming spread quickly.

For a time people were panicking.

Many people who have relatives in Chang'an City hurried to Chang'an to pick up their relatives.


Bai Jiaxuan came in a hurry.

"County Magistrate Zhou, I heard that Blind Liu is going to attack Chang'an City?"

"Yes, I have already contacted the people in Chang'an City and asked them to escape." Zhou Qiang had many shops in Chang'an City and hired many people.

Zhou Qiang notified them to come to Zishui County to hide.

"Then my brother" Bai Jiaxuan was anxious.He has a younger brother who is doing business in Chang'an City.

"Come out and hide."

"Oh, okay, I'll pick them up right away." Bai Jiaxuan left in a hurry, followed by a few people from Bailu Village, and they all had relatives in Chang'an City.

"Sixth, send a batch of guns and ammunition to Chang'an City, and make preparations for someone to attack Zishui County." Zhou Qiang made some more arrangements.

When war breaks out, disaster will come.

Liu Xiazi harassed the people along the way.

There are people fleeing everywhere.

Warlords fight indiscriminately, and all they lose is their own strength.

When others are developing rapidly, they are constantly fighting among themselves.Many fights are provoked by foreigners.

Since Zhou Qiang got the news in a timely manner, many people in Chang'an City escaped.

Many people fled to Zishui County.

Zhou Qiang asked someone to arrange it properly.

Not long.

Blind Liu's troops have arrived.

One hundred thousand soldiers and horses surrounded the city of Chang'an.

There are only more than [-] defenders in Chang'an City.

Blind Liu thought that Chang'an City could be breached easily.

But the difficulty of attacking the city exceeded Liu Xiazi's expectations.

After more than ten days, the city has not been broken.

Blind Liu was so angry that he shot several of his men and ordered: "Stop food and water. Let's see how long they can last."

in a few days.

Blind Liu ran out of food and grass, so he sent people to collect food from the surrounding areas.

At this time, a different situation occurred.

I don't know who Liu Xiazi listened to and sent [-] soldiers to Zishui County.

With Zhou Qiang's efforts, Zishui County has changed a lot.

The annual grain production alone exceeds that of other counties by a lot.

This is because there is a group of people on Zhou Qiang's side who are studying how to farm land, how to achieve high yields, as well as canal construction, water diversion and other projects.

Under such circumstances, coupled with Zhou Qiang's occasional pointers, he has made great progress in farming.

Other farming aspects are also much better than other counties.

The meat in Zishui County is exported.

Every aspect of Zishui County is dazzling.

Therefore, Zishui County also fell into the eyes of Blind Liu.

I want to occupy Zishui County as a grain and grass base.

Zhou house.

"What? Blind Liu divided his troops into ten thousand and came straight to our Zishui County?" Zhou Qiang was surprised.

In television, this is not the case.

Zhou Qiang, the butterfly, has changed some things.

"What should the boss do?" Zhang Biao and Lao Liu got the news first.

"Gather people and go to the county government to discuss matters." Zhou Qiang made a decision in an instant.He had considered this situation before, and had some measures, but he was not too passive.

After a while.

Conference hall.

Zhou Qiang had already changed into a military uniform, stood at the front, and shouted: "The military bandit Blind Liu sent people to beat us, what do you think we should do?"

"Fight them!"


At this time, none of Zhou Qiang's subordinates was timid.

"Okay!" Zhou Qiang nodded in satisfaction, "Don't talk nonsense, now I order"

Orders were issued and executed quickly.

Zhou Qiang has no intention of compromising, he wants to fight actively, take the initiative to attack, and is determined not to be a coward.

Not to mention that Blind Liu only sent 1 troops.

Even if he sent [-] people over, Zhou Qiang would dare to fight.

The battle started soon.

Ambushes, sneak attacks, blocking at dangerous points on the road, and other means were used.

The [-] soldiers and horses from Chang'an suffered heavy casualties and were blocked on the road, unable to reach Zishui County.

County government meeting hall.

There is a lot of news coming in every day.

"Blind Liu's grain collection team destroyed another village! Ten villages in total. It's really lawless and inhumane!" Blind Liu's grain collection was either requisitioning or robbing.

If the villagers don't give it, they will be beaten to death.

The problem becomes, if they are given food, they will be starved to death, and if they are not given food, they will be beaten to death on the spot.

Many villages have disappeared since then.

"Chang'an City has not been breached by blind Liu!"

"Of the [-] soldiers and horses that attacked Zishui County, more than [-] people have been killed and wounded. The rest of the troops stopped."

"There are hundreds of casualties in our army, and they have been properly settled."

"Chang'an City is seriously short of medicine!"

A piece of information is aggregated.

There are corresponding solutions for many things, and they can be done directly without Zhou Qiang saying anything.

But there are some situations that require Zhou Qiang to make a decision.

For example: Chang'an City lacks medicine.

"Open Chang'an Warehouse No. [-]. There are many medicines in it, and they are all given to the officers and soldiers guarding the city." Zhou Qiang was not stingy.Those medicines should save many people.These people will be the force against the Japanese in the future.

The battle has become a stalemate, and it will not end in a short time.

At this moment, Mr. Zhu came to the county town unexpectedly.

Zhou house.

Zhou Qiang welcomed Mr. Zhu and several old gentlemen in person.

"Hurry up, serve tea, serve good tea!" Zhou Qiang warmly entertained.

"We old fellows are here to disturb County Magistrate Zhou." Mr. Zhu smiled.He is quite satisfied with Zhou Qiang's performance over the years.

"Mr. Zhu, just call me by my name. We are all from Yuan Shang, so we must not see each other outside." Zhou Qiang's attitude was very polite.

"No, we are here today to ask the magistrate of Zishui County for something." Mr. Zhu shook his head.

"Oh? I wonder what's going on?" Zhou Qiang was a little curious.

"It's like this. We old fellows have nothing to do, so we want to compile the county annals, but there is still a lack of funds. I don't know if the county magistrate Zhou can do it."

Before Mr. Zhu finished speaking.

"Definitely support!" Zhou Qiang agreed, "We will definitely provide enough money and food, and give us whatever we want!"

Hearing that Zhou Qiang agreed so happily, Mr. Zhu and several old gentlemen all smiled.Now that the army is in chaos, they are really worried that there will be no funds.

"Well, thank you very much, County Magistrate Zhou." Mr. Zhu stood up and bowed his hands.

Zhou Qiang hastily stepped aside, "Mr. Zhu is too polite, please sit down."

Small talk.

Zhou Qiang hesitated, "Mr. Zhu, I also have something to ask."

"Tell me about it." Mr. Zhu was also a little curious.According to Zhou Qiang's ability, basically nothing can stump Zhou Qiang.

"That's right, I would like to invite Mr. Zhu and a few old gentlemen to accept some disciples of Chinese studies." Zhou Qiang's idea is that since Mr. Zhu and the others are masters of Chinese studies, they can't let all their knowledge be buried in the loess and must be passed on. go down.

"Accept disciples?" Mr. Zhu was a little puzzled, "Didn't you already build a lot of Western schools? Why do you want me to wait to accept Chinese students?"

"Mr. Zhu, the school I run does not only teach Western studies. Although Western studies account for a larger proportion, Chinese studies are also an indispensable part.

However, the gentlemen I hired with high salaries are not as good as a few and cannot pass on the essence of Chinese studies.

Therefore, I would like to trouble a few gentlemen and accept a few disciples. "Zhou Qiang is not a person who worships foreigners, because he thinks everything about foreigners is good, and his own is nothing.

Inheritance of Chinese culture, teachers are very important.

With a famous teacher, it is easier to produce a good apprentice.

"This" several old gentlemen declined a few times and agreed.

Mr. Zhu is no exception.He didn't want to carry all his life's knowledge into the coffin, and he also wanted to leave a legacy.

Although Mr. Zhu has accepted many disciples, he really lives up to this sentence ("Studying is for self-cultivation. Only by rectifying yourself can you rectify others and rectify the world; those who do not cultivate themselves or rectify themselves but go to rectify others and rectify the world are all stealing names and deceiving the world." Quoted from "White Deer Plain".), not a single disciple.

Therefore, in the TV series, Mr. Zhu said that Hei Wa is his best disciple.

Because Hei Wa is really doing the work of studying and cultivating himself.

How many people can study and cultivate themselves?
How many people can combine knowledge and action?

The days passed by.

The news coming from Chang'an City is getting worse and worse.

The troops who attacked Zishui County have already withdrawn.

Blind Liu couldn't care about Zishui County.

We only need to wait for Chang'an City to be taken, and then, maybe Zishui County can be settled with a single order.

Zhou Qiang didn't send anyone to chase after him either.

Blind Liu's goal is Chang'an City, and Zhou Qiang doesn't want to lure Blind Liu to Zishui County yet.

"Food rationing has been implemented in Chang'an City!"

"Chang'an City lacks medical care and medicine, and food is almost gone!"

"There are too many dead people in Chang'an City, and there is no time to bury them!"

One bad news followed.

Zhou Qiang made some preparations in advance, stored food and ammunition in several warehouses in Chang'an City, and kept opening them to build porridge sheds.

It can be regarded as keeping the people in Chang'an City from starving to death.

However, the long-term siege and war still caused too many casualties.

It's all the fault of the warlords.

They are to be liquidated after death.

After repelling the attacking enemies, Zishui County restored its former prosperity.

Zhou Qiang and the others are still paying close attention to the movement in Chang'an City.

Send someone to secretly help the people in Chang'an City at any time.

The reason why I can help is because there is a secret road connecting the inside and outside of the city.

Zhou Qiang had already bought a shop and a house in Chang'an City.

After buying it, not long after, an underground passage was secretly dug.

Through the underground passage, medicines, food, and ammunition are continuously transported in, which can be regarded as a solution to the urgent need.

this day.

Students from Zishui County gathered together.

"Major Zhou, the students request to join the war." There are quite a few students in Zishui County.

Bai Ling and a group of students heard that there was a battle in Chang'an City, and heard that Zishui County blocked the attacking people, and wanted to go to Chang'an to help.

"Tell them that it's not their turn to go to the battlefield, and their main task is to learn something and build cars, planes, and various weapons and ammunition.

All the weapons and ammunition we use now are bought by foreigners at high prices.

I hope we can make it ourselves in the future. "

The students' request was blocked by Zhou Qiang.

The students in the lecture hall, Lu Zhaohai, Bai Xiaowu, Heiwa, etc., were arranged by Zhou Qiang, and followed them to the battlefield several times.

A few shots were fired from a distance.

When the enemy fled, he chased after him.

It's been a lot of training.

After that, they will be arranged to participate in the suppression of bandits.

However, Lu Zhaopeng and his girlfriend left Zishui County very early.

There has been no news.


Lu Zhaopeng came back alone.

It doesn't look right.

Lu Zhaopeng was already a member of Zhou Qiang's Counselor Academy at this time.

He has done a lot of things, and he is regarded as one of the more outstanding ones in the Academy of Counselors.

Something wrong with Lu Zhaopeng was reported to Zhou Qiang soon.

"Old Six, find out what happened to Lu Zhaopeng." Zhou Qiang ordered.

There will be news soon.

"Boss, Lu Zhaopeng's girlfriend probably disappeared a few days ago." The sixth child basically knows what Lu Zhaopeng did, and he told Zhou Qiang all about it.

"Don't worry about Lu Zhaopeng's affairs, just let him do it." Zhou Qiang didn't care.

Zishui County is neither far nor close to Chang'an City.

Many of Liu Xiazi's grain collection teams were close to Zishui County.

But these people never went back after they came out. They were all taken care of by Zhou Qiang's people.

Zhou Qiang could be regarded as having a grudge against blind Liu.

If Blind Liu wins, he will not let Zhou Qiang go.

In the TV series, Platoon Leader Yang, who came to Bailuyuan, did not dare to come to Zishui County.

They didn't dare to come nearby, and hid far away.

Under Zhou Qiang's protection, Zishui County escaped a catastrophe.

eight months later.

Reinforcements come.

Blind Liu was defeated.

Everyone is happy and celebrating.

Only Zhou Qiang stayed alone, thinking about what to do in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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