Chapter 241
Others don't know the power of Juyuan tree, but Lu Yun knows it very well.

When the Juyuan tree grows to its peak, the terrifying effect achieved is unimaginable.

As long as it grows to a certain level, the range of soul power gathered by the Juyuan tree can even cover the entire Star Dou Forest.

Soul power that can gather thousands of miles around, or even farther away, pours into the Great Star Dou Forest.

Such a sight is magnificent.

And the soul beast clan has such a huge soul power cultivation, and the benefits they will get in the end will also be unexpected.

However, the growth process of the Juyuan tree is extremely difficult. With the background of Gu Yuena and others, it is extremely difficult to let the Juyuan tree grow to the final level.

Without a few years, it simply cannot be done.

"The five auction items are all over. Thank you soul masters for participating in this auction held in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion."

"The next auction will also be held in a month's time. I hope all soul masters can come to participate."

After Xuanshuang handed over the last auction item to Bo Saixi, she announced the successful conclusion of the auction with a smile on her face.

As soon as the words fell, the rest of the soul masters showed disappointment and left the Xingdou Auction Pavilion one after another.

This time they returned empty-handed.

Bibi Dong and the three looked at each other, quickly left the box, and walked towards the outside world.

Mental Power has been paying attention to the movement in the tenth box.

Immediately afterwards, every soul master and force left the Star Dou Auction Pavilion one after another.

Gu Yuena and the others also left Box No. [-].

However, Gu Yuena and the others were relatively low-key. If they didn't pay special attention to their actions, it would be difficult to notice them.

At this time, Bibidong and the others immediately noticed Gu Yuena and the others, and then the three walked towards the outside of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion following Gu Yuena's figure with light steps.


"It shouldn't be possible!"

After leaving the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, for some reason, Bibi Dong always felt that those people in front of her were extremely terrifying.

Logically speaking, there are not many soul masters stronger than her in Douluo Dalu, so how could it be possible for a few people to appear out of thin air, far surpassing her in strength.

Bibi Dong just took it as an illusion, and then continued to follow Gu Yuena and the others.

Gu Yuena and the others walked ahead, preparing to return to the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest.

Di Tian and the others naturally noticed that there were three figures behind them, and they had been following them since they left the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

"My lord, there are three people following our steps closely, do you want me to deal with them?"

At this moment, Ditian sensed the strength of the three people behind him, and if nothing else happened, they must be the top powerhouses among human soul masters.

If they were eliminated immediately, the human soul masters would lose three top battle strengths.

And for the soul beast family, it has unimaginable benefits.

"Stand still for now, and this place is within the envelope of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, so don't make any moves yet."

"Now that I have successfully awakened, human soul masters are not much of a threat to soul beasts."

Gu Yuena said lightly.

He didn't intend to make a move, and immediately eliminated Bibi Dong and the others.

If the three of them really set their sights on them, Gu Yuena wouldn't mind taking action and letting them erase them completely.

Therefore, Gu Yuena and the other beasts stood in place, waiting for the arrival of Bibidong and the others behind them.

"Come out!"

Gu Yuena's indifferent tone spread throughout the area.

At the same time, Gu Yuena's divine power rippled slightly, and a burst of silver ripples instantly spread towards the surrounding space.

Bibi Dong and the others who were hiding in another direction were directly repelled by the surrounding space, and appeared behind Gu Yuena and the others without any resistance.

"Tell me, what are your plans to follow us?"

Gu Yuena turned around and said lightly, a pair of silver pupils revealed endless majesty.

Bibi Dong and the others were also very puzzled, why a powerful force of space appeared around them, making them appear here without any resistance.

This made Bibi Dong and the others realize that they had encountered a hard stubble this time.

Not only was I a little shocked, but where did the people in front come from, and why did they have such great strength?

Suddenly, Bibi Dong and the others felt the coercion that Gu Yuena unintentionally released, as if they had pressed a mountain on their backs, making it difficult to breathe.

The three of Bibidong raised their heads, and at this moment, they saw Gu Yuena's eyes.

The three of Bibi Dong suddenly fell into an endless illusion.

It seems like a year has passed, and it seems like a moment has passed.

Bibi Dong and the others immediately came back to their senses, sweating profusely, panting heavily, with indescribable fear mixed in their eyes.

"Could it be that you are for the three auction items in my hand?"

Gu Yuena said lightly, and the tone of a half-smile spread into the ears of Bibi Dong and the others.

It's hard to imagine this scene with panic on their faces.

The woman in front of her is too powerful to be defeated.

"No, we just came to this area with nothing to do. It is naturally your ability to win the three auction items. I have no objection."

Bibi Dong's heart suddenly became calm, and she knew that the woman in front of her was extremely powerful.

Even if she breaks through to the god level, she is still no match for this woman, Bibi Dong is able to bend and stretch, pretending to be calm and said.

The most urgent task is to get out of this dangerous situation as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the three of them might really stay here forever.

"Oh, really?"

With playful eyes, Gu Yuena looked at Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo beside Bibi Dong.

With her wisdom, she has long seen the intention of Bibi Dong and the three of them, which is nothing more than to snatch the three auction items that she previously bought from the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

If they were not as strong as Bibi Dong and the other three, they might not be able to hold onto what they took.

"Yes Yes!"

Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo were also quite frightened at this moment, they nodded fiercely, followed Bibi Dong's thoughts, and continued talking.

"never mind!"

"You don't have to fool me, I know your plan very well, but I am in a good mood today, and I have no intention of killing the three of you."

"However, you actually thought of robbing us, and you have to pay a certain price."

Gu Yuena's complexion suddenly became extremely solemn, and the majestic tone reached the ears of Bibi Dong and the others.

I saw Gu Yuena raised her right hand slightly, and silver light spots suddenly appeared in her palm, exuding the aura of God.

Gu Yuena waved her hand, and the three light spots that suddenly appeared in her hand immediately entered the bodies of Bibi Dong and Ju Douluo respectively.


Sensing this situation, Bibi Dong and the others looked horrified, and frantically released their own soul skills, trying to resist this strange silver light spot.

But no matter how they used their soul power, they couldn't resist this strange silver light spot.

He could only watch it helplessly, entering his body, unable to resist.

(End of this chapter)

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